Chapter 13. Desktop Clients

Table of Contents

13.1. Managing Desktop Clients
13.1.1. Client ID Differences Between Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients and Sun Ray Clients
13.1.2. Dynamic Session Resizing
13.1.3. How to List Available Sun Ray Servers
13.1.4. How to List the Available Clients
13.1.5. How to Display Sun Ray Client Information
13.1.6. How to Configure a Client's Location and Information
13.1.7. Audio Output Troubleshooting (Oracle Solaris 10 and Oracle Linux 5)
13.1.8. Audio Output Troubleshooting (Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle Linux 6)
13.2. Sun Ray Clients
13.2.1. How to Centralize Sun Ray Client Configurations (.parms)
13.2.2. Sun Ray Client Hot Keys
13.2.3. How to Change Sun Ray Client Audio and Display Settings (Sun Ray Settings GUI)
13.2.4. How to Modify Screen Resolutions
13.2.5. How to Power Cycle a Sun Ray Client
13.2.6. How to Enable or Disable XRender
13.2.7. How to Configure Screen Rotation
13.2.8. How to Disable Screen Blanking on a Sun Ray Client
13.2.9. How to Enable the NumLock Key for All Sun Ray Sessions
13.2.10. Keyboard Country Codes
13.2.11. Sun Ray Client Boot Process
13.3. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients
13.3.1. Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients Overview
13.3.2. Using External Devices on the Client Computer
13.3.3. How to Enable Access for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients
13.3.4. How to Enable the Clipboard Service for Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients
13.3.5. Oracle Virtual Desktop Client Troubleshooting

This chapter provides information about the desktop clients supported by Sun Ray Software, which includes Sun Ray Clients and Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients. Each desktop client has its own chapter detailing specific information. This chapter specifies topics that pertain to both types of clients.

Refer to the following sections and chapters for more specific information about the desktop clients.

Sun Ray Clients
Oracle Virtual Desktop Clients

See the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client documentation ( for detailed information about the Oracle Virtual Desktop Client application and its command-line equivalent, the ovdc command.