9 Configuring Access to Applications Sources

This chapter explains how to set up sources for Oracle and third-party databases and for Oracle business applications. It contains the following topics:

Setting Up Database Sources

With a database source, you can crawl any JDBC-enabled database. A database source can crawl database content projected as a view or query. Each record in the view or query result set is interpreted as a document. You can create public database sources or secure database sources.

Required Columns in Database Sources

The view or query to be crawled must contain the columns described in Table 9-1. All column names must be in upper case.

Table 9-1 Database Source Required Columns

Column Type Description



Document content.



Key to identify the record in the record set. You can use a custom name for this column in the Administration GUI. See "Configuring the JDBC Driver".



Document language in ISO 639-1 language code; for example, en for English or ja for Japanese.



Last modified date of the document.

If you do not have a column for the mandatory LastModifiedDate attribute, use a constant date value in the SQL query for the source. Use a format that the getTimestamp method of the corresponding JDBC driver accepts without errors. Incremental changes to records are not picked up by re-crawls, so always schedule a full crawl.



Display URL for the document. The value for this column cannot be null. This connector requires that there is URL-based access to the records in the result set of the view or query.

Optional Columns in Database Sources

The view or query can contain the optional columns describe in Table 9-2. Any other column is considered an attribute of the document.

If the query or view contains both content and either an attachment or attachment link, then one column (in the following order) is considered document content:




Even if the ATTACHMENT_LINK or ATTACHMENT column is specified in the query, you should include the mandatory CONTENT column. However, the content of ATTACHMENT_LINK or ATTACHMENT is indexed as document content.

Table 9-2 Database Source Optional Columns

Column Type Description



Binary attachments for the document.



A link to the attachment for the document. HTTP, HTTPS, FILE, and FTP are valid.)



Content type of the document; for example, "text/html" for HTML documents, "application/pdf" for PDF documents, or "application/msword" for Microsoft Word documents.

Leave blank when the content type is unknown or varied so that is it not feasible to specify the content type for each document individually.



Path to the document. This is used in the browse feature. This can be used to represent the organizational hierarchy of the document. For example, level1#level2#level3.



Title of the document to be displayed in the Oracle SES search result page.



Specifies the time zone for the date specified in LASTMODIFIEDDATE. For example CST. Oracle SES converts the last modified date from the specified time zone to Oracle SES time zone. If the time zone is not specified, then the date is considered to be in the Oracle SES time zone.

Configuring the JDBC Driver

Depending on your database source, you may need to configure the JDBC driver.

To crawl any third-party database:  

  1. Download the appropriate JDBC driver jar for JRE 1.6 into the ses_home/search/lib/plugins/oracleapplications directory.

  2. Add the JRE 1.6 JDBC driver jar file name to the JDBC Driver Class parameter for a database type source in the Administration GUI, as described in Table 9-3.

  3. Add the JRE 1.6 JDBC driver jar file name to the classpath in MANIFEST.MF of appsjdbc.jar and DBCrawler.jar.

  4. Restart the middle tier.

For a key attribute that is not named KEY: 

  1. When configuring the database connector, specify the column name in the Key Attribute Name parameter, as described in Table 9-3.

  2. In the crawling query, use the key attribute name as the alias for the key value column name. In this example, ID was entered as the value of the Key Attribute Name parameter and is the alias for KEYVAL:

    SELECT keyval id, content, url, lastmodifieddate, lang FROM sales_only

Query File XML Schema Definition

The following is the XSD that defines the format of the XML query file.

<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->XSD for the XML sub-queries file:<!--[endif]-->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"  xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ses/sqlconnector/detail-attribute-queries" targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ses/sqlconnector/detail-attribute-queries"  elementFormDefault="qualified">
  <xsd:complexType name="sqlQueriesType">
        Specify detail and attribute queries as a source parameter for 
        each document fetched by the parent query.
      <xsd:element name="attachmentQueries" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
            Specify detail queries to fetch detail records for each document
            represented by the parent record. The parent records, fetched by 
            the parent query, are specified as a source parameter. Each record 
            in the document (parent) query can be associated with several detail
            (child) records. Each of these child records has a single column
           specifying the content that will be indexed as attachment to the
           parent document. The child query should select a single column, and
           the WHERE clause should have bind variables of the form 
           ##PARENT ATTR##, where the value of PARENT ATTR from the parent
           record is substituted while executing the detail query. 
            <xsd:element name="query" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1">
                <!--Attribute to specify whether the contents retrieved by the
                  query is inline attachment or link to an attachment. The value
                  "true" specifies that the content is a link to an attachment
                  and "false" indicates inline attachment. Default value is
                <xsd:attribute name="link" default="false"/>
                <!--Content type of the attachment. If no value is specified, 
                  SES will auto-detect the content type.-->
                <xsd:attribute name="contenttype" default="null"/>
      <xsd:element name="attributeQueries" maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
            Specify queries to retrieve values of attributes of the parent
            document. Use this feature if the attribute can contain multiple
            values for a document. If the attribute is a single-valued 
            attribute, then it can be specified in the parent query. The WHERE
            clause should have bind variables of the form ##PARENT ATTR##,
            where the value of PARENT ATTR from the parent record is substituted
            while executing the query.
            <xsd:element name="query" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1"/>
  <xsd:element name="sqlQueries" type="sqlQueriesType"/>

Creating Public Database Sources

Public database sources have no security implemented in Oracle SES.

To create a public database source: 

  1. Create a database source on the Home - Sources page. Select Database from the Source Type list, and click Create.

  2. Enter the database source parameters as described in Table 9-3.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Set authorization to No Access Control List, and clear the authorization manager class name and jar name.

  5. Click Create to create the database source.

Table 9-3 Database Source Parameters

Parameter Value

Database Connection String

JDBC connection string for the database with content to be crawled. The JDBC string is driver-specific. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@server:port:SID

User ID

User ID to log in to the database specified in Database Connection String. This user ID must have access to the schema owning the view specified in View or the query specified in Query.


Password to log in to the database specified in Database Connection String.


Table or view to be crawled. Specify either View or Query, not both.

JDBC Driver Class

JDBC driver class to connect to the database. For example, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.

Leave blank to use the default driver:

  • Oracle Database: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

  • SQL Server: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver

Key Attribute Name

Name of the key column in the database source. The default value is KEY, as described in Table 9-1, "Database Source Required Columns".

Document Count

Maximum number of documents to be crawled before indexing. Enter -1 to crawl all documents before indexing.

Query File

Path to the XML file specifying the subqueries to crawl attachments and attributes of documents corresponding to every record in the main query. See "Query File XML Schema Definition".

When Oracle SES software is deployed across multiple middle tiers, then this query file must be accessible to all the middle tiers.


Query projecting the content to be crawled. Specify either View or Query, not both.

URL Prefix

String that precedes the content of the URL column and forms a display URL for the document.

Cache File

Prefix of a local file name in which the contents can be temporarily cached while crawling.

Path Separator

The character separating the tokens in the PATH of the document as returned by the query or view. It must be a single character, and it cannot be a space, a single or double quote, or a control character.

Parse Attributes

Enter true to extract the values of the attributes from the document content specified in the SOLUTION or CONTENT column. Enter false otherwise, or when the content is type text/html.

In this example, attr1 and attr2 are extracted as attributes of the document with values 22 and 333 respectively:

<attr1>22</attr1> <attr2>333</attr2>

Content up to the first attribute is interpreted as the document content. The remaining portion is used to extract attributes only. In this example, only "page" is considered document content:

page<attr1>22</attr1> is <attr2>333</attr2> dispersed

Remove Deleted Documents

Enter true to remove deleted documents from the index; otherwise, enter false.

Attachment Link Authentication Type

Standard Java authentication type used by the application serving the link in the ATTACHMENT_LINK column. Enter one of these values:

  • PUBLIC: No authentication.

  • DIGEST: Digest authentication

  • BASIC: Basic authentication

  • NATIVE: Native authentication in the source

Attachment Link User ID

User ID for accessing the links specified in the ATTACHMENT_LINK column. Required when the link targets are secure.

Attachment Link Password

Password for Attachment Link User ID.

Attachment Link Realm

Realm of the application serving the link in the ATTACHMENT_LINK column. Required when the link targets are secure.

Grant Security Attributes

Space-separated list of grant security attributes. Leave blank for public sources.

Deny Security Attributes

Space-separated list of deny security attributes. Leave blank for public sources.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the Database source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Database source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Database source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the Database source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Database source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Database source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Defining User-Defined Security for Database Sources

Some attributes in the view or query being crawled must be identified as security attributes. The values of these attributes determine if a user is authorized to view a document. These attributes can be either GRANT attributes or DENY attributes.

To create a database source with user-defined security: 

  1. On the Home - Sources page, select Database from the Source Type list and click Create.

  2. Enter values for the parameters as described in Table 9-3. Specify the GRANT and DENY attributes as values for parameters Grant Security Attributes and Deny Security Attributes respectively. If there are multiple GRANT or DENY security attributes, then separate attribute names with a space.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Enter values for the authorization plug-in parameters:

    • Authorization Database Connection String: JDBC connection string for the authorization database. The values of the security attributes to which a given user is authorized are retrieved from this database. The JDBC string is driver-specific.

    • User ID: User ID to login to the authorization database.

    • Password: Password to login to the authorization database.

    • Authorization Query: SQL query to retrieve the values of security attributes to which a given user is authorized. The SELECT clause of this query should have all the security attributes specified in Step 2 with identical names. This query can be of two types:

      • The query can return a single record for a given user. The value in each security attribute column should be a space-delimited list of values to which the user is authorized.

      • The query can return multiple records for a given user. The value in each security attribute column of every row of the result set of this query is interpreted as a single value.

        Specify a question mark (?) as the placeholder for the username in the query.

    • Single Record Query: Enter true if the authorization query returns a single record for a given user.

    • Authorization User ID Format: Format of the user ID to be used in the SQL query specified in Authorization Query. This format should be an authentication attribute of the active identity plug-in.

      For example, if Oracle SES is configured with the Oracle Internet Directory identity plug-in (which supports DN, nickname and e-mail address as authentication attributes), then this parameter can be specified as nickname. The nickname of the current user is then used in the SQL authorization query to build the security filter.

      If no value is specified for this parameter, then the user ID in the canonical form of the active identity plug-in is used in the authorization query to build the security filter.

  5. Click Create to create the database source.

Database Search Attributes

Database sources have no predefined attributes. The crawler collects attributes from columns defined during source creation. You must map the columns to the search attributes.

Example of Creating a Database Source With User-Defined Security

The document set to be crawled is in tables T1 and T2 as specified by the following query:

     T1, T2 
     T1.ID = T2.DOC_ID 

The document content is provided by the T1.DESCRIPTION column.

Each document has an HTTP access URL of the form http://my.company.com/docserver?doc_id=document_identifier.

The value of T2.AUTH_ID controls access to a document. For example, user SCOTT can access a document only if the value of T2.AUTH_ID for the document is in the list of AUTH_IDs for SCOTT as retrieved by the following query:


This source can be crawled as a database source type with the following source parameter values:

  • Database Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@example:7777:ses

  • User ID: apps_user

  • Password: ******

  • View:

  • Document Count: -1

  • Query:

         'docserver?doc_id='|| T1.ID URL, 
         T1.ID "KEY", 
         'en' LANG, 
         'text/plain' CONTENTTYPE, 
         T1, T2 
  • Query File:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <sqlQueries xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ses/sqlconnector/detail-attribute-queries detail-attribute-queries.xsd"
         <query link="true" contenttype='text/html'>

    AUTHID and KEY are columns in the select list of the parent query.

    Note: This must be the path to a local file containing the subqueries for attributes and attachments that are currently listed directly for query file.

  • URL Prefix: http://my.example.com/

  • Cache File: /tmp/cacheFile

  • Path Separator: #

  • Parse Attributes: false

  • Grant Security Attributes: AUTH_ID

  • Deny Security Attributes:

The following are sample parameter values for authorization.

  • Database Connection String: jdbc:oracle:thin:@example:7777:ses

  • User ID: apps_user

  • Password: *****

  • Authorization Query:

  • Single Record Query: false

  • Authorization User ID Format: username

Setting Up Oracle E-Business Suite Sources

The Oracle E-Business Suite connector uses the Oracle SES XML connector framework, where searching is based on Oracle E-Business Suite data available as XML feeds.

To activate an identity plug-in for Oracle E-Business Suite sources: 

  1. On the Global Settings page, select Identity Management Setup.

  2. Select Oracle E-Business Suite and click Activate to display the Activate Identity Plug-in page.

  3. Enter values for the parameters as described in Table 9-4. Obtain the values for these parameters from the E-Business Suite administrator.

  4. Click Finish.

Table 9-4 Oracle E-Business Suite Identity Management Parameters

Parameter Value

HTTP endpoint for authentication

HTTP endpoint of Oracle E-Business Suite that provides the user authentication and validation service.

User ID

Administrator user ID for posting data to the endpoint specified in HTTP endpoint for authentication.


Password for User ID.

To create an Oracle E-Business Suite source: 

  1. Activate an identity plug-in as described in the previous procedure.

  2. On the home page, select the Sources secondary tab.

  3. Select Oracle E-Business Suite from the Source Type list, and click Create.

  4. Enter the source parameters as described in Table 9-5.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Get Parameters to obtain a list of parameters for the authorization manager plug-in.

  7. Enter the values for the authorization manager plug-in parameters as described in Table 9-6.

  8. Click Create.

After processing each data feed, the crawler uploads a status feed to the location specified in the XML configuration file specified in the Configuration URL parameter. This status feed has a name in the following format:

  • datafeedFilename.suc when the data feed was processed successfully.

  • datafeedFilename.err when an error occurred during processing. The errors are listed in this file.

Table 9-5 Oracle E-Business Suite Source Parameters

Parameter Value

Configuration URL

URL of the XML configuration file providing details of the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on. The URL is a HTTP URL accessible over HTTP. Obtain this file from the Oracle E-Business Suite administrator.

Authentication Type

Enter the value Native.

User ID

User ID to access the data feeds. The access details of the data feed are specified in the configuration file. The user id can be obtained from Oracle E-Business Suite administrator.


Password for User ID.


The realm of the application serving the feeds. The parameter is usually left blank.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the Oracle E-Business Suite source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Oracle E-Business Suite source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Oracle E-Business Suite source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the Oracle E-Business Suite source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Oracle E-Business Suite source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Oracle E-Business Suite source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Scratch Directory

A directory on the same computer as Oracle SES, where the status logs are created temporarily.

Maximum number of connection attempts

Maximum number of attempts to connect to the target server to access the data feed.

Delete Linked Documents

Set it to true if the documents crawled from the links in the feeds must be deleted. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Number of data feeds to be pre-fetched

Number of data feeds to pre-fetch. Its value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. If its value is set to 0, then no data feed is pre-fetched. The value specified must be such that there is sufficient memory to cache the pre-fetched feeds. The default value is 0.

Enable Resume Crawl

Set it to true to enable resuming crawl when the crawl fails or stops. The default value is true.

Stop Crawl On Content Fetch Error

Set it to true to stop crawl on content fetch error, else set it to false. The default value is false.

Table 9-6 Oracle E-Business Suite Authorization Parameters

Parameter Value

HTTP endpoint for authorization

HTTP endpoint of E-Business Suite that provides the user authorization service.

User ID

User ID.


Password for User ID.

Business Component

Name of the Oracle E-Business Suite business component being crawled. The values of the security attributes for which the current user is authorized in the realm of this business component is retrieved to build the security filter for the user when the user logs into Oracle SES. For example, oracle.apps.fnd.fwk.search.NavigationSVO.

Security attribute values for anonymous user

Comma-delimited list of authorized values of security attributes for anonymous user. If the parameter is left blank, then the authorization service is contacted to retrieve the values of security attributes accessible for anonymous user.

Display URL Prefix

HTTP host information to prefix the partial URL specified in the access URL of the documents in XML feeds to form the complete URL. This complete URL is the display URL of the document when the document link in the Oracle SES search results page is clicked.

This value must form a valid URL when concatenated with the access URL element of an item in the data feed. Be careful to avoid having either two slashes or none when the values are combined. Thus, enter a trailing slash (/) if the access URLs do not begin with a slash, or omit the trailing slash from the prefix if the access URLs begin with a slash.

Setting Up Siebel 7.8 Sources

The Siebel 7.8 source crawler is based on crawling a view or query in a database. Each record in the view or query is considered a document.

The Siebel 7.8 connector supports Siebel installations on the following databases:

  • Oracle

  • SQL Server

Requirements for Siebel 7.8 Sources

Views and queries to be crawled must contain the columns described in Table 9-7.

Table 9-7 Siebel 7.8 Source Required Columns

Column Name Datatype Description



Display URL for the document. The value for this column cannot be null. This connector requires that there is URL-based access to the records in the result set of the view or query.



Document content.



Last modified date for crawl.



Primary key of the records.



Document language, such as en for English or ja for Japanese.

Any other columns in the views or queries is considered an attribute of the document.

Installing the JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server

If Siebel 7.8 is installed over a Microsoft SQL Server database, then Oracle SES must have access to the JDBC driver for SQL Server.

To install the SQL Server JDBC driver for Oracle SES: 

  1. Download the SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver 2.0 from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=2505.

  2. Follow the instructions at the same location to install the driver.

  3. Copy sqljdbc4.jar for JRE 1.6 from the installed directory to ses_home/search/lib/plugins/oracleapplications/.

  4. Add sqljdbc4.jar to the classpath in MANIFEST.MF of appsjdbc.jar and DBCrawler.jar.

  5. Restart the middle tier.

Enabling Crawling of Attachments for Siebel 7.8

The Oracle SES crawler can be used to crawl Siebel 7.8 attachments on remote computers using remote method invocation (RMI). To use RMI, you must set up:

  • The RMI server on the Siebel host to decompress Siebel attachment files.

  • A source on the SES host to crawl Siebel 7.8 attachments over RMI.

Starting the Decompression Server

If you are using Windows Native Access for the decompression server, then you can skip this procedure.

To start the decompression server on the Siebel host: 

  1. Install JDK if it is not already installed on the Siebel host.

  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the JDK folder.

  3. Update the PATH environment variable to begin with JAVA_HOME\bin.

  4. Start the RMI registry:

    • To use default port 1099, double-click JAVA_HOME\bin\rmiregistry.exe.

    • To use a different port number, execute this command from the Windows command prompt, replacing port_number as desired:

      %JAVA_HOME%\bin\rmiregistry port_number
  5. Copy this file from the Oracle SES host to the Siebel host and unzip it into the SiebelDecompSvr folder:

  6. Update SiebelDecompSvr\startDecompServer.bat by replacing the placeholders in the java command with the following information:

    • Absolute path to the sseunzip.exe decompression utility.

    • Folder where Siebel attachment files can be temporarily decompressed.

    • Level for logging decompression server output: FINE, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE. Default is INFO.

    • For user credential-based security, the user name specified in the Oracle SES configuration. See Table 9-8, "Siebel 7.8 Identity Management Parameters".

    • For user credential-based security, the password specified in the Oracle SES configuration.

  7. For RMI security, replace the placeholders in the sec.policy security policy file with the IP address or host name of the Oracle SES instances that crawls the Siebel attachments.

  8. Double-click SiebelDecompSvr\startDecompServer.bat on the Siebel host to start the decompression server.

Setting Up Identity Management for Siebel 7.8

This procedure enables Oracle SES to validate users by querying the Siebel 7.8 identity management system.

To activate the Siebel 7.8 identity plug-in: 

  1. On the Global Settings page, select Identity Management Setup under the System heading.

    The Global Settings - Identity Management Setup page is displayed.

  2. Select Siebel 7.8 and click Activate.

  3. Enter values for the parameters described in Table 9-8, then click Finish.

Table 9-8 Siebel 7.8 Identity Management Parameters

Parameter Value

Authentication and Validation Database Connection String

JDBC connection string for the Siebel 7.8 database for authenticating and validating users.

User ID

Administrator ID for the Siebel 7.8 database (specified in Authentication and Validation Database Connection String) for validating users.


Password for User ID.

User Validation Query

SQL query for validating users. The query must return 1 if the user is valid, and null otherwise. Use a question mark (?) as a placeholder for the user name. This query replaces this default query:


Creating a Secured Siebel 7.8 Source

Oracle SES supports these Siebel 7.8 secured business components: Activity, Accounts, Contacts, Literature, Products, and Service Request.

To create a source for Siebel 7.8 secured business components: 

  1. On the home page, click the Sources secondary tab to display the Sources page.

  2. Select Siebel 7.8 from the Source Type list, then click Create to display Step 1 Parameters.

  3. Complete the form, entering values for the parameters described in Table 9-9.

  4. Click Next to display Step 2 Authorization.

  5. Provide values for the authorization parameters described in Table 9-10.

  6. Click Create.

Table 9-9 Siebel 7.8 Source Parameters (Step 1)

Parameter Description

Database Connection String

JDBC connection string for the Siebel 7.8 database from which the content has to be crawled.

User ID

User ID to login to the Siebel 7.8 database specified in Database Connection String. This user ID should have access to the schema owning the view specified in View or the query specified in Query.


Password to login to the Siebel 7.8 database specified in Database Connection String.


Table or view with the columns needed for crawling.

Leave this parameter blank.

Document Count

Maximum number of documents to be crawled before indexing.

Enter -1 for this parameter.


Query projecting the columns for crawling.

Specify the query for the required business component given in "Queries to Crawl Siebel 7.8 Business Components".

Query File

Path to the XML file specifying the subqueries to crawl attachments and attributes of documents corresponding to every record in the main query.

Leave this parameter blank.

URL Prefix

String to prefix the content of URL column to form a complete display URL for the document

Cache File

Local file to which the contents can be temporarily cached while crawling.

Path Separator

Path separator character in the document path string.

Leave this parameter blank.

Parse Attributes

Extracts attribute values from the document content specified in the SOLUTION or CONTENT column.

Enter false for this parameter.

Grant Security Attributes

Space-separated list of grant security attributes.

Enter VISIBILITYID for this parameter.

Deny Security Attributes

Space-separated list of deny security attributes.

Leave this parameter blank.

Remove Deleted Documents

Set this parameter to false to optimize incremental crawl. Only records that have changed since the previous crawl are crawled. The documents deleted in the database are not deleted from the Oracle SES index.

Set this parameter to true if records that have been deleted from the database since the previous full crawl, or since a previous incremental crawl with this parameter set to true, should be deleted from the Oracle SES index as well.

Crawling may take longer when this parameter is set to true than when it is set to false.

Attachment Link Authentication Type

Enter NATIVE for user credential-based security; otherwise, enter PUBLIC for this parameter.

Attachment Link User ID

User ID for accessing the link in the attachment link column.

If the Attachment Link Authentication Type is NATIVE and attachments are accessed using RMI, then enter the user name provided in SiebelDecompSvr\startDecompServer.bat; otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

Attachment Link Password

Password for accessing the link in the attachment link column.

If the Attachment Link Authentication Type is NATIVE and Attachments are accessed using RMI, then enter the password provided in SiebelDecompSvr\startDecompServer.bat; otherwise, leave this parameter blank.

Attachment Link Realm

Realm of the application serving the link in the attachment link column.

Leave this parameter blank.

Table 9-10 Siebel 7.8 Authorization Parameters (Step 2)

Parameter Value

Authorization Database Connection String

JDBC connection string for the authorization database. The values of the visibility IDs for users are retrieved from this database. Typically, this connection string matches the Authentication and Validation Database Connection String on Page 1.

User ID

Administrator user ID for the authorization database specified in Authorization Database Connection String


Password for User ID.

Note: Oracle SES does not allow a password to contain the characters &, \, ", < , or >.

Authorization Query

SQL query to retrieve the values of visibility IDs. Use a question mark (?) as a placeholder for the user name. See Example 9-1 for more information about authorization queries.

Example 9-1 Siebel 7.8 Authorization Queries

The following query is the default authorization query that can be used for the Service Request, Accounts, Products, Literature, Solution, and Contacts business components:

SELECT p.BU_ID visibilityid 
   INNER JOIN dbo.S_USER    u  ON u.PAR_ROW_ID        = c2.PAR_ROW_ID 
WHERE u.LOGIN = upper(?)

Use the following authorization query for Activity business components:

SELECT DISTINCT usr.LOGIN visibilityid
   S_PARTY_RPT_REL rpt, 
   S_POSTN postn, 
   S_USER usr, 
   S_PARTY pty
   rpt.PARTY_ID IN (
      FROM dbo.S_PARTY T1 
         INNER JOIN dbo.S_USER    T4 ON T1.ROW_ID = T4.PAR_ROW_ID
      WHERE (T3.EMP_FLG = 'Y') AND T4.LOGIN=upper(?))
   AND rpt.SUB_PARTY_ID = postn.PAR_ROW_ID 
   AND postn.PR_EMP_ID = usr.ROW_ID 
   AND usr.PAR_ROW_ID = pty.ROW_ID

See "Queries to Crawl Siebel 7.8 Business Components".

Creating a Public Siebel 7.8 Source

Oracle SES supports Solution as a public business component.

To create a source for Siebel 7.8 public business components: 

  1. On the home page, click the Sources secondary tab to display the Sources page.

  2. Select Siebel 7.8 (Public) from the Source Type list, then click Create.

  3. Complete the form, entering values for the parameters described in Table 9-9. The two parameters to grant and deny security attributes are omitted from the configuration of a public source.

  4. Click Create.

Queries to Crawl Siebel 7.8 Business Components

This section includes the queries to crawl the Siebel 7.8 business components supported by Oracle SES:


The Siebel 7.8 crawling queries provided in this section are supported only when used with default Siebel 7.8 database schema. Neither these queries nor any modifications to these queries are supported in any modified Siebel 7.8 database schema.


Set the "Parse Attributes" parameter value of the Siebel 7.8 data source to false before executing these queries.

The queries appear in two forms: A multi-line query for readability and a single-line version to cut-and-paste into the Query parameter. Queries use SQL Server syntax unless otherwise noted and must be modified slightly for use with Oracle Database.

To use a sample query as the value of the Query parameter: 

  • Replace HostName with the name of the host where Siebel is installed.

  • The values of the parameters SWEView and SWEApplet0 in the queries are the names of views and applets in a default Siebel installation. Change them as required if different names were used while installing Siebel 7.8.

  • Add appropriate WHERE clauses to these queries depending on the search specification of views, applets and business components in the Siebel system. For example, if the Siebel system is configured to locate only internal service requests, then append the WHERE clause to the query for Service Request business component as follows: WHERE c.SR_TYPE_CD = 'Internal'.

To modify a query for use in Oracle Database instead of SQL Server: 

  • Replace the string concatenation operator '+' with '||'.

  • Replace the table owner name dbo with the appropriate table owner name in Oracle Database.

Service Request Attachments

      &SRAttId='+c.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>Attachment Name:</b> '+c.FILE_NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>SR Number:</b> '+srv.SR_NUM,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>SR Summary: </b>'+srv.SR_TITLE,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   c.ROW_ID sblrowid,
   c.CREATED created_on,
   c.CREATED_BY createdby,
   c.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby,
   c.PAR_ROW_ID title,
   c.FILE_SRC_TYPE "type",
   c.FILE_EXT code01,
   c.COMMENTS "comment",
   c.FILE_SRC_PATH location,
   'Service Request Attachment' sblbctype,
   usr.LOGIN owner,
   srv.BU_ID visibilityid
   dbo.S_SR_ATT c
   INNER JOIN dbo.S_SRV_REQ srv      ON c.PAR_ROW_ID   = srv.ROW_ID

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Service+Request+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Service+Request+Detail+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.PAR_ROW_ID+'&SRAttId='+c.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>Attachment Name:</b> '+c.FILE_NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>SR Number:</b> '+srv.SR_NUM,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>SR Summary: </b>'+srv.SR_TITLE,'<null>') SOLUTION, c.ROW_ID sblrowid, c.CREATED created_on, c.CREATED_BY createdby, c.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby, c.PAR_ROW_ID title, c.FILE_SRC_TYPE "type",c.FILE_EXT code01, c.COMMENTS "comment", c.FILE_SRC_PATH location, 'Service Request Attachment' sblbctype, usr.LOGIN owner, srv.BU_ID visibilityid FROM dbo.S_SR_ATT c INNER JOIN dbo.S_SRV_REQ srv ON c.PAR_ROW_ID=srv.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.PAR_ROW_ID = srv.OWNER_EMP_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT con ON con.PAR_ROW_ID = c.LAST_UPD_BY 


      &SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   T1.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+T2.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Type:</b> '+T2.OU_TYPE_CD,'<null>')+',<br>
      +coalesce(','+T5.COUNTRY,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   T1.ROW_ID sblrowid,
   T2.CREATED created_on,
   T2.CREATED_BY createdby,
   T2.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby,
   T2.NAME title,
   T2.OU_NUM csn,
   T2.OU_TYPE_CD type,
   T2.LOC location,
   T10.LOGIN alias,
   T5.ADDR street,
   T5.CITY city,
   T5.STATE state,
   T5.COUNTRY country,
   T5.ZIPCODE zipcode,
   'Account' sblbctype,
   T2.BU_ID visibilityid
   dbo.S_PARTY T1
   INNER JOIN dbo.S_ORG_EXT T2       ON T1.ROW_ID      = T2.PAR_ROW_ID
      AND T2.ROW_ID = T3.OU_EXT_ID
   (T2.INT_ORG_FLG != 'Y' OR T2.PRTNR_FLG = 'Y')

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Accounts+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Account+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, T2.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, T1.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+T2.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Type:</b> '+T2.OU_TYPE_CD,'<null>')+',<br><b>Address:</b> '+coalesce(T5.ADDR,'<null>')+coalesce(','+T5.CITY,'<null>')+coalesce(','+T5.STATE+'&nbsp;'+T5.ZIPCODE,'<null>')+coalesce(','+T5.COUNTRY,'<null>') SOLUTION, T1.ROW_ID sblrowid, T2.CREATED created_on, T2.CREATED_BY createdby, T2.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby, T2.NAME title, T2.OU_NUM csn, T2.OU_TYPE_CD type, T2.LOC location, T10.LOGIN alias, T5.ADDR street, T5.CITY city, T5.STATE state, T5.COUNTRY country, T5.ZIPCODE zipcode, 'Account' sblbctype, T2.BU_ID visibilityid FROM dbo.S_PARTY T1 INNER JOIN dbo.S_ORG_EXT T2 ON T1.ROW_ID = T2.PAR_ROW_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_ACCNT_POSTN T3 ON T2.PR_POSTN_ID = T3.POSITION_ID AND T2.ROW_ID = T3.OU_EXT_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_PARTY T4 ON T3.POSITION_ID = T4.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_POSTN T9 ON T3.POSITION_ID = T9.PAR_ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_ADDR_ORG T5 ON T2.PR_ADDR_ID=T5.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER T10 ON T9.PR_EMP_ID = T10.PAR_ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT T11 ON T11.PAR_ROW_ID=T2.LAST_UPD_BY WHERE (T2.INT_ORG_FLG != 'Y' OR T2.PRTNR_FLG = 'Y')


      &SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+ c.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Part Number:</b> '+c.VENDR_PART_NUM,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category:</b> '+ c2.NAME,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   c.DESC_TEXT description,
   c.ROW_ID sblrowid,
   c.CREATED created_on,
   c.CREATED_BY createdby,
   c.NAME title,
   'Product Catalog' sblbctype,
   c.VENDR_PART_NUM name,
   c.VENDR_PART_NUM + ' ' + c3.PROD_ID + ' ' + c3.CTLG_CAT_ID summary,
   c.BU_ID visibilityid,
   c2.NAME sblvisibilityinfo,
   c.VERSION type
   dbo.S_PROD_INT c
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_CTLG_CAT_PROD c3 ON c3.PROD_ID    = c.ROW_ID
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_CTLG_CAT      c2 ON c2.ROW_ID     = c3.CTLG_CAT_ID

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Products+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Product+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+ c.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Part Number:</b> '+c.VENDR_PART_NUM,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category:</b> '+ c2.NAME,'<null>') SOLUTION, c.DESC_TEXT description, c.ROW_ID sblrowid, c.CREATED created_on, c.CREATED_BY createdby, c.NAME title, 'Product Catalog' sblbctype, c.VENDR_PART_NUM name, c.VENDR_PART_NUM + ' ' + c3.PROD_ID + ' ' + c3.CTLG_CAT_ID summary, c.BU_ID visibilityid, c2.NAME sblvisibilityinfo, c.VERSION type FROM dbo.S_PROD_INT c INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT_PROD c3 ON c3.PROD_ID=c.ROW_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT c2 ON c2.ROW_ID=c3.CTLG_CAT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT c4 ON c4.PAR_ROW_ID=c.LAST_UPD_BY


      &SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.LAST_UPD created_on,
   c.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby,
   c.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+c.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category:</b> '+c4.NAME,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   c.DESC_TEXT description,
   c.NAME title,
   c.NAME name,
   c.FILE_REV_NUM +'' + c3.LIT_ID + ''+ c3.CTLG_CAT_ID + ''+ c4.ROW_ID + '' 
      + c4.NAME summary,
   c.LIT_CD "type",
   c.BU_ID visibilityid,
   c4.NAME sblvisibilityinfo,
   'Sales Tool' sblbctype
   dbo.S_LIT c
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_CTLG_CAT_LIT c3 ON c3.LIT_ID     = c.ROW_ID
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_CTLG_CAT     c4 ON c4.ROW_ID     = c3.CTLG_CAT_ID

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Sales+Tools+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Sales+Tool+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.LAST_UPD created_on, c.LAST_UPD_BY lastupdatedby, c.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+c.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category:</b> '+c4.NAME,'<null>') SOLUTION, c.DESC_TEXT description, c.NAME title, c.NAME name, c.FILE_REV_NUM +'' + c3.LIT_ID + ''+ c3.CTLG_CAT_ID + ''+ c4.ROW_ID + '' + c4.NAME summary, c.LIT_CD "type", c.BU_ID visibilityid, c4.NAME sblvisibilityinfo, 'Sales Tool' sblbctype FROM dbo.S_LIT c INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT_LIT c3 ON c3.LIT_ID=c.ROW_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT c4 ON c4.ROW_ID=c3.CTLG_CAT_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT c5 ON c5.PAR_ROW_ID=c.LAST_UPD_BY


      &SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+c.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category: </b>'+t.NAME,'<null>') 
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Question: </b>'+ cast(c.FAQ_QUES_TEXT 
         as nvarchar(4000)),'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Resolution: </b>'+ cast(c.RESOLUTION_TEXT 
         as nvarchar(4000)),'<null>') SOLUTION,
   c.ROW_ID sblrowid,
   c.CREATED created_on,
   c.CREATED_BY createdby,
   c.NAME title,
   c.FAQ_QUES_TEXT description,
   c.RESOLUTION_TEXT summary,
   c.TYPE_CD "type",
   c.STATUS_CD status,
   usr.LOGIN owner,
   usr.LOGIN alias,
   t.NAME location,
   'Solution' sblbctype
   dbo.S_RESITEM c
   INNER JOIN dbo.S_USER          usr ON c.CREATED_BY  = usr.PAR_ROW_ID
   INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT      t   ON t.ROW_ID      = cct.CTLG_CAT_ID

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Solution+List+View&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Solution+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>Name:</b> '+c.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Catalog/Category: </b>'+t.NAME,'<null>') + coalesce(',<br><b>Question: </b>'+ cast(c.FAQ_QUES_TEXT as nvarchar(4000)),'<null>')+ coalesce(',<br><b>Resolution: </b>'+ cast(c.RESOLUTION_TEXT as nvarchar(4000)),'<null>') SOLUTION, c.ROW_ID sblrowid, c.CREATED created_on, c.CREATED_BY createdby, c.NAME title, c.FAQ_QUES_TEXT description, c.RESOLUTION_TEXT summary, c.TYPE_CD "type", c.STATUS_CD status, usr.LOGIN owner, usr.LOGIN alias, t.NAME location, 'Solution' sblbctype FROM dbo.S_RESITEM c INNER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON c.CREATED_BY = usr.PAR_ROW_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLGCT_RESITM cct ON c.ROW_ID = cct.RES_ITEM_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_CTLG_CAT t ON t.ROW_ID = cct.CTLG_CAT_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT c2 ON c2.PAR_ROW_ID=c.LAST_UPD_BY

Service Request

      &SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.ROW_ID "KEY",
   coalesce('<b>SR Number:</b> '+c.SR_NUM,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Summary:</b> '+c.SR_TITLE,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Status:</b> '+c.SR_STAT_ID,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Area:</b> '+c.SR_AREA,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Subarea:</b> '+c.SR_SUB_AREA,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Resolution:</b> '+c.RESOLUTION_CD,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   c.DESC_TEXT description,
   c.BU_ID visibilityid,
   c.ROW_ID sblrowid,
   c.CREATED created_on,
   c.CREATED_BY createdby,
   c.SR_TITLE summary,
   a.NAME orgName,
   c.SR_AREA code01,
   a.OU_NUM csn,
   contact.FST_NAME firstName,
   contact.LAST_NAME lastName,
   c.SR_NUM title,
   c.SR_STAT_ID status,
   c.SR_SUB_AREA code02,
   usr.LOGIN owner,
   'Service Request' sblbctype
   dbo.S_ORG_EXT a
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_SRV_REQ c        ON a.PAR_ROW_ID       = c.CST_OU_ID
   LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT contact  ON contact.PAR_ROW_ID = c.CST_CON_ID
   LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER    usr      ON usr.PAR_ROW_ID     = c.OWNER_EMP_ID

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Service+Request+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Service+Request+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.ROW_ID "KEY", coalesce('<b>SR Number:</b> '+c.SR_NUM,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Summary:</b> '+c.SR_TITLE,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Status:</b> '+c.SR_STAT_ID,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Area:</b> '+c.SR_AREA,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Subarea:</b> '+c.SR_SUB_AREA,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Resolution:</b> '+c.RESOLUTION_CD,'<null>') SOLUTION, c.DESC_TEXT description, c.BU_ID visibilityid, c.ROW_ID sblrowid, c.CREATED created_on, c.CREATED_BY createdby, c.SR_TITLE summary, a.NAME orgName, c.SR_AREA code01, a.OU_NUM csn, contact.FST_NAME firstName, contact.LAST_NAME lastName, c.SR_NUM title, c.SR_STAT_ID status, c.SR_SUB_AREA code02, usr.LOGIN owner, 'Service Request' sblbctype FROM dbo.S_ORG_EXT a INNER JOIN dbo.S_SRV_REQ c ON a.PAR_ROW_ID= c.CST_OU_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT contact ON contact.PAR_ROW_ID =c.CST_CON_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.PAR_ROW_ID = c.OWNER_EMP_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT c2 ON c2.PAR_ROW_ID=c.LAST_UPD_BY


      &SWERowId0='+c.PAR_ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   'text/html' CONTENTTYPE,
   c.PAR_ROW_ID "KEY",
   '<b>Name: </b>'
      +coalesce(c.LAST_NAME,'<null>')+' '
      +coalesce(',<br><b>Phone No.:</b> '+c.WORK_PH_NUM,'<null>')
      +coalesce(',<br><b>E-Mail ID:</b> '+ c.EMAIL_ADDR,'<null>') SOLUTION,
   t.PERS_AGENDA agenda,
   c.PAR_ROW_ID sblrowid,
   c.CREATED created_on,
   c.CREATED_BY createdby,
   c.LAST_NAME+' '+c.FST_NAME title,
   c.LAST_NAME lastName,
   c.FST_NAME firstName,
   c.EMP_ID owner,
   c.EMAIL_ADDR emailID,
   c.WORK_PH_NUM phoneNumber02,
   'Contacts' sblbctype,
   t.ACCOMPLISH summary,
   addr.ZIPCODE zipcode,
   addr.COUNTRY country,
   party.NAME name,
   addr.ADDR street,
   c.BU_ID visibilityid
   dbo.S_PARTY party
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_CONTACT c     ON party.ROW_ID  = c.PAR_ROW_ID
      AND c.ROW_ID = T3.CON_ID
   INNER JOIN      dbo.S_PARTY T4      ON T3.POSTN_ID   = T4.ROW_ID
   LEFT OUTER join dbo.S_CONTACT c2    ON c2.ROW_ID     = c.LAST_UPD_BY
   (c.PRIV_FLG = 'N')

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Contacts+across+Organizations&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Contact+List+Applet&SWERowId0='+c.PAR_ROW_ID URL, 'US' LANG, c.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, 'text/html' CONTENTTYPE, c.PAR_ROW_ID "KEY", '<b>Name: </b>'+coalesce(c.LAST_NAME,'<null>')+' '+coalesce(c.FST_NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>Phone No.:</b> '+c.WORK_PH_NUM,'<null>')+coalesce(',<br><b>E-Mail ID:</b> '+ c.EMAIL_ADDR,'<null>') SOLUTION, t.PERS_AGENDA agenda, c.PAR_ROW_ID sblrowid, c.CREATED created_on, c.CREATED_BY createdby, a.NAME+'#'+c.JOB_TITLE PATH, c.LAST_NAME+' '+c.FST_NAME title, c.LAST_NAME lastName, c.FST_NAME firstName, c.EMP_ID owner, c.EMAIL_ADDR emailID, c.WORK_PH_NUM phoneNumber02, 'Contacts' sblbctype, t.ACCOMPLISH summary, addr.ZIPCODE zipcode, addr.COUNTRY country, party.NAME name, addr.ADDR street, c.BU_ID visibilityid FROM dbo.S_PARTY party INNER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT c ON party.ROW_ID = c.PAR_ROW_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_POSTN_CON T3 ON c.PR_POSTN_ID = T3.POSTN_ID AND c.ROW_ID = T3.CON_ID INNER JOIN dbo.S_PARTY T4 ON T3.POSTN_ID = T4.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_ORG_EXT a ON a.PAR_ROW_ID = c.PR_DEPT_OU_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_ADDR_ORG addr ON addr.ROW_ID = c.PR_PER_ADDR_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_CONTACT_T t ON c.ROW_ID=t.PAR_ROW_ID LEFT OUTER join dbo.S_CONTACT c2 ON c2.ROW_ID=c.LAST_UPD_BY WHERE (c.PRIV_FLG = 'N')


For the queries shown in this section, before starting the crawl, you must replace HostName with the name or IP address of the Siebel host computer.

The following query can be used with Oracle Database:

      &SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   T1.ROW_ID "KEY", 
   T1.NAME title,
   coalesce('Activity Name:'+T1.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Type:'+T1.TODO_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Creation Date:'+convert(varchar,T1.CREATED,103),'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Status:'+T1.EVT_STAT_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', ActivityPriority:'+T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Owner: '+T1.OWNER_LOGIN,'<null>') CONTENT,
   T1.NAME ActivityName,
   T1.CREATED CreatedOn, 
   T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,
   T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy, 
   T1.TODO_CD ActivityType,  
   T1.EVT_STAT_CD ActivityStatus,
   T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD ActivityPriority, 
   T1.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,
   T1.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid, 
   T1.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,
   T1.TODO_PLAN_START_DT StartDate, 
   T1.TODO_PLAN_END_DT EndDate,  
   T1.TODO_DUE_DT DueDate 
   dbo.S_EVT_ACT T1 
   AND ((T1.TEMPLATE_FLG != 'Y') 

The following is the same query for use with Oracle Database, but formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Activity+List+View&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Activity+Form+Applet&SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL,'US' LANG,T1.ROW_ID "KEY", T1.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, T1.NAME title , coalesce('Activity Name:'+T1.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Type:'+T1.TODO_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', Creation Date:'+convert(varchar,T1.CREATED,103),'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Status:'+T1.EVT_STAT_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', ActivityPriority:'+T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Owner: '+T1.OWNER_LOGIN,'<null>') CONTENT,T1.NAME ActivityName,T1.CREATED CreatedOn, T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy, T1.TODO_CD ActivityType,  T1.EVT_STAT_CD ActivityStatus,T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD ActivityPriority, T1.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,T1.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid, T1.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,T1.ROW_ID SBLROWID,T1.TODO_PLAN_START_DT StartDate, T1.TODO_PLAN_END_DT EndDate, T1.TODO_DUE_DT DueDate FROM dbo.S_EVT_ACT T1 INNER JOIN dbo.S_ORG_EXT T2 ON T2.PAR_ROW_ID = T1.TARGET_OU_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.LOGIN = T1.OWNER_LOGIN WHERE ((T1.APPT_REPT_REPL_CD IS NULL) AND ((T1.TEMPLATE_FLG != 'Y') OR (T1.TEMPLATE_FLG = NULL)))

The following query can be used with SQL Server:

      &SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   T1.ROW_ID "KEY", 
   T1.NAME title, 
   coalesce('Activity Name:'+T1.NAME,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Type:'+T1.TODO_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Creation Date:'+convert(varchar,T1.CREATED,103),'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Status:'+T1.EVT_STAT_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', ActivityPriority:'+T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD,'<null>')
      +coalesce(', Activity Owner: '+T1.OWNER_LOGIN,'<null>') CONTENT,
   T1.NAME ActivityName,
   T1.CREATED CreatedOn, 
   T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,
   T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy, 
   T1.TODO_CD ActivityType,  
   T1.EVT_STAT_CD ActivityStatus,
   T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD ActivityPriority, 
   T1.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,
   T1.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid, 
   T1.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,
   T1.TODO_PLAN_START_DT StartDate, 
   T1.TODO_DUE_DT DueDate 
   dbo.S_EVT_ACT T1 
   AND ((T1.TEMPLATE_FLG != 'Y') 

The following is the same query for use with SQL Server, but formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=All+Activity+List+View&SWERF=1&SWEHo=HostName&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Activity+Form+Applet&SWERowId0='+T1.ROW_ID URL,'US' LANG,T1.ROW_ID "KEY", T1.LAST_UPD LASTMODIFIEDDATE, T1.NAME title, coalesce('Activity Name:'+T1.NAME,'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Type:'+T1.TODO_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', Creation Date:'+convert(varchar,T1.CREATED,103),'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Status:'+T1.EVT_STAT_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', ActivityPriority:'+T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD,'<null>')+coalesce(', Activity Owner: '+T1.OWNER_LOGIN,'<null>') CONTENT, T1.NAME ActivityName,T1.CREATED CreatedOn, T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy, T1.TODO_CD ActivityType,  T1.EVT_STAT_CD ActivityStatus,T1.EVT_PRIORITY_CD ActivityPriority, T1.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,T1.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid, T1.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,T1.ROW_ID SBLROWID, T1.TODO_PLAN_START_DT StartDate, T1.TODO_PLAN_END_DT EndDate,  T1.TODO_DUE_DT DueDate  FROM dbo.S_EVT_ACT T1 INNER JOIN dbo.S_ORG_EXT T2 ON T2.PAR_ROW_ID = T1.TARGET_OU_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.LOGIN = T1.OWNER_LOGIN WHERE ((T1.APPT_REPT_REPL_CD IS NULL) AND ((T1.TEMPLATE_FLG != 'Y') OR (T1.TEMPLATE_FLG = NULL))) 

Activity Attachment

For the queries shown in this section, before starting the crawl, substitute the following with the appropriate values:

  • Siebel_Host: Siebel host name or IP address.

  • Folder_Path: Absolute path to the folder containing attachment files on the Siebel host.

  • Attachment_Decompressor: Choose the appropriate value:

    • When crawling from Linux, UNIX, or from different Windows domain, use RMI:


      For example:


      RMI_Port is the RMI port number. Specify it only when the RMI registry in the Siebel host is running on a port other than the default port 1099.

      The RMI Decompression Server must be running.

    • When crawling from Windows in the same domain, use Windows Native Access:


      For example:


      sseunzip_path is the path to the shared sseunzip.exe utility.

Use this query with Oracle Database:

      &SWERowId1='¦¦T1.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   DECODE(T1.FILE_EXT, 'ppt', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint',
      'doc', 'application/msword', 'html', 'text/html',
      'txt', 'text/plain', 'pdf', 'application/pdf','xls',
      'application/vnd.ms-excel') CONTENTTYPE,
   T1.CREATED CreatedOn,
   T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,
   T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy,
   T1.FILE_SRC_TYPE FileType,
   T1.FILE_DATE FileDate,
   replace(T1.FILE_NAME,' ','_') FileName,
   T1.FILE_SIZE FileSize,
   T1.FILE_EXT FileExtension,
   T1.COMMENTS AttachmentComment,
   'Activity Attachment' sblbctype,
   T2.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,
   T2.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid,
   T2.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=Activity+Attachment+View&SWERF=1&SWEHo=Host_name&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Activity+Form+Applet&SWERowId0='¦¦T2.ROW_ID¦¦'&SWEApplet1=Activity+Attachment+Applet&SWERowId1='¦¦T1.ROW_ID URL,'US' LANG,T1.ROW_ID KEY,GREATEST(T1.LAST_UPD, T2.LAST_UPD) LASTMODIFIEDDATE, decode(T1.FILE_EXT, 'ppt', 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'doc', 'application/msword', 'html', 'text/html', 'txt', 'text/plain', 'pdf', 'application/pdf','xls', 'application/vnd.ms-excel') CONTENTTYPE, 'Attachment_Decompressor Folder_Path\S_ACTIVITY_ATT_'+T1.ROW_ID+'_'+FILE_REV_NUM+'.SAF' ATTACHMENT_LINK,T1.FILE_NAME CONTENT, T1.FILE_NAME TITLE, T1.CREATED CreatedOn,T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy,T1.FILE_SRC_TYPE FileType,T1.FILE_DATE FileDate,replace(T1.FILE_NAME,' ','_') FileName,T1.FILE_SIZE FileSize, T1.FILE_EXT FileExtension, T1.COMMENTS AttachmentComment,'Activity Attachment' sblbctype,T2.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,T2.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid,T2.TARGET_OU_ID Organization, T2.ROW_ID SBLROWID FROM dbo.S_ACTIVITY_ATT T1 INNER JOIN dbo.S_EVT_ACT T2 ON T1.PAR_ROW_ID=T2.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.LOGIN = T2.OWNER_LOGIN

Use this query with SQL Server:

      &SWERowId1='+T1.ROW_ID URL,
   'US' LANG,
   T1.ROW_ID "KEY",
   Attachment_Decompressor Folder_Path
   T1.CREATED CreatedOn,
   T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy,
   T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy,
   T1.FILE_SRC_TYPE FileType,
   T1.FILE_DATE FileDate,
   REPLACE(T1.FILE_NAME,' ','_') FileName,
   T1.FILE_SIZE FileSize,
   T1.FILE_EXT FileExtension,
   T1.COMMENTS AttachmentComment,
   'Activity Attachment' sblbctype,
   T2.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,
   T2.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid,
   T2.TARGET_OU_ID Organization,
      WHEN 'ppt'  THEN 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'
      WHEN 'doc'  THEN 'application/msword'
      WHEN 'html' THEN 'text/html' when 'txt' then 'text/plain'
      WHEN 'pdf'  THEN 'application/pdf'
      WHEN 'xls'  THEN 'application/vnd.ms-excel'

The following is the same query formatted as a single line that you can cut and paste into the Oracle SES Administration GUI:

SELECT 'callcenter_enu/start.swe?SWECmd=GotoView&SWEView=Activity+Attachment+View&SWERF=1&SWEHo=Host_name&SWEBU=1&SWEApplet0=Activity+Form+Applet&SWERowId0='+T2.ROW_ID+'&SWEApplet1=Activity+Attachment+Applet&SWERowId1='+T1.ROW_ID URL,'US' LANG,T1.ROW_ID "KEY",case when (datediff(second, T1.LAST_UPD, T2.LAST_UPD)> 0) then T2.LAST_UPD else T1.LAST_UPD end LASTMODIFIEDDATE,'Attachment_Decompressor Folder_Path\S_ACTIVITY_ATT_'+T1.ROW_ID+'_'+FILE_REV_NUM+'.SAF' ATTACHMENT_LINK, T1.FILE_NAME CONTENT, T1.FILE_NAME TITLE, T1.CREATED CreatedOn,T1.CREATED_BY CreatedBy, T1.LAST_UPD_BY LastUpdatedBy,T1.FILE_SRC_TYPE FileType,T1.FILE_DATE FileDate,replace(T1.FILE_NAME,' ','_') FileName,T1.FILE_SIZE FileSize, T1.FILE_EXT FileExtension, T1.COMMENTS AttachmentComment,'Activity Attachment' sblbctype,T2.OWNER_LOGIN ActivityOwner,T2.OWNER_LOGIN visibilityid,T2.TARGET_OU_ID Organization, T2.ROW_ID SBLROWID,  case T1.FILE_EXT when 'ppt' then 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' when 'doc' then 'application/msword' when 'html' then 'text/html' when 'txt' then 'text/plain' when 'pdf' then 'application/pdf' when 'xls' then 'application/vnd.ms-excel' end CONTENTTYPE FROM dbo.S_ACTIVITY_ATT T1 INNER JOIN dbo.S_EVT_ACT T2 ON T1.PAR_ROW_ID=T2.ROW_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.S_USER usr ON usr.LOGIN = T2.OWNER_LOGIN

Setting Up Siebel 8 Sources

The Siebel 8 connector uses the Oracle SES XML connector framework, where searching is based on Siebel data available as XML feeds.

See Also:

To activate an identity plug-in for Siebel 8 sources: 

  1. On the Global Settings page, select Identity Management Setup.

  2. Select Siebel 8 and click Activate to display the Activate Identity Plug-in page.

  3. Enter values for the parameters as described in Table 9-11. Obtain these values from the Siebel administrator.

  4. Click Finish.

Table 9-11 Siebel 8 Identity Management Parameters

Parameter Value

Siebel 8 Authentication Web Service Endpoint

HTTP endpoint of the Siebel Web service that provides the authentication service

Siebel 8 Validation Web Service Endpoint

HTTP endpoint of the Siebel Web service that provides the user validation service

User ID

Administrator ID for accessing the user validation service


User password.

To create a Siebel 8 source: 

  1. Activate an identity plug-in as described in the previous procedure.

  2. On the home page, select the Sources secondary tab.

  3. Select Siebel 8 from the Source Types list, and click Create.

  4. Enter the source parameters as described in Table 9-12.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click Get Parameters to obtain a list of parameters for the authorization manager plug-in.

  7. Enter the values for the authorization manager plug-in parameters as described in Table 9-13.

  8. Click Create.

Table 9-12 Siebel 8 Source Parameters

Parameter Value

Configuration URL

FILE protocol address of the XML configuration file providing details about the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on.

Obtain this file from Siebel administrator and save it on the same computer as Oracle SES. Enter the configuration URL in the form:

file://localhost/config_path where config_path is the absolute path to the configuration file. For example: file://localhost/private/oracle/config.xml/

Authentication Type

Standard Java authentication type used by the application serving the control and data feed. Leave this parameter blank as the feeds are accessed over file or FTP protocols.

User ID

User ID to login to the FTP server and access the data feeds. The access details of the data feed are specified in the configuration file. The user id can be obtained from Siebel administrator.


Password for User ID.


The realm of the application serving the feeds. Leave this parameter blank since the feeds are accessed over file or FTP.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the Siebel 8 source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Siebel 8 source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Siebel 8 source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the Siebel 8 source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Siebel 8 source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Siebel 8 source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Scratch Directory

A directory on the same computer as Oracle SES, where the status logs are created temporarily.

Maximum number of connection attempts

Maximum number of attempts to connect to the target server to access the data feed.

Delete Linked Documents

Set it to true if the documents crawled from the links in the feeds must be deleted. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Number of data feeds to be pre-fetched

Number of data feeds to pre-fetch. Its value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. If its value is set to 0, then no data feed is pre-fetched. The value specified must be such that there is sufficient memory to cache the pre-fetched feeds. The default value is 0.

Enable Resume Crawl

Set it to true to enable resuming crawl, when the crawl fails or stops. The default value is true.

Stop Crawl On Content Fetch Error

Set it to true to stop crawl on content fetch error, else set it to false. The default value is false.

Table 9-13 Siebel 8 Authorization Parameters

Parameter Value

Siebel 8 authorization Web service endpoint

Webs service endpoint of the Siebel Web service that provides the authorization service.

User ID

Administrator ID for accessing the authorization service.


Password for User ID.

Setting Up PeopleSoft Sources

Using Oracle SES, you can search for documents within PeopleSoft application. This is done by establishing a connection between Oracle SES and PeopleSoft using the PeopleSoft connector. To connect to and retrieve documents from PeopleSoft, you must set up an Oracle SES PeopleSoft identity management system using an identity plug-in, and an authorization management system using an authorization plug-in.

The identity plug-in enables Oracle SES to identify the set of users that can access the PeopleSoft application. The authorization plug-in enables Oracle SES to determine the access rights that each user has for accessing different documents and data within PeoPleSoft application. Usually, all users may not have access to the entire data and document set within the application. Instead, each user may have access to a limited set of documents and data.

Setting Up an Identity Management System

An identity management system enables Oracle SES to identify the set of users that can access the PeopleSoft application. An identity management system is implemented using an identity plug-in in Oracle SES.

To activate an identity plug-in for PeopleSoft sources:

  1. On the Global Settings page, click Identity Management Setup to open the Identity Management Setup page.

  2. From the list of available sources, select PeopleSoft, and click Activate.

    This opens the Activate Identity Plug-in page.

  3. Enter values as described in Table 9-14. Obtain the values from the PeopleSoft application administrator.

  4. Click Finish.

Table 9-14 Identity Management Parameters for PeopleSoft

Parameter Description

HTTP end point for authentication

The HTTP endpoint to which user authentication/validation requests are sent.

User ID

Administration user ID to be used in the HTTP request for user authentication. This user ID is used to validate the authentication request in the PeopleSoft repository. Obtain this ID from the PeopleSoft application administrator.


Administration password.

Defining a PeopleSoft Source

A PeopleSoft application source can be defined from the Source page. After you define the source, you can search for documents within the application.

To create a PeopleSoft source:

  1. On the home page, click the Sources subtab.

    This opens the Sources page.

  2. From Source Type list, select PeopleSoft and click Create.

    This opens the Create Source page, which guides you through a multi-step procedure to enter source and authorization parameters.

  3. On the Create Source page, enter the source parameter values listed in Table 9-15.

  4. Click Next and specify values for the authorization parameters listed in Table 9-16.

  5. Click Create & Customize to create the source.

Table 9-15 PeopleSoft Source Parameters

Parameter Description

Configuration URL

URL of the XML configuration file providing details of the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on. Obtain this file from the PeopleSoft application administrator.

Authentication Type

Standard Java authentication type used by the application. Enter BASIC for basic authentication, FORM for form-based authentication, ORASSO for Oracle SSO, NATIVE for proprietary XML over HTTP authentication.

User ID

User ID to access the data feeds. The access details of the data feed are specified in the configuration file. The user id can be obtained from PeopleSoft administrator.


User password.


The realm of the application serving the feeds. Enter the relevant information when the feeds are accessed over HTTP and is mandatory when the authentication type is BASIC.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the PeopleSoft source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured PeopleSoft source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured PeopleSoft source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the PeopleSoft source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured PeopleSoft source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured PeopleSoft source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Scratch Directory

Local directory where status files can be temporarily written.

Maximum number of connection attempts

Maximum number of connection attempts to access data feed or upload status feed.

Delete Linked Documents

Set it to true if the documents crawled from the links in the feeds must be deleted. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Number of data feeds to be pre-fetched

Number of data feeds to pre-fetch. Its value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. If its value is set to 0, then no data feed is pre-fetched. The value specified must be such that there is sufficient memory to cache the pre-fetched feeds. The default value is 0.

Enable Resume Crawl

Set it to true to enable resuming crawl, when the crawl fails or stops. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Stop Crawl On Content Fetch Error

Set it to true to stop crawl on content fetch error, else set it to false. The default value is false.

Table 9-16 PeopleSoft Connector Authorization Parameters

Parameter Description

HTTP endpoint for authorization

HTTP endpoint for PeopleSoft authorization. For example, http://my.host.com:port/AppSearch/SecurityService

User ID

Administration user ID for PeopleSoft authorization.


Administration password.

Business component

Name of PeopleSoft Business Component. For example, oracle.apps.fnd.fwk.search.NavigationSVO

Display URL Prefix

HTTP host to prefix the access URL to form the display URL. For example, http://my.host.com:7777/.

This value must form a valid URL when concatenated with the access URL element of an item in the data feed. Be careful to avoid having either two slashes or none when the values are combined. Thus, enter a trailing slash (/) if the access URLs do not begin with a slash, or omit the trailing slash from the prefix if the access URLs begin with a slash.

Security attribute values for anonymous user

Comma-delimited list of authorized values of security attributes for anonymous user. When this parameter is left blank, the authorization service is contacted to retrieve the values of security attributes accessible for anonymous users.

User Identity Format

Format of user identity string posted to PeopleSoft Authorization service. The default value is FND.

Setting Up Oracle Fusion Sources

Using Oracle SES, you can search for documents within Oracle Fusion Applications. This is done by establishing a connection between Oracle SES and Oracle Fusion using a Fusion connector. To connect to and retrieve documents from Oracle Fusion, you must set up an Oracle SES Fusion identity management system using an identity plug-in, and an authorization management system using an authorization plug-in.

The identity plug-in enables Oracle SES to identify the set of users that can access the Fusion application. The authorization plug-in enables Oracle SES to determine the access rights that each user has for accessing different documents and data within Oracle Fusion Applications. Usually, all users may not have access to the entire data and document set within the application. Instead, each user may have access to a limited set of documents and data.

Setting Up an Identity Management System

An identity management system enables Oracle SES to identify the set of users that can access the Fusion application. An identity management system is implemented using an identity plug-in in Oracle SES.

To activate an identity plug-in for Fusion sources:

  1. On the Global Settings page, click Identity Management Setup to open the Identity Management Setup page.

  2. From the list of available sources, select Oracle Fusion, and click Activate.

    This opens the Activate Identity Plug-in page.

  3. Enter values as described in Table 9-17. Obtain the values from the Fusion application administrator.

  4. Click Finish.

Table 9-17 Identity Management Parameters for Oracle Fusion

Parameter Description

HTTP end point for authentication

The HTTP endpoint to which user authentication/validation requests are sent.

User ID

Administration user ID to be used in the HTTP request for user authentication. This user ID is used to validate the authentication request in the Fusion repository. Obtain this ID from the Fusion application administrator.


Administration password.

Defining a Fusion Source

A Fusion application source can be defined from the Source page. After you define the source, you can search for documents within the application.

To create a Fusion source:

  1. On the home page, click the Sources subtab.

    This opens the Sources page.

  2. From Source Type list, select Oracle Fusion and click Create.

    This opens the Create Source page, which guides you through a multi-step procedure to enter source and authorization parameters.

  3. On the Create Source page, enter the source parameter values listed in Table 9-18.

  4. Click Next and specify values for the authorization parameters listed in Table 9-19.

  5. Click Create & Customize to create the source.

Table 9-18 Oracle Fusion Source Parameters

Parameter Description

Configuration URL

URL of the XML configuration file providing details of the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on. The URL is a HTTP URL accessible over HTTP. Obtain this file from the Fusion application administrator.

Authentication Type

Enter the value NATIVE.

User ID

User ID to access the data feeds. The access details of the data feed are specified in the configuration file. The user id can be obtained from Fusion administrator.


User password.


The realm of the application serving the feeds. The parameter is usually left blank.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the Oracle Fusion source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Oracle Fusion source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Oracle Fusion source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the Oracle Fusion source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured Oracle Fusion source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured Oracle Fusion source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Scratch Directory

Local directory where status files can be temporarily written.

Maximum number of connection attempts

Maximum number of connection attempts to access data feed or upload status feed.

Delete Linked Documents

Set it to true if the documents crawled from the links in the feeds must be deleted. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Number of data feeds to be pre-fetched

Number of data feeds to pre-fetch. Its value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. If its value is set to 0, then no data feed is pre-fetched. The value specified must be such that there is sufficient memory to cache the pre-fetched feeds. The default value is 0.

Enable Resume Crawl

Set it to true to enable resuming crawl when the crawl fails or stops. The default value is true.

Stop Crawl On Content Fetch Error

Set it to true to stop crawl on content fetch error, else set it to false. The default value is false.

Table 9-19 Fusion Connector Authorization Parameters

Parameter Description

HTTP endpoint for authorization

HTTP endpoint for Oracle Fusion authorization. For example, http://my.host.com:port/AppSearch/SecurityService

User ID

Administration user ID for Oracle Fusion authorization.


Administration password.

Business component

Name of Oracle Fusion Business Component. For example, oracle.apps.fnd.fwk.search.NavigationSVO

Display URL Prefix

HTTP host to prefix the access URL to form the display URL. For example, http://my.host.com:7777/.

This value must form a valid URL when concatenated with the access URL element of an item in the data feed. Be careful to avoid having either two slashes or none when the values are combined. Thus, enter a trailing slash (/) if the access URLs do not begin with a slash, or omit the trailing slash from the prefix if the access URLs begin with a slash.

Security attribute values for anonymous user

Comma-delimited list of authorized values of security attributes for anonymous user. When this parameter is left blank, the authorization service is contacted to retrieve the values of security attributes accessible for anonymous users.

User Identity Format

Format of user identity string posted to Oracle Fusion Authorization service. The default value is FND.

Setting Up Oracle WebCenter Sources

Use the WebCenter connector to connect to and search for documents within Oracle WebCenter 11g.

To set up WebCenter connector, you must define source parameters for the connector and set up an identity management system using an identity plug-in.

Setting Up an Identity Management System

An identity management system enables Oracle SES to identify the set of users that can access the WebCenter application. An identity management system is implemented using an identity plug-in in Oracle SES. A WebCenter source can use identity management systems, such as, Oracle Internet Directory (OID), Active Directory, or Oracle Unified Directory (OUD).

The following example describes the steps to activate Sun Java System Directory Server identity plug-in for using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) identity management system for WebCenter sources.

To activate Sun Java System Directory Server identity plug-in for using OUD for WebCenter sources:

  1. On the Global Settings page, click Identity Management Setup to open the Identity Management Setup page.

  2. Select Sun Java System Directory Server, and click Activate.

    This opens the Activate Identity Plug-in page.

  3. Enter the values as described in Table 9-20 for using the OUD identity management system for WebCenter sources. Obtain these values from the WebCenter application administrator.

  4. Click Finish.

Table 9-20 Identity Management Parameters for using Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) for WebCenter

Parameter Description

Directory URL

Directory Server URL. For example, ldap://OUD_Directory_Server:4389

Directory account name

Directory Server account to connect to. For example, cn=Directory Manager

Directory account password

Directory Server account password.

Directory subscriber

Directory Server subscriber (LDAP based). For example, dc=us,dc=org,dc=com for the domain name us.org.com

Directory security protocol

Set it to none.

Directory user cache

Set it to false.

Defining a WebCenter Source

A WebCenter source can be defined from the Source page. After you define the source, you can search for documents within the application.

To create a WebCenter source:

  1. On the home page, click the Sources subtab.

    This opens the Sources page.

  2. From Source Type list, select Oracle WebCenter and click Create.

    This opens the Create Source page, which guides you through a multi-step procedure to enter source and authorization parameters.

  3. On the Create Source page, enter the source parameter values listed in Table 9-21.

  4. Click Next and specify values for the authorization parameters listed in Table 9-22.

  5. Click Create & Customize to create the source.

Table 9-21 Oracle WebCenter Source Parameters

Parameter Description

Configuration URL

URL of the XML configuration file providing details of the source, such as the data feed type, location, security attributes, and so on. The URL is a HTTP URL accessible over HTTP. Obtain this file from the WebCenter application administrator.

Authentication Type

Enter the value NATIVE.

User ID

User ID to access the data feeds. The access details of the data feed are specified in the configuration file. The user id can be obtained from Fusion administrator.


User password.


The realm of the application serving the feeds. The parameter is usually left blank.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the WebCenter source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured WebCenter source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured WebCenter source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the WebCenter source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured WebCenter source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured WebCenter source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Scratch Directory

Local directory where status files can be temporarily written.

Maximum number of connection attempts

Maximum number of connection attempts to access data feed or upload status feed.

Delete Linked Documents

Set it to true if the documents crawled from the links in the feeds must be deleted. Set it to false otherwise. Default is true.

Number of data feeds to be pre-fetched

Number of data feeds to pre-fetch. Its value can be any number greater than or equal to 0. If its value is set to 0, then no data feed is pre-fetched. The value specified must be such that there is sufficient memory to cache the pre-fetched feeds. The default value is 0.

Enable Resume Crawl

Set it to true to resume crawl when the crawl fails or stops; else set it to false. The default value is true.

Stop Crawl On Content Fetch Error

Set it to true to stop crawl on content fetch error, else set it to false. The default value is false.

Table 9-22 WebCenter Connector Authorization Parameters

Parameter Description

HTTP Endpoint for Authorization

URL servicing the lookup of authorization information.

Display URL Prefix

HTTP host information to prefix the relative access URL to form the complete display URL. For example, http://my.host.com:7777/idc

This value must form a valid URL when concatenated with the access URL element of an item in the data feed. Be careful to avoid having either two slashes or none when the values are combined. Thus, enter a trailing slash (/) if the access URLs do not begin with a slash, or omit the trailing slash from the prefix if the access URLs begin with a slash.

Administrator User

Administrator user ID to authenticate to the authorization URL.

Administrator Password

Administrator user password to authenticate to the authorization URL.

Authorization User ID Format

Format of the active identity plug-in user ID that is used by the WebCenter authorization endpoint. For example, this can be the username, email ID, or nickname.

Display Crawled Version

Controls access to the crawled documents:

  • true: Search results point to the crawled version of the document.

  • false: Search results point to the content information page.

Authorization User ID Format

Format of the user ID used by the WebCenter authorization API, such as username, email, nickname, user_name.

Use Cached User and Role Information to Authorize Results

Controls user authorization:

  • true: Uses the cached user query filter. This setting removes the query time dependency on WebCenter.

  • false: Queries WebCenter for authorization.

User Role Data Source to Cache the Filter

The name of the WebCenter Users source that has crawled the user's SecurityGroup and Account information.


Realm of the application serving the authorization information.

Oracle SSO Login URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. Oracle SES redirects the crawler to this SSO login URL for authentication before crawling the WebCenter source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured WebCenter source is:

  • For basic authentication type:

  • For form based authentication type:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured WebCenter source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.

Oracle SSO Action URL

Set this parameter value when the authentication type is ORASSO. This is the URL that is displayed after successfully authenticating the SSO user before crawling the WebCenter source.

The format for this URL for Oracle 10g SSO secured WebCenter source is:


The format for this URL for Oracle 11g OAM secured WebCenter source is:


The value for port can be found from the "Listen Port" field in the OAM Managed Server Console.