Using Line Item Mass Adjustments

This chapter provides an overview of line item mass adjustments and discusses how to perform line item mass adjustments.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Line Item Mass Adjustments

The line item mass adjustment functionality enables you to apply an amount or percentage change to one or many line items at the same time. As a budget preparer, you can perform this functionality on line items that span one or many budget periods and dimensions for your planning center. When you are a nonpreparer, such as reviewer or analyst, you can also perform adjustments across one or many planning centers.

To perform line item mass updates on working versions and for planning centers, access the Mass Adjustment List page from the My Planning Workspace page.

You can use the mass adjustments functionality in any role—preparer, reviewer, analyst, or coordinator—as long as the Allowed to do adjustments? option on the User Roles page is selected for your User ID. The line item activities that you have access to depends on your authority to access the activity and planning center for your user ID and role name.

Note that the system considers adjustment IDs unique at the planning center version level, (the hierarchy level is first, followed by business unit, planning model, activity, scenario, planning center, and finally version.) In contrast, the system considers allocation IDs unique at the scenario level, (the hierarchy level is first followed by business unit, planning model, activity, and finally scenario).

See Also

Assigning Planning and Budgeting Roles to PeopleTools User Roles

Click to jump to parent topicPerforming Line Item Mass Adjustments

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Mass Adjustment List


Click the Edit Adjustment link on the My Planning Workspace page.

Add, edit, and delete adjustment IDs, and perform apply and reverse actions to adjustment IDs.

Mass Adjustment Selection


Click the Go button on the Mass Adjustment List page.

Specify and edit the selection of line items to which you want to apply mass adjustments. The system uses the dimension and member ranges defined here to retrieve the associated line item data.

Mass Adjustment Details


Click the Mass Adjustment Details link on the Mass Adjustment Selection page.

Enter a positive or negative adjustment percentage or amount to apply to the selected line item rows.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining Mass Adjustment Definitions

Access the Mass Adjustment List page (click the Edit Adjustment link on the My Planning Workspace page).

Adjustment ID

Enter a unique adjustment ID.

You cannot use the word SYSTEM as a prefix because the application automatically prefixes system-generated adjustments with SYSTEM. (For example, you cannot enter an adjustment ID of SYSTEM123.)

Note. You cannot change selection parameters or the mass adjustment definition for an existing adjustment ID that you applied or reversed.

Statistical Budgeting

Select to adjust statistical accounts or codes.


Click to add or modify the adjustment parameters for the adjustment ID.

Adjustment Amount

Displays the value of the applied adjustment.

The system saves the mass adjustment modifications for the selected line items.

Currency Code

Displays the adjustment's currency code.


Click to perform the mass adjustment that you define on the Mass Adjustment Details page.


Click to reverse a previously applied mass adjustment.

Note. You do not have to reverse mass adjustment IDs in the order in which you created them. When the system applies or reverses an adjustment, it uses the value defined when you checked out the activity and created and saved the adjustment ID.

Note. You can delete an existing adjustment ID that you have not yet applied by deleting the line item row. If you have applied it, you can reverse the mass adjustment and then delete it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Line Items for Mass Adjustment

Access the Mass Adjustment Selection page (click the Go button on the Mass Adjustment List page).

Adjustment ID

Enter a description for the line item mass adjustment in this free-form text field.

Account Category

Select to narrow your line item selection criteria to a similar group of accounts (such as building expenses).

From and To (from and to ChartField values)

Enter a range of values to narrow your line item selection criteria.

If you are adjusting statistical amounts, you must enter a statistical code dimension value. You cannot adjust more than one statistical code in the same adjustment ID.

When adjusting monetary amounts for a multicurrency model, enter a single currency code. You cannot adjust more than one currency code in the same adjustment ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Mass Adjustment Details

Access the Mass Adjustment Details page (click the Mass Adjustment Details link on the Mass Adjustment Selection page).

Before Adjustment

Displays the total amount of all selected line item rows.


Displays the total amount calculated as your mass adjustment for all selected line items, based on your specified adjustment parameters.

After Adjustment

Displays the sum of the before and after adjustment amounts. This sum represents the line item amount total after applying the mass adjustments' total.


Enter the relative increase or decrease to apply an amount to each of the selected line item rows.

Enter the percentage as a number with two decimal places. Enter a positive number to indicate a percentage increase and a negative number to indicate a percentage decrease. For example, enter 2.00 for a two percent increase, or −2.50 for a two and one-half percent decrease.

Adjustment Amount

Enter the increase or decrease amount to apply to each of the selected line item rows.

Budget Period From and To Budget Period

Enter the budget period range to which you want to apply the mass adjustment.

If you do not enter beginning and ending budget periods, the mass adjustment applies to all budget periods defined in the planning model for the selected line items.

Include Starting Balance

This check box is active only if you have not selected the Budget Period From field.

Select this check this box to include the starting balance for balance sheet accounts in the Mass Adjustment Distribution grid.


Select the check box next to each line item row that you want to include in the mass adjustment process.

Note. In the activity scenario's planning model , you can exclude line items from mass adjustments by clearing the Adjustments check box on the Assign Planning Method Defaults - Override Controls page. If the check box is cleared for the corresponding account dimension member, then the system excludes it from any mass adjustments and the line item does not appear on the Mass Adjustments Details page.

If you select the Hold check box for line item rows on the Line Item Details page, the system excludes selected line items from any mass adjustment changes and does not display them on the Mass Adjustment Details page.

When you have only partial access to planning center data due to secondary security rules applied by the coordinator, you will be able to only see and adjust those rows to which you have access. The adjustments cannot apply to rows you do not have access to.