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Part Number E24473-15
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18 Locating and Configuring Enterprise Manager Log Files

When you install the Oracle Management Agent (Management Agent) or the Oracle Management Service (OMS), Enterprise Manager automatically configures the system to save certain informational, warning, and error information to a set of log files.

Log files can help you troubleshoot potential problems with an Enterprise Manager installation. They provide detailed information about the actions performed by Enterprise Manager and whether or not any warnings or errors occurred.

This chapter not only helps you locate and review the contents of Enterprise Manager log files, but also includes instructions for configuring the log files to provide more detailed information to help in troubleshooting or to provide less detailed information to save disk space.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Managing Log Files

Many Enterprise Manager components generate log files containing messages that record errors, notifications, warnings, and traces.

Table 18-1 describes the columns in the Log Message table. For any given component, the optional column may not be populated in the message.

Table 18-1 Message Columns

Column Name Description


The date and time when the message was generated. This reflects the local time zone.

Message Type

The type of message. Possible values are: Incident Error Warning, Notification, and Trace. In addition, the value Unknown may be used when the type is not known.

Message ID

The ID that uniquely identifies the message within the component. The ID consists of a prefix that represents the component, followed by a dash, then a 5-digit number. For example:



The text of the error message.

Target (Expanded)

Expanded target name.


Target name

Target Type

Target type

Execution Context

The Execution Context ID (ECID), which is a global unique identifier of the execution of a particular request in which the originating component participates. You can use the ECID to correlate error messages from different components.

The Relationship ID, which distinguishes the work done in one thread on one process, from work done by any other threads on this and other processes, on behalf of the same request.


The component that originated the message.


The identifier of the module that originated the message.

Incident ID

The identifier of the incident to which this message corresponds.


The name of the Oracle instance to which the component that originated the message belongs.

Message Group

The name of the group to which this message belongs.

Message Level

The message level, represented by an integer value that qualifies the message type. Possible values are from 1 (highest severity) through 32 (lowest severity).

Hosting Client

The identifier for the client or security group to which this message relates.


The organization ID for the originating component. The ID is oracle for all Oracle components.


The name of the host where the message originated.

Host IP Address

The network address of the host where the message originated.


The name of the user whose execution context generated the message.

Process ID

The ID for the process or execution unit that generated the message.

Thread ID

The ID of the thread that generated the message.

Upstream Component

The component that the originating component is working with on the client (upstream) side.

Downstream Component

The component that the originating component is working with on the server (downstream) side.

Detail Location

A URL linking to additional information regarding the message.

Supplemental Detail

Supplemental information about the event, including more detailed information than the message text.

Target Log Files

Link to the log files page for this target.

Log File

Log file that this message contains.

Using Log Viewer, you can do the following:

Viewing Log Files and Their Messages

You can view Enterprise Manager-related logs in a domain, an Oracle WebLogic Server, or a component.

For example, to view the log files and their messages:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Logs.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, then select an Enterprise Manager domain. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages page is displayed.

  2. If the targets for which you want to view logs are added, expand Selected Targets and in the row for a particular component or application, click the Target Log Files icon.

    The Log Files page is displayed. On this page, you can see a list of log files related to the Managed Server.

  3. Select a file and click View Log File.

    The View Log File page is displayed. On this page, you can view the list of messages.

  4. To view the details of a message, select the message.

    By default, the messages are sorted by time, in ascending order. You can sort the messages by the any of the columns, such as Message Type, by clicking the column name.

  5. To view messages that are related by time or ECID, click View Related Messages and select by Time or by ECID (Execution Context ID).

    The Related Messages page is displayed.

Searching Log Files

You can search for diagnostic messages using the Log Messages page. By default, this page shows a summary of the logged issues for the last hour.

You can modify the search criteria to identify messages of relevance. You can view the search results in different modes, allowing ease of navigation through large amounts of data.

The following sections describe how to search log files:

Searching Log Files: Basic Searches

You can search for all of the messages for all of the entities in a domain, an Oracle WebLogic Server, a component, or an application.

For example, to search for messages for a domain:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Middleware, then select a domain. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.


    From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Logs.

    The Log Messages page displays a Search section and a table that shows a summary of the messages for the last hour.

  2. In the Date Range section, you can select either:

    • Most Recent: If you select this option, select a time, such as 3 hours. The default is 1 hour.

    • Time Interval: If you select this option, select the calendar icon for Start Date. Select a date and time. Then, select the calendar icon for End Date. Select a date and time.

  3. In the Message Types section, select one or more of the message types.

  4. You can specify more search criteria, as described in Searching Log Files: Advanced Searches.

  5. Click Search.

  6. To help identify messages of relevance, in the table, for Show, select one of the following modes:

    • Messages: Shows the matching messages.

      To see the details of a particular message, click the message. The details are displayed below the table of messages.

      To view related messages, select a message, then click View Related Messages and select by Time or by ECID (Execution Context ID).

    • Group by Message Type: Summarizes the matching messages by grouping them based on message type at the target level.

      To see the messages, click the count in one of the message type columns. The Messages by Message Type page is displayed. To see the details of a particular message, click the message. The details are displayed below the table of messages.

    • Group by Message ID: Summarizes the matching messages by grouping them based on message ID, message type, and module IDs at the target level.

      To see the associated messages, click the count in the Occurrences column. The Messages by Message ID page is displayed. To see the details of a particular message, click the message. The details are displayed below the table of messages.

Searching Log Files: Advanced Searches

You can refine your search criteria using the following controls in the Log Messages page:

  • Message: You can select an operator, such as contains and then enter a value to be matched.

  • Add Fields: Click this to specify additional criteria, such as Host, which lets you narrow the search to particular hosts. Then click Add.

    For each field you add, select an operator, such as contains and then enter a value to be matched.

  • Selected Targets: Expand this to see the targets that are participating in the search. To add targets, click Add and provide information in the dialog box. To remove targets, select the target and click Remove.

Downloading Log Files

You can download the log messages to a file. You can download either the matching messages from a search or the messages in a particular log file.

To download the matching messages from a search to a file:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Logs.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, then select a domain. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages page is displayed.

  2. Search for particular types of messages as described in Searching Log Files: Basic Searches.

  3. Select a file type by clicking Export Messages to File and select one of the following:

    • As Oracle Diagnostic Log Text (.txt)

    • As Oracle Diagnostic Log Text (.xml)

    • As Comma-Separated List (.csv)

    An Opening dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select either Open With or Save to Disk. Click OK.

To export specific types of messages or messages with a particular Message ID to a file:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Logs.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, then select a domain. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages page is displayed.

  2. Search for particular types of messages as described in Searching Log Files: Basic Searches.

  3. For Show, select Group by Message Type or Group by Message ID.

  4. To download the messages into a file, if you selected Group by Message Type, select the link in one of the columns that lists the number of messages, such as the Errors column. If you selected Group by Message ID, select one of the links in the Occurrences column.

    The Messages by Message Type page or Message by Message ID is displayed.

  5. Select a file type by clicking the arrow near Export Messages to File.

    You can select one of the following:

    • As Oracle Diagnostic Log Text (.txt)

    • As Oracle Diagnostic Log Text (.xml)

    • As Comma-Separated List (.csv)

    An Opening dialog box is displayed.

  6. Select either Open With or Save to Disk. Click OK.

To download the log files for a specific component:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring, then select Logs.


    From the Targets menu, select Middleware, click a domain. From the Farm menu, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages page is displayed.

  2. Click Target Log Files.

    The Log Files page is displayed. On this page, you can see a list of log files related to the component or application.

  3. Select a log file and click Download.

  4. An Opening dialog box is displayed.

  5. Select either Open With or Save to Disk. Click OK.

Locating Management Agent Log and Trace Files

The following sections provide information on the log and trace files for the Oracle Management Agent:

About the Management Agent Log and Trace Files

Oracle Management Agent log and trace files store important information that support personnel can later use to troubleshoot problems. The agent main log is located in $EMSTATE/sysman/log. The log is segmented by default to 11 segments, 5MB each. The segments are named gcagent.log and gcagent.log.# where # is a number in the range of 1-10. These settings are controlled by properties in as explained in the following sections. The latest segment is always gcagent.log and the oldest is the gcagent.log.X where X is the highest number.

The Management Agent uses the following log files:

  • Oracle Management Agent log file (gcagent.log)

    This log file contains trace, debug, information, error, or warning messages from the agent.

  • Oracle Management Agent trace log file (gcagent_sdk.trc)

    This log file contains logging information about fetchlets and receivelets.

  • Oracle Management Agent errors log file (gcagent_errors.log)

    This error log file contains information about errors. The errors in this file are duplicate of the errors in gcagent.log.

  • Oracle Management Agent log file (gcagent_mdu.log)

    This log tracks the metadata updates to the agent.

  • Enterprise Manager Control log file (emctl.log)

    The information is saved to emctl.log file, when you run the Enterprise Manager Control commands. For more information about emctl.log file, see chapter Starting and Stopping Enterprise Manager Components.


All the agent logs mentioned above (existing in $EMSTATE/sysman/log) are transient. Agent logs are segmented and have a limited overall size and hence need not be deleted or managed.

Structure of Agent Log Files

The log contain individual log messages with the following format:

YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,### [<tid>:<thread code or code:name>] <level> -<the message>


  • YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,### is a timestamp (in 24 hours format and ### is the fraction in msec).

  • <tid> is the thread id (as a decimal number)

  • <thread name or code> is the thread full name or an abbreviated hexadecimal code (see the following example).

  • <level> is the logging level that can be one of (in ascending order of importance): DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL.

  • <the message> is the free text message that is being logged. The message can contain new lines and spawn multiple lines.

For example:

2011-06-07 15:00:00,016 [1:3305B9:main] DEBUG - ADR_BASE='/ade/example_user/oracle/example/agentStateDir' 2011-06-07 15:00:01,883 [1:3305B9] INFO - Agent is starting up

Locating the Management Agent Log and Trace Files

The log and trace files for the Agent are written in the Agent runtime directory. You can find the runtime directory by using this command:

$ emctl getemhome

The log and trace files will be located at <EMHOME>/sysman/log.

Setting Oracle Management Agent Log Levels

Every log message is logged using a specific log level. The log levels are ordered in priority order: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. The log setting determines the minimum level that will be included in the log. For example, if the log level is set to INFO (the default), only log messages of level INFO and above (INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL) are going to be included in the log.

Agent logging is based on log4j so the logging configuration is also log4j-based. The logging configuration properties are located in and they all start with the prefix "Logger".

The "rootCategory" property controls the default log level. It is by default set to INFO. For example:


The agent uses an embedded HTTP server (jetty) to service client requests made on HTTP. There is a dedicated class which enables jetty logging as shown below:

This can be configured to DEBUG to try to troubleshoot certain communication problems, but the number of entries logged for DEBUG setting cannot be controlled. It is recommended that you configure the DEBUG option only under the direction of Oracle Support as in doing so may cause other valuable logging to be sacrificed.

Setting gcagent.log

The gcagent.log is configured using properties that starts with "Logger.log4j.appender.Rolling". The following is a sample gcagent.log:



  • "File" property controls the location and name of the main log. It is recommended that you do not change the setting for it.

  • "Append" determines if the log file should be appended (true) or overwritten (false) on agent startup.

  • " MaxFileSize" determines the size of each of the log segments.

  • "MaxBackupIndex" determines the number of "backup" segments for the log (the total number of segments are this number plus one).

Setting gcagent_error.log

The gcagent_errors.log is a subset of the gcagent.log. The logging configuration for gcagent_errors.log is specified in Following are the settings for gcagent_errors.log:


Setting the Log Level for Individual Classes and Packages

The logging level for individual class and/or packages can also be set. The following are examples that are currently configured by default:

# Set the class loaders to level INFO

The above configuration changed the default level of logging for the four classes to be INFO. When the default level of logging is INFO it does not make any difference but if the default log level is set to DEBUG (when debugging the code) it will prevent those four classes from logging at DEBUG level (as they are normally too verbose).

The reverse is also true, for example if the following configuration is added (not set by default):

It will cause all classes in the "oracle.sysman.gcagent.metadata.impl.collection" package to log at DEBUG level even if the default log level is INFO.

Setting gcagent_mdu.log

A set of entries are created in the gcagent_mdu.log file for each client command that modifies target instances, target instance collections, or blackouts. Entries are as follows:

2011-08-18 22:56:40,467 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SAVE TARGET(S)
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=6A3A159D0BB320C50B7926E0671A1A98" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="EM Management Beacon" NAME="EM Management Beacon" TYPE="oracle_beacon"/>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=51F9BBC6F5B833058F4278B51E496000" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="mytestBeacon" NAME="mytestBeacon" TYPE="oracle_beacon"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="proxyHost"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="proxyPort"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="dontProxyFor"/></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=7C4336B536C9F241DBCAC4D1D082AD22" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="CSAcollector" NAME="CSAcollector" TYPE="oracle_csa_collector"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="recvFileDir"/></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=207B57A3FE300C86F81FE7D409F5DD1C" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="Oemrep_Database" NAME="Oemrep_Database" TYPE="oracle_database"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="MachineName"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="Port"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="SID"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="OracleHome"/><Property ENCRYPTED="FALSE" VALUE="***" NAME="UserName"/><Property ENCRYPTED="FALSE" VALUE="***" NAME="Role"/><Property ENCRYPTED="FALSE" VALUE="***" NAME="password"/></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=0C48C5AE0FAFB42ED91F897FF398FC84" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="Management Services and Repository" NAME="Management Services and Repository" TYPE="oracle_emrep"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="ConnectDescriptor"/><Property ENCRYPTED="FALSE" VALUE="***" NAME="UserName"/><Property ENCRYPTED="FALSE" VALUE="***" NAME="password"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="app_composite_contains"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="internal_contains"/><CompositeMembership><Member ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_console"/><Member ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_pbs"/><Member ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms"/></CompositeMembership></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=DF64B4A7C0F2EEBA7894EA3AD4CAF61E" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="InstanceHome"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="OracleHome"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms_console" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="app_composite_contains"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms_pbs" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="app_composite_contains"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms_console" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="internal_contains"/><AssocTargetInstance ASSOC_TARGET_TYPE="oracle_oms_pbs" ASSOC_TARGET_NAME="" ASSOCIATION_NAME="internal_contains"/><CompositeMembership><MemberOf ASSOCIATION="" NAME="Management Services and Repository" TYPE="oracle_emrep"/><Member ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_console"/><Member ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_pbs"/></CompositeMembership></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=4D290260F13596502EFD8F3E22752404" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_console"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="InstanceHome"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="OracleHome"/><CompositeMembership><MemberOf ASSOCIATION="" NAME="Management Services and Repository" TYPE="oracle_emrep"/><MemberOf ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms"/></CompositeMembership></Target>
<Target IDENTIFIER="TARGET_GUID=D0A23AE06A9E678221B075A216364541" STATUS="MONITORED" TIMEZONE_REGION="" ON_HOST="" DISPLAY_NAME="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms_pbs"><Property VALUE="***" NAME="InstanceHome"/><Property VALUE="***" NAME="OracleHome"/><CompositeMembership><MemberOf ASSOCIATION="" NAME="Management Services and Repository" TYPE="oracle_emrep"/><MemberOf ASSOCIATION="" NAME="" TYPE="oracle_oms"/></CompositeMembership></Target>
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS
2011-08-18 22:57:10,084 [HTTP Listener-34 - /emd/main/ (DispatchRequests)] - SUCCESS

For the batch of saved targets in the above example, the original request came in at 22:56:40 and the list of targets saved are found in the line(s) following the SAVE TARGET(S) message. In this case, there were 8 targets. The result of saving the targets is available in the next 8 lines (for the same thread) and in this case all were saved successfully by 22:57:10.

The pattern is the same for saved collection items (or collections) and blackouts.

The logging configuration for the gcagent_mdu log is specified in but you must not be modify this log. For example, these entries are logged at INFO level, which means that if you decided to save space and change this to WARN only by editing the mdu log entries in the file, you will have effectively disabled this log.

Following are the settings for gcagent_mdu log:

Logger.log4j.appender.Mdu.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%t] - %m%n

Setting the TRACE Level

The following _enableTrace property when set to "true" will enable the TRACE logging level that shows as DEBUG messages.


The default log level for the agent log must be set to DEBUG for the tracing level to work.

Locating and Configuring Oracle Management Service Log and Trace Files

The following sections describe how to locate and configure the OMS log files:

About the Oracle Management Service Log and Trace Files

OMS log and trace files store important information that Oracle Support can later use to troubleshoot problems. OMS uses the following six types of log files:

  • Oracle Management Service log file (emoms.log)

    The Management Service saves information to the log file when it performs an action (such a starting or stopping) or when it generates an error. This is a log file for console application.

  • Oracle Management Service trace file (emoms.trc)

    OMS trace file provides an advanced method of troubleshooting that can provide support personnel with even more information about what actions the OMS was performing when a particular problem occurred. This is a trace file for Console application.

  • Oracle Management Service log file (emoms_pbs.log)

    The Management Service saves information to this log file for background modules such as the loader, job system, event system, notification system, and so on. This file contains messages logged at ERROR or WARN levels.

  • Oracle Management Service trace file (emoms_pbs.trc)

    This trace file provides additional logging for the background modules such as the loader, job system, event system, notification system, and so on when DEBUG or INFO level logging is enabled for these modules. This file can provide Support personnel with even more information about actions these modules were performing when a particular problem occurred.

  • Enterprise Manager Control log file (emctl.log)

    The information is saved to emctl.log file, when you run the Enterprise Manager Control commands. For more information about emctl.log file, see chapter Starting and Stopping Enterprise Manager Components.

Locating Oracle Management Service Log and Trace Files

OMS log and trace files are stored in the following location:


Where, <EM_INSTANCE_BASE> is the OMS Instance Base directory. By default, the OMS Instance Base directory is gc_inst, which is present under the parent directory of the Oracle Middleware Home.

For example, if the Oracle Middleware Home is /u01/app/Oracle/Middleware, then the instance base directory is /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst, and the log and trace files are available in /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/log/ directory path.

Controlling the Size and Number of Oracle Management Service Log and Trace Files

OMS log and trace files increases in size over time as information is written to the files. However, the files are designed to reach a maximum size. When the files reach the predefined maximum size, the OMS renames (or rolls) the logging information to a new file name and starts a new log or trace file. This process keeps the log and trace files from growing too large.

As a result, you will often see multiple log and trace files in the OMS log directory. The following example shows one archived log file and the current log file in the /u01/app/Oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/log/ directory:


To control the maximum size of the OMS log and OMS trace files, as well as the number of rollover files, run the following command, and specify details as described in Table 18-2:

emctl set property -name <property> -value <property value> -module logging


In Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c, you do not have to restart OMS for the changes to take effect.

Table 18-2 Oracle Management Service Log File Properties in the File

Property Purpose Example

log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxFileSize

When OMS log file reaches this size, then OMS copies the logging data to a new rollover file and creates a new emoms.log log file. The size of the log is specified in units of bytes. This property is also applicable for emoms_pbs.log.

log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxFileSize=20000000

log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxBackupIndex

This optional property indicates how many times OMS will rollover the log file to a new file name before deleting logging data. This property is also applicable for emoms_pbs.log.

Note: Because the log file does not contain as much data as the trace file, it is usually not necessary to create more than one rollover file.

log4j.appender.emlogAppender. MaxBackupIndex=1

log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxFileSize

When the OMS trace file reaches this size, then OMS copies the logging data to a new rollover file and creates a new emoms.trc log file. This property is also applicable for emoms_pbs.trc.

log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxFileSize=5000000

log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxBackupIndex

This property indicates how many times the OMS will rollover the trace file to a new file name before deleting tracing data. This property is also applicable for emoms_pbs.trc.

log4j.appender.emtrcAppender. MaxBackupIndex=10

Controlling the Contents of the Oracle Management Service Trace File

By default, the OMS will save all critical and warning messages to the emoms.trc file. However, you can adjust the amount of logging information that the OMS generates.

To change the amount of logging information generated by the OMS, run the following command:

emctl set property -name "log4j.rootCategory" -value "<LEVEL>, emlogAppender, emtrcAppender" -module logging


If you change the root logging level for the emoms.trc file, then a lot of messages are written to the trace file filling up the space quickly, and potentially slowing down the system. Run the following command to enable debug selectively for specific modules that need to be assessed:
emctl set property -name <logging module> -value DEBUG -module logging

Where, <logging module> represents the logging module from a specific subsystem.

For example, oracle.sysman.emdrep.dbjava.loader.

The logging level can be changed for specific modules by running the following command:

emctl set property -name "<CATEGORY>" -value "<LEVEL>" -module logging

where LEVEL can be DEBUG, INFO, WARN, or ERROR, and CATEGORY is specific to the module for which level has to be changed. To change the logging module, contact Oracle Support.


The location of emoms.trc, emoms.log, emoms_pbs.trc, and emoms_pbs.log files can be changed to a different location from the default location. However, it is not advisable to do so.

Controlling the Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle HTTP Server Log Files

Oracle Management Service is a Java EE application deployed on an Oracle WebLogic Server. Different components of the Oracle WebLogic Server generate their own log files. These files contain important information that can be used later by support personnel to troubleshoot problems.

Table 18-3 lists the location of the log files for some components.

Table 18-3 Component Log File Location

Component Location

Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)


For example,




For example,


Oracle WebLogic

The log data from WebLogic will be at:


This log can be restricted, rotated by size, time, and other conditions from the WebLogic Console. The default settings are:

  • In production mode, they are rotated at a default of 5MB.

  • The log level is WARNING.

  • The number files are restricted to 10.

For example,


The messages written to sysout and syserr will be available in the .out files. They cannot be rotated by size or time. They are rotated only when the server starts. They are located at:


For example,


The node manager logs are at <INST_HOME>/NodeManager/emnodemanager and the admin server logs are at <INST_HOME>/user_projects/domains/GCDomain/servers/EMGC_ADMINSERVER/logs.

By default, the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control configures Oracle HTTP Server logs to roll over periodically to a new file, so that each file does not grow too large in size. You must also ensure that you delete the old rollover files periodically to free up the disk space. You can use an operating system scheduler, like cron on UNIX, to periodically delete the rollover files.


Following are log files that you will need to maintain and manually purge:
  • <gc_inst>/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>/servers/EMGC_ADMINSERVER/logs/<domain_name>.log*

  • All files under <gc_inst>/WebTierIH1/diagnostics/logs/OHS/ohs1/. For example:

  • Log files under the admin server and emgc_oms server:


For instructions on controlling the size and rotation of these log files, refer to chapter "Managing Log Files and Diagnostic Data" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

For information about configuring Enterprise Manager to view Fusion Applications PL/SQL and C diagnostic log files, see chapter "Managing Oracle Fusion Applications Log Files and Diagnostic Tests" in Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.