Class AggrERec

  extended by com.endeca.navigation.AggrERec
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AggrERec
extends Object
implements PropertyContainer

A class composed of multiple records all sharing a similarity.

Method Summary
 ERecList getERecs()
          Gets the erecs of this aggregated record.
 long getId()
          Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use getSpec() instead. Gets the id of the aggregated record.
 PropertyMap getProperties()
          Gets the properties of the aggregated record.
 ERec getRepresentative()
          Gets the representative record of the aggregated record.
 String getSpec()
          Gets the specification of the aggregated record.
 long getTotalNumERecs()
          Gets the total number of ERecs aggregated in this aggregated erecord.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String getSpec()
Gets the specification of the aggregated record.

The specification of the aggregated record.


public PropertyMap getProperties()
Gets the properties of the aggregated record. If the aggregated record does not have any properties an empty PropertyMap will still be returned.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface PropertyContainer
The properties of this aggregated record.


public ERec getRepresentative()
Gets the representative record of the aggregated record. If the number of records per aggregated record is set to zero in the query this method will return null.

Representative record for aggregated record or null if the records of the aggregated record were not retrieved during the query.


public ERecList getERecs()
Gets the erecs of this aggregated record. This list may contain all records of the aggregated record, a subset or none, based on the nature of the query that retrieved the aggregated record. In the case there are none an empty ERecList will still be returned.

ERecs of the aggregated record.


public long getTotalNumERecs()
Gets the total number of ERecs aggregated in this aggregated erecord. Based on the query, it is possible that a subset of the entire set of erecs of the aggregated erecord are returned or none at all. This method returns the total number that exist.

The total number of erecs that compose this aggregated erecord.


public long getId()
           throws NumberFormatException
Deprecated. This method may not be supported in future versions of the MDEX Engine API - use getSpec() instead. Gets the id of the aggregated record.

The id of the aggregated record.

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