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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (

Interface StatementT

All Superinterfaces:
BlockElementT, Tree
All Known Subinterfaces:
AssertStatementT, BlockStatementT, BreakStatementT, CatchClauseT, CompoundStatementT, ConditionalStatementT, ContinueStatementT, DoStatementT, ElseClauseT, EmptyStatementT, ExpressionStatementT, FinallyClauseT, ForStatementT, IfStatementT, ReturnStatementT, SimpleStatementT, SwitchStatementT, SynchStatementT, ThrowStatementT, TryStatementT, WhileStatementT

public interface StatementT
extends Tree, BlockElementT

Common supertype of all statements. All statements can be classified as: simple, block, compound. Block statements are statements that are blocks. Simple statements have no child statements and optionally have expressions. Compound statements have child statements and optionally have expressions.

Field Summary
static StatementT[] EMPTY_ARRAY


Method Summary
 java.util.List getStatementLabels()


Methods inherited from interface
accept, addSelf, addSelf, addSelfAfter, addSelfBefore, clearProperty, cloneSelf, getChildren, getOwningFile, getParent, getPosition, getProperty, getSiblingAfter, getSiblingBefore, getSiblings, getTreeKind, isSynthetic, removeSelf, replaceSelf, setProperty


Field Detail


static final StatementT[] EMPTY_ARRAY

Method Detail


java.util.List getStatementLabels()
The StatementLabelT array corresponding to this statement's label. Unlike all the other parse tree API array calls, this returns null if there are no labels. This is because labels rarely occur and there's no point creating a zero-length array for each statement.

List of StatementLabelTs.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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