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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface WordWrapEnabled

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseAxisTitle, BaseLegendText, DrillText, LegendText, O1TickLabel, O1Title, ReferenceObjectText, SelectPointLegendText, X1Title, Y1Title, Y2Title, ZTitle

public interface WordWrapEnabled

This interface defines methods that you use to access WordWrap attributes.

Method Summary
 boolean isWordWrapEnabled()
          Indicates whether text is wrapped onto multiple lines.
 void setWordWrapEnabled(boolean wordWrapEnabled)
          Specifies whether text is wrapped onto multiple lines.


Method Detail


void setWordWrapEnabled(boolean wordWrapEnabled)
Specifies whether text is wrapped onto multiple lines.
wordWrapEnabled - true to make text wrap onto multiple lines, false to prevent text from wrapping onto multiple lines.


boolean isWordWrapEnabled()
Indicates whether text is wrapped onto multiple lines.
true if text is wrapped onto multiple lines, false if text is not wrapped onto multiple lines.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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