In order to make Alert settings available to community leaders through the PAF Administration utilities, you must create a form for these settings. This form is then incorporated into the instance configuration page for the gear. In doing this, you should use the handleAlertConfig tag and the atg.portal.admin.AlertConfigBean, which captures the form input, as shown in the following code sample.


<paf:InitializeGearEnvironment id="gearEnv">
<jsp:useBean id="alertFormInput" scope="request"
  <jsp:setProperty name="alertFormInput" property="*"/>

<!-- Handle the form if it was filled in -->
<core:If value="<%= alertFormInput.getHandleForm() %>" >
  <paf:handleAlertConfig id="alertConfResult" formData="<%= alertFormInput %>"
                         gearEnv="<%= pafEnv %>">
       <core:If value="<%= alertConfResult.getSuccess() %>" >

         <!-- REDIRECT TO SUCCESS PAGE -->

      <%-- if not, display errors --%>

<form ACTION="<%= origURI %>" METHOD="POST">
  <input type="hidden" name="handleForm" value="true">

  <input type="hidden" name="paf_gear_id" value="<%= gearID %>">
  <input type="hidden" name="paf_dm" value="full">
  <input type="hidden" name="paf_gm" value="instanceConfig">
  <input type="hidden" name="config_page" value="<%= thisConfigPage%>">
  <input type="hidden" name="paf_page_id" value="<%= pageID %>"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="paf_page_url" value="<%= pageURL %>"/>
  <input type="hidden" name="paf_community_id" value="<%= communityID %>"/>
  <input type="radio" name="gearAlertPref" value="no" checked><font size="2"
  <input type="radio" name="gearAlertPref" value="yes_locked"><font size="2"



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