Uses of Interface

Packages that use Protocol

Uses of Protocol in com.endeca.itl.web.auth

Methods in com.endeca.itl.web.auth with parameters of type Protocol
 URI Authenticator.authenticate(List<URI> redirectUrls, FetcherOutput fetcherOutput, Protocol protocol)
          Authenticates the crawler for a particular site during the crawl, if necessary.
 void AuthenticatorManager.preCrawlAuthenticate(Protocol protocol)
 void Authenticator.preCrawlAuthenticate(Protocol protocol)
          Authenticates the crawler for a particular site before the crawl starts.

Uses of Protocol in org.apache.nutch.protocol

Methods in org.apache.nutch.protocol that return Protocol
 Protocol ProtocolFactory.getProtocol(String urlString)
          Returns the appropriate Protocol implementation for a url.

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