Add Trigger editor

The Add Trigger editor allows you to build a one or more triggers for a dynamic business rule.

The Add Trigger editor contains the following fields:

Option Description

Dimension values

A list of dimension values that may be added to a trigger.

If checked, a query that matches the trigger can fire the rule at any location (navigation state) in the data set. Any dimension value below a trigger dimension value (i.e. a child dimension value) can also trigger the rule. If unchecked, a query can fire the rule only if the trigger matches the location in the data set.

Any location containing this criteria

A word or phrase that must be present in the end-user's search query in order for the rule to fire.

Note: A phrase represents terms surrounded in quotes.

Match mode

Indicates how a keyword trigger must be matched from a user's record search query in order to fire the rule.

  • In Phrase mode (the default), all of the words of the keyword trigger must match in the same order in the user's query for the rule to fire.
  • In All mode, all of the words of the keyword trigger must match (without regard for order in the user's query) for the rule to fire.
  • In Exact mode, all the words of the keyword trigger must exactly match a user's query for the rule to fire. Unlike the other two modes, a user's query must exactly match the keyword trigger in the number of words and cannot be a super set of the keyword triggers.

If no trigger keywords are specified, the rule does not need any specific keywords to qualify the rule for evaluation, but is still limited by other parameters of the rule.

Note: All modes allow the rule to fire if the spelling auto-correction and auto-phrasing, and/or stemming corrections of a user's query match the keywords or the phrase (terms surrounded in quotes).

Enable stemming

If checked, the rule fires if stemming corrections of a user's query match the keyword trigger.

If you select this option, make sure stemming is enabled in your project. For more information, see Enabling stemming.

Enable spelling

If checked, the rule fires if spelling corrections of a user's query match the keyword trigger.

If you select this option, make sure spelling is enabled in your project. For more information, see Automatic phrasing, spelling correction, and DYM.