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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class LocalPivotTableDataSource

  extended by oracle.dss.util.DataAccessAdapter
      extended by oracle.dss.dataView.LocalPivotTableDataSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
CDFDataAccess, CubeDataAccess, CubeDataDirector, DataAccess, DataDirector, DataSource, RelationalDataAccess, RelationalDataDirector

public class LocalPivotTableDataSource
extends DataAccessAdapter
implements CubeDataDirector, CubeDataAccess, RelationalDataDirector, RelationalDataAccess, DataSource
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Internal default data source

Field Summary
protected  DataDirectorListener listener


Fields inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.DataDirector


Fields inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.DataAccess


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener l)
          Registers a listener to the data source for changes.
 boolean allSlicesFetched(int edge)
          Returns true if all slices the entire given edge have been fetched and are available.
 java.lang.Object clone()
 CubeDataDirector createCubeDataDirector()
          Creates a DataDirector for cube-based (OLAP) views
 DataDirector createDataDirector()
 RelationalDataDirector createRelationalDataDirector()
          Creates a DataDirector for relational views.
 boolean dropChanges()
          Clears the QDR overrides in the writeback collection.
 void endGroupEdit()
          Indicates the end of a group of setValue calls.
 int findMember(int edge, int[] hPos, int memberLayer, java.lang.String s, java.lang.String type, int flags)
          Searches a set of child members for the specified value starting at a specified offset.
 boolean forceFetch(int[] startSlice, int[] endSlice)
 boolean forceFetch(int[] startSlice, int[] endSlice, int flag)
          Ensures that a block of data has been fetched or computed locally.
 int getBranchingFactor(int edge)
 java.util.List getCorrespondingMemberMetadata(int edge, int layer, java.lang.String[] values, java.lang.String[] types, boolean inDataAccess)
          Returns a List of Object arrays of member metadata corresponding to the given MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE strings specified in the values parameter.
 java.util.List getCorrespondingMemberMetadata(java.lang.String layerName, java.lang.String[] values, java.lang.String[] types, boolean inDataAccess)
          Returns a List of Object arrays of member metadata corresponding to the given MetadataMap.METADATA_VALUE strings specified in the values parameter.
 DataMap getDataMap()
          Retrieves the list of types of data that can be retrieved or set for each location in the data cursor.
 int getEdgeCount()
          Retrieves the total number of edges in the cursor.
 int[] getEdgeCurrentHPos(int edge)
          Retrieves, for the specified edge, the hierarchical address of the location that is defined by the implementor as the "current" location.
 int getEdgeCurrentSlice(int edge)
          Retrieves the zero-based index of the slice that is defined by the implementor as the current slice.
 int getEdgeExtent(int edge)
          Retrieves the total number of slices that are available on the specified edge.
 int[] getFirstHPos(int edge)
          Retrieves the hPos array that identifies the members at each physical layer of slice 0 on the specified edge.
 int[] getLastHPos(int edge)
          Retrieves the hPos array that identifies the members at each physical layer in the last slice on the specified edge.
 int getLayerCount(int edge)
          Retrieves the total number of layers on the specified edge.
 java.lang.Object getLayerMetadata(int edge, int layer, java.lang.String type)
          Returns a String of the form "EdgeXLayerYY", e.g.
 int getMemberDepth(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the size (expressed in layers that are perpendicular to the specified edge orientation) of a member at the specified layer, slice, and edge.
 int getMemberExtent(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the size of a member, that is, the number of slices that the member spans at a specified edge, layer, and slice location (parallel to the direction of the edge).
 int[] getMemberHPos(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the hierarchical address for an absolute address that is specified as edge, physical layer, and slice.
 int getMemberLogicalLayer(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the logical layer to which the member at the specified edge, physical layer, and slice location belongs.
 java.lang.Object getMemberMetadata(int edge, int[] hPos, int memberLayer, int hIndex, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the specified type of metadata for the member at a specified location.
 java.lang.Object getMemberMetadata(int edge, int layer, int slice, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the specified type of metadata for a member at the specified location.
 QDR getMemberQDR(int edge, int layer, int slice, int flags)
          Returns a QDR in which each member is named after its start slice, e.g.
 int getMemberSiblingCount(int edge, int[] hPos, int memberLayer)
          Retrieves the count of all the sibling members at a specified logical layer based on a series of relative indexes for each logical layer down to the specified logical layer.
 int getMemberStartLayer(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the starting layer at which a member at the specified edge, layer, and slice location begins.
 int getMemberStartSlice(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Retrieves the absolute number of the first slice that a member spans.
 MetadataMap getMetadataMap(int edge, int layer)
          Retrieves the list of all the types of metadata that callers have requested to be included in the cursors for the specified logical layer.
 int[] getNextHPos(int edge, int[] hPos)
          Retrieves the hPos that identifies the next member on the specified edge relative to a specified hPos.
 int[] getPrevHPos(int edge, int[] hPos)
          Retrieves the hPos array that identifies the members at each physical layer of the slice that is immediately previous to the specified hPos on the specified edge.
 java.util.Vector getQDRoverrideCollection()
          Retrieves a read-only copy of the QDR overrides in the writeback collection.
 java.lang.Object getSliceLabel(int edge, int slice, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves the label (or concatenated metadata) for the specified slice.
 int getSliceMemberCount(int edge, int slice)
          Retrieves the number of unique logical layers (that is, the number of members that run perpendicular to the orientation of the edge) at the specified slice and edge.
 int getSliceOutlineLayer(int edge, int slice)
          Retrieves the starting logical layer of a specified slice in a specified edge when the Crosstab (along with the DataAccess implementor) is set to return data in outline mode.
 QDR getSliceQDR(int edge, int slice, int flags)
          Retrieves a QDR object that represents the data value at the specified slice on the edge (that is, across all relevant logical layers of the slice).
 int[] getSlicesFromQDR(QDRInterface qdr, int[] startSlices, int[] endSlices)
          Per the DataAccess contract, this method returns: {-1, -1} if qdr is empty or invalid {c, -1} if qdr is a column QDR {-1, r} if qdr is a row QDR {c, r} if qdr is a databody QDR where r and c are the row number and column number of the QDR
 DataMap getSupportedDataMap()
          Return a DataMap that contains all of the types that this DataAccessAdapter can support.
 LayerMetadataMap getSupportedLayerMetadataMap()
          Return a LayerMetadataMap that contains all of the types that this DataAccessAdapter can support.
 MetadataMap getSupportedMetadataMap()
          Retrieves a MetadataMap that contains all of the types that this DataAccessAdapter can support.
 java.util.List getUniqueDataValues(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] types, int start, int count)
 java.util.List getUniqueMemberMetadata(int edge, int layer, java.lang.String[] types, int start, int count)
          Returns an unordered List of Object arrays representing metadata for unique member values across a layer on an edge.
 java.util.List getUniqueMemberMetadata(java.lang.String layerName, java.lang.String[] types, int start, int count)
          Returns an unordered List of Object arrays representing metadata for unique member values across a layer on an edge.
 java.lang.Object getValue(int row, int col, java.lang.String type)
          Retrieves a data value for the specified row and column intersection.
 QDR getValueQDR(int row, int column, int flags)
          Retrieves a QDR object that represents the value at the specified row and column in the data area of the cursor.
 boolean isAutoSubmit()
          Indicates whether automatic submission is set for cell editing.
 boolean isFetched(int[] startSlice, int[] endSlice)
 boolean isFetched(int[] startSlice, int[] endSlice, int flag)
          Indicates whether a block of data has been fully computed or processed locally.
 boolean isMemberExtentComplete(int edge, int layer, int slice)
          Determines if the size of a member, that is, the number of slices that the member spans at a specified edge, layer, and slice location (parallel to the direction of the edge), has been completely calculated.
 boolean redoEdit()
          Performs a redo of the latest undo action.
 void release()
          Informs the implementor that the caller no longer needs this DataAccess reference.
 void removeDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener l)
          Removes a listener from the data source.
 void setAutoSubmit(boolean bValue)
          Specifies that the QDR override in the writeback collection for a cell will be submitted automatically as soon as it is entered.
 void setBranchingFactor(int edge, int branchingFactor)
 void setEdgeExtent(int edge, int extent)
 void setLayerCount(int edge, int layerCount)
 boolean setValue(java.lang.Object data, int row, int col, java.lang.String type)
          Specifies a data value for the specified row and column intersection.
 void startGroupEdit()
          Indicates the start of a group of setValue calls.
 boolean submitChanges()
          Writes the current group of QDR overrides in the writeback collection to the database and flushes the entries in the writeback collection.
 boolean undoEdit()
          Performs an undo of the latest setValue operation.


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.util.DataAccessAdapter
cancel, changeEdgeCurrentHPos, changeEdgeCurrentSlice, deleteMemberCalc, deleteValueCalc, drill, drill, drill, drill, drillOK, drillOK, drillOK, drillOK, findMembers, fireEvents, getColumnSorts, getCompatibleDataItemMetadata, getDataAccess, getDimensionSorts, getEdgeSymmetric, getExpressions, getLayerQDR, getMemberQDR, getMemberSorts, getProperty, getSorts, getStatus, insertMemberCalc, insertValueCalc, isCancelable, isOutline, pivot, pivotCheck, pivotOK, refresh, reorder, revalidate, setColumnSorts, setDataMap, setDimensionSorts, setExpressions, setLayerMetadata, setManualUpdate, setMemberSorts, setMetadataMap, setOutline, setProperty, setSorts, startExecution, update


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.DataDirector
cancel, changeEdgeCurrentHPos, changeEdgeCurrentSlice, deleteMemberCalc, deleteValueCalc, drill, drill, drill, drill, drillOK, drillOK, drillOK, drillOK, fireEvents, getColumnSorts, getCompatibleDataItemMetadata, getDataAccess, getDimensionSorts, getExpressions, getMemberSorts, getProperty, getSorts, getStatus, insertMemberCalc, insertValueCalc, isCancelable, isOutline, pivot, pivotCheck, pivotOK, refresh, reorder, revalidate, setColumnSorts, setDataMap, setDimensionSorts, setExpressions, setLayerMetadata, setManualUpdate, setMemberSorts, setMetadataMap, setOutline, setProperty, setSorts, startExecution, update


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.DataAccess
findMembers, getLayerQDR, getMemberQDR


Methods inherited from interface oracle.dss.util.CDFDataAccess


Field Detail


protected DataDirectorListener listener

Constructor Detail


public LocalPivotTableDataSource()

Method Detail


public void setEdgeExtent(int edge,
                          int extent)


public void setLayerCount(int edge,
                          int layerCount)


public int getBranchingFactor(int edge)


public void setBranchingFactor(int edge,
                               int branchingFactor)


public DataDirector createDataDirector()


public CubeDataDirector createCubeDataDirector()
Description copied from interface: DataSource
Creates a DataDirector for cube-based (OLAP) views
Specified by:
createCubeDataDirector in interface DataSource
An implementation of the CubeDataDirector interface.


public RelationalDataDirector createRelationalDataDirector()
Description copied from interface: DataSource
Creates a DataDirector for relational views.
Specified by:
createRelationalDataDirector in interface DataSource
An implementation of the RelationalDataDirector interface.


public void addDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener l)
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Registers a listener to the data source for changes. The DataDirector implementor is expected to fire a DataAvailableEvent in this routine when data is available and to provide an implementation of the DataAccess interface when data is ready.

This implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
addDataDirectorListener in interface DataDirector
addDataDirectorListener in class DataAccessAdapter
l - The listener to add.


public void removeDataDirectorListener(DataDirectorListener l)
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Removes a listener from the data source.

This implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
removeDataDirectorListener in interface DataDirector
removeDataDirectorListener in class DataAccessAdapter
l - The listener to remove.


public java.lang.Object clone()
clone in class java.lang.Object


public DataMap getDataMap()
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the list of types of data that can be retrieved or set for each location in the data cursor. This list includes the types of data that have been specified in data maps by any views that use this data provider.

This implmentation returns null.

Specified by:
getDataMap in interface DataDirector
getDataMap in class DataAccessAdapter
The map of available types of data.


public MetadataMap getMetadataMap(int edge,
                                  int layer)
                           throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the list of all the types of metadata that callers have requested to be included in the cursors for the specified logical layer. This list includes the types of metadata that have been specified in setMetadataMap requests by any views that use this data provider.

This implementation returns null.

Specified by:
getMetadataMap in interface DataDirector
getMetadataMap in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that indicates the edge that contains the logical layer. Valid constants end with _EDGE in this interface. A value of -1 is a request for the default MetadataMap.
layer - A zero-based index for the logical layer for which to retrieve the metadata map. The outermost layer on the specified edge is zero. A layer value of -1 indicates all of the layers on the specified edge.
The map that contains all of the types of metadata that are to be retrieved into the cursors for the layer.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - if edge is out of range.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If no layer exists at this location.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getEdgeExtent(int edge)
                  throws EdgeOutOfRangeException
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the total number of slices that are available on the specified edge. The implementation returns 0.
Specified by:
getEdgeExtent in interface CDFDataAccess
getEdgeExtent in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge of interest. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
The total number of slices that are available on the specified edge. This number determines the range of valid slice values for the specified edge in other API calls: the valid range is from zero to this return value minus one. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If the edge parameter is not valid.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, *


public java.lang.Object getValue(int row,
                                 int col,
                                 java.lang.String type)
                          throws RowOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves a data value for the specified row and column intersection.

This implementation returns null.

Specified by:
getValue in interface DataAccess
getValue in class DataAccessAdapter
row - The row to get.
col - The column to get.
type - Type of data to return, such as formatted or unformatted. Valid type values are defined in the DataMap.
The specified type of information for the specified row and column location. This implementation returns <coded>null.
RowOutOfRangeException - If row is negative or too large.
ColumnOutOfRangeException - If column is negative or too large.
See Also:


public boolean setValue(java.lang.Object data,
                        int row,
                        int col,
                        java.lang.String type)
                 throws RowOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Specifies a data value for the specified row and column intersection.

This implementation returns false.

Specified by:
setValue in interface DataAccess
setValue in class DataAccessAdapter
data - The data to set into the cursor.
row - The row at which to set the data.
col - The column at which set the data.
truefalse if not.
RowOutOfRangeException - If row is negative or too large.
ColumnOutOfRangeException - If column is negative or too large.
See Also:


public int getLayerCount(int edge)
                  throws EdgeOutOfRangeException
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the total number of layers on the specified edge.
Specified by:
getLayerCount in interface CDFDataAccess
getLayerCount in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge of interest. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
The number of layers on the specified edge. This number determines the range of valid values on the specified edge for the layer parameter in other API calls: the valid range is from zero to this return value minus one. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is out of range.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getSliceMemberCount(int edge,
                               int slice)
                        throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the number of unique logical layers (that is, the number of members that run perpendicular to the orientation of the edge) at the specified slice and edge. This method is useful in cases of asymmetry where the members on an edge do not all span the same layers.

This implementation returns 0.

Specified by:
getSliceMemberCount in interface DataAccess
getSliceMemberCount in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge of interest. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location of a slice along the specified edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The total number of unique logical layers for the specified slice and edge. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is out of range.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getSliceOutlineLayer(int edge,
                                int slice)
                         throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the starting logical layer of a specified slice in a specified edge when the Crosstab (along with the DataAccess implementor) is set to return data in outline mode. Because, in outline mode, the getSliceMemberCount method always return the value 1, the Crosstab uses getSliceOutlineLayer to determine the logical layer.

This implementation returns 0.

Specified by:
getSliceOutlineLayer in interface DataAccess
getSliceOutlineLayer in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge of interest. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector. The slice is zero-based. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location of a slice along the specified edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The logical layer of the specified slice in the specified edge for outline mode only. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If the edge parameter is not valid.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getMemberDepth(int edge,
                          int layer,
                          int slice)
                   throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the size (expressed in layers that are perpendicular to the specified edge orientation) of a member at the specified layer, slice, and edge. In other words, this method returns the following information depending upon the specified edge:

The sum of all the members' values for this method, within a specified slice, should not exceed the value that getLayerCount returns for the specified edge.

This method is useful only in cases of asymmetry where the members on an edge do not all cover one layer and have a depth of 1. On a symmetric edge, all members have a member depth of 1.

This implementation returns 0.

Specified by:
getMemberDepth in interface CDFDataAccess
getMemberDepth in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the starting physical layer in which to look for the slice, as returned by getMemberStartLayer.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location of a slice along the specified edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The depth (that is, the number of layers) that the specified member covers. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataAccessAdapter.getLayerCount(int), DataAccessAdapter.getMemberStartLayer(int, int, int), DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getMemberStartLayer(int edge,
                               int layer,
                               int slice)
                        throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the starting layer at which a member at the specified edge, layer, and slice location begins. Presentation beans use this method in conjunction with getMemberDepth to retrieve the following information depending on the edge: The sum of the values that are returned for a member by this method, getMemberStartLayer, and getMemberDepth should not exceed the value that is returned by getLayerCount for an edge.

This method is useful only in cases of asymmetry where the members on an edge do not all cover one layer. In a symmetric edge, all members have a member start layer equal to their layer.

Specified by:
getMemberStartLayer in interface CDFDataAccess
getMemberStartLayer in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the physical layer in which to look for the slice.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location of a slice along the specified edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The starting layer of the member within the specified edge.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getMemberLogicalLayer(int edge,
                                 int layer,
                                 int slice)
                          throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the logical layer to which the member at the specified edge, physical layer, and slice location belongs. If a particular member spans more than one physical layer at the specified slice, then passing in any of the spanned physical layer positions for the layer parameter should yield the same logical layer.

The value returned by this method can be used as input to getLayerMetadata and should not exceed the value that is returned by getMemberCount.

Specified by:
getMemberLogicalLayer in interface DataAccess
getMemberLogicalLayer in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the physical layer of the member.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location of a slice along the specified edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The logical layer of the member within the specified edge.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public java.lang.Object getLayerMetadata(int edge,
                                         int layer,
                                         java.lang.String type)
                                  throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Returns a String of the form "EdgeXLayerYY", e.g. "Edge1Layer02"
Specified by:
getLayerMetadata in interface CDFDataAccess
getLayerMetadata in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the member metadata. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the layer for which metadata is requested. Uses a depth computation to identify the location of the layer or layer member; 0 is the outer-most layer on the edge. The value for this parameter can be obtained by calling getMemberLogicalLayer.
type - A constant that specifies the kind of metadata that you want. Valid type values are defined in the LayerMetadataMap.
The requested metadata. This implementation returns <coded>null.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
See Also:
LayerMetadataMap, DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getMemberExtent(int edge,
                           int layer,
                           int slice)
                    throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the size of a member, that is, the number of slices that the member spans at a specified edge, layer, and slice location (parallel to the direction of the edge). Views use this method to determine the width of a member in a column header or the height of a member in a row header when not in outline form.

The sum of all the unique getMemberExtent values for an edge should not exceed the getEdgeExtent value for the same edge.

This implementation returns 0.

Specified by:
getMemberExtent in interface CDFDataAccess
getMemberExtent in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the physical layer of the member whose size will be returned. Valid values are zero to total layers at the specified slice.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location along the edge of the member whose extent will be returned. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The number of slices that the member spans at the specified location. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large
See Also:
DataAccessAdapter.getMemberStartSlice(int, int, int), DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getMemberStartSlice(int edge,
                               int layer,
                               int slice)
                        throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the absolute number of the first slice that a member spans. Views use this method to determine where to start painting a member label in a row or column header. Views pass the same parameter values to this method and to getMemberExtent.

This implementation returns 0.

Specified by:
getMemberStartSlice in interface CDFDataAccess
getMemberStartSlice in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the physical layer of the member whose first slice will be returned. Valid values are zero to total layers at the specified slice.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location along the specified edge of the member whose starting slice will be returned. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
The absolute index of the first slice that the member spans. This implementation returns zero.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
DataAccessAdapter.getMemberExtent(int, int, int), DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public java.lang.Object getMemberMetadata(int edge,
                                          int layer,
                                          int slice,
                                          java.lang.String type)
                                   throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the specified type of metadata for a member at the specified location.
Specified by:
getMemberMetadata in interface CDFDataAccess
getMemberMetadata in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the member metadata. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based index of the physical layer in which to find the slice. Valid values are zero to total layers at the specified slice.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) that indicates the location along the edge of a slice that belongs to the member for which metadata is requested. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
type - A constant that specifies the kind of metadata requested. Valid type values are defined in MetadataMap. The caller should have intialized the appropriate MetadataMap object with any types of metadata that the caller intends to use.
The requested metadata. This implementation returns <coded>null.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
MetadataMap, DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public boolean isFetched(int[] startSlice,
                         int[] endSlice)
                  throws SliceOutOfRangeException


public boolean forceFetch(int[] startSlice,
                          int[] endSlice)
                   throws SliceOutOfRangeException


public boolean isMemberExtentComplete(int edge,
                                      int layer,
                                      int slice)
                               throws EdgeOutOfRangeException,
Description copied from interface: DataAccess
Determines if the size of a member, that is, the number of slices that the member spans at a specified edge, layer, and slice location (parallel to the direction of the edge), has been completely calculated. Views use this method to determine whether the width of a member in a column header or the height of a member in a row header when not in outline form will increase further, in order for views to support dynamic span information from implementations.
Specified by:
isMemberExtentComplete in interface DataAccess
isMemberExtentComplete in class DataAccessAdapter
edge - A constant that represents the edge in which to look for the layer and slice. The constants end with _EDGE in DataDirector.
layer - The zero-based number of the physical layer. Valid values are zero to total layers at the specified slice.
slice - An absolute index (zero-based) along the edge. Each member in the innermost layer has a unique slice. In outer layers, any slice that the outer member spans can be used.
true if the extent of the specified member has been fully computed, false if not.
EdgeOutOfRangeException - If edge is too large.
LayerOutOfRangeException - If layer is negative or too large.
SliceOutOfRangeException - If slice is negative or too large.
See Also:
CDFDataAccess.getMemberStartSlice(int, int, int), CDFDataAccess.getMemberExtent(int, int, int), DataDirector.COLUMN_EDGE, DataDirector.PAGE_EDGE, DataDirector.ROW_EDGE


public int getEdgeCount()
Description copied from class: DataAccessAdapter
Retrieves the total number of edges in the cursor. Views assume the following: