Importing phrases from an XML file

You import an XML file of phrases using the Import Phrases dialog box in Developer Studio. The Import Phrases dialog box can be accessed from either the File menu or from the Automatic Phrasing dialog box.

Before you import the XML file, it must conform to phrase_import.dtd, in the Endeca Navigation Platform conf/dtd directory.

Here is a simple example of a phrase file that conforms to phrase_import.dtd:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no' ?> <!DOCTYPE PHRASE_IMPORT SYSTEM 'phrase_import.dtd'>


<PHRASE>Napa Valley</PHRASE>

<PHRASE>low tannin</PHRASE>


To import phrases from an XML file:

  1. In the Project Explorer, expand Search Configuration.
  2. Double-click Automatic Phrasing. The Automatic Phrasing dialog box displays.
  3. Click Import Phrases. The Import Phrases dialog box displays.
    Note: Alternatively, you can select Import Phrases from the File menu to invoke the Import Phrases dialog box.
  4. Either type the path to your phrases file or click the Browse button to locate the file.
  5. Click OK on the Import Phrases dialog box.
  6. Click OK on the Automatic Phrasing dialog box. The Messages pane displays the number of phrases read in from the XML file.
  7. Select Save from the File menu.