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Package oracle.javatools.editor.language

The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features.


Interface Summary
BlockRenderer The BlockRenderer interface describes the routines needed for rendering a block or region of text from a document.
BraceProvider The BraceProvider interface provides the necessary routines to support matching-brace highlighting support in a language independent mechanism.
DocumentRenderer The DocumentRenderer interface describes the routines needed for rendering an entire document.
DocumentRenderer2 The DocumentRenderer2 interface extends DocumentRenderer interface with routine to render document using text offsets.
ExtendedBraceProvider The ExtendedBraceProvider interface extends the BraceProvider to provide a routine to allow matching-brace highlight support to locate the closest brace.
LanguageSupport The LanguageSupport interface is essentially a directory listing for language-specific support services such as syntax highlighting or formatting for a given language.
OffsetDescriptionProvider Provides a way for a language to provide a user displayable description of a location in a text buffer
WordLocator The WordLocator interface provides the methods for allowing each language to define its own word boundaries for word-based navigation.


Class Summary
AbstractBraceProvider The GenericBraceProvider implementation provides brace matching support for "generic" languages that implement the generic Language API to describe the language.
AbstractDocumentRenderer An AbstractDocumentRenderer is the base class for all DocumentRenderers provided with this editor component.
AbstractLanguageSupport An AbstractLanguageSupport is the base class for all LanguageSupports provided with this editor component.
BaseStyle The BaseStyle defines a set of color attributes for painting a segment of text.
BooleanBitmap The BooleanBitmap is a bitmap, or array, of boolean values.
BuiltInStyles The BuiltInStyles class contains constants and statics with the styles that are built in and available for all document renderers to build on top of.
DefaultWordLocator A simple WordLocator implementation suitable for most artificial languages.
GenericBraceProvider The GenericBraceProvider implementation provides brace matching support for "generic" languages that implement the generic Language API to describe the language.
HistoryReadTextBuffer The HistoryReadTextBuffer is a decorator around a ReadTextBuffer to aid in damage calculations by allowing a client to examine a single prior version of the ReadTextBuffer if the document event representating the change is available.
LanguageModule The LanguageModule interface acts as a registration vehicle and factory for the services used for editing a particular language.
LexerBlockRenderer The LexerBlockRenderer is the abstract starting point for BlockRenderer implementations based on languages for which there is a Lexer implementation available.
LexerDocumentRenderer An LexerDocumentRenderer is the abstact starting point for DocumentRenderers implementations based on languages that have Lexer implementations available for tokenizing the language.
LexerDocumentRenderer.LexerOffsetsCache The LexerOffsetsCache provides rapid access for offsets that correspond to the start of a language token.
NaturalWordLocator The NaturalWordLocator implementation that locates word boundaries on the JDK's BreakIterator for natural language boundaries.
NumberRange A NumberRange is just a wrapper for a starting and ending number so that we can return two numbers from a calculation.
SmartIndentProvider The SmartIndentProvider interface provides the necessary routines that let language-specific implementations intelligently determine the proper indentation for any given line should be.
StyledFragment A StyledFragment just associates a BaseStyle with a region of text.
StyledFragmentsList A StyledFragmentsList is just a list of StyledFragments that we can re-use without having to constantly reallocate arrays and StyledFragment objects.
StyleRegistry A StyleRegistry is a registry of all known styles for all known language modules.


Package oracle.javatools.editor.language Description

The Language package is a subset of the Editor package, and is the framework for extending the editor with color syntax highlighting, brace matching, and other language or content-specific editing features.

You begin with defining a LanguageModule that specifies the name of the module, the default file suffixes for the language, and the syntax highlight styles used by the module.

Next you define a LanguageSupport instance that is responsible for managing the DocumentRenderer used for syntax highlighting, the BraceProvider used for brace matching, and so on.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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