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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use Displayable
oracle.ide.ceditor The Code Editor package contains the code editing implementation of the JDeveloper IDE. 
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.externaltools Contains interfaces and classes that allow external tools in the IDE to be invoked, manipulated and extended by extensions. 
oracle.ide.externaltools.macro Contains APIs related to macros that can be expanded when invoking external tools. 
oracle.ide.inspector Contains interfaces and classes that integrators may use to make their objects editable from the property inspector. 
oracle.ide.layout Contains interfaces and classes addins can implement or extend to provide preferred layouts for their own specialized editors. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.palette Contains classes that allow for palette integration and commands. 
oracle.ide.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the IDE runner system. 
oracle.ide.todo Contains API classes for the To Do Item feature. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model The base classes for defining the Audit object model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service The API classes for invoking Audit programatically, and a few Audit common API classes. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser Offline Database Node implementations for the JDeveloper's Application Navigator. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 
oracle.jdeveloper.runner Contains classes that allow addins some level of control on the JDeveloper runner system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 


Uses of Displayable in oracle.bali.xml.addin


Classes in oracle.bali.xml.addin that implement Displayable
 class oracle.bali.xml.addin.XMLSourceNode


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.ceditor


Classes in oracle.ide.ceditor that implement Displayable
 class CodeNavigationPoint
          CodeNavigationPoint is a NavigationPoint implementation intended for registration with the NavigationManager as an EditorNavigationPoint for the CodeEditor class.
 class LineNavigationPoint
          NavigationPoint implementation which navigates to a given line within a CodeEditor.
 class OffsetNavigationPoint
          NavigationPoint implementation which navigates to a given offset within a FindableEditor.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.config


Classes in oracle.ide.config that implement Displayable
 class RegisteredDynamicNode
          Deprecated. not replaced.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.db.model


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.db.model
 interface DBObjectNode
          Interface for anything that can contain a DBObject.
 interface DBObjectPlSqlNode
 interface DBObjectProviderNode
          Interface for any node that represents a DBObjectProvider, or any object or folder within a DBObjectProvider to implement.
 interface DBObjectTypeNode
          Interface for any node (including folders) that represents a DBObject type.


Classes in oracle.ide.db.model that implement Displayable
 class BaseDBObjectNode
          Convenience subclass of Node that implements DBObjectNode.
 class BaseDBObjectTextNode
          Convenience subclass of TextNode that implements DBObjectNode.
 class BasePlSqlTextNode
          Convenience subclass of BaseDBObjectTextNode specifically for PlSql nodes in the navigator.
 class SqlNode
          The SqlNode class is a TextNode that represents an SQL or PL/SQL file.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.explorer


Classes in oracle.ide.explorer that implement Displayable
 class ChildFilter
          The ChildFilter interface defines an API for retrieving a structured collection of Element nodes.


Methods in oracle.ide.explorer that return Displayable
 Displayable IconOverlay.getDisplayable()
          Gets the displayable information describing this object.


Constructors in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type Displayable
IconOverlay(Displayable displayable)


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.externaltools


Classes in oracle.ide.externaltools that implement Displayable
 class ExternalToolType
          A type of external tool.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro


Classes in oracle.ide.externaltools.macro that implement Displayable
 class MacroExpander
          Macro expanders are registered with the MacroRegistry and can be used to expand macros prior to running external tools.
 class ParameterizedMacro
          A parameterized macro takes one or more parameters that can be used at expansion time.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.inspector


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.inspector
 interface InspectorPage
          InspectorPage is an interface which allows GUI 'pages' hosted in the InspectorWindow the opportunity to interact with the hosting InspectorWindow with respect to populating toolbars and receiving focus.


Classes in oracle.ide.inspector that implement Displayable
 class AbstractAdditionalPage


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.layout


Classes in oracle.ide.layout that implement Displayable
 class IdeLayout
          IdeLayout class.
 class IdeProperties
          The IdeProperties class is reponsible for managing the general layout information, such as the size and position of the main application window and the opened editor frames for example.
 class Layout
          Layout interface.
 class Layouts
          This class manages layouts created by the user.
 class SimpleLayout
          Simple layout information.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.model


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.model
 interface Element
          The Element interface defines the protocol used by the IDE to communicate with data objects in order to display the objects in the UI.
 interface Folder
          The Folder interface extends Element by adding methods for managing child Elements contained by the Folder.
 interface RelativeDirectoryElement
          An interface which represents directories containing source in the navigator.
 interface TextElement
          An Element subtype which also defines specific offsets describing the location of the element


Classes in oracle.ide.model that implement Displayable
 class Connections
          Top level IDE level Connections Node.
 class ContentLevelFolder
          Although this class is package-private, it extends the public abstract class RelativeDirectoryContextFolder.
 class ContentSetFolder
          Although this class is package-private, it extends the public abstract class RelativeDirectoryContextFolder.
 class DataContainer
 class DataNode
 class DefaultContainer
          The DefaultContainer class is a default implementation of a Node that implements the Folder interface.
 class DefaultDisplayable
          Default implementation of the Displayable interface.
 class DefaultElement
          DefaultElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element interface.
 class DefaultFilter
          The DefaultFilter class.
 class DefaultFolder
          DefaultFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder interface.
 class DeployableTextNode
          Trivial subclass of TextNode that has the ElementAttributes.DEPLOYABLE attribute set.
 class DiscoveredDependable
          Represents a node UI that can be the end-point of a dependency, and/or that can contain other DiscoveredDependables nested within it.
static class DiscoveredDependable.DefaultDiscoveredDependable
 class HashStructureNode
          Node implementation for an object that stores properties in a HashStructure and persists those properties to XML via HashStructureIO.
 class IdeSystem
          This class is for internal use, and should not be used by extension developers.
 class ImageNode
          Node subclass for GIF, JPEG, and PNG image files.
 class Node
          The base class for all document types that need to interact with the IDE framework.
 class ObservableFolder
          ObservableFolder is a complete, default implementation of the Folder and Subject interfaces.
 class Preferences
          Deprecated. since 11.1.1. Do not use this class. It will be removed in a future version of the ide framework. For preferences, see Preferences.
 class Project
          This class represents a user project in the IDE.
 class RelativeDirectoryContextFolder
          Folder representing a directory displayed in a navigator.
 class TextNode
          A base class for Nodes representing text files.
 class UnrecognizedTextNode
          The UnrecognizedTextNode is used for files that are not recognized by the node recognizer system.
 class Workspace
          Workspace represents an Application.
 class Workspaces
          This class holds all Workspace objects currently available to the user in the IDE.
 class XMLDataContainer
          The XMLDataContainer is the Node wrapper for a Folder-implementing JavaBean that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework in oracle.ide.marshal.xml.
 class XMLDataNode
          The XMLDataNode class is the Node wrapper for a JavaBean class that can be persisted to XML using the XML marshalling framework Object2Dom.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.navigation


Classes in oracle.ide.navigation that implement Displayable
 class oracle.ide.navigation.DefaultNavigationPoint


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.palette


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.palette
 interface Palette
          Palette - Palette Model based on PalettePage and PaletteItem.
 interface PaletteItem
          The PaletteItem class represents the Object model for items on the component palette.
 interface PalettePage


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.runner


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.runner
 interface DebuggeeData
          DebuggeeData represents a data item from a debuggee as supplied by the debugger.


Classes in oracle.ide.runner that implement Displayable
 class RunProcess
          An abstract class that represents a process that can be run in some way.


Methods in oracle.ide.runner that return Displayable
 Displayable AbstractStarterFactory.getDisplayable(RunProcess runProcess, Context context, Node node, java.lang.Object o)


Uses of Displayable in oracle.ide.todo


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.ide.todo
 interface ToDoItem
          The ToDoItem interface provides the API for dealing with ToDoItems.


Classes in oracle.ide.todo that implement Displayable
 class AbstractToDoItem
          A AbstractToDoItem represents a task the user wants to track.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.model
 interface ContentDirectory
          A single directory contained by one or more ContentRoots.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.audit.service that return Displayable
 Displayable AuditModel.getDisplayable(java.lang.Object row)
          Gets a Displayable describing a row of this model.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.el


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.el that implement Displayable
 class oracle.jdeveloper.el.AbstractVariableProvider
 class oracle.jdeveloper.el.VariableProvider


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.history


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.history that implement Displayable
 class HistoryElement
          Provides a bridge between HistoryEntry and the IDE's Element interface.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries that implement Displayable
 class JspLibrary
          Instances of this class represent JSP Tag Libraries avialiable within the JDeveloper.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.library


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.library
 interface DerivedLibrary
          Encapsulates the notion of a derived library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 interface JDK
          Encapsulates the notion of a JDK.
 interface JLibrary
          Encapsulates the notion of a Library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 interface JLibraryDefinition
          Deprecated. Use JLibrary
 interface Library
          Encapsulates the notion of a library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 interface LibraryList
          The LibraryList interface represents a list of JLibrary and JDK definitions.
 interface MutableLibraryList


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.library that implement Displayable
 class AbstractDerivedLibrary
          AbstractDerivedLibrary class.
 class AbstractLibrary
          A read only, partial implementation of Libary.
 class AddinJDK
          A JDK automatically installed by the extension framework.
 class AddinLibrary
          Represents a library that was installed in an extension manifest's <libraries> hook.
 class AddinLibraryList
          Provides access to libraries registered by extensions.
 class ApplicationLibraryList
          List of libraries defined internally in an application.
 class ExternalLibrary
 class InternalLibraryList
          A list of libraries defined internally in a project or application.
 class JDKAdapter
          Encapsulates the notion of a JDK.
 class JDKNode
 class JLibraryAdapter
          Encapsulates the notion of a Library as it is used within JDeveloper.
 class JLibraryList
 class JLibraryNode
 class JProjectLibraryList
          The JProjectLibraryList class is used to contain Library instances that are defined within the context of a JProject.
 class LegacyJDK
          The sole intention of LegacyJDK is to represent a JDK as used in pre 10.1.3 releases such taht the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
 class LegacyLibrary
          The sole intention of LegacyLibrary is to represent a library as used in pre 10.1.3 releases such taht the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
 class LegacyLibraryDefinition
 class LegacyLibraryList
          The sole intention of LegacyLibraryList is to represent a libraries.xml file used in pre 10.1.3 releases such that the data may be read by the migration mechanics for conversion to the 10.1.3 format.
 class LibraryAdapter
 class LibraryDataNode
 class LibraryElement
          LibraryElement is a complete, default implementation of the Element and Dirtyable interfaces.
 class ListWrapper


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.merge


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.merge that implement Displayable
 class BaseMergeNode<T>
 class TextMergeNode


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.model


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.model that implement Displayable
 class JspSourceNode
          The JspSourceNode interface represents a Jsp source file in the JDeveloper browser.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser
 interface SchemaObjectNode
          Interface for all offline database nodes containing SchemaObjects to implement.


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.browser that implement Displayable
 class ProviderNode
          Node for a provider in the navigator.
 class SchemaNode
          Node for the schema/package object in the system navigator.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model
 interface OfflineDBObjectNode
          Interface for all offline database nodes containing DBObjects to implement.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.runner


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that implement Displayable
 class JRunProcess
          An abstract class that represents a Java process.
 class RemoteProcess
 class RunningProcess
          Represents an actively running process (JRunProcess)


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.runner that return Displayable
 Displayable BrowseablePaths.getDisplayable(int index)
          Returns the Displayable that represents the browseable path at the specified index.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that implement Displayable
 class ChangeListItem
          ChangeListItems are proxy elements that represent files in the change list.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.nav that implement Displayable
 class ConnectionListFilterNode
 class ConnectionNodeDecorator
 class ConnectionPlaceholderNode


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type Displayable
VCSExtensionInformation(Displayable displayable)


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory that implement Displayable
 class VersionHistoryNode


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop that implement Displayable
 class Category


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop that return Displayable
 Displayable VersionOperationModel.getCategory(Displayable item)
          Each item in the version operation panel can be categorized.
 Displayable VersionOperationModel.getItem(int index)
          Get the item at the specified index in the model.
 Displayable[] VersionOperationModel.getItems()
          Get the items in the model.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.vop with parameters of type Displayable
 Displayable VersionOperationModel.getCategory(Displayable item)
          Each item in the version operation panel can be categorized.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp that implement Displayable
 class BrowsableWebDocumentNode
 class DelegatingXMLSourceNode
          An XMLSourceNode extension that allows the WebDocumentNode world to assign strategies at a single node recognition time.
 class WebDocumentNode
          Node representing Web documents: HTML, JSP ...


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.el


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.el that implement Displayable
 class DefaultScopedVariableProvider
          A VariableProvider for scoped variables such as dataTable's var property Created from JspVariableProvider & CollectionBasedJspVariableGatherer
 class IterationScopedVariableProvider


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries


Subinterfaces of Displayable in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries
 interface DerivedTagLibrary
          Interface implemented by a derived tag library that wraps a base library.
 interface DisplayableTagLibrary
          Functions used to change various taglib display properties in the IDE


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.libraries that implement Displayable
 class TagLibrary
          Refactored from JspLibrary.


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core that implement Displayable
 class AuditAddinDescription
          Describes the Audit addin for the extensions manager.


Methods in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.core that return Displayable
 Displayable DefaultAuditModel.getDisplayable(java.lang.Object row)


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.model that implement Displayable
 class DefaultContentDirectory
static class UnauditableFileModelAdapter.UnauditableElement


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser that implement Displayable
 class oracle.jdevimpl.offlinedb.browser.BaseOfflineDBObjectNode


Uses of Displayable in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html that implement Displayable
 class oracle.jdevimpl.webapp.html.HtmlSourceNode


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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