Click Components By Path to see the hierarchy of folders and Nucleus components within the Nucleus framework. The hierarchy has an expandable tree structure, just like an ordinary file system. However, the folders shown here do not necessarily map directly to the directories on the server machine.

In the previous section, you looked at a component called FileCache in the Caching category of the Dynamo module. If this component was still selected in the Components By Module view when you switched to the Components By Path view, it will be selected in your path view now. If it’s not, you can get to it by opening the folders in its path name: /atg/dynamo/servlet/pipeline/FileCache.

As you saw in the Components By Module view, the information panel at the bottom of the window displays a path name, class, scope and description whenever you select a component in the Components By Path view. You can get more detailed information about any component by opening it the Component Editor. Double-click on the component you want to open or select Open Component from the File menu. To learn more about how to use the Component Editor and how to configure Nucleus components, see the Configuring Nucleus Components section of this chapter.

The icons you saw in the Module View section are used here as well. One difference you may notice, though, is that some components have a red dot next to them like this: .

This dot means that the component has been started and is currently running on the live Dynamo module. To learn more, see the Starting and Stopping Nucleus Components section.

The Components By Path view provides additional options for managing components and folders. Using the menu commands in Components By Path view, you can copy, cut, paste, rename, duplicate, refresh, and delete components and folders.

Managing Component Folders in Path View

To create a folder in ATG’s component hierarchy:

Deleting Components, Documents, and Folders

To delete a component, document, or folder:

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