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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class ViewFormat

  extended by oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
      extended by oracle.dss.dataView.managers.ViewFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Mergeable, MergeableXML

public class ViewFormat
extends BaseViewFormat

Contains format properties for numbers.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  DataviewCommon m_view
protected static java.lang.String s_currencySymbol
protected static java.lang.String s_currencySymbolUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_CustomFormatString
protected static java.lang.String s_decimalDigit
protected static java.lang.String s_decimalDigitUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_decimalSeparator
protected static java.lang.String s_decimalSeparatorUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_javaDateFormat
protected static java.lang.String s_javaDateFormatUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_leadingZero
protected static java.lang.String s_leadingZeroUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_negCurFmt
protected static java.lang.String s_negCurFmtUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_negNumFmt
protected static java.lang.String s_negNumFmtUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_numberType
protected static java.lang.String s_numberTypeUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_oracleDateFormat
protected static java.lang.String s_oracleDateFormatUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_posCurFmt
protected static java.lang.String s_posCurFmtUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_posNumFmt
protected static java.lang.String s_posNumFmtUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownBillions
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownBillionsUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownMillions
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownMillionsUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownQuadrillions
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownQuadrillionsUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownThousands
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownThousandsUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownTrillions
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleDownTrillionsUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleFactor
protected static java.lang.String s_scaleFactorUsed
protected static java.lang.String s_thousandSeparator
protected static java.lang.String s_thousandSeparatorUsed


Fields inherited from class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
a_currencySymbol, a_currencySymbolUsed, a_decimalDigit, a_decimalDigitUsed, a_decimalSeparator, a_decimalSeparatorUsed, a_ISOC, a_javaDateFormat, a_javaDateFormatUsed, a_leadingZero, a_leadingZeroUsed, a_negCurFmt, a_negCurFmtUsed, a_negNumFmt, a_negNumFmtUsed, a_negPctFmt, a_negPctFmtUsed, a_nfs, a_nft, a_numberType, a_numberTypeUsed, a_oracleDateFormat, a_oracleDateFormatUsed, a_posCurFmt, a_posCurFmtUsed, a_posNumFmt, a_posNumFmtUsed, a_scaleDownBillions, a_scaleDownBillionsUsed, a_scaleDownMillions, a_scaleDownMillionsUsed, a_scaleDownQuadrillions, a_scaleDownQuadrillionsUsed, a_scaleDownThousands, a_scaleDownThousandsUsed, a_scaleDownTrillions, a_scaleDownTrillionsUsed, a_scaleFactor, a_scaleFactorUsed, a_thousandSeparator, a_thousandSeparatorUsed, BIBEANS_PATTERN_STR, currencySymbol, CURRENCYSYMBOL, currencySymbolUsed, DATATYPE_BOOLEAN, DATATYPE_DATE, DATATYPE_DOUBLE, DATATYPE_FLOAT, DATATYPE_INT, DATATYPE_LONG, DATATYPE_SHORT, DATATYPE_STRING, DATATYPE_TIME, DATATYPE_TIMESTAMP, DATE_FORMAT_BIT, dateFormat, DATEFORMAT, dateFormatUsed, DEBUG, dec_sep_by_locale, DEC_SEP_BY_LOCALE, decimalDigit, DECIMALDIGIT, decimalDigitUsed, decimalSeparator, DECIMALSEPARATOR, decimalSeparatorUsed, DEFAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL, DEFAULT_LEADING_ZERO, DEFAULT_NEG_CUR_FMT, DEFAULT_NEG_NUM_FMT, DEFAULT_NULL_STRING, DEFAULT_NUM_TYPE, DEFAULT_POS_CUR_FMT, DEFAULT_POS_NUM_FMT, DEFAULT_SCALE_DOWN_BILLIONS_STRING, DEFAULT_SCALE_DOWN_MILLIONS_STRING, DEFAULT_SCALE_DOWN_QUADRILLIONS_STRING, DEFAULT_SCALE_DOWN_THOUSANDS_STRING, DEFAULT_SCALE_DOWN_TRILLIONS_STRING, DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR, DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR_EXPONENT, ISOC, leadingZero, LEADINGZERO, leadingZeroUsed, m_bUseCallback, m_formatUsedFlags, m_version_2_4_0_16, m_version_2_4_0_6, m_vfCallback, MAX_DATATYPE, MAX_NEG_CURFMT, MAX_NEG_NUMFMT, MAX_NEG_PCTFMT, MAX_NUMTYPE, MAX_POS_CURFMT, MAX_POS_NUMFMT, MAX_SCALEFACTOR, MIN_DATATYPE, MIN_NEG_CURFMT, MIN_NEG_NUMFMT, MIN_NEG_PCTFMT, MIN_NUMTYPE, MIN_POS_CURFMT, MIN_POS_NUMFMT, MIN_SCALEFACTOR, NEG_CURFMT_BY_LOCALE, neg_curfmt_cur_neg_num, NEG_CURFMT_CUR_NEG_NUM, neg_curfmt_cur_num_neg, NEG_CURFMT_CUR_NUM_NEG, neg_curfmt_cur_spac_neg_num, NEG_CURFMT_CUR_SPAC_NEG_NUM, neg_curfmt_cur_spac_num_neg, NEG_CURFMT_CUR_SPAC_NUM_NEG, neg_curfmt_loc, neg_curfmt_neg_cur_num, NEG_CURFMT_NEG_CUR_NUM, neg_curfmt_neg_cur_spac_num, NEG_CURFMT_NEG_CUR_SPAC_NUM, neg_curfmt_neg_num_cur, NEG_CURFMT_NEG_NUM_CUR, neg_curfmt_neg_num_spac_cur, NEG_CURFMT_NEG_NUM_SPAC_CUR, neg_curfmt_num_cur_neg, NEG_CURFMT_NUM_CUR_NEG, neg_curfmt_num_neg_cur, NEG_CURFMT_NUM_NEG_CUR, neg_curfmt_num_spac_cur_neg, NEG_CURFMT_NUM_SPAC_CUR_NEG, neg_curfmt_op_cur_num_cp, NEG_CURFMT_OP_CUR_NUM_CP, neg_curfmt_op_num_cur_cp, NEG_CURFMT_OP_NUM_CUR_CP, NEG_NUMFMT_BY_LOCALE, neg_numfmt_loc, neg_numfmt_neg_num, NEG_NUMFMT_NEG_NUM, neg_numfmt_num, NEG_NUMFMT_NUM, neg_numfmt_num_neg, NEG_NUMFMT_NUM_NEG, neg_numfmt_op_num_cp, NEG_NUMFMT_OP_NUM_CP, neg_pctfmt_neg_num_pct, NEG_PCTFMT_NEG_NUM_PCT, neg_pctfmt_op_num_pct_cp, NEG_PCTFMT_OP_NUM_PCT_CP, negCurFmt, NEGCURFMT, negCurFmtUsed, negNumFmt, NEGNUMFMT, negNumFmtUsed, negPctFmt, negPctFmtUsed, numberType, NUMBERTYPE, numberTypeUsed, numtype_currency, NUMTYPE_CURRENCY, numtype_general, NUMTYPE_GENERAL, numtype_percent, NUMTYPE_PERCENT, numtype_percent_s, NUMTYPE_PERCENT_SYMBOL, OEO_PATTERN_STR, off, on, oracle_neg_cur_const, ORACLE_NEG_CUR_CONST, oracle_neg_num_const, ORACLE_NEG_NUM_CONST, ORACLE_PATTERN_STR, ORACLE_POS_CUR_CONST, oracle_pos_num_const, ORACLE_POS_NUM_CONST, ORACLEDATEFORMAT, POS_CURFMT_BY_LOCALE, pos_curfmt_cur_num, POS_CURFMT_CUR_NUM, pos_curfmt_cur_num_pos, POS_CURFMT_CUR_NUM_POS, pos_curfmt_cur_spac_num, POS_CURFMT_CUR_SPAC_NUM, pos_curfmt_loc, pos_curfmt_num_cur, POS_CURFMT_NUM_CUR, pos_curfmt_num_cur_pos, POS_CURFMT_NUM_CUR_POS, pos_curfmt_num_pos_cur, POS_CURFMT_NUM_POS_CUR, pos_curfmt_num_spac_cur, POS_CURFMT_NUM_SPAC_CUR, pos_curfmt_num_spac_cur_pos, POS_CURFMT_NUM_SPAC_CUR_POS, pos_curfmt_pos_cur_num, POS_CURFMT_POS_CUR_NUM, pos_curfmt_pos_cur_spac_num, POS_CURFMT_POS_CUR_SPAC_NUM, pos_curfmt_pos_num_cur, POS_CURFMT_POS_NUM_CUR, pos_curfmt_pos_num_spac_cur, POS_CURFMT_POS_NUM_SPAC_CUR, POS_NUMFMT_BY_LOCALE, pos_numfmt_loc, pos_numfmt_num, POS_NUMFMT_NUM, pos_numfmt_num_pos, POS_NUMFMT_NUM_POS, pos_numfmt_pos_num, POS_NUMFMT_POS_NUM, posCurFmt, POSCURFMT, posCurFmtUsed, posNumFmt, POSNUMFMT, posNumFmtUsed, scale_down_sym_loc, SCALE_DOWN_SYMBOL_BY_LOCALE, scaleDownBillions, SCALEDOWNBILLIONS, scaleDownBillionsUsed, scaleDownMillions, SCALEDOWNMILLIONS, scaleDownMillionsUsed, scaleDownQuadrillions, SCALEDOWNQUADRILLIONS, scaleDownQuadrillionsUsed, scaleDownThousands, SCALEDOWNTHOUSANDS, scaleDownThousandsUsed, scaleDownTrillions, SCALEDOWNTRILLIONS, scaleDownTrillionsUsed, scaleFactor, SCALEFACTOR, SCALEFACTOR_BASE_10, scalefactor_billions, SCALEFACTOR_BILLIONS, SCALEFACTOR_EXPONENT, scalefactor_millions, SCALEFACTOR_MILLIONS, scalefactor_none, SCALEFACTOR_NONE, scalefactor_quadrillions, SCALEFACTOR_QUADRILLIONS, scalefactor_thousands, SCALEFACTOR_THOUSANDS, scalefactor_trillions, SCALEFACTOR_TRILLIONS, scaleFactorUsed, thou_sep_by_locale, THOU_SEP_BY_LOCALE, thousandSeparator, THOUSANDSEPARATOR, thousandSeparatorUsed, UNKNOWN_PATTERN_STR, VIEW_FORMAT_NAME, VIEWFORMAT_END


Constructor Summary
          Constructor that uses default ViewFormat values.
ViewFormat(BaseViewFormat baseViewFormat)
ViewFormat(int numberType, char thousandSeparator, char decimalSeparator, java.lang.String currencySymbol, boolean leadingZero, int decimalDigit, int posNumFmt, int negNumFmt, int posCurFmt, int negCurFmt, int scaleFactor, java.lang.String scaleDownThousands, java.lang.String scaleDownMillions, java.lang.String scaleDownBillions, java.lang.String scaleDownTrillions, java.lang.String scaleDownQuadrillions, java.lang.String dateFormat)
          Constructor that sets individual ViewFormat properties.
ViewFormat(java.lang.String numberFormatString, int fmtStrType)
          Constructor that uses a String to specify property values.


Method Summary
protected  ErrorHandler _getErrorHandler()
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Clones this ViewFormat object.
 boolean contains(ViewFormat vf)
          Indicates whether the specified ViewFormat is a subset of this ViewFormat object.
 java.lang.String getDateFormat()
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.getJavaDateFormat().
protected  java.lang.Object getExternalDefault(java.lang.String attributeName)
 oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getStateAsObjectNode(java.lang.String nodeName, ViewFormat baseState)
 DataviewCommon getView()
 boolean isDateFormatUsed()
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.isJavaDateFormatUsed()
 boolean isViewFormatCallbackUsed()
 void setDateFormat(java.lang.String sDateFormat)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.setJavaDateFormat(java.lang.String).
 void setDateFormatUsed(boolean bValue)
          Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.setJavaDateFormatUsed(boolean)
 void setStateAsObjectNode(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node, ViewFormat baseState)
 void setView(DataviewCommon view)
 void setViewFormatCallback(ViewFormatCallback vfc)
 void setViewFormatCallbackUsed(boolean useCallback)


Methods inherited from class oracle.dss.util.format.BaseViewFormat
booleanToLocString, BooleanToString, clearUsedBits, convertNegCurFmtToInt, convertNegNumFmtToInt, convertNonAutoScalingToScaleFactor, convertNumberTypeToInt, convertPosCurFmtToInt, convertPosNumFmtToInt, convertScaleFactorToInt, convertScaleFactorToScaling, convertScalingToScaleFactor, DateToString, DoubleToString, equals, FloatToString, getCurrencySymbol, getDecimalDigit, getDecimalSeparator, getDecimalSeparatorSymbol, getJavaDateFormat, getLocale, getNegCurFmt, getNegCurFmtValue, getNegNumFmt, getNegNumFmtValue, getNegPctFmt, getNumberConverter, getNumberFormat, getNumberFormatString, getNumberFormatString, getNumberFormatType, getNumberType, getOracleDateFormat, getPosCurFmt, getPosCurFmtValue, getPosNumFmt, getPosNumFmtValue, getScaleDownBillions, getScaleDownBillionsSymbol, getScaleDownMillions, getScaleDownMillionsSymbol, getScaleDownQuadrillions, getScaleDownQuadrillionsSymbol, getScaleDownThousands, getScaleDownThousandsSymbol, getScaleDownTrillions, getScaleDownTrillionsSymbol, getScaleFactor, getScaleFactorExponent, getThousandSeparator, getThousandSeparatorSymbol, getThousandSeparatorUsed, getTimeZone, getXML, getXML, init, init, initWithString, IntToString, isAnythingOverridden, isCurrencySymbolUsed, isDecimalDigitUsed, isDecimalSeparatorUsed, isISOCurrency, isISOCurrencyUsed, isJavaDateFormatUsed, isLeadingZero, isLeadingZeroUsed, isNegativeAngleBracketsUsed, isNegCurFmtUsed, isNegNumFmtUsed, isNegPctFmtUsed, isNumberFormatStringUsed, isNumberTypeUsed, isOracleDateFormatUsed, isPercentUsed, isPosCurFmtUsed, isPosNumFmtUsed, isScaleDownBillionsUsed, isScaleDownMillionsUsed, isScaleDownQuadrillionsUsed, isScaleDownThousandsUsed, isScaleDownTrillionsUsed, isScaleFactorExponentUsed, isScaleFactorUsed, isThousandSeparatorUsed, locStringToBoolean, LongToString, merge, ObjectToString, setCurrencySymbol, setCurrencySymbolUsed, setDecimalDigit, setDecimalDigitUsed, setDecimalSeparator, setDecimalSeparatorUsed, setDefaultCurrencySymbol, setDefaultDecimalSeparator, setDefaultThousandSeparator, setErrorHandler, setISOCurrency, setISOCurrencyUsed, setJavaDateFormat, setJavaDateFormatUsed, setLeadingZero, setLeadingZeroUsed, setLocale, setLocale, setNegativeAngleBracketsUsed, setNegCurFmt, setNegCurFmtUsed, setNegNumFmt, setNegNumFmtUsed, setNegPctFmt, setNegPctFmtUsed, setNumberConverter, setNumberFormatString, setNumberFormatStringUsed, setNumberFormatType, setNumberType, setNumberTypeUsed, setOracleDateFormat, setOracleDateFormatUsed, setPercentUsed, setPosCurFmt, setPosCurFmtUsed, setPosNumFmt, setPosNumFmtUsed, setScaleDownBillions, setScaleDownBillionsUsed, setScaleDownMillions, setScaleDownMillionsUsed, setScaleDownQuadrillions, setScaleDownQuadrillionsUsed, setScaleDownThousands, setScaleDownThousandsUsed, setScaleDownTrillions, setScaleDownTrillionsUsed, setScaleFactor, setScaleFactorExponent, setScaleFactorUsed, setThousandSeparator, setThousandSeparatorUsed, setTimeZone, setViewFormatCallback, setXML, setXML, ShortToString, StringToBoolean, StringToDate, StringToDate, StringToDouble, StringToFloat, StringToInt, StringToLong, StringToObject, StringToShort, StringToString, StringToTime, StringToTimestamp, StringToUtilDate, TimestampToString, TimeToString, toString, updateDefaultCurrencySymbol, updateDefaultSymbols, UtilDateToString, validateFormatString


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected DataviewCommon m_view
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
The DataviewCommon view associated with the ViewFormat that needs to be notifed of ViewFormat property changes.


protected static final java.lang.String s_numberType
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_thousandSeparator
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_decimalSeparator
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_currencySymbol
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_leadingZero
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_decimalDigit
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_posNumFmt
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_negNumFmt
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_posCurFmt
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_negCurFmt
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleFactor
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownThousands
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownMillions
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownBillions
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownTrillions
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownQuadrillions
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_javaDateFormat
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_oracleDateFormat
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_CustomFormatString
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_numberTypeUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_thousandSeparatorUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_decimalSeparatorUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_currencySymbolUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_leadingZeroUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_decimalDigitUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_posNumFmtUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_negNumFmtUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_posCurFmtUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_negCurFmtUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleFactorUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownThousandsUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownMillionsUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownBillionsUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownTrillionsUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_scaleDownQuadrillionsUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_javaDateFormatUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


protected static final java.lang.String s_oracleDateFormatUsed
See Also:
Constant Field Values
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

Constructor Detail


public ViewFormat()
Constructor that uses default ViewFormat values. At this point, no properties have been explicitly set.


public ViewFormat(int numberType,
                  char thousandSeparator,
                  char decimalSeparator,
                  java.lang.String currencySymbol,
                  boolean leadingZero,
                  int decimalDigit,
                  int posNumFmt,
                  int negNumFmt,
                  int posCurFmt,
                  int negCurFmt,
                  int scaleFactor,
                  java.lang.String scaleDownThousands,
                  java.lang.String scaleDownMillions,
                  java.lang.String scaleDownBillions,
                  java.lang.String scaleDownTrillions,
                  java.lang.String scaleDownQuadrillions,
                  java.lang.String dateFormat)
Constructor that sets individual ViewFormat properties. At this point, no property values have been set.
numberType - A constant that represents the type of the number, such as general, currency, date, or percent.
thousandSeparator - A character that groups integral digits into sets of three.
decimalSeparator - A character that separates integral and decimal digits.
currencySymbol - A character or String that indicates a currency value.
leadingZero - true to display the number values that fall between 1.0 and -1.0 with leading zeros, false to display them without leading zeros.
decimalDigit - The number of digits that appear to the right of the decimal divider.
posNumFmt - A constant that indicates a positive number.
negNumFmt - A constant that indicates a negative number.
posCurFmt - A constant that indicates a positive currency value.
negCurFmt - A constant that indicates a negative currency value.
scaleFactor - A constant that specifies the number of digits to the left to move the decimal point.
scaleDownThousands - A character or String that represents the abbreviation for thousand.
saleDownMillions - A character or String that represents the abbreviation for million.
scaleDownBillions - A character or String that represents the abbreviation for billion.
scaleDownTrillions - A character or String that represents the abbreviation for trillion.
scaleDownQuadrillions - A character or String that represents the abbreviation for quadrillion.
dateFormat - The format that determines the way in which the date is displayed, such as MM/DD/YY, or DD/MM/YY.


public ViewFormat(java.lang.String numberFormatString,
                  int fmtStrType)
Constructor that uses a String to specify property values. Any property that is initialized by the numberFormatString is marked as being used.
numberFormatString - A number format String that sets property values for this ViewFormat object.
fmtStrType - A constant that represents the type of format for the numberFormatString that is passed in this method.
See Also:


public ViewFormat(BaseViewFormat baseViewFormat)
baseViewFormat - The BaseViewFormat object that is used to create new ViewFormat object.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Constructor that creates a ViewFormat based on the specified BaseViewFormat. Note: The BaseViewFormat cannot be null.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
Clones this ViewFormat object.
Specified by:
clone in interface Mergeable
clone in class BaseViewFormat
The clone of this ViewFormat object.


public void setViewFormatCallback(ViewFormatCallback vfc)
vfc - the ViewFormatCallback to notify when properties change
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Set the callback to use when properties change. For internal use only.


public void setViewFormatCallbackUsed(boolean useCallback)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Sets whether to use the viewFormatCallback. For internal use only.


public boolean isViewFormatCallbackUsed()
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Gets whether to use the viewFormatCallback. For internal use only.


public void setView(DataviewCommon view)
view - the view associated with this ViewFormat
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Set the view associated with this ViewFormat.


public DataviewCommon getView()
the view associated with this ViewFormat
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Get the view associated with this ViewFormat.


public java.lang.String getDateFormat()
Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.getJavaDateFormat().
The ViewFormat now uses Java date formats.


public boolean isDateFormatUsed()
Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.isJavaDateFormatUsed()
The ViewFormat now uses Java date formats.


public void setDateFormat(java.lang.String sDateFormat)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.setJavaDateFormat(java.lang.String).
The ViewFormat now uses the Java date format.


public void setDateFormatUsed(boolean bValue)
Deprecated. As of, replaced by BaseViewFormat.setJavaDateFormatUsed(boolean)
The ViewFormat now uses the Java date format.


public boolean contains(ViewFormat vf)
Indicates whether the specified ViewFormat is a subset of this ViewFormat object.
o - The object that you want to compare with this ViewFormat object.
true if vf is not a subset of this ViewFormat object, false if not, or if vf is null.


protected ErrorHandler _getErrorHandler()
_getErrorHandler in class BaseViewFormat
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Get the ErrorHandler to use with this ViewFormat. If there is no ErrorHandler set on this ViewFormat, use the one set on the view.


public void setStateAsObjectNode(oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode node,
                                 ViewFormat baseState)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this


public oracle.dss.util.xml.ObjectNode getStateAsObjectNode(java.lang.String nodeName,
                                                           ViewFormat baseState)
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Gets the state differences from a specified base state


protected final java.lang.Object getExternalDefault(java.lang.String attributeName)
getExternalDefault in class BaseViewFormat
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2012, Oracle. All rights reserved.