Package com.endeca.itl.cas.api

Interface Summary
CasCrawler Provides the public interface to CAS Server.

Class Summary
CasCrawlerLocator Provides a client with a CAS service implementation, given host and port where CAS server is running.
ComparableValueFilter<T extends Comparable<T>> ComparableValueFilter is an abstract type that specifies the comparison operator to apply to a particular property.
CrawlConfig A CrawlConfig contains all information required for specifying the configuration of a crawl.
CrawlId Unique identifier for a Crawl
CrawlMetrics Stores the list of metrics that correspond to a particular crawl.
CrawlValidationFailure CrawlValidationFailure contains information about one of the failures that may have been encountered when validating the configuration of a crawl.
DateFilter DateFilter is a comparison filter that specifies the value (as a dateTime) to be compared against.
Filter Filter is a filter that is applied to a particular property of a record.
LongFilter LongFilter is a comparison filter that specifies the value (as a long) to be compared against.
ManipulatorConfig Manipulator config allows a client to specify a custom manipulation step which is performed in a particular crawl run.
Metric A Metric is a key-value pair that holds the value of a particular metric.
MetricCrawlMode A MetricCrawlMode extends the abstract Metric class by adding a CrawlMode enumeration value.
MetricCrawlState A MetricCrawlStatus extends the abstract Metric class by adding a CrawlStatus enumeration value.
MetricCrawlStopCause A metricCrawlStopCause extends the abstract Metric class by adding a CrawlStopCause enumeration value.
MetricDate A MetricDate extends the abstract Metric class by adding a long value that should be interpreted as a date.
MetricLong A MetricLong extends the abstract Metric class by adding a long value.
MetricString A MetricString extends the abstract Metric class by adding a string value.
ModuleConfig Abstract class that supports specifying an ID and a list of properties as part of configuring a module.
ModuleId Unique identifier for a source, manipulator or output module.
ModuleInfo A ModuleInfo stores general information about a module, including: ModuleId: a unique identifier for the kind of module Module type: whether it's a source or manipulator Display name: for showing to a user Description: so a user might quickly understand what the module does Capabilities: a list of Strings that document some of the capabilities of the module being configured.
ModuleProperty A ModuleProperty is a key/value-list pair used to provide configuration information about a particular module (such as a content source or output destination).
ModulePropertySpec A ModulePropertySpec contains specifications for a module property.
ModulePropertySpecEnumValue A ModulePropertySpecEnumValue contains one possible enumeration value when defining possible values for a ModuleProperty in a corresponding ModulePropertySpec.
ModulePropertySpecGroup A ModulePropertySpecGroup is a container for several ModulePropertySpec objects that should be displayed together as a group.
ModuleSpec The ModuleSpec provides a client with information needed to prompt a user to configure a module.
OutputConfig OutputConfig allows a client to specify information about the destination to which content is written in a particular crawl run.
Property A Property is a key-value pair used to provide version information about the server.
RegexFilter RegexFilter is a filter that applies a regular expression to a particular property.
SourceConfig A SourceConfig allows a client to specify information about the source for a particular crawl run, including what items to include and exclude.
Status Status stores the state of the crawler, using the crawler state enumeration.
TextExtractionConfig The TextExtractionConfig allows a client to specify extraction-specific parameters to override default values.
WildcardFilter WildcardFilter is a filter that applies a wildcard to a particular property.

Enum Summary
ComparisonOperator Defining operators in filters that perform comparisons against reference values.
CrawlerState Represents possible states of a crawl.
CrawlMode Enumeration representing possible modes for crawls: full or incremental.
CrawlStopCause Enumerator representing the way in which a crawl was stopped.
DateComparisonOperator Enumeration of supported comparisons for dates.
FilterScope Possible values for defining the "scope" of a filter: whether the filter applies to diretories or to files.
LoggingLevel Enumeration representing possible logging levels to be applied to all crawl-specific logging.
MetricId Enumeration of possible Metrics that may be returned from CAS Server.
MetricType Enumeration used to indicate the type of metric that is returned.
ModuleCapability An enumeration of capabilities provided by modules supported by CAS Server.
ModuleType An enumeration of types of modules supported by CAS Server.

Exception Summary
CrawlAlreadyExistsException An exception thrown when a crawl is unexpectedly already present on the server.
CrawlInProgressException An exception thrown when a crawl is unexpectedly running.
CrawlNotFoundException An exception thrown when a crawl is unexpectedly not found on the server.
InvalidCrawlConfigException An exception thrown when a crawl's configuration contains invalid content.
ItlException Base class for Exceptions thrown by the API
ModuleNotFoundException An exception thrown when a module is unexpectedly not found.

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