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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeReferenceT Various interfaces for use with Tree objects. The Java AST. 


Uses of TypeReferenceT in


Methods in that return TypeReferenceT
 TypeReferenceT TreeFactory.createTypeReference(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a type reference.
abstract  TypeReferenceT TreeFactory.createTypeReference(java.lang.String name, int dimensions)
          Creates a type reference.
abstract  TypeReferenceT TreeFactory.textToTypeReference(java.lang.String text)
          Attempts to create a type with the given text.


Methods in with parameters of type TypeReferenceT
abstract  InfixExpressionT TreeFactory.createInstanceof(ExpressionT lhs, TypeReferenceT type)
          Creates a new instanceof expression.
 InterfacesT TreeFactory.createInterfacesClause(TypeReferenceT oneInterface)
          Creates an interfaces clauses for a class declaration.
abstract  InterfacesT TreeFactory.createInterfacesClause(TypeReferenceT one, TypeReferenceT[] more)
          Creates an interfaces clauses for a class declaration.
abstract  InterfacesT TreeFactory.createInterfacesClause(TypeReferenceT one, TypeReferenceT[] more)
          Creates an interfaces clauses for a class declaration.
abstract  LocalVariableT TreeFactory.createLocalVariable(TypeReferenceT type, java.lang.String name, ExpressionT initializer)
          Creates a local variable
abstract  MethodT TreeFactory.createMethod(TypeParameterT[] typeParameters, TypeReferenceT returnType, java.lang.String name, FormalParameterListT parameters, ThrowsT throwsClause, BlockT block)
          Creates a method declaration.
 MethodT TreeFactory.createMethod(TypeReferenceT returnType, java.lang.String name, FormalParameterListT parameters, ThrowsT throwsClause, BlockT block)
          Creates a method declaration.
abstract  NewClassExpressionT TreeFactory.createNewClassExpression(ExpressionT lhs, TypeReferenceT type, ListExpressionT arguments, ClassBodyT body)
          Creates a class creator.
abstract  NewArrayExpressionT TreeFactory.createNewInitializedArrayExpression(TypeReferenceT type, ListExpressionT arrayconst)
          Creates an array creator for an uninitialized array.
abstract  NewArrayExpressionT TreeFactory.createNewUninitializedArrayExpression(TypeReferenceT type, ListExpressionT args)
          Creates an array creator for an initialized array.
abstract  SuperclassT TreeFactory.createSuperclassClause(TypeReferenceT superclass)
          Creates a superclass clause for a class declaration.
 ThrowsT TreeFactory.createThrowsClause(TypeReferenceT exception)
          Creates a throws clause for a method or constructor declaration.
abstract  ThrowsT TreeFactory.createThrowsClause(TypeReferenceT[] exceptions)
          Creates a throws clause for a method or constructor declaration.
abstract  TypeArgumentT TreeFactory.createTypeArgument(TypeArgumentT.BoundKind bound, TypeReferenceT type)
          Creates a type argument.
abstract  TypecastExpressionT TreeFactory.createTypecast(TypeReferenceT type, ExpressionT operand)
          Creates a typecast.
abstract  TypeExpressionT TreeFactory.createTypeExpression(TypeReferenceT type)
          Creates a type expression.
 TypeParameterT TreeFactory.createTypeParameter(java.lang.String name, TypeReferenceT bound)
          Creates a type parameter.
abstract  TypeParameterT TreeFactory.createTypeParameter(java.lang.String name, TypeReferenceT[] bounds)
          Creates a type parameter.
 void TreeVisitor.visitTypeReference(TypeReferenceT tree)
          Visits a TypeReferenceT.


Uses of TypeReferenceT in


Fields in declared as TypeReferenceT
static TypeReferenceT[] TypeReferenceT.EMPTY_ARRAY


Methods in that return TypeReferenceT
 TypeReferenceT MethodT.getReturnType()
          Gets the source return type.
 TypeReferenceT ClassT.getSuperclass()
          Gets the declared superclass.
 TypeReferenceT NewClassExpressionT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.
 TypeReferenceT TypeArgumentT.getType()
          Gets the bound's type reference.
 TypeReferenceT NewArrayExpressionT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.
 TypeReferenceT VariableDeclT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.
 TypeReferenceT TypeExpressionT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.
 TypeReferenceT VariableT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.
 TypeReferenceT SuperclassT.getType()
          Gets the type reference for this element.


Methods in with parameters of type TypeReferenceT
 void MethodT.setReturnType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Attempts to set the return type of this method.
 void ClassT.setSuperclass(TypeReferenceT superclass)
          Attempts to set the declared base class of this class.
 void NewClassExpressionT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void TypeArgumentT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void NewArrayExpressionT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void VariableDeclT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void TypeExpressionT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void VariableT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.
 void SuperclassT.setType(TypeReferenceT type)
          Unlinks the current source type and links the input element.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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