Class RegExEmailExaminer

  extended by atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
      extended by atg.nucleus.GenericService
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
atg.naming.AbsoluteNameable, NameContextBindingListener, NameContextElement, atg.naming.NameContextParentable, NameResolver, AdminableService, atg.nucleus.Configured, ApplicationLogging, atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLoggingSender, atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging, VariableArgumentApplicationLogging, ComponentNameResolver, Service, ServiceListener,, EmailExaminer, java.util.EventListener

public class RegExEmailExaminer

This is a service that determines properties of a bounced message created by a MTA using regular expressions. The examiner looks for configurable string expressions inside the text of the bounced message to determine the various properties of the email.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
          Class version string
protected  java.lang.String mBouncedEmailAddressRegEx
protected  int mBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex
protected  java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedEmailAddressRegExPattern
protected  java.lang.String mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx
protected  int mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex
protected  java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExPattern
protected  java.lang.String mBouncedErrorMessageRegEx
protected  int mBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex
protected  java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedErrorMessageRegExPattern
protected  java.lang.String mBouncedReplyCodeRegEx
protected  int mBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex
protected  java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedReplyCodeRegExPattern
protected  java.lang.String[] mMonitoredBounceReplyCodes
          A list of reply codes that indicate a message is bounced
protected  java.lang.String mMTAIdentifierHeaderKey
protected  java.lang.String mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx
protected  int mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex
protected  java.util.regex.Pattern mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExPattern
Fields inherited from class
mEmailTrackingTools, mExtractOriginalMessageIDFromMessageText, mScanningContentForAdditionalHeaders, X_ATG_HEADER_PREFIX
Fields inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.TraceApplicationLogging
Fields inherited from interface atg.nucleus.logging.ApplicationLogging
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 java.lang.Object examineEmail(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          This method examines the given message in some implementation specific manner.
protected  java.lang.String findMatch(java.util.regex.Pattern pPattern, java.lang.String pSequence, int pGroupIndex)
          Returns the java.util.regex.Mapper group match captured during the match operation when evaluating the supplied Pattern.
 java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddress(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          This method gets the email address from a presumed bounced email in the correct format for this MTA.
protected  java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddress(java.lang.String pContent)
          This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
 java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx()
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's intended recipient's email address.
 int getBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex()
          Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedEmailAddressRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedEmailAddress(Message) method.
 java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedEmailAddressRegExPattern()
          Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx()
 java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error.
protected  java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(java.lang.String pContent)
          Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error.
 java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx()
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's enhanced status code.
 int getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex()
          Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(Message) method.
 java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExPattern()
          Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx()
 java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessage(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
protected  java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessage(java.lang.String pContent)
          This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email.
 java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx()
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's error message.
 int getBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex()
          Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedErrorMessageRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedErrorMessage(Message) method.
 java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedErrorMessageRegExPattern()
          Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx()
 java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCode(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
protected  java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCode(java.lang.String pContent)
          Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message.
 java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx()
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's reply code.
 int getBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex()
          Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedReplyCodeRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedReplyCode(Message) method.
 java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedReplyCodeRegExPattern()
          Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx()
 java.lang.String[] getMonitoredBounceReplyCodes()
          Gets the MonitoredReplyCodes property
 java.lang.String getMTAIdentifierHeaderKey()
          The name of the header that can be used to identify the MTA
 java.lang.String getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx()
          A RegEx used to match against the value of the MTA Identifier header.
 int getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex()
          Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the MTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the #getMTAIdentifierHeaderValue(Message) method.
 java.util.regex.Pattern getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExPattern()
          Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx()
 boolean isBouncedEmail(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
          Determines whether the passed in message was bounced by the MTA this examiner is responsible for.
 void setBouncedEmailAddressRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedEmailAddressRegEx)
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's intended recipient's email address.
 void setBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex)
 void setBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx)
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's enhanced status code.
 void setBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex)
 void setBouncedErrorMessageRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedErrorMessageRegEx)
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's error message
 void setBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex)
 void setBouncedReplyCodeRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedReplyCodeRegEx)
          A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's reply code
 void setBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex)
 void setMonitoredBounceReplyCodes(java.lang.String[] pMonitoredBounceReplyCodes)
          Sets the MonitoredBounceReplyCodes property
 void setMTAIdentifierHeaderKey(java.lang.String pMTAIdentifierHeaderKey)
          The name of the header that can be used to identify the MTA
 void setMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx(java.lang.String pMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx)
          A RegEx used to match against the value of the MTA Identifier header.
 void setMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex(int pMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex)
Methods inherited from class
getAdditionalHeaderPrefixes, getAdditionalHeaders, getEmailTrackingTools, getMTAName, getOriginalMessageID, getSoftBounceEnhancedStatusCodes, getSoftBounceReplyCodes, getTrackingData, isExtractOriginalMessageIDFromMessageText, isScanningContentForAdditionalHeaders, isSoftBouncedEmail, setAdditionalHeaderPrefixes, setEmailTrackingTools, setExtractOriginalMessageIDFromMessageText, setMTAName, setScanningContentForAdditionalHeaders, setSoftBounceEnhancedStatusCodes, setSoftBounceReplyCodes
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.GenericService
addLogListener, createAdminServlet, doStartService, doStopService, getAbsoluteName, getAdminServlet, getAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, getLoggingForVlogging, getLogListenerCount, getLogListeners, getName, getNameContext, getNucleus, getRoot, getServiceConfiguration, getServiceInfo, isAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, isLoggingDebug, isLoggingError, isLoggingInfo, isLoggingTrace, isLoggingWarning, isRunning, logDebug, logDebug, logDebug, logError, logError, logError, logInfo, logInfo, logInfo, logTrace, logTrace, logTrace, logWarning, logWarning, logWarning, nameContextElementBound, nameContextElementUnbound, removeLogListener, reResolveThis, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, resolveName, sendLogEvent, setAdminServletOutputStreamEncoding, setAdminServletUseServletOutputStream, setLoggingDebug, setLoggingError, setLoggingInfo, setLoggingTrace, setLoggingWarning, setNucleus, setServiceInfo, startService, stopService
Methods inherited from class atg.nucleus.logging.VariableArgumentApplicationLoggingImpl
vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebug, vlogDebugTrace, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogError, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogInfo, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogTrace, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning, vlogWarning
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static java.lang.String CLASS_VERSION
Class version string


protected java.util.regex.Pattern mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExPattern


protected java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedEmailAddressRegExPattern


protected java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedReplyCodeRegExPattern


protected java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedErrorMessageRegExPattern


protected java.util.regex.Pattern mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExPattern


protected java.lang.String[] mMonitoredBounceReplyCodes
A list of reply codes that indicate a message is bounced


protected java.lang.String mMTAIdentifierHeaderKey


protected java.lang.String mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx


protected int mMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex


protected java.lang.String mBouncedEmailAddressRegEx


protected int mBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex


protected java.lang.String mBouncedReplyCodeRegEx


protected int mBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex


protected java.lang.String mBouncedErrorMessageRegEx


protected int mBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex


protected java.lang.String mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx


protected int mBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex
Constructor Detail


public RegExEmailExaminer()
Method Detail


public void setMonitoredBounceReplyCodes(java.lang.String[] pMonitoredBounceReplyCodes)
Sets the MonitoredBounceReplyCodes property

pMonitoredBounceReplyCodes - an array of RFC 821 reply codes that will indicate an email is bounced. The isBouncedEmail method will only return true if the reply code set in the bounced email matches one of the values of this property


public java.lang.String[] getMonitoredBounceReplyCodes()
Gets the MonitoredReplyCodes property

an array of RFC 821 reply codes that will indicate an email is bounced. The isBouncedEmail method will only return true if the reply code set in the bounced email matches one of the values of this property


public java.lang.String getMTAIdentifierHeaderKey()
The name of the header that can be used to identify the MTA

The header to use when determining the MTA


public void setMTAIdentifierHeaderKey(java.lang.String pMTAIdentifierHeaderKey)
The name of the header that can be used to identify the MTA

pMTAIdentifierHeaderKey - The name of the header.


public java.lang.String getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx()
A RegEx used to match against the value of the MTA Identifier header. A match using this RegEx indicates that this Examiner is responsible for handling the given message.

The RegEx string.


public void setMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx(java.lang.String pMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx)
A RegEx used to match against the value of the MTA Identifier header. A match using this RegEx indicates that this Examiner is responsible for handling the given message.

pMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx - The RegEx string to use.


public java.util.regex.Pattern getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExPattern()
Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx()

The pattern.


public int getMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex()
Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the MTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the #getMTAIdentifierHeaderValue(Message) method.

A group index of 0 returns the entire match. Indexes of groups contained in the pattern are one based, thus a group index of 1 specifies the first match group contained in the pattern.

The group index
See Also:


public void setMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex(int pMTAIdentifierHeaderValueRegExGroupIndex)


public java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx()
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's intended recipient's email address.

The reg-ex


public void setBouncedEmailAddressRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedEmailAddressRegEx)
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's intended recipient's email address.

pBouncedEmailAddressRegEx - The reg-ex.


public java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedEmailAddressRegExPattern()
Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx()

The pattern.


public int getBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex()
Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedEmailAddressRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedEmailAddress(Message) method.

A group index of 0 returns the entire match. Indexes of groups contained in the pattern are one based, thus a group index of 1 specifies the first match group contained in the pattern.

The group index
See Also:


public void setBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedEmailAddressRegExGroupIndex)


public java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx()
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's reply code.

The reg-ex


public void setBouncedReplyCodeRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedReplyCodeRegEx)
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's reply code

pBouncedReplyCodeRegEx - The reg-ex.


public java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedReplyCodeRegExPattern()
Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx()

The pattern.


public int getBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex()
Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedReplyCodeRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedReplyCode(Message) method.

A group index of 0 returns the entire match. Indexes of groups contained in the pattern are one based, thus a group index of 1 specifies the first match group contained in the pattern.

The group index
See Also:


public void setBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedReplyCodeRegExGroupIndex)


public java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx()
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's error message.

The reg-ex


public void setBouncedErrorMessageRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedErrorMessageRegEx)
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's error message

pBouncedErrorMessageRegEx - The reg-ex.


public java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedErrorMessageRegExPattern()
Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx()

The pattern.


public int getBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex()
Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedErrorMessageRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedErrorMessage(Message) method.

A group index of 0 returns the entire match. Indexes of groups contained in the pattern are one based, thus a group index of 1 specifies the first match group contained in the pattern.

The group index
See Also:


public void setBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedErrorMessageRegExGroupIndex)


public java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx()
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's enhanced status code.

The reg-ex


public void setBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx(java.lang.String pBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx)
A reg-ex used to extract the bounced email's enhanced status code.

pBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx - The reg-ex.


public java.util.regex.Pattern getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExPattern()
Returns the compiled RegEx pattern defined by getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx()

The pattern.


public int getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex()
Gets the java.util.regex.Mapper group index of the expression returned from the bouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx property to capture during the match operation when evaluating the getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(Message) method.

A group index of 0 returns the entire match. Indexes of groups contained in the pattern are one based, thus a group index of 1 specifies the first match group contained in the pattern.

The group index
See Also:


public void setBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex(int pBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegExGroupIndex)


public boolean isBouncedEmail(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                       throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
Determines whether the passed in message was bounced by the MTA this examiner is responsible for. This is determined by first checking for the MTA Identifier header. If the MTA Identifier header is present, and the intended recipient can be parsed from the message body, then this method will return true.

pMessage - the message to examine
true if the message is in the correct format for this MTA and is bounced. False if the message is in the correct format for this MTA and is not bounced, or is not in the correct format for this MTA.
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified


public java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddress(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                                        throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
This method gets the email address from a presumed bounced email in the correct format for this MTA. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pMessage - the message to examine
the email address of the intended recipient, or null if the message is not bounced, or is not in the correct format for this MTA
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified


public java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCode(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                                     throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pMessage - the bounced message to examine
the reply code of the bounced email, indicating why it was bounced, or null if the message cannot be determined from the give pMessage i.e. the formatting is not what was expected, or the message has not been determined as bounced
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified NOTE: An exception should NOT be thrown if the given message is not in a format recognized by this examiner. In most cases, a list of examiners will be called upon to see if any consider the message as bounced in a given operation. Developers are expected to return null in this case.


public java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessage(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                                        throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pMessage - the message to examine
the error message that indicates why the email was bounced or null if the email is not in the correct format for this MTA, or if there is no error message to get
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified


public java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                                              throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pMessage - the message to examine
an enhanced status code of the bounced email, indicating why it was bounced, or null if the given message is not in the correct format for this MTA
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified


public java.lang.Object examineEmail(javax.mail.Message pMessage)
                              throws javax.mail.MessagingException,
This method examines the given message in some implementation specific manner. This implementation is a no-op

pMessage - the message to examine
javax.mail.MessagingException - if a problem occurs while calling methods on the pMessage object
EmailException - if a problem occurs during the parsing of the content, of invalid arguments are specified


protected java.lang.String getBouncedEmailAddress(java.lang.String pContent)
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedEmailAddressRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pContent - the content to examine
the error message that indicates why the email was bounced or null if the email is not in the correct format for this MTA, or if there is no error message to get


protected java.lang.String getBouncedReplyCode(java.lang.String pContent)
Gets the reply code (RFC 821) of the given bounced message. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedReplyCodeRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pConte - the bounced content to examine
the reply code of the bounced email, indicating why it was bounced, or null if the message cannot be determined from the give pMessage i.e. the formatting is not what was expected, or the message has not been determined as bounced


protected java.lang.String getBouncedEnhancedStatusCode(java.lang.String pContent)
Gets the enhanced status code according to RFC 1893 that gives more detail on the nature of the error. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedEnhancedStatusCodeRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pContent - the content to examine
an enhanced status code of the bounced email, indicating why it was bounced, or null if the given message is not in the correct format for this MTA


protected java.lang.String getBouncedErrorMessage(java.lang.String pContent)
This method gets any associated error message that is given from a bounced email. This implementation looks for the address in a specific location in the email's content based on the getBouncedErrorMessageRegEx() reg-ex pattern.

pContent - the content to examine
the error message that indicates why the email was bounced or null if the email is not in the correct format for this MTA, or if there is no error message to get


protected java.lang.String findMatch(java.util.regex.Pattern pPattern,
                                     java.lang.String pSequence,
                                     int pGroupIndex)
Returns the java.util.regex.Mapper group match captured during the match operation when evaluating the supplied Pattern. The reg-ex pattern group to capture is specified using the pGroupIndex parameter. If the whole match is to be returned, a pGroupIndex value of 0 should be supplied, otherwise the groups are specified using one based index. Thus, the first reg-ex pattern group is specified using a pGroupIndex value of 1.

pPattern - A pattern to match with
pSequence - A character sequence to look for a match.
pGroupIndex -