AcquisitionEndState - Enum in com.endeca.cas.extension
Indicates the state of the acquisition process when it ended.
AcquisitionMode - Enum in com.endeca.cas.extension
A type of acquisition.
addPropertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Adds the given PropertyValue to the Record.


BinaryContentFileProvider - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
An interface for DataSourceRuntimes to provide access to a record's binary content via the file system.
BinaryContentInputStreamProvider - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
An interface for DataSourceRuntimes to provide access to a record's binary content via an InputStream.
BinaryContentProvider - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
Base interface for DataSourceRuntimes that can access binary content in source systems.
BooleanProperty - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a field in an PipelineComponentConfiguration is a Boolean configuration property.


CasDataSource - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a class is a CAS data source extension.
CasManipulator - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a class is a CAS manipulator extension.
checkFullAcquisitionRequired() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.IncrementalDataSourceRuntime
Indicates whether a full acquisition is required based on the state maintained by the IncrementalDataSourceRuntime.
checkFullAcquisitionRequired() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ManipulatorRuntime
Indicates whether a full acquisition is required based on the state maintained by the ManipulatorRuntime.
com.endeca.cas.extension - package com.endeca.cas.extension
Provides a framework for creating CAS extensions.
com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation - package com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Provides annotations for describing extension configuration.
com.endeca.itl.record - package com.endeca.itl.record
Classes that manage, create, and manipulate Endeca Records.
compareTo(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
ConfigurationGroup - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Specifies a grouping of configuration properties.
ConfigurationGroupOrder - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Specifies an ordered collection of ConfigurationGroups.
createDataSourceRuntime(C, PipelineComponentRuntimeContext) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.DataSource
Creates a runtime instance of this extension.
createDeleteAllRecord() - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
createManipulatorRuntime(C, PipelineComponentRuntimeContext) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.Manipulator
Creates a new runtime instance of this manipulator.


DataSource<R extends DataSourceRuntime,C extends PipelineComponentConfiguration<C>> - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
A CAS extension for acquiring data from a data source.
DataSource() - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.DataSource
DataSourceRuntime - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
The runtime representation of a data source instance.
DataSourceRuntime(PipelineComponentRuntimeContext) - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.DataSourceRuntime
deleteInstance(C, File) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
Deletes an instance of this PipelineComponent.
discard(Record, String) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.ErrorChannel
Discards an invalid record created by a DataSourceRuntime or processed by a ManipulatorRuntime.
discard(Record, Throwable) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.ErrorChannel
Discards an invalid record created by a DataSourceRuntime or processed by a ManipulatorRuntime.
discard(Record, String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.ErrorChannel
Discards an invalid record created by a DataSourceRuntime or processed by a ManipulatorRuntime.
DoubleProperty - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a field in an PipelineComponentConfiguration is a double configuration property.


endAcquisition(AcquisitionEndState) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntime
Performs any necessary cleanup of the PipelineComponentRuntime.
EnumValue - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Represents a value in an enumeration.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Default implementation for testing equality using all non-static, non-transient class fields including private ones.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ValidationFailure
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Equal iff both Records have the exact same PropertyValues.
ErrorChannel - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
The ErrorChannel provides methods for discarding records that are deemed invalid.
ExecutionException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
Signals that a non-fatal failure has occurred during execution of pipeline processing.
ExecutionException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.ExecutionException
ExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.ExecutionException


FatalExecutionException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
Signals that a fatal exception has occurred during pipeline processing.
FatalExecutionException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FatalExecutionException
FatalExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FatalExecutionException
FatalExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FatalExecutionException
FatalExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FatalExecutionException
FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
Throwing this exception during PipelineComponentRuntime.endAcquisition(AcquisitionEndState) signals to CAS that the state kept by a IncrementalDataSourceRuntime cannot be recovered.
FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException
FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException
FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.FullAcquisitionRecoveryRequiredException


getActionPropertyValue(Record) - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
getAllPropertyNames() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns the names of PropertyValues contained in this Record.
getAllPropertyValues() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns all the PropertyValues contained by the Record.
getBinaryContentFile(Record) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.BinaryContentFileProvider
Retrieves the file containing the binary content of the given record.
getBinaryContentInputStream(Record) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.BinaryContentInputStreamProvider
Retrieves the binary content for the given record.
getComponentContext() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
Gets the PipelineComponentContext for this instance of the component.
getComponentContext() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Used to access the component's context
getComponentContext() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Returns the PipelineComponentContext.
getConfigDir() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentContext
The component's configuration directory which holds any component-specific configuration files.
getConfigurationClass() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
Returns the configuration Class.
getContext() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntime
Returns the PipelineComponentRuntimeContext of this runtime.
getErrorChannel() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Returns an interface for discarding invalid records.
getFailureMessage() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ValidationFailure
getId() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
Returns the id of the data source or manipulator.
getInstanceId() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Used to access the component's instance ID
getName() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
getNumPropertyValues() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns the number of PropertyValues contained in this Record.
getNumPropertyValues(String) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns the number of PropertyValues with the given name.
getOutputChannel() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Returns an interface for outputting created or processed records.
getPipelineId() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
Returns the id of the pipeline.
getPropertySingleValue(String) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns the PropertyValue with the given name if exactly one exists in the Record.
getPropertyValues(String) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns all the PropertyValues with the given name.
getRecordIdProperty() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Gets the name of the property that is unique per record.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
getStateDir() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Returns the directory that the associated PipelineComponentRuntime can use to store state.
getValue() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue


hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Default implementation for calculating the HashCode using all non-static, non-transient class fields including private ones.
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ValidationFailure
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
hasProperty(String) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns true if the Record contains a PropertyValue with the given name.
hasPropertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Returns true if the Record contains the given PropertyValue.
hasValidAction(Record) - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
Checks if this Record has a valid action.


IncrementalDataSourceRuntime - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
Interface that can be implemented by a DataSourceRuntime that handles its own incremental acquisitions (in contrast with CAS handling the incremental acquisition).
InstanceId - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
A unique identifier for a particular instance of a data source or manipulator in a pipeline.
InstanceId(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
IntegerProperty - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a field in an PipelineComponentConfiguration is an integer configuration property.
isDelete(Record) - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
isDeleteAll(Record) - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
isFullAcquisitionRequired(C) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Indicates whether a full acquisition is required.
isStopped() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntimeContext
Returns true if the pipeline should stop processing records because a stop has been requested.


Manipulator<R extends ManipulatorRuntime,C extends PipelineComponentConfiguration<C>> - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
A CAS extension for manipulating data during the acquisition process.
Manipulator() - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.Manipulator
ManipulatorRuntime - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
The runtime representation of a manipulator instance.
ManipulatorRuntime(PipelineComponentRuntimeContext) - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.ManipulatorRuntime


onInputClose() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ManipulatorRuntime
Performs any post-processing necessary once processRecord() has been called and has returned for the last time.
output(Record) - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.OutputChannel
Outputs a record created by a DataSourceRuntime or processed by a ManipulatorRuntime.
OutputChannel - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
Provides an interface for outputting records after they have been created or processed.


PipelineComponent<R extends PipelineComponentRuntime,C extends PipelineComponentConfiguration<C>> - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
Base class for any CAS pipeline components.
PipelineComponent() - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
PipelineComponentConfiguration<C extends PipelineComponentConfiguration<C>> - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
The configuration of a PipelineComponent instance in a pipeline.
PipelineComponentConfiguration() - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
PipelineComponentContext - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
A context that is shared by the PipelineComponent, its Configuration, and its Runtime.
PipelineComponentException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
Base class for pipeline component exceptions.
PipelineComponentException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentException
PipelineComponentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentException
PipelineComponentException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentException
PipelineComponentException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentException
PipelineComponentRuntime - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
The runtime representation of a pipeline component.
PipelineComponentRuntime(PipelineComponentRuntimeContext) - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntime
PipelineComponentRuntimeContext - Interface in com.endeca.cas.extension
The PipelineComponentRuntimeContext provides interfaces for outputting records, logging, and obtaining additional information about the context in which the associated PipelineComponentRuntime is running.
PipelineInitializationException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
An exception that indicates a problem during the initialization of the pipeline.
PipelineInitializationException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineInitializationException
PipelineInitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineInitializationException
PipelineInitializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineInitializationException
PipelineInitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineInitializationException
PipelineStoppedException - Exception in com.endeca.cas.extension
Exception indicating that pipeline processing has been aborted by the user.
PipelineStoppedException() - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineStoppedException
PipelineStoppedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineStoppedException
PipelineStoppedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineStoppedException
PipelineStoppedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineStoppedException
prepareForAcquisition(AcquisitionMode) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ManipulatorRuntime
Performs any preparation necessary before acquisition starts.
processRecord(Record) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ManipulatorRuntime
Applies the manipulation to the given record.
PropertyValue - Class in com.endeca.itl.record
A property value assignment on a Record consisting of a property name and a property value.
PropertyValue(String, String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
Constructs a new PropertyValue with the given name and value.


Record - Class in com.endeca.itl.record
Represents an Endeca Record that flows through the ITL process into the MDEX Engine.
Record() - Constructor for class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Creates a Record with no PropertyValues.
Record(Record) - Constructor for class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Creates a Record with the same PropertyValues as the given Record.
RecordHelper - Class in com.endeca.itl.record
Convenience methods for interacting with Records.
RecordHelper() - Constructor for class com.endeca.itl.record.RecordHelper
RecordType - Enum in com.endeca.itl.record
An enumeration of record action types.
removePropertyValue(PropertyValue) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Removes the given PropertyValue from the Record, if present.
removePropertyValues(String) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Removes all PropertyValues with the given name from the Record.
runFullAcquisition() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.DataSourceRuntime
Runs a full acquisition from the data source.
runIncrementalAcquisition() - Method in interface com.endeca.cas.extension.IncrementalDataSourceRuntime
Runs an incremental acquisition of the data source.


setAllPropertyValues(PropertyValue[]) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Set the Record's PropertyValues to the given PropertyValues.
setComponentContext(PipelineComponentContext) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponent
Called immediately after the PipelineComponent is instantiated to set up the context for this component.
setComponentContext(PipelineComponentContext) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Called immediately after the Configuration is instantiated to set up the context for this component.
setInstanceId(InstanceId) - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Called after the configuration is instantiated to set the instance ID for this component.
stop() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentRuntime
Called to request the PipelineComponentRuntime stop processing records.
StringProperty - Annotation Type in com.endeca.cas.extension.annotation
Indicates that a field in an PipelineComponentConfiguration is a string configuration property.


toPropertyValue(String, Object) - Static method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.InstanceId
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.ValidationFailure
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.PropertyValue
toString() - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
toTruncatedString(int) - Method in class com.endeca.itl.record.Record
Return properties with values truncated (and appended with an ellipse) if the values exceed the specified maximum.


validate() - Method in class com.endeca.cas.extension.PipelineComponentConfiguration
Validates a configuration after validation of the specifications from the annotations has already been done.
ValidationFailure - Class in com.endeca.cas.extension
A PipelineComponentConfiguration validation failure.
ValidationFailure(String) - Constructor for class com.endeca.cas.extension.ValidationFailure
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.endeca.cas.extension.AcquisitionEndState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.endeca.cas.extension.AcquisitionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.endeca.itl.record.RecordType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.endeca.cas.extension.AcquisitionEndState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.endeca.cas.extension.AcquisitionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.endeca.itl.record.RecordType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


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