Specifying when to promote records

You indicate when to promote records by specifying one or more triggers on the Triggers tab of the Rule editor.

A trigger may have any combination of dimension values and keywords. If a user's query matches a trigger, the MDEX Engine fires the rule and promotes records. In other words, if a user's query contains the dimension value or values you specify in a trigger, the MDEX Engine fires that rule, and if a user's query contains a keyword or words that match a trigger, then the MDEX Engine fires the associated rule.

Keywords in a trigger require that the zone associated with the rule have "Valid for search" enabled on the Zone editor in Developer Studio. Keywords in a trigger also require a match mode that specifies how the keyword should match in order to trigger the rule. There are three match modes:: Phrase, All, and Exact.

Triggers can also be empty (no specified dimension values or keywords) on the Triggers tab. In this case, there are two options to determine when an empty trigger fires a rule:

Multiple triggers in a rule

A dynamic business rule can have one or more triggers that include both dimension values and keywords. Adding more than one trigger to a rule is very useful if you want to promote the same records from multiple locations in your application. Each trigger can describe a different location where a user's query can trigger a rule; however, the rule promotes records from a single target location.