Interface ContentItemToRendererPath

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public interface ContentItemToRendererPath

An interface that defines a method used to map a cartridge type to a rendering JSP.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getRendererPathForContentItem(ContentItem pItem, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
          Return the location of the renderer.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getRendererPathForContentItem(ContentItem pItem,
                                               javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest pRequest)
Return the location of the renderer. If the return value does not contain a colon (":"), then the location is relative to the context root of the current web-app. If the returned path contains a colon, it should be of the form "{web-app}:{path-in-web-app}", where the "{web-app}" prefix should either be the name of an web-app (as supported by the WebAppRegistry), or the context path of the web-application.

pItem - the content item to return a renderer path for
pRequest - the current request, may be null if this method is invoked outside of a request.