The next step is to create a MessageSource implementation that fires our new message and can be triggered by setting its location property from a JSP or a JHTML page. It will use a fixed Patch Bay port named Link and a message type of test.scenario.Link. (For more information, see Patch Bay: Configuring the Dynamo Message System in the ATG Platform Programming Guide.)

package test.scenario;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.transaction.*;
import atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSource;
import atg.dms.patchbay.MessageSourceContext;
import atg.nucleus.GenericService;

 * A Nucleus component used for firing LinkMessages.
class LinkMessageSource extends GenericService implements MessageSource
  // Constants
  public static final String PORT_NAME = "Link";
  public static final String MESSAGE_TYPE = "test.scenario.Link";
  // Member Variables
  /** Message source context for message creation */
  MessageSourceContext mMessageSourceContext;
  /** Flag gating whether this message source is active or not. */
  boolean mSendingMessages = false;

  // Properties
  public MessageSourceContext getMessageSourceContext ()
    return mMessageSourceContext;

  // MessageSource Interface Implementation
  public void setMessageSourceContext (MessageSourceContext pContext)
    mMessageSourceContext = pContext;
  public void startMessageSource ()
    mSendingMessages = true;
  public void stopMessageSource ()
    mSendingMessages = false;
  // Public Methods
   * Called by Dynamo when a link of the form <A HREF="..."
   * BEAN="/test/scenario/LinkMessageSource.location" VALUE="...">>
   * is clicked.
   * @param pLocation the symbolic name of the link location being
   * fired, as given in the value tag above.
  public void setLocation (String pLocation)

   * Fires a LinkMessage reporting a clickthrough location.
  public void fireLinkMessage(String pLocation)
    try {
      ObjectMessage message;
      message = mMessageSourceContext.createObjectMessage(PORT_NAME);
      message.setObject(new LinkMessage(pLocation));
      mMessageSourceContext.sendMessage(PORT_NAME, message);
    catch (JMSException jmse) {
      if (isLoggingError())

We also need to configure the above class as a Nucleus component by creating a file named test/scenario/ in the localconfig directory. There are no properties to configure; just specify the component’s class:


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