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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Package oracle.ide.navigator

Contains classes providing navigator support.


Interface Summary
ApplicationChangeListener Callback interface for when the selected application has changed in the Application Navigator.
ApplicationChangeNotifier Interface implemented by an object that can be the source of ApplicationChangeEvent notifications.
DeleteActionHandler.LookupHelper A lookup strategy class that will help clients identify a delete action handler for the selection they have have received.
DeleteActionHandler.SelectedNodesProvider<ElementType extends Element> A provider class that will return uniform node type selection.
Extension The Extension interface provides the API for customizing the navigator window.


Class Summary
ApplicationChangeEvent Event object representing a change in the selected application in an application navigator.
CompositeDeleteHandler<T extends Element>  
DeleteActionHandler<T extends Element> Helps implements progressive disclosure deletion for Node.
DeleteActionHandler.DeleteStrategy<E extends Element> A delete strategy base class that users can use to define what "delete a node" is in the user's domain.
DeleteActionHandler.NodeDeleteStrategy A simple node delete implementation that simply deletes the file, pointed to by the node's URL on the file system.
DeleteHandlerService A service for registering DeleteActionHandlers for a specific subtype Node.
NavigatorConstants Deprecated. since
NavigatorManager The NavigatorManager is responsible for managing the creation of the system navigator and transient navigators opened on selected nodes.
NavigatorWindow NavigatorWindow interface provides the API for managing the contents of a navigator window tree.


Enum Summary


Package oracle.ide.navigator Description

Contains classes providing navigator support.

Related Documentation

See Extending JDeveloper Using the Addin API for detailed information.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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