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11g Release 2 (

Class FastLexer

  extended by oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
      extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:
Lexer, LexerToken
Direct Known Subclasses:
ArrayedLexer, CSSLexer, JavadocLexer, JavaLexer

public abstract class FastLexer
extends AbstractLexer
implements LexerToken

The FastLexer features two optimizations that make it faster than having just a Lexer.

1. The Lexer interface methods are implemented by abstract methods. This means that the VM calls invokevirtual instead of invokeinterfacey for a performance saving (on the order of factor-4).

2. The FastLexer has a lex() method that takes no LexerToken. This saves on the field copying done by a lexer( LexerToken ).

See Also:

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer


Field Summary
protected  boolean skipComments
          Whether to skip comments or not.


Fields inherited from class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
currentPos, textBuffer


Fields inherited from interface oracle.javatools.parser.Lexer


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
 void backup()
          Unlexes the last found token.
abstract  int getEndOffset()
          Fetches the end offset of the token (offset relative to the original ReadTextBuffer being lexed.
abstract  int getStartOffset()
          Fetches the start offset of the token (offset relative to the original ReadTextBuffer being lexed.
abstract  int getToken()
          Fetches the (language-specific) token represented by this LexerToken.
protected  boolean isComment(int tk)
          Used by the ArrayedLexer.
abstract  int lex()
          Calls lex( LexerToken ) but does not call fillLexerToken.
abstract  int lex(LexerToken lexedToken)
          Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found.
 void setSkipComments(boolean skipComments)
          Sets whether the FastLexer should generate tokens for Source comments.


Methods inherited from class oracle.javatools.parser.AbstractLexer
createLexerToken, getTextBuffer, setPosition, setTextBuffer


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected boolean skipComments
Whether to skip comments or not.

Constructor Detail


public FastLexer()

Method Detail


public void setSkipComments(boolean skipComments)
Sets whether the FastLexer should generate tokens for Source comments.
skipComments - true to ignore comments in token generation


protected boolean isComment(int tk)
Used by the ArrayedLexer.
True if the indicated token value is considered to be a comment.


public abstract int getToken()
Description copied from interface: LexerToken
Fetches the (language-specific) token represented by this LexerToken. You must refer to the language-specific Lexer that was responsible for filling this LexerToken instance to interpret the token.
Specified by:
getToken in interface LexerToken
the lexer token


public abstract int getStartOffset()
Description copied from interface: LexerToken
Fetches the start offset of the token (offset relative to the original ReadTextBuffer being lexed. Note that the start offset is inclusive (compare to end offset which is exclusive), to match the behavior in the String class.
Specified by:
getStartOffset in interface LexerToken
the starting offset


public abstract int getEndOffset()
Description copied from interface: LexerToken
Fetches the end offset of the token (offset relative to the original ReadTextBuffer being lexed. Note that the end offset is exclusive (similar to end offsets in the String class.)
Specified by:
getEndOffset in interface LexerToken
the ending offset


public abstract int lex()
Calls lex( LexerToken ) but does not call fillLexerToken.


public abstract int lex(LexerToken lexedToken)
Description copied from class: AbstractLexer
Scans the text buffer at the current position and returns the token that was found. The token and offset information is also stored in the lexedToken instance passed in to the call.
Specified by:
lex in interface Lexer
Specified by:
lex in class AbstractLexer
lexedToken - the instance passed in where token info is stored
the token that was found, same as calling lexedToken.getToken() (for convenience)


public void backup()
Unlexes the last found token. The next call to lex() will return the last token and offset information found.
Specified by:
backup in interface Lexer
Specified by:
backup in class AbstractLexer

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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