Generating and Maintaining Models

This chapter provides an overview of Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator

In addition to defining Activity-Based Management models and setting up resources, activities, cost objects, drivers, and pointers for sustainable models, Activity-Based Management also features two engines that let you create reusable, sustainable models. The following table lists the engines that automate model creation to streamline the model building process:



Model Generator

Automates the process of setting up your Activity-Based Management model by generating resources, activities, cost objects, and drivers.

Ledger Mapper Generator

Creates your ledger-to-resource mappings.

Once you run these engines and create resources, activities, cost objects, drivers, and ledger-to-resource mappings for your model, you can process your Activity-Based Management model.

You can run Model Generator, Ledger Mapper Generator, or both engines. If you run both, run Model Generator before Ledger Mapper Generator. If you are only running Ledger Mapper Generator, first complete resource setup for the model.

See Also

Running Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can run Model Generator or Ledger Mapper Generator, you must:

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Source Data

For Model Generator, you can use a spreadsheet containing your source and target information to load your source data into the system. To load this spreadsheet into the system, you can use your ETL tool.

For Ledger Mapper Generator, you can either use a spreadsheet to load the data into the system or use and adapt your existing general ledger data.

Review the following Ledger Mapper Generator and Model Generator sample spreadsheets:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Model Generator

This section discusses how to set up the model generation definition.

Activity-Based Management Model Generator automates the process of setting up the metadata for filters and constraints as well as setting up Activity-Based Management objects, drivers, and the pointers for driver quantities.

Model Generator generates:

To accomplish this, Model Generator requires source data that can be loaded into the system from a spreadsheet.

To run Model Generator, set up a model generation ID to specify:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Model Generator

Page Name

Definition Name



Model Generation Definition


Activity Based Management, Setup, Model Generator, Model Generation Definition

Set up the model generation definition by defining the model generation ID and parameters. This page lets you build your model one step at a time by defining multiple generator sequences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Model Generation Definition

Access the Model Generation Definition page (Activity Based Management, Setup, Model Generator, Model Generation Definition).

Load sequence

Enter the sequence of each source and target type mapping that you add.

Note. Load sequence 1 specifies that this is the first step in driving monetary amounts from a source to a target.

Constraint Code

Enter a constraint code to identify the location of the source data.

Source Field Seq (source field sequence)

Select a source field sequence to specify the datamap column sequence number that you want to use for the source.

This is the location of the source information for your model. Specify whether this source is a resource, activity, or cost object.

Source Desc Field Seq (source description field sequence)

Select the location of the description for your source.

Target Field Seq (target field sequence) and Target Desc Field Seq (target description field sequence)

Select the location of your target information on the source data table.

Specify whether this target is a resource, activity, or cost object.

Actual Driver Quantity, BudgetQuantity, Capacity Driver Quantity, and Frozen Rate

Select the location of the actual, budgeted, and capacity driver quantity information as well as the frozen rate.

IBU Business Unit and IBU Model ID

If this is an interunit model, select the location of the IBU business unit and IBU model ID.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Ledger Mapper Generator

This section discusses how to set up the ledger mapping generation definition.

Activity-Based Management Ledger Mapper Generator lets you create ledger mapping rules automatically by using information loaded into the operational warehouse tables from a spreadsheet or by adapting existing system data from a general ledger. Ledger Mapper Generator generates the mapping rules that determine how general ledger accounts are assigned to existing Activity-Based Management resources. This is an alternate method to manually setting up mapping rules using the Ledger Mapping Rule page.

You can use Ledger Mapper Generator to identify which columns—business unit, general ledger business unit, department, and so on—in the datamap are for resources. Ledger Mapper Generator contains the same flexible mapping capabilities as manually entered maps. As with manually entered maps, you can define whether you are mapping a tree node or a percentage value. Ledger Mapper Generator also accommodates actual and budget maps.

In addition, Ledger Mapper Generator is scalable and sustainable. You can use it on an ongoing basis to update previously generated maps or for adding and deleting maps that you no longer use.

To run Ledger Mapper Generator, first set up a ledger mapping generation definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Ledger Mapper Generator

Page Name

Definition Name



Ledger Mapping Creation


Activity Based Management, Setup, Model Generator, Ledger Mapping Creation

Set up the ledger mapping generation definition by defining the parameters for Ledger Mapper Generator. This page lets you generate mapping rules one step at a time by defining multiple generator sequences.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Ledger Mapping Generation Definition

Access the Ledger Mapping Creation page (Activity Based Management, Setup, Model Generator, Ledger Mapping Creation).

Load Sequence

Enter the sequence of each mapping rule that you add.

Note. Load Sequence 1 specifies that this is the first ledger mapping rule.


Enter a constraint code to identify the location of the source data.

This data can be a table generated from spreadsheet data or existing general ledger data in the system.


Enter a resource field sequence to specify the datamap column sequence number that you want to use for the resource.

Ledmap Des (ledger map description)

Enter the ledger map datamap column sequence number for the ledger map description.

Mapper Type

Select a mapper type. Values are: Actuals or Budgeted.

Business Unit Percentage Seq, (Percentage Sequence), and Map Chartfield 1 through 8

Enter the datamap column sequence number to use.

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Generation IDs to Your Activity-Based Management Model

Once you set up your model generation and ledger map generation IDs, you must assign them to the model. To assign the generation ID, you must first select the model ID that you want to use, and then select the Run Control Information tab. Define the appropriate model generation ID, ledger maps generation ID, or both, and then save the page.

See Defining an Activity-Based Management Model.

Note. You do not have to run both engines. You can run Model Generator, Ledger Mapper Generator, or both.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator

This section provides an overview of delivered engines and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Run Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator

Page Name

Definition Name



Run Jobstream


Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, Run Jobstream.

Use to run model generator and ledge mapper generator.

Message Header


Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, Error Messages, Message Header

Use to view error messages.

Message Detail


Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, Error Messages, Message Detail

Use to view error messages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Delivered Engines

The following table lists the delivered engines for building models:

Engine Name

Job ID


Activity-Based Management Model Generator (AB_MODEL_GEN)


Generates the objects and drivers for a model.

Activity-Based Management Ledger Mapper Generator (AB_LDMPGEN)


Generates the ledger-to-resource mappings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Run Control Parameters

Access the Run Jobstream page (Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, Run ABM Jobstream).


Select the frequency with which you want to run the process. Values are: Always, Don't, or Once.

You most often select Always.

As Of Dated Jobstream

Do not select. The Activity-Based Management engines do not use as of date functionality with run controls.

Description, Unit, and Scenario ID

Enter a description and specify the business unit and scenario ID to process.

Fiscal Year and Period

Enter the fiscal year and period to process.

Jobstream ID

Enter the jobstream ID to use.


Select if you are processing the same job an additional time using the identical parameters and you want the system to re-resolve the tables.

This option may slow down processing if you are assigned to the same record suite assigned the previous time that the engine was run.


Click to start processing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInquiring about Engine Messages

You can review messages generated by these jobs by opening the Application Engine message log.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Model Objects and Ledger Mapping Rules

Once you run Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator, you can use the following pages to review the objects and mapping rules that you created as well as make any appropriate adjustments:

Page Name



Activity Based Management, Setup, Resources, Resources


Activity Based Management, Setup, Activities, Activities

Cost Objects

Activity Based Management, Setup, Cost Objects, Cost Objects

Implicit Pointers

Activity Based Management, Setup, Pointers to Drivers, Implicit Pointers


Activity Based Management, Setup, Drivers, Driver

Inter Unit Drivers

Activity Based Management, Setup, Drivers, IBU Driver

Ledger Mapper Rule

Activity Based Management, Setup, Resources, Ledger Map Rule

You can also use the Model Navigator component to review your generated model.

See Also

Setting Up Resources

Defining Activities

Defining Cost Objects

Defining Implicit Pointers

Setting Up Drivers

Setting Up Interunit Drivers