The Zones View

Fields in the Zones view include name of the zone, rule limit, shuffle, valid for search, and unique record spec.

Option Description


The name of a zone.

Rule Limit

(Optional) When set, this entry must be an integer that limits the number of rules that can be returned for this specific zone. For example, if three rules are assigned to a certain zone but the zone threshold is set to one, only the first rule that is successfully evaluated is returned. (This does not mean the first rule is always returned—rather, it is the first rule that successfully returns results.) Any remaining rules are skipped. If no threshold is set, all matching rules will be returned within a zone. If no rules are valid, no rules will be returned for a zone, regardless of what the threshold is set at.


Set to Yes or No, this entry indicates whether rules within a zone are shuffled before evaluating them. In the above example, if shuffle was set to true, the "Best Buy" and "Recommended" rules would be randomly returned (assuming both were successfully evaluated and the zone threshold was set to one).

Valid for search

Set to Yes or No, this entry indicates whether a zone (and all of the rules associated with that zone) is valid for navigation queries that include a record search parameter.

Unique record spec

(Optional) Specifies a unique record criteria across zones. When selected, this ensures that every record returned within any zone (including all rules in a zone) is classified with a unique dimension or property value for that dimension or property. If no dimension or property is specified, the same record may appear multiple times for multiple rules within a zone.