A virtual file system (VFS) is a virtual container that organizes a set of file-like entities into a tree structure. As such, virtual file systems play an important role in both the management of file assets in the content development environment and their deployment to a target (staging or production) environment.

Choosing a VFS Implementation

In the content development environment, all VFSs must be instances of ContentRepositoryVFSService, which provides support for managing versioned file assets. However, there are several options for your target environment. The implementation you should use depends primarily on the mode of deployment you require, and secondarily, on the type of assets to deploy to the VFS:

Deployment Mode

VFS Implementation


Use a SwitchableLocalFileSystem. If you do not require journaling, you can disable it.

Note: The deployment of JSPs in switch mode is not supported.


If you are deploying JSPs to the target VFS, use a SelectiveDeleteVFSService.

If you are deploying personalization or scenario assets to the VFS, use a JournalingFileSystemService. The virtual file systems that contain these assets require support for journaling because other services must examine the journal to identify specific types of updates (so the assets can be activated by the appropriate subsystems).

For all other asset types, use a LocalVFSService.

This appendix provides reference information on the VFS implementations you can use with ATG Content Administration:

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