Setting Up Security and Roles

This chapter provides an overview of security setup, secondary security setup, lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Security Setup

You are required to set up security for Planning and Budgeting, which in turn defines how you configure and control your system. The ultimate goal is to develop an interface and functionality specific to your particular organization.

To implement Planning and Budgeting security setup, first link the Planning and Budgeting roles to a corresponding PeopleTools security role. You then designate users with these roles for access to the Planning and Budgeting system. The roles are associated with security groups that in turn grant user access to specific nodes on the planning center tree. The security groups are used in the building of model, scenario, and activity combinations.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Secondary Security Setup

Secondary security setup is optional. You can create a secondary security group to grant users access to dimension members, and you can associate the secondary security group with the activity scenarios. You use a dimension other than your planning center dimension to establish secondary security.

There are two different kinds of secondary security definitions used by Planning and Budgeting, and only one type of secondary security definition can be used at a time by each line item activity in a planning model:

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning Planning and Budgeting Roles to PeopleTools User Roles

PeopleSoft delivers predefined Planning and Budgeting roles. You may use these roles or optionally replace them with a role name more descriptive of your situation. Use the PeopleTools pages to define a user role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Planning and Budgeting Roles and Their Relationship to PeopleSoft Security Roles

This section provides an overview, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to associate Planning and Budgeting roles with PeopleSoft roles. Planning and Budgeting delivers the following predefined roles:


The central budget office coordinator for an organization, this individual determines budget parameters and guidelines, builds the planning model, coordinates the overall budget process for the organization, and performs high-level forecasting and analysis.


With budget responsibility for a planning center—typically a unit, department, or division within an organization—this individual may break a budget into smaller units for distribution to lower levels and establish additional guidelines for those smaller units to follow in the budgeting process. Budget analysts also do some forecasting and modeling for their overall budget.


With responsibility for reviewing and approving submitted budget plans for a planning center, in many cases, a budget reviewer and a budget analyst may be the same individual.


At the lowest level of budget preparation for a planning center, this individual provides line item, asset, and position budget amounts and justifications to higher-level users and does not usually perform budget allocations. When finished preparing a budget, the budget preparer submits a budget to a higher level planning center for review and approval.

Casual Preparer

An additional user at the lowest level of budget preparation for a planning center, when access is granted this individual performs the same activities as the budget preparer. The system does not, however, let the casual preparers define their own private views for line item budgeting. When finished preparing a budget, the casual preparer submits a budget to a higher level planning center for review and approval.

System Administrator

The system administrator is in charge of system security.


When you delete the user profile of a user that is included as part of a Planning and Budgeting security group, his role must be updated to inactivated in that security group.

The system automatically assigns this role to the user when you delete his user profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Complete general PeopleSoft security setup including the following:

  1. Define permission lists—the objects that control what a user can and cannot access.

  2. Assign permission lists to user roles.

    A user role is the link between a permission list and a user profile. A user role can use multiple permission lists, and a user profile can be assigned multiple roles. A user's system access is a combination of all of their user roles.

  3. Set up a user profile to define an individual PeopleSoft user, and then link the user profile to one or more roles.

    You must set up a user profile in the system before you can give a user access to the Planning and Budgeting system. In setting up a user profile, you create a user ID and associate roles with that user ID. The role assigns permission lists to the user.

See Also

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Working with Permission Lists"

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "Roles"

PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, "User Profiles"

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Assign Planning and Budgeting Roles to User Roles

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Definition Name



Planning & Budgeting Roles


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Planning and Budgeting Roles

Assign Planning and Budgeting roles to PeopleTools specified roles.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Planning and Budgeting Roles to User Roles

Access the Planning & Budgeting Roles page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Planning and Budgeting Roles).

When you assign a user role to a budgeting role, you are essentially assigning permission lists to the budgeting role. This optional page lets you rename budgeting roles, which may be useful in enterprises where roles are labeled differently from the delivered Planning and Budgeting roles or where multiple languages are used.

PeopleSoft Role

Enter a user role (defined in PeopleTools) for each of the delivered budgeting roles.

Preparer and casual preparer require a PeopleSoft role assigned. Other budgeting roles are optional. Leave these blank if you are not using in Planning and Budgeting.

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: Security Administration, Roles and permission lists, Roles

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Planning and Budgeting Users

Before granting access to the Planning and Budgeting system or sending automatic emails to those involved in the budgeting process, define and identify your budgeting system users from the user profiles you set up using PeopleTools.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Budget Users

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Planning and Budgeting Users


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, User List

Define specific user access to Planning and Budgeting and synchronize user profiles from PeopleSoft EPM Warehouse.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Planning and Budgeting Users

Access the Define Planning and Budgeting Users page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, User List).

The Define Planning and Budgeting Users page displays all users that have a planning and budgeting role assigned in the system. You must designate which of these users may have access to Planning and Budgeting applications with a check.

Update Users

Once you have assigned a planning and budgeting role to a user, click this button to synchronize user profiles in the PeopleSoft EPM Warehouse.

Note. You should also update users any time you delete a user profile in PeopleTools security.

Budget User

Select to enable a user access to the budgeting system.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with EPM Warehouse Security

The EPM Warehouse security defines:

Access rights for a user are the combined access provided to them by their membership in roles.

To set up secured access for a dimension in the warehouse, the security administrator defines the access rules and then executes a batch program that processes the rules into flattened security join tables (SJTs). These tables are then queried by EPM applications to determine what data is accessible by a certain user.

Planning and Budgeting has its own set of security tables that contain information about users and their access rights. To leverage the warehouse security in Planning and Budgeting, we deliver a batch program (Request Security Processing) that accesses the SJTs and updates the Planning and Budgeting security tables with the same information. You must execute the Planning and Budgeting batch program after the warehouse security program has modified the SJTs.

To that end, you:

  1. Define a jobstream containing both the warehouse and the Planning and Budgeting security batch processes, using the Jobstream page (EPM Foundation, Job Processing, Setup Engines and Jobstreams, Processes in Jobstreams).

  2. Run the jobstream from the Request Security processing page (EPM Foundation, EPM Security, Advanced, Request Security Processing).

The EPM batch process performs the following steps:

Note. Any security access granted to a user ID applies to all planning centers for that user. Additionally, there is no need to run the security processing program by business unit because security is run at the setID level.

See Setting Up EPM Security.

See Streamlining Processing with Jobstreams.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Planning and Budgeting Security Groups and Secondary Security Groups

This section provides overviews of security groups, planning center version security, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Security Groups

Use security groups to grant access to user roles at the planning center level. You define the elements of the security group on the Security Group page and they will be displayed on the User Roles pages. Only those planning centers assigned to a user and role here will show up on the User Planning Centers page. A security group can be used on multiple activity scenarios and planning models.

You create a secondary security group to associate users with a particular non-planning center dimension that you specify when you define the activity on the Activity page. You can grant both read and read-write access within the secondary security group.

Note. Planning and Budgeting does not support secondary dimension security for positions or assets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Planning Center Version Security

A user who has read-only access to a secondary security group, will have only partial access to the planning center. For that reason the system draws a distinction between full and partial access:

A planning center version is defined by a unique combination of these elements: business unit, planning model, activity, scenario, planning center, and version.

Users with partial access to a planning center version are not authorized to do the following:

Note. The system may still allow a user to see or derive secured data via a driver for the RELATE method, or a flexible formula source. Such read access should be restricted to trusted users.

Submit Status of Planning Centers

All line item planning center versions must have at least one full access user, that is, either read-only or read-write access to all line items in that planning center. Planning centers that do not have at least one such user are deemed nonsubmissible.

The system does not prevent you from creating a nonsubmissible planning center. However, during the staging process, the system generates a warning for each nonsubmissible planning center. The User Access to Line Items page shows the status (in the Submit Allowed? column) of each planning center version; this page is available only after staging.

See Staging Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

Resolving Nonsubmissible Status of Planning Centers

The system provides tools so that the coordinator can ensure there is a full access user for every planning center version. Drilling down on a planning center version in the User Access to Line Items page takes you to the User Access to Line Items Detail page, that shows which users have access to each line item within the planning center version.

See Staging Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

See Viewing User Access to Line Items and to Line Item Details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To define a security group for your planning center dimension you must first define the following:

Note. If you are using the optional secondary security, define the dimension used to secure on the Activity page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages used to Define a Security Group

Page Name

Definition Name



Security Group


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security Groups

Assign user and role access to nodes on the planning center tree.

Secondary Security Group


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security Groups

Create a secondary security group to associate a user with a particular dimension.

Copy User Permissions


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security Groups, and click Copy.

Select from a list of target users to whom you want to copy permissions.

Copy Secondary Security Group


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security Groups, and click Copy Secondary Security Group.

Specify the name and effective date of the secondary security group to which you want to copy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Security Groups

Access the Security Groups page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security Groups).

Security groups define the relationship between a planning center, a user and a role assigned to that user. This page allows you to add new combinations of the centers, users and roles. Click a node on the tree to get the planning center for the node into the first grid to the right, and then assign one or more user roles. To assign more nodes/planning centers to users and roles, click the next node and assign users and roles. When you click the next node, the system moves the data for the previously selected node from the first grid into the second grid on the right. When you click the save button the data in the first grid (if any) is moved into second grid and the system saves all the data in the second grid.

Copy Security Group

Click this button to create a copy of the group to facilitate development of a new security group.

Tree name

Enter the planning center tree name. This tree must have levels defined and strictly enforced.

Preparer Level

This level is for choosing planning centers for preparer role or casual preparer role. Other roles, reviewer or analyst or administrator, should pick planning center nodes from levels above the preparer level.

Read Only

The planning center security group default access is read-write. You may grant read-only access by selecting the read-only check box for any user role and planning center row in the security group. This in turn grants read-only access to the planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page.

Note. You can directly add and delete user access from the grid on the right — 'User access assigned to selected planning centers' group box. It is not necessary to perform any security refresh process if access changes during the planning process, but if you add a new planning center node you will need to refresh Dimension members and worklists in the Update Data Stage Process.

Warning! You will receive the following error message if you attempt to modify or copy a security group that has a user flagged as inactivated:

Inactivated users exist in this security group. Some of the users removed from the Planning and Budgeting user list still exist in this security group. This error can be resolved either by including inactivated users in Planning and Budgeting user list or by deleting inactivated users from the security group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Secondary Security Groups

Access the Secondary Security Groups page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security Groups).

Create a secondary security group to associate users with a particular dimension that you specify when you define the line item activity on the Activity page. You can grant both read-only and read-write access permissions to the secondary security group.

Copy Secondary Security Group

Upon clicking, the system transfers you to the Copy Secondary Security Group page where you can specify the name and effective date of the secondary security group to which you want to copy.


Select the additional dimension for which you want to create a secondary security group.

Effective Date

Defaults to the current date. Ensure that the tree and dimension security group have the same effective date, so that if the tree changes the dimension security group also changes; or set the effective date to the past so that the dimension security group applies even if the tree changes.

EW Security Definition (Enterprise Warehouse Security Definition)

Display-only check box, and it is checked for an Enterprise Warehouse (EW) secondary security definition.

Note. You cannot update dimension values on the Secondary Security Group page if it came from EW security. You may only define read-only access, since by default it is read-write. To modify values and user access you should either refresh from EW security, or copy the secondary security group that would then no longer be tied to the EW definition.

Select Dimension Value

Select By Value or By Tree to specify the dimension value range. The system activates the lower boxes on the page based on your selection.

Note. The option that you select applies to all users. Switching from one option to the other will result in existing permissions being deleted for all users.

You can copy a secondary security group established from EW security, but by default the definition uses values and not trees. By copying from EW security, it becomes a secondary security group for Planning and Budgeting and you can edit the way you want since it is no longer tied to the EW security definition.

Dimension Value Range

If you selected By Value, then enter the From Value and To Value for the dimension. Click Add to populate the dimension value rows in the box to the right.

Note. You must have a valid user selected before you can populate dimension members by value or tree.

Tree Information

If you selected By Tree, then enter the Tree SetID, and Tree Name. Specify the tree Level Name, or select Detail Level to display all the lowest level dimension values (nodes and leaves). The system displays the dimension tree.

Click any of the tree nodes to populate the Edit Permissions grid (to the right) and grant access to all the nodes and child nodes, at the specified level, to the selected user in the User Permissions group box.

Select the Detail Level check box to populate the Edit Permissions grid (to the right) and grant access to all lowest level dimension values under the selected node to the selected user in the User Permissions group box.

Select User

Enter the User ID to assign permissions. Use the Edit Permissions group box to view the current permission selection and to modify read-only and read-write access for the current permission selection. Use the Existing Permissions group box to view a complete list of user permissions and to modify existing security access for the entire list.

Note. Make sure you select a user to assign permissions to the selected dimension values.

Read Only

Select if you are assigning read-only access to the dimension value row.

Deselect for the user to have read-write access.


Refreshes the page with existing permissions for the selected user, and clears the Edit Permissions grid. You must enter a user before clicking Refresh.


Transfers you to the Copy User Permissions page where you can select from a list of Target Users to whom you want to copy permissions. You must enter a user before clicking Copy.

On the Copy User Permissions page, you can enter search criteria and click Refresh to narrow down the list of target users. You can also click Select All/Clear All to select or deselect all displayed users. If any of the selected users already has existing permissions, the system warns you that these permissions will be overwritten by the permissions from the source user.


Deletes existing permissions for the selected user. You must select a user before clicking. The system displays a warning message before deleting.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Security by User

Review, assign, or delete access to security groups and planning centers based on the User ID. Selecting a User ID reveals the roles assigned to that user with a link to the active security groups. Clicking on that link gives a report of all the active security groups for the specific user and role combination. A link is available to go to the Planning Center page were you can designate planning center nodes for the selected user and role.

Note. The preparer level assigned in the security group MUST be at the same level as the planning center tree used in the activity and scenario definition. The model validator tool will check for this compatibility.

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To review Planning and Budgeting security by user you must define the:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Security by User

Page Name

Definition Name



User Roles


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, User Roles

Review security group selections for a user's role. Also can access the planning center pages.

User Security Groups


Click the Security Group link on the User Roles page.

View all the security groups for the user role. Contains a link to the Planning Center page for the each security group.

User Planning Centers


Click on the Planning Center link on the User Security Groups page.

View, assign, or delete planning center nodes of the selected security group to the selected user and role.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing User Roles

Access the User Roles page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, User Roles).

This page reports the Planning and Budgeting roles assigned through PeopleTools Security. There are links to the active security groups definition assigned to this user id by role. Check boxes also indicate permissions to perform allocations, adjustments, position deletions, and position transfers.

Security Groups

Click this link to access the security groups assigned to the role.

Allowed to do allocations?

Grants the right to make allocation decisions in the budgeting process.

Allowed to do adjustments?

Grants the right to perform adjustments to the accounts.

Note. If these options are not selected to allow allocations or adjustments, access to allocate and mass adjust will not be available for all planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page.

Allowed to do position delete?

Grants the right to delete positions that are created during the budgeting process. This option works in conjunction with the Position Delete Rules option on the Position Data Defaults page.

See Defining Position Data Defaults.

Allowed to do position transfers?

Grants the right to perform position transfers across planning centers.

Note. If the options to allow position transfer or delete are not selected, these actions will not be available on the Position Overview page - Actions menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing User Security Groups

Access the User Security Groups page (click the Security Group link on the User Roles page).

This is a list of all the active security groups for a user role with a link to the Planning Centers page to review, assign, and delete planning center nodes of the selected security group.

Planning Centers

Click to access the User Planning Center page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing User Planning Centers

Access the User Planning Center page (lick on the Planning Center link on the User Security Groups page).

The planning centers displayed for this user and role combination are those defined in the Security Group. Users may only have access at the level of the Planning Centers tree as defined in the Security Group. Click on the nodes of the tree at proper level for the role to assign them to the selected user and role. If the planning center node is not already assigned to the user and role, it will be added in the grid. Use save button to save the assigned or deleted planning center nodes in the grid to be saved. In this example the user BP01 for the Analyst role only has access to three planning centers.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Planning and Budgeting Security Reports

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Security by User and Role


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security by User and Role

Displays a list of Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Activity, Scenario and Planning Centers for a unique combination of User ID, Role, Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Activity and Scenario.

Security by Activity/Scenario


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security by Activity/Scenario

Displays a list of planning centers and the total number of users of that center, for a unique combination of Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Activity and Scenario.

Security by Planning Center


Click the Total Number of Users link on the Security by Activity/Scenario page.

Display the user IDs and roles associated with a specific planning center in a business unit, planning model ID, activity, and scenario.

Secondary Security by User


Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security by User.

Report existing permissions for a set of User IDs and dimension values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Security by User and Role

Access the Security by User and Role page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security by User and Role).

The system displays a list of planning centers for a unique combination of user ID, role, business unit, planning model ID, activity and scenario.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Security by Activity and Scenario

Access the Security by Activity/Scenario page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Security by Activity/Scenario).

Based on a selection of business unit, planning model ID, activity and scenario, the system displays a list of planning centers and the total number of users of that center. This list insures that all planning centers are covered by a role.

Click to jump to parent topicReporting Secondary Security by User

Access the Secondary Security by User page (Planning and Budgeting, System Administration, Administer User Security, Secondary Security by User).

Enter a range of user IDs or dimension values and then click Refresh Report to display existing permissions for the given search criteria.