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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Interface DebuggerExceptionBreakpoint

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DebuggerExceptionBreakpoint
extends DebuggerBreakpoint

Defines an exception breakpoint

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerBreakpoint
DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointKind, DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointScope, DebuggerBreakpoint.BreakpointState


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getExceptionName()
          Get the fully qualified name of the exception for this breakpoint as in java.lang.Exception
 boolean isBreakOnCaughtExceptions()
          Find out if the debugger should stop for exceptions that will be caught
 boolean isBreakOnUncaughtExceptions()
          Find out if the debugger should stop for exceptions that will be not be caught.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerBreakpoint
canEditBreakForThreads, canEditBreakpointHitActions, canEditCondition, canEditGroupName, canEditPassCount, getBreakForThreadNamed, getBreakForThreadNotNamed, getCondition, getCustomDescription, getCustomTypeString, getDisableBreakpointGroupOnBreakpointHit, getEnableBreakpointGroupOnBreakpointHit, getGroupName, getHiddenCondition, getKind, getLogEntryOnBreakpointHit, getPassCount, getProperties, getScope, isBeepOnBreakpointHit, isEnabled, isHaltOnBreakpointHit


Method Detail


java.lang.String getExceptionName()
Get the fully qualified name of the exception for this breakpoint as in java.lang.Exception
The fully qualified name of this exception which cannot be null


boolean isBreakOnCaughtExceptions()
Find out if the debugger should stop for exceptions that will be caught
Return true if the debugger should stop for caught exceptions, false otherwise


boolean isBreakOnUncaughtExceptions()
Find out if the debugger should stop for exceptions that will be not be caught.
Return true if the debugger should stop for uncaught exceptions, false otherwise

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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