B.1 Oracle VM Manager MySQL Backup

B.1.1 Backup Directories and Logs
B.1.2 Performing a Backup Manually

As of Oracle VM Manager Release 3.2 backups of the local MySQL database is performed automatically every 24 hours. Backups are stored within /u01/app/oracle/mysql/dbbackup by default, and are rotated regularly so that only the 21 most recent backups are stored at any point in time. Backups make use of the MySQL Enterprise Backup utility.

The MySQL Enterprise Backup package is installed as a dependency when selecting a Simple install during the installation of Oracle VM Manager. On Oracle Linux systems this is handled by installing meb-3.8.0-el6.x86_64.rpm.

The default path for the storage of backups is defined in /etc/sysconfig/ovmm on the Oracle VM Manager host, specified in the following line:



This path can be changed to an alternate location if you need to cater to disk space requirements.

The default path for the mysqlbackup binary is also defined in /etc/sysconfig/ovmm on the Oracle VM Manager host, specified in the following line:



This path is made explicit for the purposes of handling future updates to the MySQL Enterprise Backup package. It should not be changed.

B.1.1 Backup Directories and Logs

Each backup is stored in a directory within the path defined by DBBACKUP. The backup directory is named AutoFullBackup-MMDDYYYY_hhmmss. Within the backup directory is a log file, named AutoBackup.log, containing information about the events that took place during the backup process. The backup directory contains a backup of the MySQL configuration file, a datadir directory containing the binary log for the database, a meta directory containing files specific to the MySQL Enterprise Backup process that was run at the time, and the actual MBI image file for the database that is backed up.

Only the 21 most recent backups are maintained within the DBBACKUP path. Manual backups, where the backup directory name is not prepended with AutoFullBackup, are ignored by the rotation.

Currently, it is not possible to change the frequency of automatic backups, or the number of automatic backups that are retained during a rotation.

B.1.2 Performing a Backup Manually

It is possible to initiate a backup manually. This is usually done when performing an upgrade of Oracle VM Manager. While it is possible to invoke the mysqlbackup utility directly, it is recommended that you initiate a backup directly from the Oracle VM Manager core. This can be achieved using the provided backup script at /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/createBackup.sh script:

# /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/createBackup.sh

Backing up the Oracle VM Manager MySQL Database...

Please enter the Oracle VM manager user name: admin

Please enter the Oracle VM manager user password: 

INFO: Succesfully backed up database as AutoFullBackup-20121112_111840

By default, the backup script will store the backup as an automatic backup, which will be subject to the same rotation rules as any other automatic backup. This means that your manual backup will be stored for 21 backup events, before it is removed automatically. It is possible to store a backup with an alternate name to avoid rotation. This can be achieved by using the -n switch along with the a specified backup name:

# /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin/createBackup.sh -n ManualBackup1

For more information on using MySQL Enterprise Backup, please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-enterprise-backup/en.