Package atg.commerce.order

Interface Summary
ChangedProperties An interface which provides methods for determining what properties need to be saved to the repository.
CommerceIdentifier Implemented by a class which contains a Commerce Id for identification.
CommerceItem Implemented by classes which represent a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages CommerceItem objects.
CommerceItemRelationship An interface which represents a part of a relationship that is a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemRelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages CommerceItemRelationship objects.
CostCenter This interface represents all the information which designates a cost center.
CostCenterContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages CostCenter objects.
CostCenterRelationship An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a CostCenter.
CostCenterRelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages CostCenterRelationship objects.
HandlingInstruction Implemented by classes which represent a HandlingInstruction.
HandlingInstructionContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages HandlingInstructions.
Order Implemented by a class that represents an order.
OrderMergeListener An EventListener interface for components that wish to be notified when information is merged from one order into another.
OrderRelationship An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is an Order.
OrderRelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages OrderRelationship objects.
PaymentAddressContainer Implemented by a class that will have a billingAddress property
PaymentGroup This interface represents all the information which designates a payment medium.
PaymentGroupContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages PaymentGroup objects.
PaymentGroupRelationship An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupRelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages PaymentGroupRelationship objects.
PipelineConstants This interface contains the Pipeline parameter constants.
Relationship An interface which represents a relationship type.
RelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages Relationship objects.
ShippingAddressContainer Implemented by a class that will have a ShippingAddress property
ShippingGroup This interface represents all the information which designates a shipment.
ShippingGroupContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages ShippingGroup objects.
ShippingGroupPropertyContainer By implementing this interface, the implementing class defines a list of shipping group properties to be used in the following operations.
ShippingGroupRelationship An interface which represents a part of a relationship which is a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupRelationshipContainer Implemented by a class that contains and manages ShippingGroupRelationship objects.
UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer The UserPaymentTypeAuthorizer authorizes a payment type for a particular user.

Class Summary
AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet The AuthorizedPaymentTypesDroplet DynamoServlet determines the payment types that a user is authorized to use.
AuxiliaryData A class which holds the AuxiliaryData for a CommerceItem.
CommerceIdentifierComparator Used to compare CommerceIdentifier objects by their id Created: Tue Mar 14 10:41:59 2000
CommerceIdentifierImpl An abstract base class which provides the functionality for getting and setting a commerce Id.
CommerceItemContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of CommerceItem objects.
CommerceItemImpl An implementation of a class which represents a CommerceItem.
CommerceItemManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Orders.
CommerceItemRelationshipContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of CommerceItemRelationship objects.
ConfigurableCommerceItem An implementation of a class which represents a ConfigurableCommerceItem.
CostCenterCommerceItemRelationship An object which represents a relationship between a CommerceItem and a CostCenter.
CostCenterContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of CostCenter objects.
CostCenterImpl This class is an implementation of a CostCenter.
CostCenterManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Cost Centers.
CostCenterOrderRelationship An object which represents a relationship between an Order and a CostCenter.
CostCenterRelationshipContainerImpl This class manages the containment of CostCenterRelationship objects.
CostCenterShippingGroupRelationship An object which represents a relationship between a CostCenter and a ShippingGroup.
CreditCard This class is an implementation of CreditCard payment information.
ElectronicShippingGroup This class is an implementation of a ElectronicShippingGroup.
FullShoppingCartFormHandler The FullShoppingCartFormHandler extends the functionality of the @see ShoppingCartFormHandler by giving the additional functionality of handling multiple payment method (GiftCertificates and Credit Cards), multiple location ship to addresses, express checkout and adding an item to a person's gift list.
GiftCertificate This class is an implementation of GiftCertificate payment information.
HandlingInstructionContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of HandlingInstruction objects.
HandlingInstructionImpl An implementation of a class which represents a Handling object.
HandlingInstructionManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating HandlingInstructions.
HardgoodShippingGroup This class is an implementation of a HargoodShippingGroup.
InvoiceRequest This payment method represents the information needed to produce an invoice for use in billing a customer for all or part of an order.
IsHardGoodsDroplet Take as an object parameter an Order.
ItemAddedToOrder This class is a message object which is sent when an item is added to an Order or an item's quantity is increased.
ItemQuantityChanged This class is a message object which is sent when an item's quantity is changed in an Order.
ItemRemovedFromOrder This class is a message object which specifies that an item has been removed from an order.
OrderHolder This component, typically session-scope, keeps track of the Order objects that are associated with a user.
OrderImpl An implementation of the Order interface which represents an Order.
OrderLookup This servlet renders one or more order objects based on the input params.
OrderManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating Orders.
OrderMergeEvent A Java event indicating that one order was merged into another.
OrderMergeListenerImpl A trivial Nucleus component implementation of the EventListener interface that does nothing but emit debugging messages.
OrderModifierFormHandler This abstract class defines the FormHandling functionality necessary in order to manager Order modifications for existing or new orders.
OrderQueries This class contains methods for executing various types of order queries.
OrderRelationshipContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of OrderRelationship objects.
OrderServices OrderServices contains the methods that implement conversational order management web services.
OrderTools This class is a low level business layer class.
OrderUserMessage This class encapsulates messages, configurable string constants and message formatting conventions.
PaymentGroupCommerceItemRelationship An object which represents a relationship between a CommerceItem and a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of PaymentGroup objects.
PaymentGroupImpl This class is an implementation of a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating PaymentGroups.
PaymentGroupOrderRelationship An object which represents a relationship between an Order and a PaymentGroup.
PaymentGroupRelationshipContainerImpl This class manages the containment of PaymentGroupRelationship objects.
PaymentGroupShippingGroupRelationship An object which represents a relationship between a PaymentGroup and a ShippingGroup.
RelationshipContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of Relationship objects.
RelationshipTypes This class contains the Relationship type constants for all the different types of relationships.
RepositoryAddress A class which represents an address.
RepositoryContactInfo A class which represents an address.
RepositoryRange A subclass of range that is stored within the repository item
RestorableOrders This class represents the set of orders which can be restored through session backup.
ShippingGroupCommerceItemRelationship An object which represents a relationship between an Item and a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of ShippingGroup objects.
ShippingGroupImpl This class is an implementation of a ShippingGroup.
ShippingGroupManager This class is the business layer object for managing and manipulating ShippingGroups.
ShippingGroupRelationshipContainerImpl A class which manages the containment of ShippingGroupRelationship objects.
ShoppingCartFormHandler This form handler is used to control many aspects of the user purchase process.
ShoppingCartModifierConfiguration This class is designed to be configured as a session scoped component which stores configuration parameters for the ShoppingCartFormHandler.
SimpleOrderManager This class is the business layer object for Order manipulation.
SoftGoodFormHandler This class layers additional functionality on top of the FullShoppingCartFormHandler by allowing another type of good to be added to the shopping cart, soft goods.
StateDetailDroplet This droplet is used to translate a raw state value into a readable format.
StoreCredit This class is an implementation of StoreCredit payment information.
SubSkuCommerceItem An implementation of a class which represents a SubSku of a ConfigurableCommerceItem.

Exception Summary
CommerceItemNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CommerceItem cannot be found in a get or remove call.
CostCenterNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CostCenter cannot be found in a get or remove call.
DuplicateCommerceItemException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CommerceItem which already exists in a CommerceItemContainer is added.
DuplicateCostCenterException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a CostCenter which already exists in an CostCenterContainer is added.
DuplicateHandlingInstructionException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a HandlingInstruction which already exists in a HandlingInstructionContainer is added.
DuplicatePaymentGroupException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a PaymentGroup which already exists in an PaymentGroupContainer is added.
DuplicateRelationshipException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a Relationship which already exists in a RelationshipContainer is added.
DuplicateShippingGroupException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a ShippingGroup which already exists in a ShippingGroupContainer is added.
HandlingInstructionNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a HandlingInstruction cannot be found in a get or remove call.
InvalidNameException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a non-existent name is used in a create call.
InvalidParameterException This class represents an exception that is thrown when an invalid argument is passed into a method call.
InvalidTypeException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a non-existent relationship type is set in a relationship object.
InvalidVersionException This class represents an exception that is thrown when attempting to save an order which is out of date with the one that is stored in the repository.
ObjectCreationException This class represents an exception that is thrown when the construction of a commerce object fails.
ObjectRemovalException This class represents an exception that is thrown when the removal of a commerce object fails.
PaymentGroupNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a PaymentGroup cannot be found in a get or remove call.
PaymentTypeAuthorizationException This class represents an exception that is thrown when user payment type authorization fails.
RelationshipNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a Relationship cannot be found in a get or remove call.
ShippingGroupNotFoundException This class represents an exception that is thrown when a ShippingGroup cannot be found in a get or remove call.