1 SL150 FC Implementation

The FC implementation on the SL150 conforms to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and National Committee for Information Technology Standards (NCITS), formerly X3. The following lists support details.

Library Support

  • Supports arbitrated loop and direct fabric attach

  • FCP (SCSI-3) command set for medium changer devices

  • Class 3 level of service

  • Private and public loop operations

  • Direct fabric attache operation

  • Hard-assigned port addresses (AL-PA)

  • Basic and extended link services

  • Connections to an external hub (or switch)

  • Data transfer rates of 100 MB/s

  • Standard approved length shortwave fibre optic cables

  • Multimode laser operating at 780 nm (shortwave) non-OFC

Hub Support

  • Multiple ports

  • Standard approved length fibre optic and copper cables

  • Multimode laser operating at 780 nm (shortwave) non-OFC

  • Single mode laser operating at 1300 nanometers (longwave)

  • Cascading hub attachments

  • Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) connections in the hub

Switch Support

  • Attachment to FL_Ports