Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET

11g Release 1 (


April 2013

This book describes how to install and deploy the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET (previously called .NET Application Accelerator) 11g Release 1 (

Hardware and Software Requirements for Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET

The following hardware and software is required to develop and deploy portlets using the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

Table 1 Hardware and Software Requirements

Component Requirements

Host Computer


  • Oracle WebLogic Portal 10.3.4.

    Note: Oracle WebLogic Portal must be configured to block cookies from being stored in the browser (set resource-cookies to block-all in wsrp-producer-registry.xml).

  • Oracle WebCenter Portal

Additional Documentation

The following additional documentation is available.

Table 2 Additional Documentation

Document Description

Release Notes

The release notes provide information about new features, issues addressed, and known issues in the release.

Development Guide

The Development Guide for Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET provides detailed information on authoring portlets using the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

Installing the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET

The installation package creates the necessary files and folders and configures associated system tools. For details, see Understanding Your Installation.

Before beginning installation, make sure your system meets the prerequisites for installation. For details, see Hardware and Software Requirements for Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

To install the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the installer (OracleWebCenterWSRPProducerForDotNet.msi) as a local administrator or as a user who has rights to configure IIS and set file permissions on the folder in which the product will be installed.

  2. Complete the installation wizard pages as described in the table that follows.

Table 3 Installation Wizard Pages

Wizard Page Description

Select Installation Folder

Enter the folder where you would like the product installed.

Confirm Installation

If you are ready to install the product click Next to proceed.

A panel showing the installation progress should appear. The installer will launch a series of command windows.

Installation Complete

Click Close to close the installer.

Understanding Your Installation

The installer adds files and saves configuration settings in the following areas:

File System

The installer sets the localized "NETWORK SERVICE" account to have modify access on the files in the \wsrpdefault directory. The localized "NETWORK SERVICE" account is the default user assigned to execute ASP.NET applications.

The installer creates the following folders and files:

  • \Uninstall_resources: Contains executables used by the uninstaller to properly remove virtual directories and shortcuts added by the installer.

  • \assembly version: Contains assemblies required by the product.


    The installer does not place assemblies in the GAC by default.

  • \wsrpdefault: Contains a working example of a deployment with the following subfolders:

    • \App_Themes: Contains styles and skins.

    • \bin: Contains assemblies for the IIS application associated with the \wsrpdefault folder.

    • \wsdl: Contains the SOAP endpoint files (.asmx) and WSRP definition files (.wsdl). In particular, WSRPService.wsdl lists the fully qualified paths to the SOAP endpoints. This file can be used to set a different fully-qualified domain name for the host machine.

    • \portlets: Contains Web Parts or application files.


The installer sets up an IIS web site and IIS virtual directory with application. Both are set to point at the \wsrpdefault folder described in the previous section. An IIS application pool called OraAppPool2 is created to run applications.

The newweb site is set up on the first available port starting at 8678. If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 2008, make sure that this port is available to computers coming from the outside (you may need to configure a hole in your firewall for this port).

The IIS application is targeted at the \wsrpdefault virtual directory, not the root IIS web site, so you must navigate to the virtual directory (e.g. rather than the root IIS web site (e.g.

Start Menu

The installer adds the following items to the Start Menu:

  • Oracle Online Documentation

  • Uninstall

  • WSRP 1.0 WSDL (registers Web Parts placed in the /wsrpdefault folder as WSRP 1.0 portlets)

  • WSRP 2.0 WSDL (registers Web Parts placed in the /wsrpdefault folder as WSRP 2.0 portlets)

The WSDL links should be launched in your default browser. To register portlets, copy one of these links into your WSRP consumer as described in the next section.

Confirming a Successful Installation

To confirm a successful installation, import the WSDL file for the sample Web Part included with installation into your WSRP consumer using the steps below.

  1. From the Start Menu, click Start | Programs | Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET | WSRP 1.0 WSDL. The WSDL file should open in a browser window.

  2. Copy the URL from the browser window and paste it into your WSRP consumer's registration tool. If you see any errors:

    • Confirm that the fully-qualified domain name generated by the installer is correct. If it is not correct, you will need to adjust both the URL to the .wsdl file and the URLs specified in the WSDL (see Understanding Your Installation for details on the location of the WSDL files).

    • Confirm that the host allows traffic on the port specified. By default, in Windows 2008 and Windows 7, only TCP traffic is allowed on port 80. You may need to adjust the firewall settings.

  3. You should see a single portlet called Simple Date Time in the list of portlets available on the WSRP Producer. Select this portlet and add it to your portal.

  4. If your installation is working correctly, you should be able to see an example portlet with the following functionality:

    • A button that displays the latest date and time using ASP.NET AJAX.

    • A button that displays the latest date and time using standard ASP.NET postback.

    • Personalization of a single string preference from your WSRP consumer's editor (the Personalize drop-down menu in Oracle WebCenter Portal or the Edit button in Oracle WebLogic Portal).

Upgrading Existing Portlets

This section explains how to upgrade the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET from version to


Portlets designed using the .NET Application Accelerator cannot be directly upgraded to the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET. The development model for these products is completely different.

The Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET installer does not provide an upgrade option, so you must uninstall the version before installing Follow the instructions below to ensure a successful upgrade.

  1. Back up your installation by copying all the installed files to a new directory. For example, you might copy C:\Oracle\Middleware\WSRPProducerForDotNet to C:\Oracle\Middleware\WSRPProducerForDotNet_11.

  2. Run the uninstaller using the Control Panel program removal tool or the Start Menu uninstall option, found under Start|Programs|Oracle WSRP Producer for .NET|uninstall.

  3. Install Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET following the directions in Installing the Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET.

  4. Replace the files in the new installation with the customized files you backed up in step 1. The files that need to be replaced depend on where portlets are deployed:

    • If portlets were deployed under the default directory defined by the installer (\wsrpdefault), you must restore any files from this directory that were modified in the previous installation by copying them to the <installdir>\wsrpdefault folder in the new installation. The following files are commonly modified:

      • .\Web.config

      • .\wsrp-producer.xml

      • .\portlets\Resources\MasterPages\WSRP.Master

      • .\wsdl\1.0\wsrp_v1_bindings.wsdl

      • .\wsdl\1.0\WSRPService.wsdl

      • .\wsdl\2.0\wsrp-2.0-bindings.wsdl

      • .\wsdl\2.0\WSRPService.wsdl

    • If portlets were deployed under a folder other than the default directory (\wsrpdefault), replace the following assemblies in the custom portlet folder with the new versions saved by the installer in <installdir>\wsrpdefault\bin:

      • Oracle.AJAXHelper_signed.dll

      • Oracle.WSRPProducer_signed.dll

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Upgrade Guide for Oracle WebCenter WSRP Producer for .NET


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