Package atg.commerce.payment

Class Summary
DummyAddressVerificationProcessor This class is a dummy address verification processor.
DummyCreditCardProcessor This class is a dummy credit card processor.
DummyGiftCertificateProcessor This class is a dummy gift certificate processor.
DummyTaxProcessor Placeholder tax processor for testing tax processing APIs.
DummyTaxStatus Dummy tax status for use only with a DummyTaxProcessor.
GiftCertificateProcessorImpl This class performs the actual functions of authorizing, debiting and crediting a giftcertificate.
InvoiceRequestProcessorImpl A payment processor for billing by invoice whose debit method calls on an InvoiceManager to generate a repository item representing the invoice and emit JMS messages notifying any interested listeners of invoice creation and update.
PaymentManager This class provides a set of methods for dealing with operations on PaymentGroups.
PaymentManagerAction Enumerated type representing the actions that can be taken by the PaymentManager with respect to a PaymentGroup.
PaymentManagerPipelineArgs Argument dictionary for pipeline chains and processors invoked by the PaymentManager.
StoreCreditProcessorImpl This class performs the actual functions of authorizing, debiting and crediting a store credit.

Exception Summary
PaymentException This exception indicates that an error occured while performing a PaymentManagewr operation.