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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide.extension

Interface Summary
ExtensionClassLoaderProvider An interface for providing classloaders for extensions.
ExtensionConstants Provides access to standard namespaces used by the platform in extension manifests.
ExtensionQueue A queue of extensions.
ExtensionQueue.Builder An interface for bulding extension queues.
ExtensionQueueLoadStrategy Fully loads all extensions of the extensions queue.
HashStructureHookListener Add a HashStructureHookListener to a HashStructureHook instance if you wish to be notified when new extension.xml elements are processed by the HashStructureHook instance.


Class Summary
ExtensionProcessorContext The context in which an extension manifest is being processed.
ExtensionProcessorPlugin An ExtensionProcessorPlugin is an object that can extend the manifest processing behavior of the IDE.
HashStructureElementVisitor A generic ElementVisitor for unmarshalling extension manifest (extension.xml) elements into a HashStructure.
HashStructureHook Generic extension hook for unmarshalling extension manifest elements into a HashStructure.
HashStructureHookEvent HashStructureHookEvent instances are sent to HashStructureHookListener objects.
LazyClassAdapter LazyClassAdapter is a hash structure adapter that can retrieve instances of a class declared in an extension manifest.
LazyResourceAdapter Lazy resource adapter class that helps in lazily processing resources from a hash structure.
PropertiesExtensionProcessorPlugin An ExtensionProcessorPlugin based on a properties file.
Role Represents information about a role, which is a set of customizations of the product.
RoleManager The role manager is responsible for co-ordinating the selection of the current role.
URLPathHandler Abstract handler for URLPath values in the extension manifest.


Enum Summary


Annotation Types Summary
RegisteredByExtension Indicates the extension that registers a type.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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