Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


Interface NLSBundle_it

public interface NLSBundle_it

Provides API for performing translation given a NLS key and associated token name value pairs. This interface sheilds the clients from the underlying bundle implementations where the translated resources are stored for example, Java resource bundles, FND Message service etc.

An appropriate instance of NLSBundle can be created by calling the NLSProvider.createNLSBundle(String) method with the respective bundle name.

release specific (what release of product did this appear in)
$Header: wptg/atgpf/appltest/applications/Diagnostics/Engine/src/oracle/apps/fnd/appltest/diagfwk/engine/provider/nls/ /st_wptg_11. 2012/06/07 06:43:39 gmolloy Exp $

Method Summary
 void cleanup()
          Performs any cleanup required by the bundle.
 java.lang.String translate(java.lang.String pNlsKey, NameValueList pTokens, java.lang.String pDefault)
          Returns a translated String based on the current locale for the given nls key and token values from this bundle.

Method Detail


java.lang.String translate(java.lang.String pNlsKey,
                           NameValueList pTokens,
                           java.lang.String pDefault)
Returns a translated String based on the current locale for the given nls key and token values from this bundle. If a translated resource with the given nls key does not exist in this bundle, then just the nls key and token name values (if any) are returned.

pNlsKey - Key for the nls message
pTokens - token name values (if any) that should be substitued during the translation
pDefault - default message to return if unable to translate for instance if the nls key doesn't exist in this bundle
a translated String based on the current locale.


void cleanup()
Performs any cleanup required by the bundle. This API should be called after all the translation activities have been completed on this bundle.

Oracle Fusion Middleware extensions for Logging and Diagnostic
11g Release 1 (


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