Interfaces which comprise the content model.

 IBooleanProperty A property which may contain a Boolean value.
 IContentItem A landing page content item.
 IContentItemList A list of IContentItem objects.
 IContentItemListProperty A property which may contain a list of content items.
 IContentItemProperty A property which may contain a content item.
 IContentModelObject Interface that all Editor API content model objects implement.
 IContentTemplateInfo Contains information describing a content item template.
 IDimensionValue A single dimension value.
 INavigationRecords Contains information for retrieving records using a navigation query.
 INavigationRecordsProperty A property which may contain an INavigationRecords object.
 INavigationRefinements A summarized view of a navigation state consisting of a list of dimensions.
 INavigationRefinementsProperty A property which may contain an INavigationRefinements object.
 INavQuery Information describing a navigation query.
 IProperty A property of a content item.
 IQuery Marker interface for values of IRecordListProperty.
 IRecordListProperty A property which may contain an IQuery member, which can either be an INavQuery or an IRecordQuery.
 IRecordQuery Information describing a record query.
 IRecordSort A sorting strategy for records retrieved using a navigation query.
 IStringProperty A property which may contain a string value
 IXMLProperty A property which may contain an XML value