Class MetricsLogger

  extended by com.endeca.portal.instrumentation.MetricsLogger
All Implemented Interfaces:
DataSourceInstrumentor, PortletInstrumentor

public class MetricsLogger
extends java.lang.Object
implements PortletInstrumentor, DataSourceInstrumentor

Central point for logging performance-related messages


Method Summary
 void addCachedDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker, java.lang.String dataSourceName, com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery query, com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults results, long ms)
          Tracks a single query to an MDEX DataSource that was satisfied by application cache
 void addCachedDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker, java.lang.String dataSourceName, com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Request query, com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Results results, long ms)
 void addDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker, java.lang.String dataSourceName, com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery query, com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults results, long ms)
          Tracks a single uncached query to an MDEX DataSource
 void addDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker, java.lang.String dataSourceName, com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Request query, com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Results results, long ms)
 void addPortletExecution(RequestTracker requestTracker, javax.portlet.GenericPortlet portlet, javax.portlet.PortletMode mode, javax.portlet.WindowState windowState, long ms)
          Tracks a single portlet execution
protected  java.lang.Object clone()
protected static MetricsLogger getInstance()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


protected static MetricsLogger getInstance()


protected java.lang.Object clone()
                          throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
clone in class java.lang.Object


public void addPortletExecution(RequestTracker requestTracker,
                                javax.portlet.GenericPortlet portlet,
                                javax.portlet.PortletMode mode,
                                javax.portlet.WindowState windowState,
                                long ms)
Description copied from interface: PortletInstrumentor
Tracks a single portlet execution

Specified by:
addPortletExecution in interface PortletInstrumentor
portlet - the portlet that executed
mode - the PortletMode in which the portlet executed
ms - the execution time of the Portlet


public void addDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker,
                         java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                         com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery query,
                         com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults results,
                         long ms)
Description copied from interface: DataSourceInstrumentor
Tracks a single uncached query to an MDEX DataSource

Specified by:
addDataQuery in interface DataSourceInstrumentor
dataSourceName - the key/description of the DataSource
query - The query object that executed
results - The results of the query that executed
ms - The execution time of the query


public void addCachedDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker,
                               java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                               com.endeca.navigation.ENEQuery query,
                               com.endeca.navigation.ENEQueryResults results,
                               long ms)
Description copied from interface: DataSourceInstrumentor
Tracks a single query to an MDEX DataSource that was satisfied by application cache

Specified by:
addCachedDataQuery in interface DataSourceInstrumentor
dataSourceName - the key/description of the DataSource
query - The query object that executed
results - The results of the query that executed
ms - The execution time of the query


public void addDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker,
                         java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                         com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Request query,
                         com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Results results,
                         long ms)


public void addCachedDataQuery(RequestTracker requestTracker,
                               java.lang.String dataSourceName,
                               com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Request query,
                               com.endeca.mdex.conversation.Results results,
                               long ms)