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52 Integrating RSS

Users can add and view RSS 2.0 formatted feeds within a Portal Framework application. This chapter describes how to integrate the RSS Viewer at design time.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For more information about managing and including RSS feeds, see:

52.1 Introduction to RSS

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) provides a means of accessing the content of many different web sites from a single location—a news reader. WebCenter Portal provides the functionality that encompasses the RSS Viewer and the ability to show RSS feeds from various WebCenter Portal components. The RSS Viewer enables you to view external news feeds from different web sites from within your Portal Framework applications.


Although RSS is supported within discussion forums for portals, Portal Framework applications do not support RSS within discussion forums.

This section provides an overview of the features and requirements with RSS. It includes the following subsections:

52.1.1 Understanding RSS

To display news feeds from external sources on your application pages, you add the RSS Viewer task flow and specify the URL for the required RSS feed, as shown in Figure 52-1. Your application users can then view the RSS feed at runtime.

For accessing secure application content, the RSS Viewer task flow supports integration with external applications to provide credential mapping services to authenticate with a remote feed. For information about using external applications, see Section 74.13, "Working with External Applications."

Figure 52-1 RSS Details Specified at Design Time

Description of Figure 52-1 follows
Description of "Figure 52-1 RSS Details Specified at Design Time"

52.1.2 Requirements for RSS

The RSS functionality does not require any back-end server. You do not need to set up a connection to use this. However, you can set up a proxy server for RSS, if required.

52.1.3 What Happens at Runtime

At runtime, RSS news feeds are displayed from the RSS feed location specified at design time. Users can click the RSS icon on the top-right corner of the application page to open the URL specified as the RSS feed location.

Any user who has permissions to modify the application page can access the RSS Viewer parameters and change the URL of the RSS feed that is rendered.

For information about RSS at runtime, see the "Monitoring RSS Feeds" chapter in Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Portal.

Figure 52-2 RSS Feed at Runtime

Description of Figure 52-2 follows
Description of "Figure 52-2 RSS Feed at Runtime"

52.2 Basic Configuration for the RSS

This section describes how to set up the proxy server for RSS and add the RSS Viewer task flow to your application.

This section includes the following subsections:

52.2.1 Setting Up a Proxy Server for RSS

The RSS functionality does not require any connections. You can simply point to the URL of the RSS feed. However, if you want to point to an RSS feed that is external to your intranet and application, you may need to set up a proxy server for your application.

To set up a proxy server for RSS:

  1. In Oracle JDeveloper, from the Tools menu, choose Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences dialog, scroll down the list on the left side and select Web Browser and Proxy.

  3. In the right pane, under Web Browser and Proxy, select Use HTTP Proxy Server and enter the host name and port number of your proxy server, and note any exceptions (Figure 52-3).

  4. Click OK.

    Figure 52-3 Setting Up a Proxy Server

    Description of Figure 52-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-3 Setting Up a Proxy Server"

52.2.2 Adding RSS Functionality at Design Time

This section describes the RSS Viewer task flow and how to add it to your application.

This section contains the following subsections: About RSS Viewer Task Flow

WebCenter Portal includes the RSS Viewer task flow, which you can add to your application to enable your users to access an RSS feed. You can add multiple instances of the task flow to your application and use the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog to point to multiple RSS feed locations. How to Add the RSS Viewer Task Flow to Your Application

To add the RSS Viewer task flow to your application:

  1. Follow the steps in Section 4.2.1, "How to Prepare Your Application to Consume Tools and Services" to implement security, and create a customizable page in your application, if necessary.

  2. Open the customizable page on which you want to add the RSS Viewer task flow.

  3. If the RSS feed you want to use requires authentication, create an external application. If it does not require authentication, proceed to Step 4.


    For more information about external applications, refer to Section 74.13, "Working with External Applications."
  4. In the Resource Palette, open the WebCenter Portal - Services Catalog, then expand the Task Flows folder.

  5. Click RSSViewer, drag it to your page in the Design view, and choose Region.

  6. In the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog, specify the URL of the RSS feed. If an external application is used for authenticating the RSS feed, specify its name (the application name, not the application display name), as shown in Figure 52-4.

    Figure 52-4 Example of the Edit Task Flow Binding Dialog for RSS

    Description of Figure 52-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-4 Example of the Edit Task Flow Binding Dialog for RSS"

    Table 52-1 describes the possible values for the RSS Viewer task flow binding parameters.

    Table 52-1 RSS Viewer Task Flow Binding Parameters

    Parameter Value


    Enter the location of the RSS feed. For example, to use the Oracle Press Releases RSS feed, enter:



    Enter the name of the external application you want to use to authenticate the Portal Framework application with the RSS feed. If the RSS feed does not require authentication, then you do not need to set up and identify an external application for this.

  7. Click OK and save your page. The binding displays on your page.

    If you look at the Source tab of your page, you can see the RSS Viewer task flow in the page source, as shown in Example 52-1.

    Example 52-1 RSS Viewer Task Flow in the Page Source

    <af:form id="f1">
         <af:region value="#{bindings.RSSViewerTaskFlow1.regionModel}" id="r1"/>
         <af:region value="#{bindings.RSSViewerTaskFlow2.regionModel}" id="r2"/>
    </af:form> How to Modify RSS Viewer Task Flow Parameters

The RSS Viewer task flow has required and optional task flow binding parameters.

You can adjust the parameter values when you drop the task flow onto a page or after you have placed a task flow on a page:

  1. Click the Bindings tab at the bottom of the page (next to the Source tab).

  2. Under Executables, the RSS Viewer task flow you added is listed (Figure 52-5).

    Figure 52-5 Page Data Binding Definition

    Description of Figure 52-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 52-5 Page Data Binding Definition"

  3. Select the task flow, and next to the Executables heading, click the Edit selected element (pencil) icon.

  4. In the Edit Task Flow Binding dialog, revise the binding parameter values as required.

  5. When you are finished, click OK.

  6. Save and run your page to see the results.

52.2.3 Setting Security for the RSS Viewer

To use RSS with a public RSS feed, you do not need to set security. To use RSS with an RSS feed that requires authentication, you can set up an external application for your application that sets up either user credentials or public credentials for accessing the RSS feed.


For secure application content, your news reader must support BASIC authentication.

For more information about using external applications, see Section 74.13, "Working with External Applications."

Only authenticated users can view secure RSS feeds. If a user is not authenticated and the RSS feed is secured, the user will not see any content in the RSS Viewer unless the external application specifies public credentials.


When you add the RSS Viewer task flow to your Portal Framework application, the View grant is automatically added to the authenticated-role.