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Oracle® Fusion Applications Upgrade Guide
11g Release 6 (11.1.6)

Part Number E35833-07
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1 Introduction to the Upgrade Process

This chapter provides an introduction to the process of upgrading Oracle Fusion Applications to Release 6 (11.1.6).

This chapter contains the following topics:

1.1 Upgrade Process Overview

Upgrading to Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 6 (11.1.6) requires that you run RUP Installer on an Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 5 (11.1.5) environment. You must complete all pre-upgrade tasks before you start RUP Installer. The pre-upgrade tasks are organized by those that you can run before your down time, followed by those that must be run during down time. After you upgrade by running RUP Installer in GUI or silent mode during down time, you must complete the post-upgrade tasks.

To proceed directly to the pre-upgrade tasks, see Chapter 2, "Preparing to Upgrade".

1.2 Language Upgrade Considerations

If you have installed any languages in addition to US English, you must upgrade each language after you run RUP Installer. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Maintaining Oracle Fusion Applications Languages".

1.3 RUP Installer Configuration Assistants

During the installation phase, RUP Installer copies all files for Release 6 (11.1.6) to the appropriate locations, such as Oracle Fusion Middleware home and Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home. If any tasks fail during the installation phase, refer to Section 6.2, "Troubleshooting Failures During the Installation Phase" for more information.

After the file copy completes, RUP Installer calls its first installer to update Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager and apply Oracle Fusion Middleware patches. When the first installer completes successfully, RUP Installer calls the second installer, which performs the Policy Store Analysis, as described in Table 3-3, "RUP Installer Screen Sequence for the Second Installer". Upon successful completion of the Policy Store Analysis, RUP Installer calls configuration assistants to perform the remaining tasks required to update and deploy artifacts to Oracle Fusion Applications. Depending on the contents of Release 6 (11.1.6), not all configuration assistants may run.

All mandatory configuration assistants must complete successfully before proceeding to the next configuration assistant. For more information, see Section 6.4, "General Troubleshooting During the Configuration Phase in GUI Mode".

Table 1-1 provides a list of configuration assistants that the first installer runs. The Retry Behavior and Troubleshooting column describes what RUP Installer does after a configuration assistant fails, you resolve the cause of the failure, and then select the Retry button in GUI mode or restart RUP Installer in silent mode. If available, links are provided to relevant troubleshooting sections.

Table 1-1 Configuration Assistants Run by Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 6 (11.1.6) RUP Installer Part 1 of 2

Name Mandatory Description Retry Behavior and Troubleshooting

Configure Patch Manager


Configures Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Update Patch Manager


Applies failed patches.

Reconfigure Patch Manager


Reconfigures Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Bootstrap Patch Manager


Updates the data model for Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager by running the fapmgr bootstrap command.

Starts from the beginning of the task. See Section 6.7, "Troubleshooting Bootstrapping Patch Manager".

Apply Middleware Patch Sets


Applies Oracle Fusion Middleware patch sets, which include schema changes and installers.

Installs failed patch sets.

Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches


For more information, see Section 1.3.1, "Middleware Installers Invoked by the Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches Configuration Assistant" and Section 1.3.2, "Patches Not Supported by the Apply Pre-PSA and Post-PSA Middleware Patches Configuration Assistants".

Applies the failed patches. See Section 6.8, "Troubleshooting Applying Middleware Patches".

Verify Middleware PSA Schema Credentials


Verifies users and logins for schemas.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Upgrade Middleware Schemas


Runs Oracle Fusion Middleware patch set assistants (PSA).

Runs failed tasks. See Section 6.10, "Troubleshooting Upgrading Middleware Schema".

Apply Post-PSA Middleware Patches


See Section 1.3.2, "Patches Not Supported by the Apply Pre-PSA and Post-PSA Middleware Patches Configuration Assistants".

Applies the failed patches. See Section 6.8, "Troubleshooting Applying Middleware Patches".

Extend Certificate Validity


Extends certificate validity by three years from the date of the upgrade.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply Offline BI Metadata and Configuration Updates


Performs the deployment of the updated applications policies for Oracle Business Intelligence.

Retries failed steps.

Apply Domain Configuration


  • Applies Startup Parameter Changes

  • Updates logging configuration

  • Updates trust file location

  • Updates WebLogic standard out severity level

  • Reassigns WSM-PM targets

Retries failed steps.

Propagate Domain Configuration


Unzips RUP Lite for Domain Configuration into APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/fapatch/admin/ruplitedomain/version. Updates properties in the RUP Lite file and prepares RUP Lite so you can run RUP Lite for Domain Configuration.

Starts from the beginning of the task. See Section 6.9, "Troubleshooting Failure During Propagating Domain Configuration".

Table 1-2 provides a list of configuration assistants that the second installer runs. The Retry Behavior and Troubleshooting column describes what RUP Installer does after a configuration assistant fails, you resolve the failure, and then select the Retry button in GUI mode or restart RUP Installer in silent mode. If available, links are provided to relevant troubleshooting sections. The second installer supports parallel processing of certain configuration assistants, which run in groups. For more information, see Section 1.4.7, "Parallel Configuration Assistants".

Table 1-2 Configuration Assistants Run by Oracle Fusion Applications 11g Release 6 (11.1.6) RUP Installer Part 2 of 2

Name Mandatory Description Retry Behavior and Troubleshooting

Configure Patch Manager


Configures Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Bootstrap Patch Manager


Updates the data model for Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager by running the fapmgr bootstrap command.

Starts from the beginning of the task. See Section 6.7, "Troubleshooting Bootstrapping Patch Manager".

Offline Preverification


Performs the following validation checks while all servers are shut down:

  • Policy Store

  • Number of database workers

  • Database Content Upload

  • Business Process Management (BPM) Template

  • Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

Runs failed steps.

Grant Privileges to Application Schemas


Grants system privileges to database users and creates base object privileges.

Runs the failed script.

Load Database Components


Uploads the database content packaged in Release 6 (11.1.6) to the database, such as database objects, seed data, and package headers and bodies.

Runs failed database commands. See Section 6.13, "Troubleshooting Loading Database Components".

Deploy Applications Policies (jazn-data.xml)


Deploys updated applications policies, based on your selections during the Policy Store Analysis step.

Deploys the failed stripes. See Section 6.14, "Troubleshooting Deployment of Applications Policies".

Deploy BI Publisher Artifacts


Using Catalog Manager, performs the following steps:

  • Backs up BI Presentation Catalog under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/BIP/version/language_code, for example, FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/BIP/

  • Backs up captions under FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/BIP/version/language_code/

  • Copies captions to the Oracle Business Intelligence repository.

  • Deploys BI Presentation Catalog to the Oracle Business Intelligence repository.

Starts from the beginning of the task. See Section 6.15, "Troubleshooting Deployment of BI Publisher Artifacts".

Import Oracle Data Integrator Repositories


  • Imports ODI topology.

  • Imports ODI model folders.

  • Imports ODI models.

  • Imports ODI projects.

  • Drops ODI error tables.

Imports failed data.

Create Grants/Synonyms on Application Database Objects


Creates synonyms between database objects and grants object privileges to database users.

Runs the failed script.

Update Impersonation Configuration


Updates the impersonation properties, imp.begin.url and imp.end.url, in jps_config.xml files across all domains.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Deploy Data Security Grants


Performs GUID reconciliation in LDAP.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Generate SOA Configuration Plan


Generates the configuration plan to be used for deploying SOA composites.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Update Flexfield Configuration


Updates the FndSetup application for supporting new flexfields, new flexfield usages, and flexfield view links added by Oracle Fusion Applications products.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Deploy BPM Templates


Deploys BPM templates to the Metadata Service (MDS) repository.

Deploys failed templates.

Generate ADF Domain Configuration Plan


Generates the Oracle ADF domain configuration plan in MDS to be used by Expression Language (EL) expressions in connections.xml.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply Offline Setting Changes


Applies Oracle Fusion Applications environment configuration setting changes while all servers are shut down.

Retries failed domains.

Verify Node Manager and OPMN Status


Verifies the status of the following processes:

  • Node Managers

  • BI OPMN Processes

  • GOP OPMN Processes

  • Web Tier Processes

Do not exit out of RUP Installer during this configuration assistant.

Runs failed steps. See Section 6.17, "Troubleshooting Failure During Verifying Node Manager and OPMN Status".

Start All Admin Servers


Starts all Administration Servers.

Restarts failed Administration Servers. See Section 6.18, "Troubleshooting Server Start and Stop Failures".

Grant Application Role


Grants SOA operator privileges to the HCM admin role so BPM processes can be deployed.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply Admin Server Online Setting Changes


Applies Oracle Fusion Applications environment configuration setting changes that are applicable to the Administration Servers.

Starts from the failed task.

Start All Servers


Starts all servers in all domains, including the BI servers. Also performs the opmnctl start for Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and BIInstance.

Restarts failed servers. See Section 6.18, "Troubleshooting Server Start and Stop Failures".

Online Preverification


Performs steps described in Section 1.3.3, "Steps Performed During Online Preverification".

Runs failed steps. See Section 6.19, "EditTimedOutException Error During Online Preverification".

Generate OHS Reference Configuration File


Generates OHS configuration files for installed product families in the FA_ORACLE_HOME/admin/OHS/patched_moduleconf directory.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply OWSM Configuration


Upgrades Oracle Web Services Manager (Oracle WSM) policies after backing up the policies.

Restores the backup of the policies and starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply SES Configuration Changes


Updates additional configuration updates to Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) running on the Common Domain.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Deploy SPE Inline Service Artifacts


Deploys SPE Inline Service Artifacts.

Retries the deployment.

Deploy Data Role (RGX) Templates


Deploys RGX Template artifacts to the Common Domain.

Deploys failed templates.

Apply OAM Configuration


Applies changes to the Oracle Access Manager (OAM) configuration.

Starts from the beginning of the task. See Section 6.22, "Location of GRC Policies in the OAM Applications Domain".

Deploy Flexfields


Deploys flexfields to the domain that hosts the FndSetup application.

Starts from the beginning of the task.

Apply Online BI Metadata and Configuration Updates


Applies Oracle Business Intelligence metadata and configuration updates.

Starts from the beginning of the task. If you made any customizations to the Oracle BI Repository, the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog, or JAZN settings related to Oracle Business Intelligence, you must merge your changes. See Section 4.12, "Resolve Conflicts That Occurred During BI Metadata Updates".

Import Group Space Templates


Imports Group Space Templates.

Deploys failed templates.

SOA Preverification


Performs the steps described in Section 1.3.4, "Steps Performed During SOA Preverification". If you have customizations, you must manually merge them during this configuration assistant.

Retries failed steps. See Section 6.21, "Merging SOA Composite JDeveloper Customizations During SOA Preverification".

Deploy B2B Metadata


Deploys B2B metadata.

Deploys failed B2B artifacts.

Deploy SOA Shared Repository


Deploys SOA shared repository artifacts to available SOA servers.

Deploys failed SOA shared repository artifacts.

Deploy UpdateSOAMDS Composite


Deploys the UpdateSOAMDS composite to every domain.

Deploys the composite on domains that failed.

Deploy SOA Composites


Deploys SOA composites to the corresponding SOA servers and performs server management steps.

Deploys failed SOA composites. See Section 6.23, "Troubleshooting SOA Composite Deployment Failures".

Deploy SOA Resource Bundles


Deploys SOA resource bundles to the corresponding SOA servers.

Deploys failed SOA resource bundles.

Import Image Routing (IPM) Artifacts


Deploys IPM artifacts to the IPM server.

Retries failed IPM artifacts. See Section 6.24, "Failure During IPM Import".

Restart All SOA Servers


Restarts all SOA servers in the environment.

Starts at the beginning of the task.

Apply Online Setting Changes


Applies Oracle Fusion Applications environment configuration setting changes during the online phase.

Starts from the failed task.

Generate RUP Lite for OHS


Generates the zip file that contains all files needed by RUP Lite for OHS to upgrade OHS.

Starts at the beginning of the task.

Apply Downloaded Patches


Applies the Oracle Fusion Applications patches that you downloaded in Section 2.1.4, "Download Mandatory Post-Release 6 Patches".

Applies failed patches.

Post Configuration


Reactivates SES Index Optimization and the ESS Server from inactive or quiescent mode.

Retries failed domains.

1.3.1 Middleware Installers Invoked by the Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches Configuration Assistant

The following installers are invoked by the Apply Pre-PSA Middleware Patches configuration assistant:

  • Oracle Business Intelligence

  • Oracle Common

  • Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

  • Oracle Database Client

  • Oracle Enterprise Content Management

  • Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) - OHS may be installed either beside the rest of the Oracle Fusion Middleware in the Oracle Fusion Applications middle tier or on a separate DMZ machine. For either case, patching OHS requires extra steps after running RUP Installer. You must patch OHS using RUP Lite for OHS as described in Section 4.1, "Upgrade the Web Tier Using RUP Lite for OHS".

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware Extensions for Applications

  • Oracle Global Order Promising

  • Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES)

  • Oracle SOA Suite

  • Oracle WebCenter Suite

  • Oracle WebLogic Server

  • Oracle Web Tier

1.3.2 Patches Not Supported by the Apply Pre-PSA and Post-PSA Middleware Patches Configuration Assistants

The following patches are not supported by the Apply Pre-PSA and Post-PSA Middleware Patches configuration assistants:

1.3.3 Steps Performed During Online Preverification

The following validation steps are performed during the Online Preverification configuration assistant, if Release 6 (11.1.6) contains artifacts related to the validation:

  • Taxonomy URL

  • Database validation

  • Flexfield: Checks for the HelpPortal Managed Server in the Common Domain and for the successful deployment of the FndSetup application.

  • OAM Configuration

  • SES Admin Server URL

  • SPE Inline Service: Checks if the Oracle CRM Performance application is deployed. If it is, the OracleRTD application must be deployed and at least one BI server must be running where the OracleRTD application is deployed.

  • Data Role (RGX) Template: Checks if the Administration Server for the Common Domain is up.

  • Group Space Template: Checks if the following Managed Servers are up: WC_Spaces, WC_Collaboration, ucm_server1.

  • Oracle WSM validation

1.3.4 Steps Performed During SOA Preverification

The following validation steps are performed during the SOA Preverification configuration assistant:

  • B2B Metadata: Checks if the Common Domain, SOA Managed Server, and the LDAP Server are up.

  • SOA Shared Repository: Verifies the taxonomy, checks if the Administration Server is up, and checks for SOA_SERVER and SOA_PLATFORM readiness.

  • UpdateSOAMDS SOA Composite: Verifies the taxonomy, checks if the Administration Server is up, and if the SOA platform is ready.

  • SOA Resource Bundle: Verifies the taxonomy, checks if the Administration Server is up, and if the SOA platform is ready.

  • SOA Composites: Performs the following validation steps:

    • Verifies the taxonomy.

    • Checks if the Administration Server is up.

    • Checks if the SOA platform is ready.

    • Checks if the base composite is deployed.

    • Checks if the default revision is deployed.

    • Checks if the new revision is not deployed.

    • Checks whether the SOA composites that will be affected by the upgrade contain JDeveloper customizations. For more information, see Section 6.21, "Merging SOA Composite JDeveloper Customizations During SOA Preverification".

  • Image Routing (IPM): Checks if the IPM server is up.

1.4 Installer User Interface

RUP Installer and Language Pack Installer provide a graphical user interface which allows you to control the behavior of the installer by the use of buttons, in cases where it encounters a failure. Note that the behavior of these buttons may vary, depending on whether it is a configuration assistant, or a step within a configuration assistant, that fails. The behavior also depends on whether a configuration assistant is mandatory. Each mandatory configuration assistants must complete successfully before proceeding to the next configuration assistant. For information about which configuration assistants are mandatory, see Section 1.3, "RUP Installer Configuration Assistants".

You can exit out of the installer in the event of a failure and restart from the point of failure. If a non-mandatory configuration assistant fails, and you continue to the next configuration assistant, you must restart the installer after it finishes the last configuration assistant. When you restart, the installer retries all failed configuration assistants. For more information about what to do when a configuration action fails, see Section 6.4, "General Troubleshooting During the Configuration Phase in GUI Mode".

An explanation of the usage of each button follows. Note that the buttons are available only in GUI mode, not in silent mode. For information about how to use the buttons during parallel processing of certain configuration assistants, see Section 1.4.7, "Parallel Configuration Assistants".

1.4.1 Abort Button

The Abort button allows you to skip a failed configuration assistant or step within a configuration assistant, and records the failure so it can be rerun when you restart the installation. After you abort a mandatory configuration assistant, the installer does not proceed and only the Cancel button is enabled. You must then resolve the cause of the failure and start the installer from this failure point. After you abort a non-mandatory configuration assistant, the installer proceeds to the next configuration assistant. This button is enabled only after a failure.

1.4.2 Cancel Button

The Cancel button allows you to stop an installer session after the failure of a mandatory action. This button is enabled only after a failure.

1.4.3 Close Button

The Windows Close button allows you to stop an installer session after a failure. This is enabled only after a failure.

1.4.4 Continue Button

The Continue button allows you to skip a a non-mandatory configuration assistant or failed step within a configuration assistant that is not mandatory, and records the failure. The installer then proceeds with the next step. When you rerun this installer session, the failed configuration actions are attempted again.

This button is enabled only for non-mandatory configuration assistants.

1.4.5 Next Button

The Next button allows you to proceed to the next screen. This button is enabled only when all configuration assistants complete successfully in the current screen.

1.4.6 Retry Button

The Retry button allows you to rerun a failed configuration assistant, or a step within a configuration assistant. Use Retry when you know the cause of the failure and can resolve the issue during the current RUP Installer session.

1.4.7 Parallel Configuration Assistants

RUP Installer and Language Pack Installer support parallel processing of certain configuration assistants to improve performance. Parallel configuration assistants are organized by groups and all configuration assistants in a group start running at the same time. The installer proceeds to the next configuration assistant outside of the group, only after all parallel tasks in a group complete successfully. The following example depicts a group of configuration tasks that are running in parallel.

Configuration assistants that are running in parallel

For information about what to do when one or more parallel tasks fail, see Section 6.4.2, "Troubleshoot Failures While Parallel Tasks Are Running".

1.5 Health Checker Utility

Health Checker is a command line utility that assists you in confirming that your system is in a state that would allow RUP Installer to run successfully. If Health Checker finds an issue that needs to be corrected, the description of the required corrective action displays on the console, in the Health Checker log file, and in an HTML summary report. This utility is delivered in the REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/farup/Disk1/upgrade/bin directory as (Unix) and hcplug.cmd (Windows).

You run Health Checker before and after the upgrade. Health Checker calls plug-ins to perform its tasks. This section describes the tasks that Health Checker plug-ins run during the following phases of the upgrade process:

1.5.1 Pre-Upgrade Tasks Performed by Health Checker Before Down Time

You run Health Checker to perform the following tasks before down time:

For more information, see Section 2.1.13, "Run Health Checker for Pre-Down Time Checks". Verify Oracle Fusion Applications Version

This plug-in ensures that you have successfully installed 11g Release 5, ( Verify the Compatibility of the OPatch Version in FA_ORACLE_HOME

This plug-in verifies that your version of OPatch is compatible with Oracle Fusion Applications. If an incompatible version of OPatch exists in FA_ORACLE_HOME, errors can occur while applying patches and running RUP Installer. Verify Credentials in Oracle Directory Services Manager (ODSM)

This plug-in verifies that a specific user, usually the PolicyRWUser user, is part of cn=DirectoryAdminGroup. Verify Free and Total Memory

This plug-in verifies that the primordial host has enough memory for the upgrade. RUP Installer requires at least 6GB of free memory on the 64-bit domains to be available during the upgrade. RUP Installer also requires at least 6GB of free memory on the 64-bit primordial host that the installer is launched from, for the duration of the upgrade. This requirement of 6GB of free memory is in addition to the memory requirement for all servers, including the Administration Servers on the primordial host that is already up and running. Oracle also recommends at least 1GB of additional free memory on the primordial host during the upgrade as a safety net.

For example, if the BI domain is provisioned on the primordial host, then RUP Installer requires this 64-bit primordial host to have a minimum of 12GB of RAM. If you have two 64-bit hosts with the BI domain provisioned on a different host from the primordial host, then one host runs the Administration Server and the BI servers, while the other host runs RUP Installer, which requires a connection to the Administration Server that is running. If you run RUP Installer and the Administration Server on the same primordial host with insufficient memory, the Administration Server and Managed Servers may fail. Verify Open File Limit

This plug-in verifies the open file limit. RUP Installer uses multiple workers for uploading database content. The number of workers used dictates the open file limit setting for the machine where you run the RUP Installer. To understand how the number of workers are calculated and the requirement for the open file limit setting for the workers, see "Patching Database Artifacts" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Patching Guide. For more information, see "Increase the Open Files Limit" in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide. Verify Host Names (Unix Only)

This plug-in confirms that host names are correctly formatted in the /etc/hosts file. The /etc/hosts file is a network configuration file that associates IP addresses with host names and host alias names, if used. The following checks are performed by this plug-in:

  • The /etc/hosts file contains an entry for the IP address, followed by the name localhost.

  • The format of each host entry in /etc/hosts is IP_address canonical_hostname [aliases]. If the machine name is a logical host name and is different from the physical host name that is specified in /etc/sysconfig/network, the logical host name must be listed before the physical host.

  • If the machine name is the same as the physical host name, there is no need to check the order of the host names. Verify Local Port Range Value

This plug-in checks the local port range value in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range. The recommended value is 32768 61000. If the range is set to any value below 32768, a system process could potentially use a port that was assigned to one of the Managed Servers. Since RUP Installer requires all domains to be down, those ports are available for the system to use. Verify All Oracle Homes Are Registered in Central Inventory

This plug-in verifies that the Oracle Business Intelligence, Global Order Processing, Web Tier, and Web Tier Common Oracle home directories are registered for use by Oracle Fusion Applications.

If you are upgrading from a previous release, Oracle homes are likely to be already registered properly. However, if this plug-in fails with an error, you must perform the corrective actions provided in the error message. Verify DBMS_STATS Collection for MDS Schema in Oracle Fusion Applications Database

This plug-in confirms that DBMS_STATS has recently been run on the MDS schema in the Oracle Fusion Applications database. You must run DBMS_STATS on any schemas that are reported by Health Checker. Verify Flexfield Metadata

This plug-in checks if there is a flexfields metadata violation that indicates that the Extensible Flexfields has a UI Page defined that references a flexfield context which has not been associated with the corresponding category or any of its parent categories. Check For Unusable Indexes

This plug-in checks for unusable indexes in the Fusion schema of the Oracle Fusion Applications database. Check for Library Cache Load Lock

This plug-in checks whether there are any database sessions that are holding a "library cache load lock" in the Fusion schema of the Oracle Fusion Applications database. Check for Repository Integrity

This plug-in checks whether all required files are present in the repository and reports any missing files.

1.5.2 Pre-Upgrade Tasks Performed by Health Checker During Down Time

You run Health Checker during down time to confirm that there are no active processes that would interfere with the installer. Health Checker performs the following checks:

  • Oracle Fusion Applications Patch Manager is not running

  • Oracle Fusion Applications AutoPatch is not running in FA_ORACLE_HOME or ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME

  • AD Administration is not running in FA_ORACLE_HOME or ATGPF_ORACLE_HOME

  • No SQL sessions, jobs, or processes are running or are scheduled to be running against the database

For more information, see Section 2.2.6, "Run Health Checker for Down Time Checks".

1.5.3 Post-Upgrade Tasks Performed by Health Checker

You run Health Checker to perform the following post-upgrade tasks:

For more information, see Section 4.17, "Run Health Checker for Post-Upgrade Checks". Verify the Servers are Accessible

This plug-in confirms that all relevant Administration Servers and Managed Servers have a RUNNING status. Verify the Deployed Applications are Accessible

This plug-in verifies that all deployed applications are up and running. Validate Whether Installed Languages Need to be Upgraded

This plug-in verifies whether you have installed any languages in addition to US English. You must upgrade each installed language using Language Pack Installer. Verify Fusion IIR Setup (Oracle VM only)

This plug-in verifies that InformaticaIR (IIR) is set up correctly on Oracle VM environments.

1.6 RUP Lite for RDBMS Utility

RUP Lite for RDBMS is a command line utility that performs the tasks required to update your Oracle Fusion Applications database before you upgrade.

RUP Lite for RDBMS can perform the following tasks in the following modes:

Table 1-3 displays the recommendations for tuning the database parameters. The validate mode of RUP Lite for RDBMS verifies whether these parameters contain the recommended value. The setdbparameter mode of RUP Lite for RDBMS updates the parameters to the recommended value.

Table 1-3 Recommended Values for Database Parameters

Parameter Type Location Recommendation


Disk IO




Disk IO


unset so the database chooses a default value based on the platform


Connection timeout




Connection timeout



For more information, see Section 2.2.4, "Update the Oracle Fusion Applications Database".

1.7 RUP Lite for OVM Utility

The RUP Lite for OVM command line utility addresses the differences between a newly provisioned Oracle VM environment on the latest release and an Oracle VM environment provisioned in a previous release. You run RUP Lite for OVM only if you are running Oracle Fusion Applications in an Oracle VM environment that was created from the official releases of Oracle VM templates for Oracle Fusion Applications Release 2 (11.1.2) and higher. This utility is not applicable for any Oracle VM environments that are created using other methods.

You run RUP Lite for OVM in offline mode before RUP Installer runs, as described in Section 2.2.12, "Run RUP Lite for OVM - Offline Mode (Oracle VM Hosts Only)". After RUP Installer completes, you run RUP Lite for OVM in online mode, as described in Section 4.2, "Run RUP Lite for OVM - Online Mode (Oracle VM Hosts Only)", and then in post-root mode, as described in Section 4.3, "Run RUP Lite for OVM - Post-Root Mode (Oracle VM Hosts Only)".

RUP Lite for OVM implements several plug-ins that are designed specifically for Oracle VM environments. Each plug-in determines which nodes it needs to run on and whether it needs to be executed in offline, online, or post-root mode. Table 1-4 describes the plug-ins that are included in RUP Lite for OVM in offline mode.

Table 1-4 Offline Plug-ins for RUP Lite for OVM

Plug-in Name Mandatory Description



Checks if the node is a valid Oracle VM node. This plug-in always runs and has no properties.



Prompts for credentials and stores the results in a secure manner for other plug-ins to use. This plug-in always runs and only prompts for secure properties that are needed by other plug-ins that will run. If a plug-in does not run on the current node or is disabled, then its properties are not requested.



Increases existing memory settings for WebLogic servers based on the latest Oracle recommendations and runs only on the admin-apps node. It updates settings to the higher of the current setting or the recommended setting. If recommended memory settings increase to a level where the Oracle VM's memory settings need to be increased, then the update to the Oracle VM must be done prior to running RUP Lite for OVM.

Note that values that are higher in the environment compared to the reference values are not changed. Only lower values are increased.



Writes the following properties to config.xml on all nodes and domains using wlst commands: server-private-key-pass-phrase-encrypted, custom-identity-key-store-pass-phrase-encrypted, and custom-trust-key-store-pass-phrase-encrypted. This plugin runs only on the FA node because starting the servers populates these properties on each node.



Generates optimized query plans for Oracle MDS queries runs on the admin-apps node.



Adds localhost and to the non-proxy list for all domains and runs on the admin-apps node.



Updates the WLS umask in the WebLogic start scripts for each domain to allow Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control to manage incidents generated for each WebLogic server. It runs on the admin-apps node.



Updates the ODIAgent settings in each domain that has ODI installed to point to the LBR host and port. It runs on the admin-apps node.

Table 1-5 describes the plug-ins that are included in RUP Lite for OVM in online mode.

Table 1-5 Online Plug-ins for RUP Lite for OVM

Plug-in Name Mandatory Description



Checks if the node is a valid Oracle VM node. This plug-in always runs and does not have any properties.



Prompts for credentials for online plug-ins and stores the results in a secure manner for other plug-ins to use. This plug-in always runs and only prompts for secure properties that are needed by other plug-ins that will run. If a plug-in does not run on the current node or is disabled, then its properties are not requested. You are prompted for the password twice.



Updates the SES instance with the correct database connection based on the values specified in This plug-in runs only on the secondary node.



Deploys ECSF artifacts that are not yet deployed, such as search objects, search categories, and index schedules.



Disables WebChat in Oracle WebCenter connections for environments that do not have WebChat installed.

Table 1-6 describes the plug-ins that are included in RUP Lite for OVM in post-root mode.

Table 1-6 Post-Root Plug-ins for RUP Lite for OVM

Plug-in Name Mandatory Description



Sets the require root flag to true so that RUP Lite for OVM checks to ensure the root user is used for post-root mode.



Checks if the node is a valid Oracle VM node. This plug-in always runs and has no properties.



Prompts for credentials and stores the results in a secure manner for other plug-ins to use. This plug-in always runs and only prompts for secure properties that are needed by other plug-ins that will run. If a plug-in does not run on the current node or is disabled, then its properties are not requested.



Adds DNS name servers, search domains, and other options by updating /etc/resolv.conf. This plug-in runs on all nodes.



Enables remote monitoring of NFS file systems from within Fusion Applications Control.



Modifies RUP Lite output files to be owned by the applications user instead of root.

1.8 RUP Lite for OHS Utility

The RUP Lite for OHS command line utility upgrades WebGate, OHS, and ORACLE_COMMON. The following steps are performed by RUP Lite for OHS to accomplish this upgrade:

For more information, see Section 4.1, "Upgrade the Web Tier Using RUP Lite for OHS".

1.9 RUP Lite for BI Utility

The RUP Lite for BI command line utility automates changes to BIInstance configurations files required for Oracle Business Intelligence after upgrading. For more information, see Section 4.4, "Run RUP Lite for BI".