Prioritizing rule groups

In the Rules view, move rule groups up or down to change their priority in relation to other rule groups.

In the same way that you can modify the priority of a rule within a group, you can also modify the priority of a rule group with respect to other rule groups.

The MDEX Engine evaluates rules first by group order, as shown in the Rules view of Developer Studio or Endeca Workbench, and then by their order within a given group. For example, if Group_B is ordered before Group_A, the rules in Group_B will be evaluated first, followed by the rules in Group_A. Rule evaluation proceeds in this way until a zone's Rule Limit value is satisfied.

This relationship is shown in the example below. In it, suppose zone 1 has a Rule Limit setting of 2. Because of the order of group B before group A, rules 1 and 2 satisfy the Rule Limit rather than rules 4 and 5.

Group B
  • Rule1, Zone 1
  • Rule 2, Zone 1
  • Rule 3, Zone 2
Group A
  • Rule 4, Zone 1
  • Rule 5, Zone 1
  • Rule 6, Zone 2

To prioritize rule groups:

  1. In the Rules view, select a group whose priority you want to change in the Rule Groups: Name column.
  2. Click the Up or Down buttons to move the group to the desired position.
Note: If you want to further prioritize the rules within a particular rule group, see, Prioritizing rule evaluation order.