About automatic phrasing

When an application user provides individual search terms in a query, the automatic phrasing feature groups those individual terms into a search phrase and returns query results for the phrase.

Automatic phrasing is similar to placing quotation marks around search terms before submitting them in a query. For example, 'my search terms' is the phrased version of the query my search terms. However, automatic phrasing removes the need for application users to place quotation marks around search phrases to get phrased results.

The result of automatic phrasing is that a Web application can process a more restricted query and therefore return fewer and more focused search results. This feature is available only for record search.

The automatic phrasing feature works by:
  1. Comparing individual search terms in a query to a list of application-specific search phrases. The list of search phrases are stored in a project's phrase dictionary.
  2. Grouping the search terms into search phrases.
  3. Returning query results that are either based on the automatically phrased query, or returning results based on the original unphrased query along with automatically phrased 'Did You Mean?' (DYM) alternatives.
Point three above suggests the two typical implementation scenarios to choose from when using automatic phrasing:
There are two tasks to implement automatic phrasing:
Note: Implementing search features requires additional work outside of Developer Studio. Refer to the Endeca Advanced Development Guide for details.