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Oracle® Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Governance Studio Reference Guide
Release 11g R1 (

Part Number E29131-02
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1 Introduction

The Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data (EDQP) Governance Studio is a reporting and graphing application that streamlines the analysis of results from the Application Studio Data Service Application (DSA) job runs. You can create a Governance Studio project to create reports on data quality, analyze transformed data, email records to coworkers, and output the results to a file. The remediation capabilities of the Governance Studio allows you to enrich data by filling in missing category specific attributes assisted by a list of value (LOV) dialog box, the AutoSuggest feature, as well as manually entering missing information.

Welcome to the Governance Studio

This guide explains the features and functionality delivered in the Governance Studio and provides examples of how you might use them to build your own projects. These examples are based on a set of use cases to demonstrate Governance Studio features. Because Governance Studio jobs reflect the underlying DSA, it is possible to create many types of jobs to meet the needs of an individual project.


The Governance Studio offers a convenient and easy-to-use interface for launching jobs, managing processes, reporting results, and analyzing and correcting data returned from Application Studio jobs, as well as analyzing all output data created. You can schedule and run jobs synchronously or asynchronously, generate reports, do trend analysis, and identify missing attributes with ease and report discrepancies to coworkers.


The Governance Studio provides a flexible, user-friendly interface for:

  • Running DSA jobs

  • Reviewing the output of DSA Jobs

  • Remediating the output using AutoSuggest LOV or manual intervention

  • Saving output data


The benefits of using the Governance Studio are described in the following sections.

Improve Business Communication

Data lens reports can help you meet your business goals. Use a data lens to:

  • Demonstrate value and benefit (ROI) quickly and effectively.

  • Enable you to visualize results and readily 'connect the dots'.

Increase the Value of Your Reports

The Governance Studio enables highly effective reporting in real time using high quality graphical images that reflect the quality of your data along a set of parameters you define to enable downstream processing effectively or communication about your data.

The Governance Studio graphically enhances results from the output of any DSA template and allows you to create and leverage DSA templates for one-to-one alignment with business processes, such as:

  • General purpose product data assessment

  • Attribute extraction

  • Matching data records between existing and legacy data sources

  • Proposing alternatives based on search criteria

Maximize Efficiency & Scalability

The Governance Studio leverages Java Web Start to enable you to:

  • Launch the Governance Studio application from a link on a web page

  • Update software to the current version automatically

  • Seamlessly integrate with Windows or Linux operating system (OS)

Starting the Software

You start your Oracle DataLens Server, and then use the Welcome Launch Pad to start the Governance Studio by clicking the Governance Studio button. For details, see Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Getting Started.

Understanding the Client Workspace

The Governance Studio graphical user interface (GUI) provides the client workspace used to run DSA jobs, view and work with the results.

Surrounding text describes govstuwksp.png.

This section describes the following areas of the client workspace:

Frame Functionality

The Governance Studio client workspace frame contains useful information and interactive functions including the following:

Title Bar

Indicates the current application and open project.

Status Field

Provides the status of the project one line at a time. Though this field cannot be resized, the scroll arrows on the right-hand side can be used to view all available status information. The status data does not change based on the selected tab; rather it is a compilation of all data.

Loaded DSA

Indicates the currently loaded DSA that is used for transforming the project data.

Selection Indicator

Indicates the number of the row currently selected and the total number of rows available for selection.

Application Switch

Returns you to the last Enterprise DQ for Product application used.

Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Launch Pad

This button opens the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Launch Pad so that you can select other applications.

Time and Date

The time is displayed and when you hover over this field, the date displays.

Memory Cache

Indicates the amount of memory cache currently used and the total amount allowed. You can dump the memory cache by clicking on the trash can icon in this interactive field.


This feature is only used for system diagnosis and should not be used unless requested by the support team.

Menu Commands and the Toolbar

The Governance Studio toolbar allows easy access to the most frequently used Governance Studio functions. Though the set of toolbar buttons remains the same during UI operation the buttons are enabled or disabled based the current state of the interface and the options set. Buttons displayed with shades of gray are disabled. Full-color buttons are enabled. All toolbar buttons are standard push buttons, requiring a single click of the mouse to activate.

The following briefly describes the toolbar buttons from left to right.

Surrounding text describes toolbar.png.

The Governance Studio GUI menus provide access to most functions. All of the buttons on the toolbar have a corresponding menu command, which are indicated on each menu with the button icon displaying adjacent to the command. The set of menu commands remains the same during the GUI operation.

Menu commands are enabled or disabled based on the current state of the data lens; commands that are dimmed are unavailable. Some menu commands perform functions that are more complex and are indicated by an ellipsis symbol (...). These commands open dialog boxes to collect information needed to complete the requested function.


The tooltips appear when you rest your mouse pointer on a menu item, button, tab, icon, or similar content.

The following section briefly describes each of the Governance Studio menu commands and corresponding buttons.

File Menu

New Project

Creates a new Governance Studio project for building reports about your enterprise data. These project files are stored in one of the following directories:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\DataLens\data\ams



New Project From…

Creates a new project using an existing project file as the basis and closes any open project.

Open Project

Opens an existing project file and closes any open project file.

Surrounding text describes filemenu.png.
Open Project From…

Opens an existing project file and allows you to rename it using the same base project name with an added unique suffix (for example, V2.)

Open Project - No Results

Opens an existing project file though does not display data processing results in any Output tabs. This feature allows you to open a project that previously exceeded the maximum memory allocation and so could not complete opening. For more information, see "Opening Projects Without Results".

Recent Projects

Provides a list of recently opened projects so that you can quickly select a project to open.

Open Input File

Allows you to select the data file for the current project. For more information, see "Retrieve the Input Data".

Close Project

Closes the open project file.

Save Current Project

Saves all project changes to disk.

Save Rows

Saves only rows that have been checked; does not save selected rows. The checked rows are automatically saved to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in the datalens directory where the project resides. The name of the file is based on the name of the tab and is stored in the datalens directory where the project resides. You can change the file name or save location in the dialog provided. All files are saved with the .xls extension.

Clear Results & Refresh

Allows you to refresh, or remap, a modified DSA to the source data to ensure that all DSA changes are reflected in the current project.

If you open your project and do not refresh it, the Governance Studio will prompt you to do so to ensure consistency.

Delete Project

Deletes the open project. You are no longer able to edit this project although you are no longer able to edit this project, it can be modeled for use as a new project using the New Project From… option.

Export Project

Exports the project. For more information, see "Exporting and Importing Projects".

Import Project

Import the project. For more information, see "Exporting and Importing Projects".


Exits the Governance Studio application; a prompt is given to save any changes that were made.

Edit Menu


Allows you to specify a search string using a regular expression and attempts to find it.

Find Next

Repeats the last search defined by a Find operation.

Surrounding text describes editmenu.png.

Allows you to specify a search string and a replacement string, and then attempts to replace the text from the Source tab.

Check All Rows

Selects all rows in the table on the active tab. Only active when the selected tab contains a table with the Check mark column.

View Menu

View Job Status

Allows you to view the status of all jobs.

View My Tasks

Allows you to view any tasks that are scheduled or have run. For more information, see "View My Tasks".


Allows you to filter the displayed data based on text or a text pattern. The filter operation applies only to the currently selected tab. Only the rows that match the text entered in the Filter dialog are displayed in the table.


Removes the filter applied to the selected tab, thus displaying all of the data.

Surrounding text describes viewmenu.png.
View Statistics

Provides statistical information about the selection. For more information, see "Match Results Tabs".

View Information

Provides an informational message containing the project name, Transform Server, DSA name, and the location of the data file.

Previous / Next

The arrow buttons allow you to view alternative definitions for a line item. They operate differently depending on the selected tab.

Quick Lookup

Allows you to quickly locate and view Ngram matching results. When the associated DSA does not contain Ngram matching, this option is inactive. For more information, see "Applying Quick Lookup".

Show Trend

Provides a graphical trend analysis of the output data. For more information, see "Trend Analysis".

Run Menu

Transform Data

Processes the output data in real-time. For more information, see "Running a Governance Studio Project"9.

Transform Data with Overrides

Allows you to process the output data with settings that you provide at runtime that override those configured in the DSA. You can override the threshold and fuzzy matching settings for Ngram Match or an Attribute Match 2 (associated with Semantic Key 2) processing. When the associated DSA does not contain these matching processes, this option is inactive.

Submit Job

Processes the output data in the background. For more information, see "Running a Governance Studio Project".

Surrounding text describes runmenu.png.
Create Task from Checked Rows

Creates a new job using the selection. For more information, see "Create Task from Checked Rows"7.

Email Checked Rows

E-mails the selected rows. For more information, see "Emailing Checked Rows"

Apply Checked Rows

Processes the output data in the rows that you have selected. For more information, see "General Processing".

Re-Run Checked Rows

Reprocesses the output data in the rows that you have selected. For more information, see "General Processing".

Complete Project

Closes out a project. For more information, see "Completing Projects".


Obtain data processing suggestions from the Governance Studio. For more information, see "AutoSuggest Feature".

Apply Enrichments

Opens enrichment review dialog where tasks associated with these enrichments can be created. For more information, see "Creating Data Enrichment Tasks".

Tools Menu

Open Oracle DataLens Task Manager…

Starts the EDQP Task Manager. See the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Task Manager Reference Guide.

Open Oracle DataLens Application Studio…

Starts the EDQP Application Studio. See the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Application Studio Reference Guide.

Open Oracle DataLens Knowledge Studio…

Starts the EDQP Knowledge Studio. See the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Knowledge Studio Reference Guide.

Surrounding text describes toolsmenu.png.
Open Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data…

Starts the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Launch Pad so that you can start other applications and the Enterprise DQ for Product Oracle DataLens Server Administration Web pages.

Set Transform Server

Identifies the Oracle DataLens Server that will be used to transform data. For more information, see "Setting the Transform Server".

Project Options

Allows you to set options for the open project. For more information, see "Configuring Options".


Allows you to set options for global use in the Governance Studio. For more information, see "Configuring Options".

Change Password

Enables you to change your EDQP password.

Statistical Match Options

Allows you to dynamically modify the Statistical Match and result settings, as well as the fields to use in the match process. See "Statistical Matching and Options".

Help Menu

Product Guide

Opens a list of Enterprise DQ for Product documents for your selection in a browser.

Help About

Provides information regarding the product including the version number and a link to view third party product licenses.

Surrounding text describes helpmenu.png.
Application Help

Opens the Governance Studio online help in a browser.


Describes the colors used in the data tables used in the Governance Studio.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table contains keyboard shortcuts that can help make the Governance Studio easier to use.

Function Shortcut Key
New Project Ctrl+N
Open Project Ctrl+O
Save Project Ctrl+S
Undo Ctrl+Z
Find Ctrl+F
Find Next F3
Replace Ctrl+H
Check All Rows Ctrl+A
Transform Data Ctrl+R
Create Task from Checked Rows Ctrl+T
Email Rows Ctrl+E
Apply Checked Rows Ctrl+Y


A tab groups like information into easy to read and access areas that include graphs, panes, and text entry boxes. Tabs are displayed in the client workspace directly under the toolbar and can be activated in any order. Not all tabs are available at all times. For example, the Output tabs are not active when you create a new Governance Studio project because the output has not yet been generated.

Standard Tabs

The standard data tabs provide representations of the aggregate quality and productivity metrics for the project. The graphical output tabs are highly configurable, and double-clicking a bar takes you to the underlying output. You can use these tabs to achieve business objectives in a variety of areas:

  • Manage data quality by source:

    • Determine quality of the data source

    • Allow closed-loop governance of sources

  • Monitor process effectiveness:

    • Determine how often a process is invoked, how often it is successful

    • Identify process improvement opportunities

  • Assess work-queue visibility and productivity metrics by user

Source Tab

The Source tab is created when the Governance Studio project is based on an input file load or on manual input. If the project specifies an external file, or if the underlying DSA is based on database input, or if the project connects to a scheduled job, there is no Source tab.

Surrounding text describes src.png.
Graph Summary Tab

The Graph Summary tab provides summaries of the Transformed Data tabs that are configured in the DSA for graphical output. This tab is created if there are at least two graphs to display.

Surrounding text describes grasum.png.
Data Summary Tab

The Data Summary tab shows a graph of the number of transformed rows associated with each of the Transformed Data tabs.

Surrounding text describes datsum.png.

Output Tabs

The Output tabs offer item-level validation, approval, edit, and routing. The output is displayed in a single tabular view in the top pane.

There are several types of Governance Studio Output tabs. Each type has different rules governing its creation and different properties that permit you to perform actions on the output each tab displays. Output tabs in the Governance Studio correspond to output steps in your Data Service Application.

The Output tabs provide task-specific User Interfaces (UIs) for any exception process including the following:

  • Review and approve parsing results

  • Review and approve potential matches

  • Reassign low quality items to different workflow/process

  • Direct edit/update of low quality items

  • Enables manual intervention while preserving process integrity and efficiency

The following is an example of a match selection process, upon the selection of a row, a parent-child relationship view appears in the bottom pane for match results. These split-screen task panes provide you with an easy to use interactive console to perform tasks associated with reviewing and approval or rejecting duplicates, matches, and functional equivalents

Surrounding text describes outtabs.png.
Creating Output Tabs

For a new project, Output tabs are not initially displayed in the Governance Studio project. After transforming the Source tab data using the Transform button, the Output tabs are displayed. While transforming data or obtaining source data from a database query, the Job-In-Progress icon in the center of the tab shows that the run is in progress.

For an existing job, the Output tab data is recreated with each job run.

Surrounding text describes transicon.png.

If Output tabs already exist, the Governance Studio compares the column headings of the new data with the column headings of the data in all of the existing Output tabs. If there is a data match (the columns are identical), the existing Output tabs are used. Otherwise, the Governance Studio indicates the mismatch with an error message though it automatically creates the associated Output tab.

Tab Scroll Arrows and Show Tab List Button

After transforming your project data, one or more Output tabs will appear depending on whether the output steps in your DSA specified Governance Studio output. If there are more Output tabs in the Governance Studio console than can display on one page, you can click the left and right Scroll Arrows at the right to scroll to the right or back to the left. Also, you can click the Show Tab List button as shown in following figure to see a list of Output tabs to select them individually.

Surrounding text describes tablistbut.png.

Filtering Data

The tabs that contain tables in the Governance Studio can be filtered to view specific information thereby reducing the number of rows displayed in a table. To filter your table click the Filter button on the toolbar or from the View menu, select Filter.

Surrounding text describes filter.png.

The Attributes with Suggestions check box is active when the selected tab is an AutoSuggest output tab (see "AutoSuggest Feature") and allows you to search by suggested data.

If the data that you want to filter with is case sensitive, select the Case Sensitive check box to ensure that proper filtering.

Enter a regular expression or a text string that you want to use to filter your data.

You can filter each column of data by selecting the Filter by Column check box.

Surrounding text describes filtercol.png.

Each column of the selected tab is displayed. You can enter a regular expression for one or more columns or you click in the All Values column to select a filter value from the auto-populated lists. The Regular Expression and All Values columns are mutually exclusive so an entry or selection in one column resets the other column. The values listed in the All Values column are derived from the values currently in the table so repeated filtering will produce fewer selections. This allows you to refine your filtering based on what is visible. If the values you want to filter on do not appear, unfilter your data, and then filter again.

You can quickly clear all filtering entries by clicking the Clear All Filters. To delete individual filtering entries, select the entry and press the Delete key.

The Filter button is colored green when a filter is active so that you can easily identify that all data is not displayed. When you remove the filter, using the Un-Filter button or from the View menu, select Un-Filter, all of the data is displayed.

Task Panes

The Governance Studio includes two interactive task panes: the Governance Console where data is displayed in tabular form similar to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and the Governance Dashboard where graphical representations of the output data are displayed.

The small up/down arrows between the panes on the left-hand side, allow you to resize the panes. In addition, you can fully expand either pane to see more data by clicking on an arrow, which makes the pane inactive. To redisplay the inactive pane, click the opposite arrow and the pane reappears.

There are various context-sensitive (shortcut) menus that appear in the Governance Studio panes when you right-click on data within a pane. The contents of these menus are described throughout this reference.