4.14 Uninstalling Oracle VM Manager

Before uninstalling Oracle VM Manager, you may want to back up Oracle VM Manager and the Oracle VM Manager database schema. For information on how to back up Oracle VM Manager, see Section 4.12, “Backing Up Oracle VM Manager”.

You perform the uninstall using the Oracle VM Manager installation script. You must start the installer from the installation media; you cannot perform an uninstall without the installation media as there is no installer located on the Oracle VM Manager host computer. See Section 4.4.2, “Running the Oracle VM Manager Installer” for information on starting the installer. Follow the prompts to uninstall Oracle VM Manager. See Appendix A, Oracle VM Manager Installation Script (runInstaller) at the end of this chapter for the full syntax to the installation script.

An example follows which shows an uninstall of a default Oracle VM Manager installation using a local MySQL database. Before you uninstall Oracle VM Manager, make sure it is shut down:

# service ovmm stop
# service ovmmcli stop

Example 4.5 Uninstall Oracle VM Manager

# ./runInstaller.sh

Oracle VM Manager Release 3.x.x Installer
Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
 Please select an installation type:
1: Simple (includes database if necessary)
2: Custom (using existing Oracle database)
3: Uninstall
4: Help
   Select Number (1-4): 3 

The uninstallation process starts, and the following is displayed:

Uninstall Oracle VM Manager

Uninstall Oracle VM Manager

DB component : MySQL 5.5 rpm 
MySQL 5.5 rpm installed ...
Uninstall options
   1: Uninstall MySQL 5.5 rpm
   2: Skip uninstall of MySQL 5.5 rpm

   Select Number (1-2): 1
Removing MySQL 5 installation ...

Product component : Java in '/u01/app/oracle/java/'
Java is installed ...

Uninstall options
   1: Uninstall Java
   2: Skip uninstall of Java

   Select Number (1-2): 1
Removing Java installation ...

Product component : Oracle VM Manager in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/'
Oracle VM Manager is installed ...
Uninstall options
   1: Uninstall Oracle VM 3.x Manager
   2: Skip uninstall of Oracle VM 3.x Manager

   Select Number (1-2): 1
Removing Oracle VM Manager installation ...

Product component : Oracle WebLogic Server in '/u01/app/oracle/Middleware/'
Oracle WebLogic Server is installed

Uninstall options
   1: Uninstall Oracle WebLogic Server
   2: Skip uninstall of Oracle WebLogic Server

   Select Number (1-2): 1
Removing Oracle WebLogic Server installation ...

Uninstall completed ...