Processing in Real-Time Activity-Based Management

This chapter provides an overview of Real-Time Activity-Based Management (ABM) and discusses how to process in Real-Time Activity-Based Management.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Real-Time Activity-Based Management

You can start working on a Real-Time Activity Based Management model in the following ways:

The Real-Time Activity-Based Management component simplifies the often complex network model cost development process by letting you graphically define the business process, the role of performers that perform these business processes, the standard time to perform one unit of each activity or business process, and other activity details, and then calculate and analyze the Activity-Based Management results immediately instead of waiting for an engine to run.

What-if modeling lets you modify the Activity-Based Management model and reflect business re-engineering almost instantaneously. In other words, you can calculate and analyze Activity-Based Management model results and see the effect of changes to model data in real time. After entering the resources, activities, their association, and then defining how activities consume the resources (driver data), clicking Calculate displays the calculated results. After analyzing these results, you can modify the driver data for what-if planning, delete or insert objects, change driver quantities, or change the volume of activities or cost objects, and then click Calculate again. You can continue doing this until you are satisfied with the results.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing in Real-Time Activity-Based Management

This section provides an overview of Real-Time Activity-Based Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Real-Time Activity-Based Management

PeopleSoft Activity-Based Management provides a centralized home page that groups all of the links related to the Real-Time Activity-Based Management processing activity. This home page has three main sections/folders:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used in Real-Time Activity-Based Management

Page Name

Definition Name



Real Time ABM


  • Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, Real Time ABM

  • Activity Based Management, ABM Center, Process ABM, Real Time ABM

  • Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Real Time ABM

Perform Real-Time Activity-Based Management processing.

Real-Time ABM Save As


Click Save As on the Real Time ABM page.

Saves a copy of buffer data, including results, into a new model.

Load Rule Data


Click Get Batch Model on the Real Time ABM page.

Lets you enter the desired batch model and ledger mapper parameters associated with the batch model that you want to open from the current rule tables.

Real-Time ABM Graphical Model


Click Graphical Model on the Real Time ABM page.

Displays the graphical model that read all model rules and results of the scenario associated with the model.

Real-Time ABM Results


Click Calculate on the Real Time ABM page.

Displays the calculated amounts for outbound IBUs.

ABM Real-Time Interface Table


Click Post to Batch on the Real Time ABM page.

Enter the scenario to which you want to post, move your data to the Real-Time ABM interface table to view or edit it, and start Model Generator.

Ledger Rule


Click Map Ledger Amts (amounts) on the Real Time ABM page.

Lets you enter ledger mapper parameters.

Inbound IBU


Click the View Inbound IBUs link on the Real Time ABM page.

View inbound interunit business units for the displayed model.

Real Time ABM Interface


Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Post to Batch, Real Time ABM Interface

View or edit the Real-Time ABM interface table.

Model Generation Definition


Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Post to Batch, Model Generation Definition

Update the delivered model generation identifier or create a new one.

See Setting Up the Model Generation Definition.

Run Jobstream


Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Post to Batch, Run Jobstream

Start jobstream process which creates resources, activities, cost objects, and drivers.

See Specifying Run Control Parameters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing in Real Time

Access the Real Time ABM page (Activity Based Management, Setup, Processing, ABM Real Time) (Activity Based Management, ABM Center, Process ABM, Real Time ABM) (Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Real Time ABM).


Business Unit

Displays the name of the business unit on which you are working.

You can work on any business unit.

Note. If the model already exists, after you specify the Business Unit, Model ID, and Effective Date, Activity-Based Management conforms the grid to the appropriate rules.

Real-Time Model ID

Displays the unique identifier of the Real-Time model on which you are working.

You can work on any model.

Note. If the model already exists, after you specify the Business Unit and Real-Time Model ID, Activity-Based Management conforms the grid to the appropriate rules.

Model Type

Select the type of model to display. Values are:

Act Model (actual model): Select to analyze past (historical) data to affect the future. Actual models are typically easy to implement and understand but have limitations to their effectiveness (such as the assumption that entities operate at 100 percent of their capacity, which compromises driver information if the capacity of the entities is not fully used and, because the actual data is historical. you cannot forecast based on anticipated costs).

Bud Model (budget model): Select to view the future with budgeting expenses and forecast using anticipated costs. While easy to implement and understand, budget models share the same disadvantages as those based on actual data.

Cap Model (capacity model): Select to measure the cost of capacity resources (which is similar to standard costing). The capacity rate is the result of the budgeted amount divided by the capacity driver quantity. The capacity model lets you assign excess costs to a capacity cost object and balance the actual amounts within the model. You can then track and report on excess capacity.

Rate Model (frozen rate model): Select to use a frozen, manually defined rate that enables calculation of variances from actual, budget, or capacity values.



Click to save buffer data, including results, into the current model.

Save As

Click to save a copy of buffer data, including results, into a new model.

On the Real-Time ABM Save As page that displays, enter the Business Unit, Real-Time Model ID, and a model Description.

Get Batch Model

Click to display the Load Rule Data page where you can enter the desired batch model and ledger mapper parameters associated with the batch model that you want to open from the current rule tables.

This process:

  • Reads the model definition and objects, and then populates the Object table with objects from the Resource, Activity, or Cost Object tables.

  • Resolves pointers and implicit pointers for normal and IBU drivers when loading the data into Real-Time Activity-Based Management.

  • Populates the IBU Driver table.

See Opening a Batch Model.

Graphical Model

Click to start the graphical model that reads all model rules and results of the scenario associated with the model currently displayed in the grid (if the results are already calculated), and then graphically displays the model as a network diagram.

You can then:

  • Add or delete objects such as resources, activities, cost objects.

  • Add, delete, or modify object associations.

  • Modify driver amounts, object volume, resource cost, or object capacity.

  • Recalculate the model, and then analyze the results.

Note. Click Save before clicking Graphical Model.

See Displaying Your Model Graphically.

Show Graphical Model Buttons

Select to display graphical model buttons when you click Graphical Model.


Click to display calculated results after you enter the resources, activities, their associations, and the driver data.

The process reads the object, driver data, and resource cost/ledger mapping tables, calculates the model, and then writes the results into the buffer for the Calc Detail and Calc Obj tables.

To run Real-Time Activity-Based Management, you do not need to run any engine. You can click Calculate from either the Real Time ABM page (grid) or the graphical model to display results. Clicking Calculate on the grid lets you view all the calculations for all the objects at the same time. Clicking Calculate on the graphical model, though, assigns the calculated amounts to each of the objects (letting you display those amounts by double-clicking an object or by selecting Show Details.

Post to Batch

Click to display the ABM Real-Time Interface Table page where you can enter the scenario to which you want to post, move your data to the Real-Time ABM interface table to view or edit it, and start Model Generator.

See Posting to Batch.

Setup Objects

Use the elements in the Setup Objects group box to set up all of the objects and their attributes.

To search the Object table and populate the Setup Objects grid with specific objects and associated attributes, enter the Object ID, select the specific Object Type — Activity, Cost Obj. (cost object), or Resource — or select All Objects, and then click Get.

Map Ledger Amts (amounts)

Click to access the Ledger Rule page and specify the ledger mapper parameters such as business unit, scenario ID, fiscal year, and period to map existing ledger mapping amounts that you have available in your batch or production environment.

In this case, enter the resources that you want to use. You do not need to enter actual and budget amounts since they are taken from the production environment). Select the Use Ledger Map check box for all the resources for which you want to take the amounts from the production environment, and then click the Map Ledger Amts button to specify the source of the information such as a batch activity-based Management scenario, fiscal year, and period.

The source data exists as a result of running a complete batch model (the PF_ABC engine) or processing the section to assign the ledger amounts to resources (the ABM_RT_MAP engine).

Note. Use the Map Ledger Amts button in conjunction with the Use Ledger Map check box. First enter the resources that you want in the model. Second, select the check box to take the existing amounts from the production environment. Third, once you select all of the resources and check boxes, click the Map Ledger Amts button.

ABM Object ID

Enter the unique identifier of the Activity-Based Management object.

Object Type

Select the type of object to display in the grid (from the Object table). Values are:

Activity: Select to specify how much you spend on each activity and why. (Activities are described by verbs and associated objects such as schedule production, move materials, purchase materials, inspect items, respond to customers, improve products, introduce new products, and so on.)

Cost Obj (cost object): Select to identify your products, services, and customers. You perform activities to design and build for and deliver products and services to customers. Cost objects are the end result of model calculations.

Resource: Select to represent the cost base for the model. A resource comprises a distinct and homogeneous grouping of existing costs that fulfill a similar function or, in the case of people, having a similar work profile. The sum of all resources for a model equals the total cost for an organization within a set time frame.

Actual Amount

Displays the actual amount to define resource costs directly.

Budget Amount

Displays the budget amount to define resource costs directly.

Use Ledger Map

Select to define resource costs using ledger mapping.

Driver Data

Use the elements in the Driver Data group box to set up the driver data for the objects. Driver data specifies how activities consume resources.

To search the Driver Data table and populate the Driver Data grid, enter the name of the specific object used as a From Object, select the specific Object From Type — Activity, Cost Obj. (cost object), or Source — or select All Drivers, and then click Get. (For example, to display all drivers with Teller as their source, in the From Object field, enter Teller, and then click Get.)

Driver Type

Select the type of driver.

Amount: Select to specify a driver based on a quantity of resources or activities consumed.

Direct: Select to specify that an object is entirely assigned to another object (100 percent). This represents a special case of percentage.

Percent: Select to specify that the driver is based on the percentage of an object consumed—the percentage change in volume of cost objects and activities or the change in consumption pattern and driver data.

Sprd Even (spread even): Select to distribute the resource or activity cost evenly over the targets to which it has been linked.


Select the source. Values are:

Activity: Specifies in what basis the cost objects are consuming the activities.

Cost Obj: (cost object)

Resource: Specifies the time that resources spend on activities.

Object From ID

Enter the unique identifier where the object is coming from that is consuming the activities.


Select the target—Activity, Cost Obj. (cost object), or Resource.

Note. Select the Driver tab to display Target.

Object To ID

Enter the unique identifier where the object is going.

Note. Select the Driver tab to display Object To ID.

Actual Driver Quantity

Enter the actual driver quantity, which is always required.

Note. Select the Quantities tab to display Actual Driver Quantity.

Budgeted Driver Quantity

Enter the budgeted driver quantity if you are working on frozen or capacity budgeted models.

Note. Select the Quantities tab to display Budgeted Driver Quantity.

Rate Driver Quantity

Displays the rate driver quantity.

Capacity Driver Quantity

Display the capacity driver quantity.

IBU Driver

Use the elements in the IBU Driver group box to set up interunit business unit (IBU) drivers or links to some other Real-Time model. An IBU driver displays the same attributes as a normal driver. You can only create outbound IBUs which means that, when you create an IBU driver, the source must always be a cost object. The target can be a resource, activity, or cost object of another model such as the BU plus model.

To search the IBU Driver table and populate the IBU Driver grid with a specific source cost object and select a resource, activity, or cost object target from another model, enter the name of the specific object used as a From Object, or select All Drivers, and then click Get.

All elements except View Inbound IBUs, RT IBU, and RT IBU Model ID are described in the earlier Driver Data section.

View Inbound IBUs (interunit business units)

Click to access the Inbound IBU page to view inbound interunit business units for the model that you are linking to if that model is receiving IBUs originated in another model.

Note. You can only create outbound IBUs from a specific model. Outbound IBUs are IBU drivers that push amounts from one model to another.

RT IBU (Real-Time interunit business unit)

Enter a valid Real-Time interunit business unit.

Note. The system does not validate your entry in real time so that you have the flexibility to enter an IBU now that may not yet exist, but will exist in the future.

RT IBU Model ID (Real-Time interunit business unit model identifier)

Enter a valid Real-Time interunit business unit model identifier.

Note. The system does not validate your entry in real time so that you have the flexibility to enter an IBU now that may not yet exist, but will exist in the future.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOpening a Batch Model

Access the Load Rule Data page (Click Get Batch Model on the Real Time ABM page).

Business Unit

Enter the business unit associated with the batch model that you want to open.

Scenario ID

Enter the scenario identifier associated with the batch model that you want to open.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the objects that you want to open.

Note. Consider entering an earlier date to ensure that you gain access to all of the data.

Fiscal Year

Enter the four-digit fiscal year—yyyy—associated with the batch model in which you want to specify the desired ledger mapping information to assign costs to your resources.


Enter the accounting period associated with the batch model in which you want to specify the desired ledger mapping information to assign costs to your resources.

Depending upon the calendar used, the account period values are usually 1 through 12 for the months in a year.

Get IBUs (interunit business units)

Select to display the IBU Mapping grid that displays any IBUs associated with the batch model that you want to open and lets you enter valid mappings for those IBUs so that you can reference a Real-Time IBU business unit and IBU model.

The system lets you reference a Real-Time IBU business unit and IBU model that may not yet exist.

Note. Before opening models linked through IBUs — models that send IBUs — first open models that receive IBUs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDisplaying Your Model Graphically

Access the Real-Time ABM Graphical Model page (Click Graphical Model on the Real Time ABM page).

Note. To display the buttons, on the Real Time ABM page, select Show Graphical Model Buttons.

Right-click to gain access to the same features as the buttons.

Add Activity

Click to enter an activity ID and description.

Add Cost Object

Click to enter a cost ID and description.

Add Driver

Click to select a source and target node, and then select the driver type—Amount, Direct, Percent, or Spread Even. Also enter the source and target nodes and actual and budget quantities.

Add IBU (interunit business unit)

Click to enter a business unit, model ID, object ID (this will be the IBU target object), and then select the source object—Resource, Activity, or Cost Object.

Note. When you create an IBU, you are creating a driver.

Add Resources

Click to enter a resource ID, description, and actual and budget amount.

Auto Layout

Click to reset the model to the default layout.

Note. The system does not save coordinates. In other words, you can drag and drop objects, arrange model objects, and so on, but the system does not save that view.


Click to start Real-Time calculations.


Click to position your view of the elements in the center of the display.

Delete Driver

Click this button, and then click the driver in the display that you want to delete.

Note. You can also use this button to delete some legs of an IBU driver; however, if you leave an IBU object without any associated driver (using the graphical model), when you save and return to the Model Definition page, the system does not save the IBU object that you disconnected and, in fact, it disappears when you return to the graphical model to view it.

Delete Node

Click this button, and then click the node in the display that you want to delete.

Note. Deleting the node also deletes its object and associated drivers.

Description, None, ID

Click Description to display each node's description; click None to hide any description; click ID to display each node's identifier.

Find Node

Click to select an object type—Resource, Activity, or Cost Object. This selection changes the items in the associated drop-down list from which you can select the desired item. Then, click Find Node or Bring Node.


Click to hide unselected nodes and to display all selected nodes.

Print State

Click to view debugging information using the Java Console.

After you click Print State, double-click the blue cup icon on the toolbar to open the Java Console.


Click to deselect all node selections.


Click to save any changes to the Real-Time model.

Show Details

Select to display selected node IDs, descriptions, and actual, budgeted, and calculated amounts.

Show Driver Amounts

Select to display each driver's numeric value next to the percentage amount.

Toggle Selected

Click to change (swap) your selection from the currently selected nodes to the unselected nodes with each click.

View Affected

Click this button, and then click a node in the display to view the associations, which are displayed as red lines, as well as other nodes that affect the node.

Zoom In

Click to increase the magnification of the display but see less field of view.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the magnification of the display but see more field of view.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting to Batch

Access the ABM Real-Time Interface Table page (Click Post to Batch on the Real Time ABM page).

Scenario ID

Enter the scenario to which you want to post.

Note. To get the data from Real-Time Activity-Based Management, the scenario must have an associated, valid Real-Time Model ID with the correct model generation definition that reads from the Real-Time Activity-Based Management interface table (AB_RT_INTERFACE). Instead, you can use the example Activity-Based Management batch model that uses the RT model generation identifier with the associated RT1 scenario.

If the scenario is already used by another Real-Time model ID, the system displays an error message explaining that you cannot post to a scenario used by another Real-Time model ID. In other words, you can post a Real-Time model ID to several scenarios; however, a specified scenario can receive data from only one Real-Time model ID. If you are reposting data, the system displays a warning message to verify that you want to overwrite the existing data.

Note. Cost objects used in your Real-Time Activity-Based Management model must exist as dimensions. Real-Time Activity-Based Management does not maintain information about cost object dimensions. The delivered metadata equates cost object dimensions with Product.

To post a Real-Time Activity-Based Management model with cost objects not equated to the Product dimension, manually update the delivered model generation identifier or create a new one using the Model Generation Definition page before running the Model Generator.

Post IBUs

Select if the Real-Time model to be posted has interunit business units (IBUs).

Note. Associated IBUs display in the IBU Mapping grid where you can enter a valid mapping for the target Batch Inter Business Unit and Batch IBU Model ID to post an IBU.

Configure RT Interface Rules

Click to configure the Real-Time interface rules by moving your data to the Real-Time ABM interface table which then displays (in the Real-Time Interface Attributes grid) the information loaded into the Real-Time ABM interface table.

You can view or edit the ABM Real-Time Interface Table using the AB_RT_INTERFACE table page before starting Model Generator or you can immediately start Model Generator.

Note. The Configure RT Interface Rules button becomes available after you enter a Scenario ID.

Note. Since the ABM Real-Time interface table is not effective dated, the fiscal year and period that you specify in the run control ID does not filter any row. You can use the current date to start Model Generator.

Run Jobstream

Click to start Model Generator.

Note. Real-Time Activity-Based Management posts to batch Activity-Based Management using Model Generator. You can use the delivered model generation identifier (RT) or create your own. Be sure that the dimensions for your cost objects exist before running Model Generator.

See Understanding Model Generator and Ledger Mapper Generator.

IBU Mapping


Displays the Real-Time interunit business unit associated with the scenario ID.


Displays the interunit business unit model identifier associated with the scenario ID.

Batch Inter Business Unit

Enter a valid batch interunit business unit.

Batch IBU Model ID

Enter a valid batch interunit business unit model identifier.

Note. The system does not validate your Batch Inter Business Unit or Batch IBU Model ID entries in real time so that you have the flexibility to enter these values now that may not yet exist, but will exist in the future.

Real-Time Interface Attributes

Interface Key (1 through 12)

Displays the normal drivers for the model—the data that Model Generator takes to post to batch.

1: Source Object

2: Target Object

3: Source Object Type (Resource, Activity, or Cost object)

4: Target Object Type (Resource, Activity, or Cost object)

5: IBU Business Unit

6: IBU Model

Note. Interface keys 5 and 6 only display when the driver is an IBU driver.

Amount (1 through 4)

1: Actual Amount

2: Budget Amount

3: Frozen Amount

4: Capacity Amount

Note. Amount fields are available when you select the Amounts tab.

Text (1 through 2)

Displays a description of the source object ID (1) and target object ID (2).

Note. Text fields are available when you select the Amounts tab.

Note. Access the Real Time ABM Interface page (Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Post to Batch, Real Time ABM Interface) to view much of this same information.

Real-Time ABM-Delivered Metadata

The delivered Real-Time ABM metadata lets you run Model Generator from Real-Time ABM using a Model Generator ID template (RT) that contains all of the related metadata (such as recordset, tablemap, datamap, filters, and constraints) and the Model Generator definition:


Metadata Types













Real-Time to resource to resource



Real-Time to resource to activity



Real-Time to resource to cost object



Real-Time to activity to activity



Real-Time to activity to cost object



Real-Time to cost object to cost object



Cost object to an interunit business unit resource



Cost object to an interunit business unit activity



Cost object to an interunit business unit cost object



Real-Time to resource to resource



Real-Time to resource to activity



Real-Time to resource to cost object



Real-Time to activity to activity



Real-Time to activity to cost object



Real-Time to cost object to cost object



Cost object to an interunit business unit resource



Cost object to an interunit business unit activity



Cost object to an interunit business unit cost object

Model Generation ID



RT Model


Example of a Real-Time model

EW Model RT/EW Scenario

RT1/ABM Model RT

Scenario RT1 is added to the business unit.


Cost objects are added as product dimensions


New Model Generator Jobstream

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing the Real-Time ABM Interface Table

Access the Real Time ABM Interface page (Activity Based Management, Real Time Processing Center, Post to Batch, Real Time ABM Interface).

Key Field Name

Select the primary field by which you want to filter the interface values.

Note. To specify several keys to filter the display, you can add rows containing the different filtering conditions. You can only specify a Key Field Name once; do not select it in multiple rows. The different rows act as where conditions concatenated with AND. If you select the same key field with different values, nothing displays in the grid.

Field Value

Select the value associated with the selected Key Field Name to further filter the display.

Get Search Data

Click to filter the display by your selections.

Interface Key (1 though 12), Amount (through 4), Interface Value 1, and Text (1 and 2)

Enter additional filter criteria by multiple keys, amounts, interface values, and text fields.