Uses of Class

Packages that use ClientId
com.endeca.itl.recordstore Classes for interacting with a Record Store instance. 

Uses of ClientId in com.endeca.itl.recordstore

Methods in com.endeca.itl.recordstore that return ClientId
 ClientId ClientStateInfo.getClientId()

Methods in com.endeca.itl.recordstore with parameters of type ClientId
 int ClientId.compareTo(ClientId o)
 GenerationId RecordStore.getLastReadGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId, ClientId clientId)
          Returns the id of the generation last read by the given client.
 void ClientStateInfo.setClientId(ClientId value)
 void RecordStore.setLastReadGenerationId(TransactionId transactionId, ClientId clientId, GenerationId generationId)
          Sets the last read generation for the given client.

Constructors in com.endeca.itl.recordstore with parameters of type ClientId
ClientStateInfo(ClientId clientId, TransactionId transactionId, GenerationId lastReadGenerationId, boolean isCommitted)
ConcurrentClientStateModificationException(ClientId clientId, TransactionId currentTxnId)
ConcurrentClientStateModificationException(ClientId clientId, TransactionId currentTxnId, TransactionId txnId, GenerationId genId)

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