A.2 IKE Configuration

A.2.1 remote Directive
A.2.2 sainfo Directive
A.2.3 Example IKE Configuration Files

The base configuration required for IPsec on the Sun Ray Client is the IKE configuration file, which is derived from the racoon.conf file. The IKE configuration file defines how to establish a secure connection between two hosts using the racoon daemon. For Sun Ray Software, only a subset of the directives and statements in the IKE configuration file are required. The complete documentation for the IKE configuration file is available in the racoon.conf man page.

The IKE configuration file contains a set of directives that each consist of a keyword and a set of parameters. Some directives can be followed by a set of nested statements. An IKE configuration file must be stored in the firmware's security configuration repository at /ike/default.conf. The use of the /ike directory is consistent with the strategy that the directory containing a file indicates its type or format.

There are only two directives that are required for the Sun Ray IKE configuration file:

Normally, there can be multiple remote and sainfo directives, tagged with either a name, address, or the default anonymous keyword. The Sun Ray Software implementation allows for only one of each directive.

The following directives are not required, but they are supported to provide more advanced configuration:

Other parameters, such as the location of various ancillary files and ports, are fixed in value.

A.2.1 remote Directive

The remote directive specifies the parameters for IKE negotiations.

The following statements are supported. Specific notes and restrictions are provided where necessary.

  • ca_type - Root certificate type (X509 only) and root certificate file name.

  • certificate_type - Client certificate type (X509 only), private key file name, and certificate file name.

  • dpd - Switch to enable Dead Peer Detection (DPD). Default is on.

  • dpd_delay - Time between liveness requests. 0 disables checking. Default is 0.

  • dpd_maxfail - If dpd_delay is set, this statement sets the maximum number of proof of liveness to request (without reply) before considering the peer is dead. The default value is 5.

  • dpd_retry - If dpd_delay is set, this statement sets the delay (in seconds) to wait for a proof of liveness before considering it as failed and sending another request. The default value is 5.

  • exchange_mode - Exchange mode to use as the IKE initiator. Values: main, aggressive, or base. The aggressive mode is not supported on Oracle Solaris.

  • ike_frag - Switch to enable IKE fragmentation.

  • lifetime - IKE lifetime proposed.

  • my_identifier - Type and value of the IKE identifier for phase 1. The following identifier types are allowed:

    • address - IP address. This is the default, although this is not appropriate for Sun Ray Clients that get their addresses using DHCP.

    • asn1dn - ASN.1 distinguished name. This value is taken from the certificate Subject field if a value is not specified.

    • fqdn - Fully-qualified domain name.

    • keyid - An arbitrary string.

    • subnet - IP subnet.

    • user_fqdn - User fully-qualified name.

  • nat_traversal - Switch to enable NAT traversal.

  • nonce_size - Size of the nonces used in the IKE exchange. The default is 16 bytes.

  • peers_certfile - Locally stored peer certificate type (X509 only) and certificate file name.

  • peers_identifier - Type and value of the expected peer identifier. The following identifier types are allowed:

    • address - IP address. This is the default.

    • asn1dn - ASN.1 distinguished name. This value is taken from the certificate Subject field if a value is not specified.

    • fqdn - Fully-qualified domain name.

    • keyid - An arbitrary string.

    • subnet - IP subnet.

    • user_fqdn - User fully-qualified name.

  • proposal - List of proposal statements. Only one proposal statement is allowed.

    • authentication_method - Specify the authentication method used. Values: pre_shared_key or rsasig.

      The pre-shared key file is used when the authentication mode is pre_shared_key, and the file must be stored in the firmware's security configuration repository at /preshared/keys file. The pre-shared key file consists of lines containing pairs of ids and keys, separated by some number of blanks or tab characters. Keys starting with "0x" are interpreted as hexadecimal strings. Any referenced certificate files must be stored in the /certs directory, and public/private key pairs provided in files must be stored in the /keys directory.

    • dh_group - Specify the group used for Diffie-Hellman exponentiation. Values: modp768, modp1024, modp1536, modp2048, modp3072, modp4096, modp6144, or the corresponding DH group number, 1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18.

    • encryption_algorithm - Specify the encryption algorithm used for the phase 1 negotiation. Values: aes, 3des, or null. aes may be followed by a key size of 128, 192, or 256, separated by a space.

    • hash_algorithm - Specify the hash algorithm used for phase 1 negotiation. Values: md5 (deprecated), sha1, sha256, sha384, or sha512. Oracle Linux 5.8 and Oracle Linux 6.3 does not support the sha384 or sha512 hash algorithm.

    • lifetime - Specify IKE lifetime.

  • remote_address - Remote IP address of the other end of the connection.

  • proposal_check - Type of proposal checking. Values: claim, exact, obey, or strict.

  • send_cert - Switch to enable sending client certificate. Default is on.

  • send_cr - Switch to enable sending certificate request. Default is on.

  • verify_cert - Switch to verify the peer's certificate. Defaults is on.

  • verify_identifier - Switch to enable verification of identity between ID and certificate. Default is off.

A.2.2 sainfo Directive

The sainfo directive is used to specify the security parameters for creating an IPsec Security Association (SA) used to protect associated traffic. For Sun Ray Software, only the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is supported, and the Authentication Header (AH) protocol is not supported.

A full implementation of the Security Policy Database (SPD) for Sun Ray Software is not required, because the communication between the Sun Ray Client and other peers requires only a few switch selections, which have been incorporated into the IPsec configuration menu in the firmware Configuration GUI.

The following statements are supported. Specific notes and restrictions are provided where necessary.

  • authentication_algorithm - Specify the comma-separated list of authentication algorithms. Values include hmac forms of the hash_algorithm values, such as hmac_md5, hmac_sha1, hmac_sha256, hmac_sha384, or hmac_sha512.

  • encryption_algorithm - Specify the comma-separated set of encryption algorithms that can be used in a phase 2 proposal. Values: aes or 3des. The aes value may be followed by a key size, for example, aes 256.

  • lifetime - Define how long an IPsec SA will be used.

  • pfs_group - Define the group used for Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) in phase 2. The same values are used as dh_group. If omitted, PFS is not used.

  • sha2_trunc - Switch that sets the truncation of SHA-2 hashes to 96 bits, rather than the 128 specified in RFC 4868. This allows interoperation with some Oracle Linux systems that exhibit this behavior. This must be set on when using the sha256 hash algorithm for Oracle Linux.

The proposals generated during the phase 2 negotiation consist of all of the possible combinations of encryption_algorithm and authentication_algorithm.

A.2.3 Example IKE Configuration Files

Here is an example of a Sun Ray IKE configuration file used to specify the connection between a Sun Ray Client with a fixed IP address ( and a Sun Ray server ( using a pre-shared key.

remote address {
        my_identifier address;
        exchange_mode main;
        proposal {
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                encryption_algorithm aes;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                dh_group 2;
        proposal_check claim;
sainfo address address {
        lifetime time 12 hour;
        encryption_algorithm aes;
        authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1;

If you specify main for the exchange_mode statement, the identifiers for the IKE connection must be IP addresses when using pre-shared keys.

Here is another example of a Sun Ray IKE configuration file for certificate-based authentication

remote anonymous {
        exchange_mode main;
        my_identifier asn1dn;
        ca_type x509 "cacert.pem";
        certificate_type x509 "mycert.pem" "mykey.pem";
        proposal {
                authentication_method rsasig;
                encryption_algorithm 3des;
                hash_algorithm md5;
                dh_group modp1024;
        lifetime time 24 hour;
        proposal_check claim;
sainfo anonymous {
        authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1;
        encryption_algorithm aes;
        lifetime time 8 hour;