This chapter describes the following command-line tools used to administer Oracle Internet Directory replication:
ManageHiq.retry and ManageHiq.purge (Human Intervention Queue Management Tools)
oidcmprec (Oracle Internet Directory Compare and Reconcile Tool)
remtool (Replication Environment Management Tool)
See Also:
The replication chapters in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory.
When a replication conflict arises, the Oracle Internet Directory replication server places the change in the retry queue and tries to apply it from there for a specified number of times. If it fails after the specified number of retries, the replication server puts the change in the human intervention queue. From there, the replication server repeats the change application process at less frequent intervals while awaiting your action.
At this point, you must:
Examine the change in the human intervention queue.
Reconcile the conflicting changes using the Compare and Reconcile Tool (see "oidcmprec"
Either place the change back into the retry queue, by using ManageHiq.retry
, or into the purge queue, by using ManageHiq.purge.
The Oracle Internet Directory server parameter orclSizeLimit
, which is 1000 by default, limits the number of entries that the human intervention queue manipulation tools can process. If you have more than 1000 entries in the human intervention queue, you must increase orclSizeLimit
, or some entries will never be processed. Setting the parameter orclSizeLimit
very high impacts server performance, because orclSizeLimit
also controls the maximum number of entries to be returned by a search. The DN containing orclSizeLimit
You invoke ManageHiq.retry
and ManageHiq.purge
as PL/SQL commands at the SQL prompt, as follows:
$ sqlplus /nologSQL> connect ods; SQL> Enter password SQL> Set serveroutput ON SQL> exec ManageHiq.retry(SupplierNode, EqualChgNo, StartChgNo, EndChgNo) SQL> exit
$ sqlplus /nologSQL> connect ods; SQL> Enter password SQL> Set serveroutput ON SQL> exec (ManageHiq.purgeSupplierNode, EqualChgNo, StartChgNo, EndChgNo) SQL> exit
You must set server output ON to display the success or error message. The arguments are:
EqualChgNo–The change number to be moved to the retry queue.
StartChgNo–The starting number. All the change numbers after this should be moved to the retry queue.
EndChgNo–The ending change. All change numbers less than or equal to this change number that should be moved to the retry queue.
Move the changelog on node1, for change numbers between 300 and 1000 and supplier node2, to the retry queue.
exec Managehiq.retry('node2_orcl', 0, 300, 1000)
Move all the changelogs on node1 for supplier node2_orcl to the retry queue.
exec Managehiq.retry('node2_orcl', 0, 0, 0)
exec Managehiq.retry('node2_orcl')
Purge the changelog on node1 where the change number is 2152 and the supplier is node2 (supplierNode = node2_orcl)
exec Managehiq.purge('node2_orcl', 2152)
Purge the changelog on node1 where the change number is greater than 200 and the supplier is node2_orcl
exec Managehiq.purge('node2_orcl', 0, 200)
exec Managehiq.purge('node2_orcl', 0, 200, 0)
Purge the changelog on node1 where the change number is less than 2000 and the supplier is node2_orcl
exec Managehiq.purge('node2_orcl', 0, 0, 2000)
The Compare and Reconcile Tool allows you to compare one Oracle Internet Directory with another, detect conflicts or discrepancies, and optionally resolve them. The directories being compared can be standalone directories or part of the same replication group. You can compare two individual entries, subtrees, or entire directories. You can also compare directory schema.
See Also:
The section "Comparing and Reconciling Inconsistent Data by Using oidcmprec" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory.
The oidcmprec
tool can detect and resolve the following conflict scenarios:
Entry only in source directory (entos
Entry only in destination directory (entod
Attribute only in source directory (atros
Attribute only in destination directory (atrod
Single-valued attribute differs (svatrdif
Multi-valued attribute differs (mvatrdif
Entry DN differs (dndif
The oidcmprec
tool can also detect and resolve the following schema conflict scenarios:
Object class definition exists only in source directory (odefos
Object class definition exists only in destination directory (odefod
Object class definition different in source and destination directory (odefdif
Attribute definition exists only in source directory (adefos
Attribute definition exists only in destination directory (adefod
Attribute definition different in source and destination directory (adefdif
oidcmprec operation=compare | reconcile | merge | merge_dryrun |userdefinedcr source=host:port destination=host:port base="'dn1' 'dn2' 'dn3' ..." [ ssslport=true | false ] [ dsslport=true | false ] [ dns2exclude="'edn1' 'edn2' 'edn3' ..."] [ scope=base | subtree | onelevel ] [ filter=filter_that_conforms_to_RFC_2254] [ threads=number_of_worker_threads ] [ dnthreads=number_of_dn_threads ] [ exclattr=space_separated_list_of_attributes_to_be_excluded | inclattr=space_separated_list_of_attributes_to_be_included ] [ compareby=tool | ldapserver ] [ filename=file_name_without_extension_to_store_compare_report] [ genchglog=d[efault] | t[rue] | f[alse] ] [ reconaver=t[rue] | f[alse]] [ verbose=t[rue] | f[alse] ] [ force=t[rue] | f[alse] ] [ contonerr = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logrpt = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logs2d = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logd2s = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logeos = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logeod = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logdif = t[rue] | f[alse] [ logerr = t[rue] | f[alse] [ qlogfreq=frequency ] [ help=t[rue] | f[alse] ] [ entos=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | log ] [ entod=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | log ] [ atros=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log ] [ atrod=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log ] [ svatrdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log ] [ mvatrdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | merge | log2merge | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log ] [ dndif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | log ] [ odefos=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log ] [ odefod=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log ] [ odefdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | merge | log2merge | log ] [ adefos=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log ] [ adefod=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log ] [ adefdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | log ]
oidcmprec paramfile=file_containing_parameters]
oidcmprec [ xmlparamfile=file_containing_parameters_in_XML_format]
operation=compare | reconcile | merge | merge_dryrun | userdefinedcr
Required. The operation
to perform. The operation
argument can take the following values:
: Compares the two directories, reports conflicts, and logs the changes that must be applied to the destination directory to resolve conflicts.
: Compares the two directories, resolves conflicts, and logs the changes applied to the destination directory to resolve conflicts.
: Compares the two directories and synchronizes them, updates both the source and destination directories. The source directory wins in case of a conflict.
: Performs a dry run of the merge operation. Logs all changes that must be made to synchronize the source and destination directories.
: Performs a user-defined compare
and reconcile
operation. Allows the user to choose the conflict resolution rules.
By default, the oidcmprec
tool excludes operational attributes during comparison.That is, oidcmprec
does not compare the operational attributes values in source and destination directory entries. During reconciliation of user defined attributes however, operational attributes might be changed.
Required. The connection string used to bind to the source Oracle Internet Directory node. You are prompted for the replication DN password. If you do not supply the hostname or port information on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the information. The connection string is composed of the following elements:
The host name of the directory server that acts as the source directory
The LDAP listening port of the directory server
Required. The connection string used to bind to the source Oracle Internet Directory node. You are prompted for the replication DN password. If you do not supply the hostname or port information on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the information. The connection string is composed of the following elements:
The host name of the directory server that acts as the destination directory
The LDAP listening port of the directory server
Required. Specifies the Distinguished Names (DNs) from where the comparison operation begins. The scope
argument determines if child entries and subtrees of the base DNs would be compared as well.
Optional. Specifies whether the source directory port is SSL or not. The default value is false
. To specify this in an XML parameter file, use the isSSLPort
parameter. See the example in "Using a Parameter File in XML Format".
Optional. Specifies whether the destination port is SSL or not. The default value is false
. To specify this in an XML parameter file, use the isSSLPort
parameter. See the example in "Using a Parameter File in XML Format".
dns2exclude=" 'edn1' 'edn2' 'edn3' ..."
Optional. Specifies DNs that are to be excluded from the comparison operation. These DNs must be child entries or subtrees of the DNs specified in the base
scope=base | subtree | onelevel
Optional. Specifies whether the child entries and subtrees of a base DN are also compared. The scope
argument can take the following values:
: Only the DNs specified in the base
argument are compared. This is the default value.
: Directory information trees (DITs) identified by the DNs specified in the base
argument are compared.
: Only the immediate children of the DNs specified in the base
argument are compared.
Optional. Only the entries that match the filter conditions are compared. The filter must be in the same format you would specify for ldapsearch
. That is, it must conform to RFC 2254.
Optional. Specifies the number of worker threads that should be created. Worker threads are responsible for comparing entries, and reconciling the differences. One worker thread is created, by default.
If the scope
is base
, then the threads
argument is ignored and it spawns one worker thread and one DN thread.
Optional. Specifies the number of DN threads that should be created. DN threads are responsible for collecting all DNs that must be compared.
One DN thread is created, by default. The total number of DN threads and worker threads cannot exceed "6 * Number of CPUs - 2". If the total number of DN threads and worker threads exceeds the maximum value, the tool reduces both values proportionately to "6 * Number of CPUs - 2".
exclattr=space_separated_list_of_attributes_to_be_excluded | inclattr=space_separated_list_of_attributes_to_be_included
Optional. Specifies the list of attributes to be excluded or included for comparison. You can either specify a list of attributes to be excluded, using exclattrclattr
, or specify a list of attributes to be included, using inclattr
All attributes are included by default, except the following operational attributes:
The exclattr
and inclattr
attributes cannot be used together, except when you use "*" for inclattr
By default, the oidcmprec
tool excludes operational attributes during comparison.That is, oidcmprec
does not compare the operational attributes values in source and destination directory entries. During reconciliation of user defined attributes however, operational attributes might be changed.
The option allows limited pattern matching. You can use attributename
to match all attributes starting with attributename
. You can also use attributename
to match all subtypes of attributename
Optional. Specifies whether the compare
operation is performed by the tool
or ldapserver
. A compare
operation performed by the tool
is several times faster than a compare
operation performed by ldapserver
Optional. Specifies a base name for the report files that would be generated by the tool. Do not specify an extension with the file name. The tool generates the following files:
: This file contains the DNs of all entries compared and the compare results. This file is known as the rpt
: This file contains all changes that were applied (or to be applied) to the destination directory. s2d
stands for source directory to destination directory. This file is known as the s2d
: This file contains all changes that were applied (or to be applied) to the source directory. d2s
stands for destination directory to source directory. This file is known as the d2s
: This file lists DNs of entries that exist only in the source directory. eos
stands for entries available only in the source directory. This file is known as the eos
: This file lists DNs of entries that exist only in the destination directory. eod
stands for entries available only in the destination directory. This file is known as the eod
: This file lists the DNs that are different in the source and destination directories along with the names of the DN attributes that differ. This file is known as the dif
: This file contains all the error messages. It is known as the err
genchglog=d[efault] | t[rue] | f[alse]
Optional. Determines whether a change log is created for the changes made by the oidcmprec
tool. The genchglog
argument can have the following values:
: The OID server settings decide whether a change log is generated or not. Change logs are generated if the root entry's orcldiprepository
attribute is set to true
. A value of false
means that change logs are not generated. The same rule applies for both the source and destination directories. default
is the default value for gechglog
: Change logs are always generated irrespective of the settings on the source and destination directories.
: Change logs are never generated irrespective of the settings on the source and destination directories.
Optional. Determines whether attribute version reconciliation support is provided. The default value is false. Source and destination directory versions must be greater than or directories must have the appropriate patch.
Optional. Determines whether the rpt
file is shown on the screen. The default value is false
. When set to true
, verbose
displays the report file on the screen as it is generated. When verbose
is set to false
, the tool shows its progress on the screen by displaying the count of entries it has processed.
Optional. Determines whether the tool prompts the user for confirmation before performing the specified operation. The default value is false
. When set to true
, the tool does not prompt the user for confirmation before performing the specified operation.
Optional. Determines whether the tool shall continue when it encounters an error. The contonerr
argument can have the following values:
: The tool continues to process other entries even if there is an error. This is the default value for contonerr
: The tool stops if it encounters an error.
If the tool encounters a critical error, it stops irrespective of the value passed to contonerr
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logrpt argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logs2d argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logs2d argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logeos argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logeod argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logdif argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. Controls whether the tool generates the file_name
file. The logdif argument can have the following values:
: The tool generates the file. This is the default.
: The tool does not generate the file.
Optional. The tool can dump the total number of entries loaded by the tool in memory and the number of entries in each of oidcmprec
's various queues. The entry counts are logged in the file oidcmprec.log
. Use the qlogfreq
argument to specify how frequently oidcmprec
logs this information. Possible values are from 1 to 5000. The lower the value, the shorter the interval. For frequent entry counts, use a value between 5 and 10.
Optional. When set to true
, the tool displays help on the oidcmprec
command. The default value is false
entos=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use in case an entry exists only in the source directory. The following values are allowed:
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Add the entry to the peer directory
: Delete the entry from the directory
: Same as add
except that the change is logged to an LDIF file and not directly effected in the peer directory
: Same as del
except that the change is logged to an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory
: Log the conflict in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-1shows the default values of the entos
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-1 Default Values for the entos Argument
Operation | Default Value |
entod=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use in case an entry exists only in the destination directory. The values allowed are the same as the entos
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-2 shows the default values of the entod
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-2 Default Values for the entod Argument
Operation | Default Value |
atros=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use in case an attribute exists only in the source directory. The following values are allowed:
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Add the attribute to the corresponding entry in the peer directory
: Delete the attribute from the directory
: Same as add
, except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the peer directory.
: Same as del
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Check the modifytimestamp
value to determine if the attribute should be deleted from the directory or added to the peer directory. The directory with the newer modifytimestamp
value wins. If the modifytimestamp
values are the same, then the source directory wins.
: Same as usenewer
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Check the modifytimestamp
value to determine if the attribute should be deleted from the directory or added to the peer directory. The directory with the older modifytimestamp
value wins. If the modifytimestamp
values are the same, then the source directory wins.
: Same as useolder
except that the change is logged to an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Check the GUID
value to determine if the attribute should be deleted from the directory or added to the peer directory. The directory with the smaller GUID
value wins. The GUID
values would be the same in the same replication group. This rule is intended for nonreplication environments. If the GUID
values are the same in both directories, then the source directory wins.
: Same as usesmallguid
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Check the GUID
value to determine if the attribute should be deleted from the directory or added to the peer directory. The directory with the bigger GUID
value wins. The GUID
values would be the same in the same replication group. This rule is intended for nonreplication environments. If the GUID
values are the same in both directories, then the source directory wins.
: Same as usebigguid
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Log the conflict in the report file and take no other action.
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-3 shows the default values of the atros
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-3 Default Values for the atros Argument
Operation | Default Value |
atrod=ignore | add | del | log2add | log2del | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use in case an attribute exists only in the destination directory. The values allowed are the same as the atros
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-4 shows the default values of the atrod
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-4 Default Values for the atrod Argument
Operation | Default Value |
svatrdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when a single-valued attribute for an entry is different in the two directories. The following values are allowed for the svatrdif
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Replace the value of the attribute in the destination directory with the value of the attribute in the source directory
: Same as usesrc
, except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the destination directory
: Replace the value of the attribute in the source directory with the value of the attribute in the destination directory
: Same as usedest
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the source directory
: If the modifystamp
value of the attribute in the source directory is newer than the destination directory, then update the attribute value in the destination directory. If the modifystamp
value of the attribute in the destination directory is newer, then change the attribute value in the source directory. If the modifystamp
values in both directories are the same, then the source directory wins.
: Same as usenewer
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: If the modifystamp
value of the attribute in the source directory is older than the destination directory, then update the attribute value in the destination directory. If the modifystamp
value of the attribute in the destination directory is older, then change the attribute value in the source directory. If the modifystamp
values in both directories are the same, then the source directory wins.
: Same as useolder
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: If the source directory entry's GUID
is smaller than the destination directory entry's GUID
, then update the attribute in the destination directory. If the destination directory entry's GUID
is smaller, then update the attribute in the source directory. If the GUID
values are the same, then the source directory wins. This rule is meant for nonreplication environments, as the GUID
values would be the same in the same replication group.
: Same as usesmallguid
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: If the source directory entry's GUID
is bigger than the destination directory entry's GUID
, then update the attribute in the destination directory. If the destination directory entry's GUID
is bigger, then update the attribute in the source directory. If the GUID values are the same, then the source directory wins. This rule is meant for nonreplication environments, as the GUID
values would be the same in the same replication group.
: Same as usebigguid
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Log the conflict in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-5 shows the default values of the svatrdif
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-5 Default Values for the svatrdif Argument
Operation | Default Value |
mvatrdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | merge | log2merge | usenewer | log2usenewer | useolder | log2useolder | usesmallguid | log2usesmallguid | usebigguid | log2usebigguid | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when a multivalued attribute for an entry is different in the two directories. The values allowed are the same as the svatrdif
argument. This argument also has other values that do not exist for the svatrdif
argument. The following are values specific to the mvatrdif
: The missing attribute values in the destination directory are added from the source directory and those missing in the source directory are added from the destination directory.
: Same as merge
except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-6 shows the default values of the mvatrdif
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-6 Default Values for the mvatrdif Argument
Operation | Default Value |
dndif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an entry has different DNs in the source and destination directories. The following values are allowed for the dndif
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Change the DN of the entry in the destination directory to that of the source directory
: Same as usesrc
except that the change is logged into an LDIF file, and not directly effected in the destination directory
: Change the DN of the entry in the source directory to that of the destination directory
: Same as usedest except that the change is logged into an LDIF file, and not directly effected in the source directory
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-7 shows the default values of the mvatrdif
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-7 Default Values for the mvatrdif Argument
Operation | Default Value |
odefos=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an object class definition exists only in the source directory. The following values are allowed for the odefos
: Ignore the conflict and do not take any action
: Add the object class definition to the peer directory
: Same as add
except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Delete the object class definition from the directory
: Same as del
except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory
: Log the conflict in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-8 shows the default values of the odefos
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-8 Default Values for the odefos Argument
Operation | Default Value |
odefod=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an object class definition exists only in the destination directory. The values allowed for the odefod
argument are the same as the odefos
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-9 shows the default values of the odefod
argument, corresponding to the operations specified.
Table 4-9 Default Values for the odefod Argument
Operation | Default Value |
odefdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | merge | log2merge | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an object class definition is different in the source and destination directories. The following values are allowed for the odefdif
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Replace the object class definition in the destination directory with the object class definition in the source directory
: Same as usesrc
except that the changes are logged in an LDIF file and not directly effected in the destination directory
: Replace the object class definition in the source directory with the object class definition in the destination directory
: Same as usedest
except that the changes are logged in an LDIF file and not directly effected in the source directory
: Merge the object class definitions. This involves adding optional and mandatory attributes available in one directory to the other directory
: Same as merge except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory
: Log the conflicts in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-10 shows the default values of the odefdif
argument, corresponding to the operation specified.
Table 4-10 Default Values for the odefdif Argument
Operation | Default Value |
adefos=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an attribute definition exists only in the source directory. The following values are allowed for the adefos
: Ignore the conflict and do not take any action
: Add the attribute definition to the peer directory
: Same as add except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory.
: Delete the attribute definition from the directory
: Same as del except that the changes are logged into an LDIF file and not directly effected in the directory
: Log the conflict in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-11 shows the default values of the adefos
argument, corresponding to the operation specified.
Table 4-11 Default Values for the adefos Argument
Operation | Default Value |
adefod=ignore | add | log2add | del | log2del | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an attribute definition exists only in the destination directory. The values allowed for the adefod
argument are the same as the adefos
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-12 shows the default values of the adefod
argument, corresponding to the operation specified.
Table 4-12 Default Values for the adefod Argument
Operation | Default Value |
adefdif=ignore | usesrc | log2usesrc | usedest | log2usedest | log
Optional. Specifies the conflict resolution rule to use when an attribute definition is different in the source and destination directories. The following values are allowed for the adefdif
: Ignore the conflict and take no action
: Replace the attribute definition in the destination directory with the attribute definition in the source directory
: Same as usesrc
except that the changes are logged in an LDIF file and not directly effected in the destination directory
: Replace the attribute definition in the source directory with the attribute definition in the destination directory
: Same as usedest
except that the changes are logged in an LDIF file and not directly effected in the source directory
: Log the conflicts in the report file and take no other action
The default value depends on the operation specified. Table 4-13 shows the default values of the adefdif
argument, corresponding to the operation specified.
Table 4-13 Default Values for the adefdif Argument
Operation | Default Value |
Optional. Specifies a parameter file to supply argument values. A parameter file can be used to supply arguments that are normally entered at the command line. The file should contain argument=
pairs either separated by whitespace characters or entered on separate lines. If an argument is contained in the parameter file and also supplied through the command line, then the command line value overrides the parameter file value for that argument.
Optional. Specifies an XML parameter file to supply argument values. If an argument is contained in the parameter file and also supplied through the command line, then the command line value overrides the parameter file value for that argument.
This section provides examples for tasks that can be performed using the oidcmprec
command. The following examples discuss various operations that can be performed with the oidcmprec
This example compares the DN, "cn=Anne Smith,cn=users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com"
, in the source and destination directories. The default conflict resolution rules for the compare
operation are used. You are prompted for the source directory and destination directory passwords.
oidcmprec base="'cn=Anne Smith,cn=users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com'" \ operation=compare \ \ Enter replication DN password of the source directory : Enter replication DN password of the destination directory :
The following example compares the DN, cn=Anne Smith,cn=users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com
, in the source and destination directories. It resolves the conflicts that are detected. The default conflict resolution rules for the reconcile
operation are used.
oidcmprec base="'cn=Anne Smith,cn=users,dc=uk,dc=acme,dc=com'" \ operation=reconcile \ \
This example compares the naming context, dc=com
, in the two directories. The scope
attribute has been set to subtree. This allows the entire directory information tree (DIT) under the base
DN, dc=com
, to be compared. The threads
and dnThreads
arguments specify the number of worker threads and DN threads. The cmpres
file is used to store the report for the operation.
oidcmprec base="'dc=com'" \ operation=compare scope=subtree \ \ \ threads=5 dnthreads=2 filename=cmpres
The following example performs the reconcile operation on two subtrees namely, dc=com
and dc=org
. The dns2exclude
argument is used to exclude the c=us,dc=mycom,dc=com
and c=uk,dc=myorg,dc=org
subtrees from the operation.
oidcmprec base="'dc=com' 'dc=org'" \ dns2exclude="'c=us,dc=mycom,dc=com' 'c=uk,dc=myorg,dc=org'" operation=reconcile scope=subtree \ \ \
The following example compares a directory residing on host1
with another directory residing on host2
. The base
argument is set to " " and the scope
argument is set to subtree.
oidcmprec operation=compare source=host1:3060 \ destination=host2:3070 \ base="' '" scope=subtree
The following example reconciles a directory residing on myhost1
with another directory residing on myhost2
. Entire directories are compared except the DN, c=us,dc=mycom,dc=com.
oidcmprec base="' '" \ dns2exclude="'c=us,dc=mycom,dc=com'" operation=reconcile scope=subtree \ \ \ threads=5 dnthreads=2 file=cmpres
When you compare entire directories, the following DNs and their subtrees are excluded:
root DSE entry
cn=oracle internet directory
cn=replication configuration
cn=server configuration
You can include these entries by specifying them explicitly in the base argument.
This example makes use of user-defined values for the -entos
, -entod
, -atros
, -svatrdif
, -mvatrdif
, and -dndif
arguments. Conflict resolution arguments not specified on the command line, like -atrod
, are set to ignore
oidcmprec operation=userdefinedcr scope=subtree \ base="'dc=com' 'dc=org'" \ \ \ entos=add entod=ignore atros=add \ svatrdif=usesrc mvatrdif=usesrc dndif=ignore \ threads=5 dnthreads=2 file=myreconcile
This example synchronizes the dc=com
subtree in two directories. The merge operation updates both the source and destination directories.
oidcmprec operation=merge scope=subtree base="'dc=com'" \ \ \ file=merge
The following example performs a compare
operation. It uses the exclattr
argument to exclude the orclguid
, category
, userpassword
, and authpassword
attributes. The example makes use of wildcard pattern matching to exclude the authpassword
attribute subtypes.
oidcmprec operation=compare scope=subtree base="'dc=com' 'dc=org'" \ \ \ exclattr="userpassword authpassword authpassword;* orclguid category" threads=5 dnthreads=2 file=compare
The following example makes use of the inclattr
argument to include the userpassword
, cn
, sn
, and mail
oidcmprec operation=compare scope=subtree base="'dc=com'" \ \ \ inclattr="userpassword cn sn givenname mail" file=cmpr
The following example includes all attributes for the compare operation except orclguid
, creatorsname
, and modifiersname
oidcmprec operation=compare scope=subtree base="'dc=com'" \ \ \ inclattr="*" exclattr="orclguid creatorsname modifiersname" file=compare
The following example restricts the comparison to entries that match the filter (cn=*)
oidcmprec source=stadd54:3060 destination=stadd54:3060 \ base="' '" scope=sub operation=compare file=test \ filter="'(cn=*)'"
This example performs a compare operation on two directories. It overrides the default conflict resolution rules used for the dndif
and mvatrdif
arguments. The conflict resolution rule for these arguments is set to ignore
oidcmprec source=host1:3060 destination=host2:3070 \ base="' '" scope=subtree file=temp operation=compare \ dndif=ignore mvatrdif=ignore
This example performs a compare
operation on two directories. It uses a parameter file, comp_param
to specify command-line arguments. The dnThreads
argument is specified both in the file and at the command line. The command-line value of dnThreads
overrides the value specified in the parameter file.
oidcmprec paramfile=comp_param dnthreads=3
The following displays the parameter file that is used:
############################################# #Parameter file for compare and reconcile tool #Creator : John #Date : 21-Mar-2006 #File Name : comp_param ############################################# operation=compare source=staqj13:3060 destination=staqj13:3070 base="cn=oraclecontext" base="c=uk,dc=mycom,dc=com" base="c=us,dc=mycom,dc=com" verbose=false force=true threads=6 dnthreads=2 exclattr="orclguid userpassword authpassword authpassword;*" filename=cmp2006Feb01
This example performs a compare
operation on two directories.
oidcmprec xmlParameterFile=param.xml
The following is an example of an XML parameter file:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?> - <input> <operation>compare</operation> - <source> <host>stadd54</host> <port>3060</port> <password>password</password> <isSSLPort>false</isSSLPort> </source> - <destination> <host>stadd54</host> <port>3060</port> <password>password</password> <isSSLPort>true</isSSLPort> </destination> <base>cn=oraclecontext</base> <base>o=apple</base> <dns2exclude>cn=test instance,cn=oraclecontext</dns2exclude> <dns2exclude>ou=support,o=apple</dns2exclude> <scope>subtree</scope> <filter /> <threads>1</threads> <dnthreads>1</dnthreads> <inclattr /> <exclattr /> <compareby>tool</compareby> <filename>test</filename> <genchglog>default</genchglog> <force>true</force> <verbose>false</verbose> <contonerr>true</contonerr> - <!-- <entod>ignore</entod> <entos>ignore</entos> <atros>ignore</atros> <atrod>ignore</atrod> <svatrdif>ignore</svatrdif> <mvatrdif>ignore</mvatrdif> <dndif>ignore</dndif> <adefos>ignore</adefos> <adefod>ignore</adefod> <adefdif>ignore</adefdif> <odefos>ignore</odefos> <odefod>ignore</odefod> <odefdif>ignore</odefdif> --> </input>
Substitute the password for password
in the example. Because the file contains a password, ensure that it is not readable by unauthorized users.
The following example uses the genchglog
argument to ensure that change logs are generated for the operation. When genchglog
is set to true
, change logs are generated at both the source and destination directories.
oidcmprec operation=merge scope=subtree base="'dc=com'" \ \ \ inclattr="*" exclattr="orclguid creatorsname modifiersname" file=merge genchglog=true
The following example includes the schema for the selected operation by adding the cn=subschemasubentry
DN to the base
oidcmprec operation=merge scope=subtree \ base="'dc=com' 'cn=subschemasubentry'" \ \ \ inclattr="*" exclattr="orclguid creatorsname modifiersname" \ file=merge genchglog=false
The Replication Environment Management Tool is used to manage Oracle Internet Directory replication configuration activities.
More specifically, the Replication Environment Management tool:
Configures Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based multimaster replication.
Scans the replication environment and verifies an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG).
Rectifies any problems in an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. If the tool cannot rectify a problem, it reports the point or points of failure, which you can then fix manually.
Reports queue statistics, deferred transactions errors, and administrative request errors of an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG.
Reconfigures the Oracle Database Advanced Replicationbased DRG.
Configures LDAP-based replication.
Reconfigures an LDAP-based directory replication group (DRG).
Monitors replication progress in a DRG.
See Also:
The section "Managing and Monitoring Replication by Using the Command Line" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory.
remtool operation [connection_argument] [-v]
operation := { -addnode | -asrsetup | -chgpwd | -delnode | -asrcleanup | -asrverify | -asrrectify | -asrdisplay | -dispqstat | -suspendasr | -resumeasr | -asr2ldap | -dispasrerr | -paddnode | -pdelnode | -pcleanup | -pchgpwd | -pdisplay | -pchgmaster [ -multimaster]| -pchgwalpwd | -pdispqstat | -pverify | -presetpwd | -psuspendrepl -fromnode host1:port1 [-tonode host2:port2] | -presumerepl -fromnode host1:port1 [-tonode host2:port2]| -pthput [-interval time_in_seconds] [-file filename] }
connection_argument := { -bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port | -connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name }
In an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based Directory Replication Group (DRG), one node must be identified as the Master Definition Site (MDS). This is the group master. All other nodes in the DRG are termed Remote Master Sites (RMS).
ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG and ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT are tables in Oracle Internet Directory's underlying database that store changelog information. The directory uses change logs to keep track of entries that are being replicated or that are being synchronized by the Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning.
Required. The name of the operation to perform using remtool
. See the appropriate operation documentation for command-specific syntax, arguments, and usage. The following operations are available:
- Adds a new node to an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG). See "The remtool -addnode Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Creates a new directory replication group (DRG) by configuring Oracle Database Advanced Replication. See "The remtool -asrsetup Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Changes the replication administrator's database account password on all nodes of an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -chgpwd Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Deletes a node from an existing Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -delnode Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Cleans up the set up of an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -asrcleanup Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Verifies the setup of Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG, and reports any problems found. See "The remtool -asrverify Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Verifies the setup of Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG, and corrects any problems found. See "The remtool -asrverify Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Display all replica details in the replication group for an Oracle Database Advanced Replicationn-based setup.
- Displays the queue statistics of all nodes in an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -dispqstat Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Suspends replication activity for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -suspendasr Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Resumes replication activity for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -resumeasr Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Converts an existing Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based agreement to an LDAP multimaster agreement.
- Displays all deferred transaction errors and administrative request errors for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG. See "The remtool -dispasrerr Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Adds a partial replica to an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -paddnode Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Deletes a partial replica from an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -pdelnode Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Cleans up the partial replication setup of an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -pcleanup Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Changes the password of a replication DN for a replica in an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -pchgpwd Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Displays all replica details in a partial replication group. See "The remtool -pdisplay Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Breaks agreement with an old LDAP-based supplier (master copy of the naming context) and reestablishes agreement with a new supplier. See "The remtool -pchgmaster Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Changes the wallet password of a replication DN for a replica in an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -pchgwalpwd Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Displays the queue statistics for a directory replication group (DRG) that uses LDAP-based replication. See "The remtool -pdispqstat Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Verifies the replication configuration for a DRG node that uses LDAP-based replication. See "The remtool -pverify Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Resets the password of a replication DN for a replica in an LDAP-based DRG. See "The remtool -presetpwd Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Begins or ends pilot mode for a replica. See "The remtool -pilotreplica Operation" for more information about this operation.
- Adds the metadata of a pilot replica to a master replica or backs up the metadata of a pilot replica into a file. This operation must be executed at the pilot replica. See "The remtool -backupmetadata Operation" for more information about this operation.
-psuspendrepl -fromnode
] - Only used during rolling upgrade. For more information, see the appendix "Performing a Rolling Upgrade" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory.
-presumerepl -fromnode
] - Only used during rolling upgrade. For more information, see the appendix "Performing a Rolling Upgrade" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory.
] [-file
] - Enables you to monitor replication progress in a directory replication group. See The remtool -pthput Operation for more information.
The connection information to be supplied to remtool
. The following connection details are available:
- Used with LDAP-based replication operations to specify the hostname and port of the supplier. See "The -bind Connection Argument" for more information.
- Used with Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based replication options to specify the connection string for the master definition site (MDS) or the Remote Master Site (RMS). See "The -connect Connection Argument" for more information.
Optional. Runs the command in verbose mode. Shows detailed output for the command on the screen and also logs all operations in the remtool.log
file created in ORACLE_INSTANCE
If there is an existing Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based agreement between two or more nodes, you can convert this agreement to an LDAP multimaster agreement by using the as2ldap
The tool prompts you for information, as shown in the example.
Using the asr2ldap operation, you can perform the following tasks:
remtool -asr2ldap
The results are:
Enter replication administrator's name : repadmin Enter replication administrator's password : Enter global name of MDS : Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- tst1 stacu14 INST1.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV OID stacu14_tst1 MDS tst12 stacu14 INST2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV OID stacu14_tst12 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Migrating ASR agreement to LDAP MM agreement... Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "INST2.REGRESS.RDBMS.DEV.EXAMPLE.COM" database at "stacu14" host : Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "" database at "stacu14" host : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR setup has been cleaned up.------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The addnode
operation adds a new node to an existing directory replication group (DRG). You must first create the DRG using "The remtool -addnode Operation". The following usage rules apply to this operation:
The node to be added must be empty.
You must know the SYSTEM user password of the new node.
Oracle Internet Directory processes on the master definition site (MDS) and other remote master sites (RMSs) must be down.
After the addnode
operation is complete, Oracle Internet Directory processes can be restarted.
remtool -addnode [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
The tool also prompts you for the database global name (as defined in the tnsnames.ora
file) and SYSTEM password for each node to be added.
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the addnode
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM
is added to a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
remtool -addnode -v -connect repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid2 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING: Make sure that the replication administrator database account does not exist already in the new node to be added to the DRG. If the account exists, that account will be dropped and will be created newly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter global name of new node to be added : MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM Enter SYSTEM user password of new node to be added : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Adding a new node... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding replication site MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM to replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3... CORRECTED: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3... CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid... CORRECTED: MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2... CORRECTED: MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3... CORRECTED: MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Node MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM has been added to this DRG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS rid3 my_host MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid3 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
The asrcleanup
operation cleans up an existing Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based setup. You must know the system password of all nodes taking part in the directory replication group (DRG) to run this operation.
remtool -asrcleanup [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
The tool prompts you for the SYSTEM user password for each MDS and RMS node in the DRG
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the asrcleanup
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, setup is cleaned up for a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
. The tool prompts you to enter the system password for each site.
remtool -asrcleanup -v
The results are:
Enter replication administrator's name : repadmin Enter replication administrator's password : Enter global name of MDS : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cleaning up... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication site MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM from replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" host : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MYCOMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" host : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR setup has been cleaned up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The asrrectify
operation is used for detecting and rectifying problems in an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG setup. It reports on errors and corrects them. Oracle Corporation recommends that, before running this operation, you stop Oracle Internet Directory servers.To use the asrrectify
operation, all nodes in the DRG must be up and running. The operation fails if any of the nodes are not running.If necessary, the asrrectify
operation prompts for the SYSTEM user password.
remtool -asrrectify [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
The tool may also prompt you for the SYSTEM user password for each MDS and RMS node in the DRG.
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the asrrectify
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, setup errors are deducted and rectified in a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
. The tool detects that a user has changed global name of MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM
after setting up Advanced Replication. It rectifies this error first before continuing with other checks.
remtool -asrrectify -v -conn
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" host : NEWNAME.MY_COMPANY.COM : Renaming global name to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM (instance name : rid2, hostname : my_host) CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Global name of database "rid2" at host "my_host" has been changed to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Global name of database "rid2" at host "my_host" has been changed to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rectifying ASR setup... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- DB Name Init Repl DB Purge Sch. Repl Repl Param Admin Links Job Links Group Agrmt Role Entry -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY. Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Legends : Chkd - Checked. No errors. Crtd - ASR setup errors were found and corrected. Err - Error occurred while doing ASR setup verification. NCrtd - ASR setup has errors, but not corrected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The asrsetup
operation is used to create a new Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG). A DRG consists of a master definition site (MDS) and one or more remote master sites (RMS).
Before you begin, stop all Oracle Internet Directory server processes on the MDS and RMS sites. After the setup operation is completed, you can restart all Oracle Internet Directory processes and replication server processes.
Only the optional -v
argument is specified on the command-line. The tool prompts you for the following information.
The database global name of the MDS (as defined in the tnsnames.ora
A replication administrator password for the MDS
The SYSTEM password for the MDS
The database global for each RMS (as defined in the tnsnames.ora
The SYSTEM password for each RMS
Using the asrsetup
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, a DRG is created consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
remtool -asrsetup -v
The results are as follows:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR Setup for OID Replication WARNING: Make sure that the replication administrator that you enter below does not exist already in any of the nodes that will be part of the DRG to be created now. If the user exists, that user will be dropped and will be created newly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter replication administrator's name : repadmin Enter replication administrator's password : Reenter replication administrator's password : Enter Master Definition Site (MDS) details : Enter global name of MDS : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM Enter SYSTEM user password of MDS : Enter Remote Master Site (RMS) details : Enter global name of RMS # 1 : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM Enter SYSTEM user password of MDS : Are there more Remote Master Sites in the group? [y/n/q] : n Verify the details you had entered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication administrator's name : repadmin Master Definition Site : MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM Remote Master Site # 1 : MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM Are these details correct? [y/n/q] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR setup in progress... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Granting privileges or roles required for replication administrator to repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating purge job... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Scheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG to replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding object TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT to replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Generating replication support for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Adding replication site MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM to replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Executing deferred administrative requests... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_... CORRECTED: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2... CORRECTED: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid... CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid1" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Inserting replication agreement entry my_host_rid2... CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid2" hostname has been added to replication agreement entry. MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASR setup has been configured successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ----
This asrverify
operation detects and reports on problems found in an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG). This operation reports errors, but does not correct them. To run this operation, all nodes in the DRG must be up and running. You do not have to stop your Oracle Internet Directory server processes to run this operation.
The asrverify
operation fails or report errors for the following situations. You can use the asrrectify
operation to correct these errors. See "The remtool -asrverify Operation" for more information about that operation.
If, by mistake, the replication administrator account is dropped in any of the nodes, the asrverify
operation fails. Use asrrectify
to re-create the replication administrator account and add it back to the DRG.
If, by mistake, the password for the replication administrator account has changed on any of the nodes in the DRG, the asrverify
operation fails. Use remtool
to change the replication administrator account and add it back to the DRG.
If the global database name of any node has changed after Advanced Replication setup, asrverify
reports an error and does not proceed further. Use asrrectify
to revert back to the previous global name and rectify other issues.
remtool -asrverify [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the asrverify
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, errors are found in a DRG consisting of two nodes.
remtool -asrverify -v -conn
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --------------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type --------------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verifying ASR setup... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying initialization parameter... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication administrator roles... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying database links... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying purge job... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying scheduled links... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying availability of replication objects... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group... ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG. ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication group... ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG. ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT. MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- DB Name Init Repl DB Purge Sch. Repl Repl Param Admin Links Job Links Group Agrmt Role Entry -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd NCrtd Chkd MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY. Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd Chkd NCrtd Chkd -------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Legends : Chkd - Checked. No errors. Crtd - ASR setup errors were found and corrected. Err - Error occurred while doing ASR setup verification. NCrtd - ASR setup has errors, but not corrected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of findings: ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG. ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT. ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ASR_CHG_LOG. ASR SETUP ERROR/WARNING: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Replication support is not available for TABLE ODS.ODS_CHG_STAT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The backupmetadata
operation adds the metadata of a pilot replica to the master replica, or backs up the metadata of a pilot replica into a file.
The -backupmetadata
option does not work if anonymous bind is disabled at the pilot replica or master replica.
remtool -backupmetadata -replica pilot_hostname:port {-master master_hostname:port | -bkup file_name}
Required. The connection string for the pilot replica. You are prompted for the password for the replication DN of the pilot replica.The string is comprised of the following elements:
The host name where the pilot replica's LDAP server is running.
The pilot replica's LDAP listening port, for example 3060.
Either -master
or -bkup
argument is required. (You can provide both arguments.) The connection string for the master replica. You are prompted for the password for the replication DN of the master replica. The string is comprised of the following elements:
The host name where the master replica's LDAP server is running.
The master replica's LDAP listening port, for example 3060.
Either -master
or -bkup
argument is required. (You can provide both arguments.) The full path and file name of the LDIF output file. The metadata entries are written to this file in LDIF format.
Using the backupmetadata
operation you can perform the following tasks:
This example shows how to add the metadata entries from a pilot replica to a master replica.
remtool -backupmetadata -replica \ -master -bkup /myfiles/backup.ldif
In this example, a backup file was specified with -bkup
. The command output is:
Backup of metadata will be stored in /myfiles/backup.ldifMetadata copied successfully.
remtool -backupmetadata -replica \ -master
In this example, no backup file was specified, so remtool uses the default location. The command output is:
Backup of metadata will be stored in
Metadata copied successfully.
The output contains the expanded path ORACLE_INSTANCE
If Oracle Delegated Administration Services is not configured, then you might see an error message similar to this when you run remtool
with the -backupmetadata
Failed to add ", cn=IAS Instances, cn=IAS, cn=Products, cn=OracleContext" as "uniquemember" to entry "cn=Associated Mid-tiers, orclapplicationcommonname=DASApp, cn=DAS,cn=products, cn=OracleContext at replica ldap://myhost:3060
Please ignore this error message.
This example shows how to back up the metadata entries for a pilot replica into an LDIF file.
remtool -backupmetadata -replica \ -bkup /home/myfiles/obckup.ldif
The output from this command is:
Backup of metadata will be stored in /home/myfiles/obckup.ldif Metadata copied successfully
The chgpwd
operation is used to change the replication administrator password for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG) that has already been setup using asrsetup
The replication administrator password is the same for all nodes in an Advanced Replication DRG. This operation changes the password for all nodes in the DRG.
remtool -chgpwd [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
The tool also prompts you to enter the new password for the replication administrator.
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the chgpwd
operation you can perform the following task:
In this example, the password of the replication administrator of a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
is changed.
remtool -chgpwd -v -conn repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Enter new password of the replication administrator : Reenter new password of the replication administrator : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changing the password of all nodes... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Changing password of replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Changing password of replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Creating database link to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password has been changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The delnode
operation removes a remote master site (RMS) node from an existing directory replication group (DRG). You must first create the DRG using "The remtool -asrsetup Operation". The following usage rules apply to this operation:
You can only delete RMS nodes from a DRG, not the master definition site (MDS).
Oracle Internet Directory processes on the master definition site (MDS) and other remote master sites (RMSs) in the DRG must be stopped before running the operation.
If the RMS node being deleted is down when the delnode
operation is invoked, it is selected for deletion.
After the delnode
operation is complete, Oracle Internet Directory processes can be restarted.
remtool -delnode [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
The tool also prompts you for the global database name (as defined in the tnsnames.ora
file of the RMS node to be deleted from the DRG.
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the delnode
operation you can perform the following task:
In this example, MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM
is removed from a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
remtool -delnode -v -conn repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS rid3 my_host MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid3 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y Enter globalname of node to be deleted : MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deleting an existing node... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication site MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM from replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication group LDAP_REP... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM... Enter "SYSTEM" user password for "MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM" database at "my_host" host : MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping replication administrator repadmin... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Unscheduling push job to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Dropping database link made to MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying uniqueness of replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Deleting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3... CORRECTED: MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been removed from replication agreement entry as it is not part of DRG or was repeated. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Verifying replication agreement entry... MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : Deleting replication agreement entry my_host_rid3... CORRECTED: MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM : "my_host_rid3" hostname has been removed from replication agreement entry as it is not part of DRG or was repeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Node MY_HOST3.MY_COMPANY.COM has been deleted from this DRG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ================================================================================
The dispasrerr
operation displays errors for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG). It shows both administrative request errors and deferred transaction errors.
remtool -dispasrerr [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the dispasrerr
operation you can perform the following task:
In this example, the tool reports Advanced Replication errors for a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
remtool -dispasrerr -v -conn MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following administrative request errors were found at MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- Admin request Request raised at Error raised by -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23309: object ODS.ASR_CHG_L REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23309: object ODS.ODS_CHG_S REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23416: table "ODS"."ODS_CHG REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23308: object ODS.ODS_CHG_S REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23416: table "ODS"."ASR_CHG REPADMIN MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY. ORA-23308: object ODS.ASR_CHG_L -------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following deferred transaction errors were found at MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------- Deferred Deferred Trans Destination Error Transaction ID Origin DB --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------- 1.2.3733 MY_HOST1.MY_COM MY_HOST1.MY_COM ORA-01403: no data found --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------------------- No deferred transaction errors were found at MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The dispqstat
operation displays the queue statistics for a directory replication group (DRG) that uses Oracle Database Advanced Replication. This operation cannot be used for DRGs that use LDAP-based replication. If a DRG uses both Advanced and LDAP-based replication, this operation displays queue statistics for nodes that use Advanced Replication only.
remtool -dispqstat [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
The connection string for the master definition site (MDS) or the Remote Master Site (RMS). You are prompted for the password for the replication administrator. If you do not supply an argument on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the information. The connect string is composed of the following elements:
The name of the replication administrator.
The net service name of the MDS or RMS. If you have a tnsnames.ora
file configured, then this is the net service name specified in that file, which is located by default in ORACLE_INSTANCE
. (You can set the TNS_ADMIN
environment variable if you want to use a different location.)
Using the dispqstat
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, queue statistics for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
are reported.
remtool -dispqstat -v -conn
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Queue Statistics : -------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Supplier Consumer New Retry Purge HIQ Change # -------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- MY_HOST1.MY CO MY_HOST1.MY CO 3 9 10 6 2003 MY_HOST1.MY CO MY HOST2.MY CO 2 7 8 5 2001 MY_HOST2.MY CO MY_HOST1.MY CO 2 8 5 8 2002 MY_HOST2.MY CO MY_HOST2.MY CO 2 10 7 8 2000 -------------- -------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Legends New: No. of new change logs Retry: No. of change logs in retry queue Purge: No. of change logs in purge queue HIQ: No. of change logs in Human Intervention Queue (HIQ) Change # : Last applied change log no.
The paddnode
operation adds a replica or partial replica to a directory replication group (DRG). This operation has the following usage rules:
The supplier node (the master copy) can be part of a DRG that uses Advanced Replication, LDAP-based replication, or both.
If you want to specify a supplier node that uses Advanced Replication, you must bind using that node's connection information.
The new replica to be added should not be a member of any DRG.
A consumer node (the destination of replication updates) can be any node that uses LDAP-based replication.
After adding a replica, you can choose the naming context(s) to participate in replication, or choose the entire directory by selecting *
(asterisk). Choosing specific naming contexts replicates only that portion of the directory. Choosing the entire directory replicates all directory data except for directory-specific entries (DSE).
The cn=oraclecontext
naming context is included for replication whether or not any naming contexts are specified by the user.
You are prompted for the password for the replication DN on the consumer node. You are prompted for the following arguments if you do not specify them:
Consumer Host Name of Host Running OID Server - The host name of the Oracle Internet Directory server where you want to create the replica. This node can be added to the DRG as a read-only or updateable replica.
Consumer Port - The LDAP listening port of the consumer node.
In addition, the tool prompts you for the following information:
Replica ID of Supplier - If the DRG contains multiple nodes that can be used as the supplier, you are prompted to enter the replica ID of the one you want to use.
Naming Context - For a partial replica, you can enter the name(s) of the naming context you want to replicate. To select the entire directory, enter *
(asterisk). To select none, enter e
-bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Using the paddnode
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, directory server ldap://my_host:3060
is added as a replica to directory server ldap://my_host:3040
, which is part of the DRG consisting of ldap://my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3080
, which both use LDAP-based replication.
remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter consumer directory details: Enter hostname of host running OID server : my_host Enter port on which OID server is listening : 3060 Enter replication dn password : Enter replica type [1 - LDAP read-only replica; 2 - LDAP updateable replica] : 1 Enter replicaid of the supplier : my_host_rid1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_r[my_host_rid1]id2] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replica ldap://my_host:3060(my_host_rem2) has been added to this DRG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RO 003 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Replica ldap://my_host:3060 (my_host_rid2) can be made partial replica by specifying naming contexts to be replicated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of available naming contexts in supplier replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) : 1. * [replicate whole directory] Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this example, the directory server ldap://my_host:3060
is added as a partial replica by specifying the naming contexts to be replicated to directory server ldap://my_host:3040
remtool -paddnode -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid my_host:3040 -- RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter consumer directory details: Enter hostname of host running OID server : my_host Enter port on which OID server is listening : 3060 Enter replication dn password : Enter replica type [1 - LDAP read-only replica; 2 - LDAP updateable replica] : 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000001,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=usunnae07_prep,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000001,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=usunnae07_prep,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replica ldap://my_host:3060(my_host_rid2) has been added to this DRG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Replica ldap://my_host:3060 (my_host_rem2) can be made partial replica by specifying naming contexts to be replicated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ List of available naming contexts in supplier replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) : 1. * [replicate whole directory] 2. dc=com 3. dc=org 4. dc=net 5. dc=edu Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : dc=org Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : dc=edu Enter naming context (e-end, q-quit) : e Following naming contexts will be included for replication: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. dc=org 2. dc=edu Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000002,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000002,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000003,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000003,orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Selected naming contexts have been included for replication. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The pdisplay operation displays all replica details in a partial replication group.
-bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
The pchgmaster
operation is used to break the agreement with the old supplier and reestablish the agreement with a new supplier. This operation is part of configuring replication failover.
See Also:
"Configuring Replication Failover" in Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide for details on performing the replication failover process
The pchgmaster
operation has the following usage rules:
If you do not supply consumer directory details using the -bind
option, then you are prompted to specify consumer details.
If the consumer details are valid, then remtool
identifies all nodes in the DRG, if any, and displays their details.
You are next prompted for the retiring and new supplier details.
After the change master operation completes successfully, you might need to use remtool -pcleanup -agrmt
on the old supplier to remove the old agreement. This would be the case if the old supplier was offline during the change master operation. See "The remtool -pcleanup Operation" for details about the pcleanup
remtool -pchgmaster [-bind replica_hostname:ldap_port] [ multimaster ] [-v]
The tool prompts you for the host names and port numbers of the retiring supplier and the new supplier.
-bind replica_hostname:port_number
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
This suboption causes changeMaster
to change the primary replica in a multimaster agreement.
Using the pchgmaster
operation, you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, the supplier of directory server ldap://my_host:3060
is changed from directory server ldap://my_host:3040
to directory server ldap://my_host:3080
remtool -pchgmaster -v -bind my_host:3060
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RW 003 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid3 RW my_host_rid2 --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter replica ID of the retiring supplier : my_host_rid1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter hostname of the new supplier : my_host Enter port number of the new supplier : 3080 Enter replication DN password of the new supplier : * WARNING *: Moving my_host_rid1 to be consumer of my_host_rid3 might cause discrepancy in data. Do you want to continue? [y/n]: y ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry orclagreementid=000004,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=replication namecontext,orclagreementid=000004,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000002,cn=replication namecontext,orclagreementid=000004,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Adding entry cn=includednamingcontext000001,cn=replication namecontext,orclagreementid=000004,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid3 RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RW my_host_rid2 003 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid3 RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Change master of my_host_rid2 to my_host_rid3 successfully.
In this example, the primary node in a three-node LDAP multimaster agreement is changed from stacu14_tst1 to stacu14_tst13
remtool -pchgmaster -multimaster
The result is:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 stacu14_tst1 stacu14:3069 stacu14_tst13 RW stacu14_tst12 002 stacu14_tst13 stacu14:3089 stacu14_tst12 RW stacu14_tst1 003 stacu14_tst12 stacu14:3079 stacu14_tst13 RW stacu14_tst1 --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter new primary replica ID : stacu14_tst13 Changed primary replica from stacu14_tst1 to stacu14_tst13 successfully.
This pchgpwd
operation changes the replication DN password for an Oracle Internet Directory server. The password is changed in both the directory and in wallet.
If the replica is taking part in replication, the password is changed in other replicas for the local replica's replication DN. Note that, unlike Advanced Replication, the replication DN password for each replica can be different.
The operation must be run on the host of the Oracle Internet Directory server whose password you are changing in order to update the wallet password at the same time. You can also update the wallet password separately using "The remtool -pchgwalpwd Operation".
In addition to the arguments specified on the command-line, the tool also prompts you for the new replication DN password for the host specified in the bind connection string.
-bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Using the pchgpwd
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, the replication DN password of the Oracle Internet Directory server ldap://my_host:3040
is changed.
remtool -pchgpwd -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rem) associated with database 'rid' will be changed. Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y Enter new password of replication DN : Reenter new password of replication DN : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password has been changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The pchgwalpwd
operation is used to change the replication DN password only in the wallet of an Oracle Internet Directory server. It sets the wallet password to the same replication DN password stored in the Oracle Internet Directory repository for the host specified in the bind connection string.
-bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Using the pchgwalpwd
operation you can perform the following task:
In this example, the replication DN password for Oracle Internet Directory server ldap://my_host:3040
is set in wallet to match the password in the repository.
remtool -pchgwalpwd -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) associated with database 'rid' will be set in wallet. Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y
The pcleanup
operation is used to clean up an LDAP-based directory replication group (DRG) setup. It cleans up a replica which has incomplete or flawed LDAP-based DRG setup. It only cleans up the replica identified by the bind connection string.
If replication configuration information is corrupted, or the replication DN entry is not available, then the tool prompts for the Oracle Internet Directory superuser DN and password.
This operation only cleans up LDAP-based DRG setup. For clean up of an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based DRG setup, see "The remtool -asrcleanup Operation".
remtool -pcleanup [-bind oid_hostname:ldap_port] [-agrmt] [-v]
-bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Optional. Use this option to clean up dead LDAP agreements at a node. Dead agreements might exist if:
A node in the DRG was offline when you ran remtool -pcleanup
The node being deleted was offline when you ran remtool -delnode
The supplier node was offline when you ran remtool -pchgmaster
Alternatively, in the first two cases, you could run remtool -pcleanup
(without -agrmt
) to delete all the agreements.
Using the pcleanup
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, the tool cleans up the replication setup of a DRG that has three replicas taking part in LDAP based replication.
remtool -pcleanup -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 -- RW 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO 003 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- DRG identified by replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) will be cleaned up. Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclagreementid=000003,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem2,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3060 [my_host_rid2] : Deleting entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replica ldap://my_host:3040(my_host_rid1) has been cleaned up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
In this example, the agreement between directory servers ldap://my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3060
is cleaned up. The agreement between directory servers ldap://my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3080
is also cleaned up.
remtool -pcleanup -v -agrmt -bind my_host:3040 Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid2 RW my_host_rid3 002 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RW 003 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter replica ID of replica(s) for which its(their) agreement(s) with replica ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rid1) will be cleaned up. Enter replica ID [Enter "e" to end selection] : my_host_rid2 Enter replica ID [Enter "e" to end selection] : my_host_rid3 Enter replica ID [Enter "e" to end selection] : e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Agreement(s) with the following replica(s) would be cleaned up: 0. my_host_rid2 1. my_host_rid3 Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully cleaned up agreement between my_host_rid1 and my_host_rid2. Successfully cleaned up agreement between my_host_rid1 and my_host_rid3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replica ldap://my_host:3040(my_host_rid1) has been cleaned up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The pdelnode
operation deletes an LDAP-based replica or partial replica from a directory replication group (DRG). To delete an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based replica, used the "The remtool -pdelnode Operation".
In addition to the arguments specified on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the following information:
The replica ID of the replica to be deleted - The replica ID of the LDAP-based replica you want to delete.
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Using the pdelnode
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, replica ldap://my_host:3080
is removed from the DRG. This DRG consists of three replicas: ldap://my_host:3040
, ldap://my_host:3060
, and ldap://my_host:3080
, of which ldap://my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3060
uses Advanced Replication and ldap:my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3080
uses LDAP-based replication. To delete replica ldap://my_host:3080
, user has to give bind details of either ldap://my_host:3040
or ldap://my_host:3080
remtool -pdelnode -v -bind my_host:3040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid2 RW 002 my_host_rid2 -- my_host_rid1 RW 003 my_host_rid3 my_host:3080 my_host_rid1 RO --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Enter replicaid of the replica to be deleted : my_host_rid3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclagreementid=000002,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem3,cn=replication configuration... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Modifying entry ... ldap://my_host:3080 [my_host_rid3] : Deleting entry orclreplicaid=my_host_rem,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replica ldap://my_host:3080(my_host_rid3) has been deleted from this DRG. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid2 RW 002 my_host_rid2 -- my_host_rid1 RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
The pdispqstat
operation displays the queue statistics for a directory replication group (DRG) that uses LDAP-based replication. This operation cannot be used for DRGs that use ASR-based (advanced) replication. If a DRG uses both ASR and LDAP-based replication, the pdispqstat
operation displays queue statistics for nodes that use LDAP-based replication only.
The dispqstat
operation is used to display the queue statistics for a DRG that uses ASR-based replication.
See Also:
"The remtool -dispqstat Operation" for more details on displaying the queue statistics for a DRG that uses ASR-based replication
Using the pdispqstat
operation, you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, queue statistics for a DRG consisting of directory servers ldap://my_host:3040
and ldap://my_host:3060
are displayed.
remtool -pdispqstat -v -bind my_host:3040 Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- 001 my_host_rid1 my_host:3040 my_host_rid2 RW 002 my_host_rid2 my_host:3060 my_host_rid1 RW --- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- ----- Queue Statistics: -------- -------- ----- --- ----- ----- --- ------- -------- ------- Supplier Consumer PROTO New Retry Purge HIQ LA Chg# Logs TBP LT Chg# -------- -------- ----- --- ----- ----- --- ------- -------- ------- my_host_rid2 my_host_rid1 LDAP 0 0 1 2 2001 0 2001 my_host_rid1 my_host_rid2 LDAP 0 0 2 3 2082 3 70335 -------- -------- ----- --- ----- ----- --- ------- -------- ------- Legends: New : No. of new change logs Retry : No. of change logs in retry queue Purge : No. of change logs in purge queue HIQ : No. of change logs in Human Intervention Queue (HIQ) LA Chg # : Last applied change log no. Logs TBP : Logs to be transported. LT Chg # : Last transported change log no.
The pilotreplica
operation begins or ends pilot mode for a replica.
remtool -pilotreplica {begin|end} -bind hostname:ldap_port [-bkup file_name]
Required. Begin or end pilot mode.
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Name of backup file in which entries modified after pilot mode is started are to be stored in LDIF format.
This presetpwd
operation resets the replication DN password for the given Oracle Internet Directory server in both the directory repository and wallet. It does not reset the passwords for any other directories of the directory replication group (DRG) of which this directory is a member.
You need the Oracle Internet Directory superuser DN and password to reset the replication DN password.
You are prompted for the new replication DN password. In addition to the password and arguments supplied on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the following information:
The superuser DN, for example cn=orcladmin
The superuser password.
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
Using the presetpwd
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, the replication DN password is reset for replica my_host:3040
remtool -presetpwdd -v -bind my_host:3040
The results are:
Enter superuser DN : cn=orcladmin Enter superuser password : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication DN password of ldap://my_host:3040 (my_host_rem) associated with database 'rid1' will be reset. Do you want to continue? [y/n] : y Enter new password of replication DN : Reenter new password of replication DN : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ldap://my_host:3040 [my_host_rid1] : Modifying entry cn=replication dn,orclreplicaid=my_host_rid1,cn=replication configuration... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password has been changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The -pthput
option enables you to monitor replication progress in a directory replication group. The tool binds to the specified node and collects information about all the nodes in the directory replication group. It displays this information at intervals of specified duration.
remtool -pthput [-bind hostname:ldap_port_number] [-interval time_in_seconds] [-file filename]
-bind hostname:ldap_port_number
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
The interval for displaying information. This is an optional parameter. Provide its value in seconds. Its default value is 60 seconds.
The file to write information to. This is an optional argument. If you specify a file
argument, the output shown on the command line is logged to that file. Otherwise, the output is logged to a file name based on the timestamp.
Using the -pthput
option, you can perform the following tasks:
In the following example, time_in_seconds is the value specified by the optional -interval
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details :
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl. No. Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
001 adc2101322_nldap32 adc2101322_nldap3 RW
002 adc2101322_nldap3 adc2101322_nldap32 RW
--- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- -----
Queue Statistics :
Interval for refreshing stats is time_in_seconds seconds.
------------ ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- --------------------------------
Supplier Consumer Queued Last Applied Applied Average
Changes Change Number Changes Throughput
Of 3 intervals
------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----------------------------
adc2101322_nldap3 adc2101322_nldap32 0 134369 0 0
adc2101322_nldap32 adc2101322_nldap3 0 47342 0 0
------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- --------------------------
adc2101322_nldap3 adc2101322_nldap32 2286 136214 1845 615
adc2101322_nldap32 adc2101322_nldap3 0 47342 0 0
------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----------------------
adc2101322_nldap3 adc2101322_nldap32 1608 137886 1672 1172
adc2101322_nldap32 adc2101322_nldap3 0 47342 0 0
------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- ------------------------
adc2101322_nldap3 adc2101322_nldap32 189 140302 2416 1977
adc2101322_nldap32 adc2101322_nldap3 0 47342 0 0
------------- ------------- ----- ------- ------ ------ ------ --------- --------- -----------------------
The pverify
operation verifies the replication configuration for a directory replication group (DRG) that uses LDAP-based replication. This operation cannot be used for a DRG that uses ASR based replication. If a DRG uses both ASR and LDAP-based replication, then this option verifies the replication configuration between nodes that use LDAP-based replication only.
The pverify
operation has the following usage rules:
This option only verifies agreements that involve the node specified in the command argument.
The remtool_VERIFY_LOG.rpt
report contains the verification results.
remtool -pverify [-bind hostname:ldap_port_number] [-hiqmax hiqmax] [-tbtmax tbtmax] [-v]
-bind hostname:ldap_port_number
See "The -bind Connection Argument" for information.
The maximum number of change logs in the Human Intervention Queue (HIQ) after which warnings are generated.
The maximum number of logs to be transported (tbt) after which warnings are generated.
Use the pverify
operation to perform the following tasks:
In this example, the replication configuration for a DRG comprising of directory servers ldap://my_host:3040
, ldap://my_host:3060
, and ldap://my_host:3080
is verified.
remtool -pverify -v -bind my_host:3040 Node ID: my_host_rid1 Test Category: Connection Test Against: my_host_rid1 Test: Wallet Check: Corruption passed Check: Authentication passed Check: Replicationdn passed Test Against: my_host_rid2 Test: URL Check: Format (Primary) passed Check: Format (Secondary) passed Test Against: my_host_rid3 Test: URL Check: Format (Primary) passed Check: Format (Secondary) passed Test Against: my_host_rid1 Test: URL Check: Format (Primary) passed Check: Format (Secondary) passed Test Category: Agreements Test Against: Agrmt 000002 Test: orclreplicadn Check: Validity passed Check: Match agreement type passed Test: agreement DN Check: Format passed Test Against: Agrmt 000002 with my_host_rid2 Test: lastAppliedChangeNumber (my_host_rid2 to my_host_rid1) Check: Format (transport) passed Check: Logs TBP passed Check: Format (apply) passed Check: HIQ passed Test: Filtering (my_host_rid2 to my_host_rid1) Check: Format passed Check: Configuration passed Test Against: Agrmt 000002 with my_host_rid2 Test: Connection Check: Authentication passed Test: Replica Pair Check: Validity passed Check: Consistency passed Test: orclreplicationid Check: Availability passed Test: Replication Protocol Check: Availability passed Test: lastAppliedChangeNumber (my_host_rid1 to my_host_rid2) Check: Format (transport) passed Check: Logs TBP passed Check: Format (apply) passed Check: HIQ passed Test: Filtering (my_host_rid1 to my_host_rid2) Check: Format passed Check: Configuration passed Test Against: Agrmt 000003 Test: orclreplicadn Check: Validity passed Check: Match agreement type passed Test: agreement DN Check: Format passed Test Against: Agrmt 000003 with my_host_rid3 Test: lastAppliedChangeNumber (my_host_rid3 to my_host_rid1) Check: Format (transport) passed Check: Logs TBP passed Check: Format (apply) passed Check: HIQ passed Test: Filtering (my_host_rid3 to my_host_rid1) Check: Format passed Check: Configuration failed Test Against: Agrmt 000003 with my_host_rid3 Test: Connection Check: Authentication passed Test: Replica Pair Check: Validity passed Check: Consistency passed Test: orclreplicationid Check: Availability passed Test: Replication Protocol Check: Availability passed Test: lastAppliedChangeNumber (my_host_rid1 to my_host_rid3) Check: Format (transport) passed Check: Logs TBP passed Check: Format (apply) passed Check: HIQ passed Test: Filtering (my_host_rid1 to my_host_rid3) Check: Format passed Check: Configuration failed Verify replication configuration for my_host_rid1 successfully. Refer to remtool_VERIFY_LOG.rpt for details. 2 checks failed.
The resumeasr
operation resumes replication activity for an Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based directory replication group (DRG) that was previously suspended using the "The remtool -suspendasr Operation".
remtool -resumeasr [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
For more information, see "The -connect Connection Argument".
Using the resumeasr
operation you can perform the following tasks:
In this example, replication activity of DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
is resumed.
remtool -resumeasr -v -conn repadmin@MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid1 my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Altering replication status... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Resuming replication activity... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication status has been altered successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The suspendasr
operation suspends Oracle Database Advanced Replication activity for a directory replication group (DRG) that uses it for replication. While Advanced Replication activity is suspended, replication does not take place.
remtool -suspendasr [-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name] [-v]
-connect repl_admin_name@net_service_name
The connection string for the master definition site (MDS) or the Remote Master Site (RMS). You are prompted for the password for the replication administrator. If you do not supply an argument on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the information. The connect string is composed of the following elements:
The name of the replication administrator.
The net service name of the MDS or RMS. If you have a tnsnames.ora
file configured, then this is the net service name specified in that file, which is located by default in ORACLE_INSTANCE
. (You can set the TNS_ADMIN
environment variable if you want to use a different location.)
Using the suspendasr
operation you can perform the following tasks:
n this example, replication activity of a DRG consisting of MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM
is suspended.
remtool -suspendasr -v -conn
The results are:
MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM is Master Definition Site (MDS). Connected to MDS. MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM is Remote Master Site (RMS). Connected to RMS. Directory Replication Group (DRG) details : -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- Instance Host Name Global Name Version Replicaid Site Name Type -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- rid my_host MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid1 MDS rid2 my_host MY_HOST2.MY_COMPANY.COM OID my_host_rid2 RMS -------- ------------- ----------------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Altering replication status... MY_HOST1.MY_COMPANY.COM : Quiescing replication activity... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replication status has been altered successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The -psuspendrepl
and -presumerepl
operations provide rolling upgrade support for multimaster replication DRGs by suspending and resuming replication, respectively.
remtool -psuspendrepl -fromnode host1:port1 [-tonode host2:port2]
remtool -presumerepl -fromnode host1:port1 [-tonode host2:port2]
You must apply all required patches before starting the rolling upgrade procedure.
Specifies the host and port of the node from which replication is to be suspended.
Specifies the host and port of the node to which replication is to be suspended
If you do not specify the -tonode
parameter with -psuspendrepl
or -presumerepl
, remtool
displays the replicaids of all the replicas and prompts you for the replica to which to replication is to be suspended or resumed. To suspend or resume replication to all the replicas, enter all
For example:
remtool -psuspendrepl -fromnode :5060/ods
Directory Replication Group (DRG) details :
--- ------------------ ----------------------- -------------------- ----- -------
Sl Replicaid Directory Information Supplier Information Repl OID
No. Type
--- ------------------ ----------------------- --------------------- ----- -------
001 adc2101322_gps3 adc2101322:3060 adc2170827_sldap2 RW 111140
002 adc2170827_sldap2 adc2170827:3070 adc2101322_gps3 RW 111140
--- ------------------ ----------------------- --------------------- ----- -------
Enter replicaid of the replica to be suspended[Enter "all" to select all replicas]:
The procedure for rolling upgrade can be summarized as follows:
Stop the replication server on the replica to be upgraded.
Run remtool
Stop Oracle Internet Directory on the replica to be upgraded.
Upgrade the replica.
Start Oracle Internet Directory on the upgraded replica.
Run remtool
Start the replication server on the upgraded replica.
See Also:
The appendix "Performing a Rolling Upgrade" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory for more details and an example of rolling upgrade.
This argument is used with LDAP-based operations to supply the host and port of the supplier. The syntax is:
bind supplier_hostname:ldap_port
You are prompted for the replication DN password. If you omit either the hostname or port or both, remtool
uses the local host name or default port (3060) or both as arguments. If you omit the -bind argument, you are prompted for the missing information.
This argument is used with Oracle Database Advanced Replication-based operations to specify connection string for the master definition site (MDS) or the Remote Master Site (RMS). The syntax is:
You are prompted for the replication DN password. If you do not supply an argument on the command-line, the tool prompts you for the information.