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Oracle® Communications IP Service Activator Juniper M-series Device Support Guide
Release 7.2

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9 Useful References

This chapter provides links to useful pages on the Juniper website and suggestions for further reading.

Juniper Website

Full information about Juniper hardware and software is available from the Juniper website:

This section highlights some documents that are particularly useful.

Martini Drafts

Current versions of the draft documents describing the Martini protocols implemented in the Juniper M-series Device Driver are available here:

The versions specified may not be the latest available at the above link.

Martini, L., et al., ”Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Layer 2 Frames Over IP and MPLS Networks”, IETF Internet Draft, draft-martini-l2circuit-encap-mpls-04.txt, work-in-progress.

Martini, L., et al., ”Transport of Layer 2 Frames Over MPLS”, IETF Internet Draft, draft-martini-l2circuit-trans-mpls-08.txt, work-in-progress.

Martini, L., et al., ”Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet Frames Over IP and MPLS Networks” IETF Internet Draft, draft-martini-ethernet-encap-mpls-01.txt, work-in-progress.

Martini, L., et al., ”Encapsulation Methods for Transport of ATM Cells/Frame Over IP and MPLS Networks”, IETF Internet Draft, draft-martini-atm-encap-mpls-01.txt, work-in-progress.

Juniper M-series Technical Documentation

The following guides are particularly useful:

  • JUNOS Software MPLS Applications Configuration Guide

    Provides overview and configuration information for MPLS applications, including CCCs

  • JUNOS Software VPNs Configuration Guide

    Provides an overview of Layer 2 and Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), describes how to configure VPNs, and provides configuration examples.

  • JUNOS Software Policy Framework Configuration Guide

    Provides an overview of policy concepts and describes how to configure routing policy, firewall filters, and forwarding options.

  • JUNOS Software Class of Service Configuration Guide

    Provides an overview of the class of service features and describes how to configure these properties on the routing platform.

  • JUNOS Software Network Interfaces Configuration Guide

    Provides an overview of the class of service features and describes how to configure these properties on the routing platform.